Looks like they’re going for their chance of recognition in America and it’ll be victim time and lies, lies and more damn lies. Let’s face it they’ve burnt all their bridges with the royal family so becoming celebrities and gaining American sympathy and recognition is the next best thing
Harry’s comment that he didn’t want history repeating itself is downright laughable! Plenty of times scarce amounts of people turned up for their royal visits. - not to mention the times when they were actually booed at! The paparazzi aren’t interested in her at all
Here in the US most ordinary people minus teenagers don’t give two hoots about these two. Anyone who is aware of QE admires her though. I hope she will do what I would. Love my grandson but take the dukedom away. As for Oprah she’s a nasty racist entitled weirdo in my opinion. This is going to blow up in her face. Deservedly so.
This is going to turn nasty...in the Daily Mail, Royal Experts are accusing Oprah of suggesting The Queen is some sort of Mafia Boss. It’s tacky, spiteful and degrading for all concerned. Looks like Markle is playing the part of her life - ‘Sphinx-like’, enigmatic - copying Diana in ‘that’ interview, wearing an obscenely expensive clothes and jewellery (including Diana’s bracelet). She’s rehearsed for this moment since she snared Harry.
CBS aired a 30 second spot tonight at 7 pm EST as a lead in to 60 Minutes which leads its time slot. It was an ad the billboarded the Oprah/Sussex interview. The ad is available on CBS's YouTube channel. Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to get the hyperlink in. And, through editing, the ad makes Meghan look like a victim. The end has Harry saying he "didn't want it to happen again."
First time I saw it,, as I said, was as a lead-in to 60 Minutes here in the US...and saw it again aboitvsn hour later. There'll probably be more hype during the week leading up to the interview and Oprah's BFF Gayle King will probably show pieces from it. But then I don't watch CBS much
I watched the short clip and the Diana card is there. I despise this emotional manipulation - his obtuse comment is just throwing more shade at the RF by winding up the rumour mill that they were somehow involved in what happened to Diana. I know Harry Markle will not want conspiracy theories discussed here so I will leave it at that.
I saw that too my goodness they are really ramping up the PR they will be relentless all week until the damn thing is aired. I wish they would disappear! But one thing we all predicted lots of cradling of the pillow!
Daily Mirror (yesterday): "Meghan and Harry's Oprah chat to attract Super Bowl-style £100,000 adverts" ..... "More than 50 million people are due to watch the interview in the US next month, making it as popular as the American Football final"
Leaving aside the fact that for 100K quid, you'll get one or two seconds, if you're lucky, for Super Bowl ads -- but, not even the Super Bowl gets 50M viewers.
Two things will happen as a result of this "interview," IMO -- either:
1) People will get tired of the breathless run-up to the "big event" (many already are) -- and if it turns out to be a rehash of the same old victim and "we're such humanitarians" pabulum, will get even more disgusted with the pair (mostly UK) and/or even more indifferent (mostly US). Bad news not only for them, but also CBS, and by extension, Oprah, Netflix and Spotify.
2) In the event the "interview" reveals some kind of real *dirt* on the BRF, there may be some raised eyebrows, maybe some tutting, but it will run its course, as all Royal *scandals* do. Great yawning from the public, eventually, and gnashing of teeth from H&M. OR: People will react angrily to what they see (rightly) is a gratuitous attack on the BRF out of spite. This viewpoint is already happening, but will magnify much more.
BUT: "Never complain, never explain" won't work in either case, with republicans beginning to smell blood. The Queen must completely sever H&M from all ties to Royal status. The two have clearly thrown not only their duty to service of the Monarchy in Her Majesty's face, but also clearly insulted her and the UK and Commonwealth numerous times. The worst is painting the Monarchy, and the UK as a whole, as racist and toxic, in spite of the massive generosity shown them. But if TQ doesn't act, somehow, republicans will claim a win. Stripping patronages and honorary titles isn't enough. More and more monarchists are beginning to slip away.
The good news is, as far ratings go, a whole lot of people tuning in will be anti-Sussex, ready (as I am) to hit the keyboards as soon as the show is over. (Many, like me, won't even watch the d***ed thing, but the recaps in the press will spell it all out.) H&M really only have a tiny number of "stans," and a very small number of tame media. Most people couldn't care less about the Harkles, the "good ol' Harry" bus debacle notwithstanding. We're in a pandemic, FGS! And it's that indifference that will be their eventual downfall -- there's much more of that than anger toward the two "saints," tho together, the two reactions will dwarf the sugary defenses. And as for Royalty, speaking as an American, sure, we admire the cachet and mystique of what we jettisoned in 1776 ... but only coming from Royals who behave as Royals. The Harkles clearly don't. The "we're just like you" -- except they're not, in their (supposedly) gazillion-dollar, faux "humanitarian" lifestyle -- will ricochet with bad consequences. We don't want you to be "just like us." What's the point of being Royal, then?
