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Simply beautiful. Sad to see the Queen wipe away a tear.

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As a person living in California, I am really looking forward to the broadcast of PP's funeral tomorrow. He was a remarkable man, who stood by HMTQ for over 70 years, and supported her in trying times, as well as the good times which they weathered and enjoyed together. Let us all be respectful as we watch the funeral on national TV. and wish the Royal Family the best as they say farewell to a magnificent person who stood steadfast by the Queen's side. God bless the family for all that they do for the people of England, and beyond.

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Prince Philip planned his funeral arrangements reflecting his life long commitment to the armed forces. It's a pity the the deserving members of the royal family were not permitted to attend his funeral in military uniform.

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Thank you to Harry Markle for your latest post and tribute to Prince Philip entitled, "The Duke Of Edinburgh - Farewell, Your Long Watch Is Over". A very moving tribute which brought tears to my eyes.

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Sending sincere condolences, love and strength to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the Royal Family at this time of loss. Long may Prince Philip's legacy of unstinting service and devotion to people from all walks of life continue.

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Deepest sympathies to Her Majesty The Queen and the Royal Family on the loss of such an important family member. God Save the Queen and the Royal Family!

For those complaining about the lack of certain members of the family not wearing their (well-deserved) uniforms, no one understands better than the Queen what her husband wanted. It is her choice in making the arrangements. I'm an American with a son in the military and other family members who served, and I don't think her decision takes anything away from the extraordinary service that Prince Philip gave.

That said, I certainly hope that the ginger one feels the sting of her choice with every step he takes.

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It's good to hear that Boris Johnson honoured Prince Philip by praising his military service when he visited the Britannia Royal Naval College today. It is outrageous that worthy members of the royal family will not be honouring him by wearing military uniforms in order that attention is not focused on those who are not worthy to do so.

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There was a young Prince who bravely fought

Then married the Queen and became Consort

He guided the firm

Through a seventy year term

And will e’re be remembered as a jolly good sport

R I P Philip

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It is deeply disturbing that Prince Philip will be denied having other family members honour his naval service as well as his service to Her Majesty, the Monarchy, the nation and the Commonwealth of Nations, by not being permitted to wear military uniforms at his funeral.

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Because the husband, father, uncle, father-in-law, grandfather and great-grandfather will be honored. It is important to remember that Prince Philip was not only a man loyal to the Crown, loyal to the Queen, and loyal to the Commonwealth, but he was a father who wanted his children to be very clear about the importance of their privileges and for what purpose. They had them, an attentive uncle, a father-in-law who could be severe but was not unfair, an outstanding and loving grandfather and great-grandfather and a husband who cared until the last second of his life than the woman who was in his life for over 70 years rest assured that your grief was not affected by minor conflicts.

Prince Philip did not want great honors, he wanted a simple funeral, he wanted it before the pandemic, and he wanted it until the end of his life. And that is what he deserves, an emotional funeral, with most of the people who loved him and will remember him with real affection. The Prince deserves to have his last wishes respected, and that is what the Queen is doing.

Don't let people who never wanted to learn what it meant to be a member of the Royal Family be the focus of attention.

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Last sentence? So well said.

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I agree. If this is true, I feel Prince Philip will not be given the honour and respect he truly deserves.

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Motion seconded. Why placate the black sheep? His grandfather was an Admiral of the Fleet, as was his uncle. I'll fly the flags of Greece and Denmark on Saturday, but probably won't tune in.

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Condolences from an Anglophile from across the pond. Prince Philip was a remarkable man, and it saddens me that he is gone - he was the Queen's rock, as she herself said, I believe. I have had to defend PP online from trolls who called him racist, defender of a pedophile, author of lies and cheating. I was stunned by the vitriol against him, when there are so many tributes and stories about what a thoughtful and hardworking man he was; I thought he was pretty universally liked. Makes me truly worried for the UK and the RF going forward, especially when seen through the prism of the Queen's 'light touch' with Harry. It seems as if PP had this unique ability to understand love and family but appreciate it clearly through the prism of honour and duty. Sometimes family do something so despicable and low that you cannot keep offering the branch; you have to walk away and hope they come to their senses. Harry and Meghan did that with their interview of lies, and don't deserve the time of day.

I am so sorry to my British cousins, who are going through difficult lockdowns, Brexit negotiations, the Harkle saga and now PP passing. =( My prayers are with you.

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Gorgeous family photographs just released of The Queen, Prince Philip and their grandchildren.

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Deepest condolences from the USA to the UK regarding the death of the Prince of the United Kingdom.

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I have always loved, respected and followed Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh. My heart weeps for The Queen in the passing of her beloved husband, father of her four children and from all reports a wonderful Grandfather & Great Grandfather. Thank you, Prince Philip for your Service over many long years. R.I.P.