Personally, I don't see a good outcome for H&M from any scenario. At best, they'll reign forever as King and Kween of Hypocrisy and Mediocrity, Duke and Duchess of Dumba**ery.
Well said Eowyn. But this recent intervention of PC wanting to talk politics with the President is REALLY disturbing. I suspect MM has ambitions of a political nature and has somehow sold PC on the notion of him having a say in that. He is spectacularly deluded after all and would buy that as long as a sniff of oestrogen batted lashes at him. PC supports these two because he is LIKE them.
Like many here, I won’t be watching it - it’ll be dissected for days after in the News. Neither of them have anything interesting or informative to say, are the public hoping for a big reveal concerning the RF, because there’s nothing about the Markles’ lives which is interesting...
Markle was determined to ‘get one over’ on our Queen, and this is it. According to the News, HM and the RF will learn the contents of this interview the same time as everyone else....and that just reinforces Markle’s ‘superiority’ over the Queen. She’s controlling the narrative, and HM is in the dark. Archewell claims to be ‘Committed to compassion’, while its founders deliberately attack and upset four elderly family members (two in their 90s) for no reason other than monetary gain.
@JMF -- I honestly can't make head nor tail of the Harkles' word salad sometimes, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. "Compassion" my big left foot. "Compa$$ion," they mean. We can expect plenty of same dreary drivel from the interview, interspersed with subtle and maybe not so subtle digs at the RF. Who knows? Maybe we'll get lucky and Markle will really step in it right out loud.
I watched the Corden spot on YouTube and couldn't stop laughing...at them. Corden does this lark with established actors and celebrities and it works because they have all paid their dues and have solid high profile careers based on talent. What does the Puke of Hazard have to offer? Nothing but a title (and one that will now be mocked to death like the one I just gave him). The whole time watching these two I couldn't help seeing fools or court jesters that real royals used to 'keep' for entertainment and mockery, complete with curly toed slippers and bells on their hats. That's what Has(been) has become.
But for all that I actually do believe that this show and the OW interview will be eaten up in America. Hollywood is still in existence because the average person still wants to be entertained, whether by quality performances, or the outrageous gossip worthy behaviour of 'celebs'. The Harkles fit the bill. They are building a brand and people will still want to read or see what pot of controversy they can stir up next. I am now of the opinion that the RF deserve everything they get from these two from here on in because they have failed to discipline or reign them in. One hot minute in a padded room with the Duke of Edinburgh would have sorted Haz out good style. I think Charles left his father's hospital bed because he got an earful from him when he heard about his grandson's latest, not because he was all broken up about how poorly Philip was. Philip could make a leviathan cry once the wind got up him. Let's hope he recovers soon and gets hold of the wheel on the helm because someone needs to.
Agreed. The US must want jesters how can it not if someone as unfunny as Corden can make it there. The UK was played but because it conceded to blackmail. Pulling the race card really scuppered everything because NOBODY wants to be slandered thus. But I also have faith in karma. MM and Harry are ripe for the picking and as voluble supporters of themselves they will blab to the wrong person. We will all be waiting and watching.
How much lower can it get when US talk shows get a member of the RF to be a total buffoon on national television? The RF used to command respect from American tv shows.
Prayers still for P Phillip...I cannot imagine the dejected view, as he looks out his hospital window. His Legacy in question, as his offspring and theirs, sort out futures on uncertain paths. I am pleased that P Edward and his family has stepped up now, giving Phillip renewed reason to see each dawn as hopeful...those tears of PC are shed in realization perhaps, that he has done damage from his negligence and passivity throughout his years.
Looks like they’re going for their chance of recognition in America and it’ll be victim time and lies, lies and more damn lies. Let’s face it they’ve burnt all their bridges with the royal family so becoming celebrities and gaining American sympathy and recognition is the next best thing
Harry’s comment that he didn’t want history repeating itself is downright laughable! Plenty of times scarce amounts of people turned up for their royal visits. - not to mention the times when they were actually booed at! The paparazzi aren’t interested in her at all
It all makes perfect sense now, Meghan going around Buckingham Palace with a note book, pen and tape recorder.. kerching
I think the interview is going to bring things to a head.
Seems to the maelstrom against them is growing in ferocity....DM comments
I see the leeches are extending the OW interview by 30 mins so they can rake in more ad revenue.
Here in the US most ordinary people minus teenagers don’t give two hoots about these two. Anyone who is aware of QE admires her though. I hope she will do what I would. Love my grandson but take the dukedom away. As for Oprah she’s a nasty racist entitled weirdo in my opinion. This is going to blow up in her face. Deservedly so.
This is going to turn nasty...in the Daily Mail, Royal Experts are accusing Oprah of suggesting The Queen is some sort of Mafia Boss. It’s tacky, spiteful and degrading for all concerned. Looks like Markle is playing the part of her life - ‘Sphinx-like’, enigmatic - copying Diana in ‘that’ interview, wearing an obscenely expensive clothes and jewellery (including Diana’s bracelet). She’s rehearsed for this moment since she snared Harry.
CBS aired a 30 second spot tonight at 7 pm EST as a lead in to 60 Minutes which leads its time slot. It was an ad the billboarded the Oprah/Sussex interview. The ad is available on CBS's YouTube channel. Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to get the hyperlink in. And, through editing, the ad makes Meghan look like a victim. The end has Harry saying he "didn't want it to happen again."
It's on the DM website also, I didn't watch it but from the comments say it is as we thought, Diana card!
First time I saw it,, as I said, was as a lead-in to 60 Minutes here in the US...and saw it again aboitvsn hour later. There'll probably be more hype during the week leading up to the interview and Oprah's BFF Gayle King will probably show pieces from it. But then I don't watch CBS much
I watched the short clip and the Diana card is there. I despise this emotional manipulation - his obtuse comment is just throwing more shade at the RF by winding up the rumour mill that they were somehow involved in what happened to Diana. I know Harry Markle will not want conspiracy theories discussed here so I will leave it at that.
I saw that too my goodness they are really ramping up the PR they will be relentless all week until the damn thing is aired. I wish they would disappear! But one thing we all predicted lots of cradling of the pillow!
Archewell = Rachel's money pit
Daily Mirror (yesterday): "Meghan and Harry's Oprah chat to attract Super Bowl-style £100,000 adverts" ..... "More than 50 million people are due to watch the interview in the US next month, making it as popular as the American Football final"
Leaving aside the fact that for 100K quid, you'll get one or two seconds, if you're lucky, for Super Bowl ads -- but, not even the Super Bowl gets 50M viewers.
Daily Mirror has got to be taking the mickey.
Harry completes a Spartan obstacle course in the Cordon show. These obstacle races are managed by Peter Philips events company in the UK......
Two things will happen as a result of this "interview," IMO -- either:
1) People will get tired of the breathless run-up to the "big event" (many already are) -- and if it turns out to be a rehash of the same old victim and "we're such humanitarians" pabulum, will get even more disgusted with the pair (mostly UK) and/or even more indifferent (mostly US). Bad news not only for them, but also CBS, and by extension, Oprah, Netflix and Spotify.
2) In the event the "interview" reveals some kind of real *dirt* on the BRF, there may be some raised eyebrows, maybe some tutting, but it will run its course, as all Royal *scandals* do. Great yawning from the public, eventually, and gnashing of teeth from H&M. OR: People will react angrily to what they see (rightly) is a gratuitous attack on the BRF out of spite. This viewpoint is already happening, but will magnify much more.
BUT: "Never complain, never explain" won't work in either case, with republicans beginning to smell blood. The Queen must completely sever H&M from all ties to Royal status. The two have clearly thrown not only their duty to service of the Monarchy in Her Majesty's face, but also clearly insulted her and the UK and Commonwealth numerous times. The worst is painting the Monarchy, and the UK as a whole, as racist and toxic, in spite of the massive generosity shown them. But if TQ doesn't act, somehow, republicans will claim a win. Stripping patronages and honorary titles isn't enough. More and more monarchists are beginning to slip away.
The good news is, as far ratings go, a whole lot of people tuning in will be anti-Sussex, ready (as I am) to hit the keyboards as soon as the show is over. (Many, like me, won't even watch the d***ed thing, but the recaps in the press will spell it all out.) H&M really only have a tiny number of "stans," and a very small number of tame media. Most people couldn't care less about the Harkles, the "good ol' Harry" bus debacle notwithstanding. We're in a pandemic, FGS! And it's that indifference that will be their eventual downfall -- there's much more of that than anger toward the two "saints," tho together, the two reactions will dwarf the sugary defenses. And as for Royalty, speaking as an American, sure, we admire the cachet and mystique of what we jettisoned in 1776 ... but only coming from Royals who behave as Royals. The Harkles clearly don't. The "we're just like you" -- except they're not, in their (supposedly) gazillion-dollar, faux "humanitarian" lifestyle -- will ricochet with bad consequences. We don't want you to be "just like us." What's the point of being Royal, then?
Personally, I don't see a good outcome for H&M from any scenario. At best, they'll reign forever as King and Kween of Hypocrisy and Mediocrity, Duke and Duchess of Dumba**ery.
//soapbox off!
Well said Eowyn. But this recent intervention of PC wanting to talk politics with the President is REALLY disturbing. I suspect MM has ambitions of a political nature and has somehow sold PC on the notion of him having a say in that. He is spectacularly deluded after all and would buy that as long as a sniff of oestrogen batted lashes at him. PC supports these two because he is LIKE them.
Don’t ever come off your soap box x
@ Morph Yorke -- Thanks :)
Like many here, I won’t be watching it - it’ll be dissected for days after in the News. Neither of them have anything interesting or informative to say, are the public hoping for a big reveal concerning the RF, because there’s nothing about the Markles’ lives which is interesting...
Markle was determined to ‘get one over’ on our Queen, and this is it. According to the News, HM and the RF will learn the contents of this interview the same time as everyone else....and that just reinforces Markle’s ‘superiority’ over the Queen. She’s controlling the narrative, and HM is in the dark. Archewell claims to be ‘Committed to compassion’, while its founders deliberately attack and upset four elderly family members (two in their 90s) for no reason other than monetary gain.
@JMF -- I honestly can't make head nor tail of the Harkles' word salad sometimes, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. "Compassion" my big left foot. "Compa$$ion," they mean. We can expect plenty of same dreary drivel from the interview, interspersed with subtle and maybe not so subtle digs at the RF. Who knows? Maybe we'll get lucky and Markle will really step in it right out loud.
‘Compassion in Action’ 🙄
I watched the Corden spot on YouTube and couldn't stop laughing...at them. Corden does this lark with established actors and celebrities and it works because they have all paid their dues and have solid high profile careers based on talent. What does the Puke of Hazard have to offer? Nothing but a title (and one that will now be mocked to death like the one I just gave him). The whole time watching these two I couldn't help seeing fools or court jesters that real royals used to 'keep' for entertainment and mockery, complete with curly toed slippers and bells on their hats. That's what Has(been) has become.
But for all that I actually do believe that this show and the OW interview will be eaten up in America. Hollywood is still in existence because the average person still wants to be entertained, whether by quality performances, or the outrageous gossip worthy behaviour of 'celebs'. The Harkles fit the bill. They are building a brand and people will still want to read or see what pot of controversy they can stir up next. I am now of the opinion that the RF deserve everything they get from these two from here on in because they have failed to discipline or reign them in. One hot minute in a padded room with the Duke of Edinburgh would have sorted Haz out good style. I think Charles left his father's hospital bed because he got an earful from him when he heard about his grandson's latest, not because he was all broken up about how poorly Philip was. Philip could make a leviathan cry once the wind got up him. Let's hope he recovers soon and gets hold of the wheel on the helm because someone needs to.
Agreed. The US must want jesters how can it not if someone as unfunny as Corden can make it there. The UK was played but because it conceded to blackmail. Pulling the race card really scuppered everything because NOBODY wants to be slandered thus. But I also have faith in karma. MM and Harry are ripe for the picking and as voluble supporters of themselves they will blab to the wrong person. We will all be waiting and watching.
The opening sequence when asked for his fare Harry replied “ we royals don’t carry money” said it all.
JCMH and MM want the world and especially RF to know and acknowledge them as such.
If it was supposed to be a joke, who ever wrote the script, it was a poor one for within that nano second JCMH was shown up for what he really IS.
How much lower can it get when US talk shows get a member of the RF to be a total buffoon on national television? The RF used to command respect from American tv shows.
This. Exactly! This.
Maybe PC was crying because PP tore a strip off him. Would not be the first time.
Prayers still for P Phillip...I cannot imagine the dejected view, as he looks out his hospital window. His Legacy in question, as his offspring and theirs, sort out futures on uncertain paths. I am pleased that P Edward and his family has stepped up now, giving Phillip renewed reason to see each dawn as hopeful...those tears of PC are shed in realization perhaps, that he has done damage from his negligence and passivity throughout his years.