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I have always loved the story of Prince Philip being a deity to the people of Tanna, Vanuatu, especially loved how the Prince accepted this honour (truly regarded it as so) and lived up to it without question, how special a person to do that!!! This quote from the people of Tanna (DM) is a message to MM and O - "Asked how a white man can come from Tanna, he replied flatly: 'Prince Philip is a black man. If he turned white, it happened in some other country. But Prince Philip is a black man" Says it all doesn't it? God save and rest our Prince!

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73 years of marriage. I am reminded of Bette Midler's song-Wind beneath my wings. TQ may have been Queen-but he was her rock-what a life.

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A message of condolence and comfort for HMTQ and her Family. I share your grief at this time.

Today (14th April) is the 11th anniversary of my Father's passing. He was born in the same year as HMTQ. His body wore out but his mind was sharp until the end. I take comfort in knowing that everyone that knew my Father well or fleetingly, knew that he was a good and honourable man, and who has helped many people along the way because he was a compassionate and caring person. Our loved ones may mortally depart, but they leave with us memories love and most of all, their honour to remember and cherish as a lasting legacy. I read this poem when I'm feeling sad and missing my beloved and treasured Dad.

When I am Gone - Anonymous

When I am gone, release me. Let me go.

I have so many things to see and do.

You mustn't tie yourself to me with tears.

Be happy that we had so many beautiful years.

I gave to you my love. You can only guess

How much you gave to me in happiness.

I thank you for the love you each have shown,

But now it's time I traveled on alone.

So grieve a while for me, if grieve you must.

Then let your grief be comforted by trust.

It's only for a while that we must part,

So bless the memories within your heart.

I won't be far away, for life goes on.

So if you need me, call and I will come.

Though you can't see or touch me, I'll be near.

And if you listen with your heart,

You'll hear all my love around you soft and clear.

And then, when you must come this way alone,

I'll greet you with a smile and say welcome home..."

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Wonderful, wonderful words! I’m sat here thinking of my own Dad, with tears flowing!

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Me too!! How I miss my father!! Sometimes I feel my heart will break when I think of the loss of my parents. Unconditional love. I am a mother and grandmother but still remember when my mum and dad were with me and my children

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My father, a working class man of the same generation as Prince Philip, had no time for Royalty. Yet, whenever Prince Philip appeared on TV or in the newspapers he would say “ He is the only one who speaks any sense, everyone should listen to him” I think that it must have been due to the fact that they both served in the Royal Navy during WW2. It always struck me as odd that someone so strongly against Royalty, paid attention to Prince Philip. I understand it now and realise that Prince Philip was actually able to cross most, if not all divides and possessed a charisma that had a wide ranging appeal. He was the perfect partner for Her Majesty the Queen and we will miss him dearly. God bless the Queen.

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Kespie, My father too, served in the Royal Navy prior to and during WW2. They were all men who took great pride in their duty and service regardless of their class. Dad never talked about how he felt about the Royal Family, but I remember as a child we were the first on our street to have a television, bought especially to watch TQ's coronation, and when they showed parts of the ceremony this week it brought back so many memories of that day.

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Yesterday on a t.v. channel in u.s. , I watched a great program showing the early days of P.P.. I learned many new facts about his early days and all the charities and many trips representing the Queen that I did not know. His personality was fun to listen too. He was quick to put people at ease when meeting new people in the commonwealth. Over the past couple of days , I have become a bigger fan of P.P. Rest in peace P.P.

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This may be a silly question, but as I was looking through www.royal.uk, I see that Harry and Meghan are still listed as members of the royal family. I thought that page was for working senior royals, not just family members? I think it's so disrespectful that they are shown on this page after what they have done to the British public and HMTQ.

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The model Cara Delevingne shared a photo a 17 year old Prince Philip sitting next to her grandmother. Her grandmother said he would make someone a fabulous husband.

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And he did! 😋

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I have had several Zoom meetings with my cousins in the UK. We will all be watching the funeral procession for HRH, The Duke of Edinburgh on Saturday, probably with a few tears running down our cheeks. Such a majestic figure in the history of Great Britain. He will be missed, but not forgotten. God bless Queen Elizabeth, and let your family surround you with love and support during this difficult time.

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Prince Philip was a remarkable, even legendary man. A man's man, so strong that he could overcome his painful childhood and later, his own alpha male ego, and take the back seat to the Queen while still accomplishing so much behind the scenes. He was uncompromisingly himself until the last. HM could not have chosen better. It must be horrific to find yourself in the last years of your life without your lifelong companion and love. I'm truly sorry for her loss. I hope that it doesn't take the heart out of her. She must be so tired. She's in my prayers.

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I think HMTQ knows and is grateful for the good luck she had with her marriage, she has what most will never have. I think she is happy to have had that and must recall so many amazing memories. It is a beautiful and rare thing. In life it is important to feel satisfied with your accomplishments and this was an accomplishment for both her and PP.

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Her Majesty, having lived to such a great age, has lost many contemporaries but surely losing Prince Philip will be her greatest personal challenge. I wish her only the very best as she is surrounded by her loving, tender and understanding family.

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Boris nailed PP s character and contribution very well this pm.

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He has been there, a vital member of the Royal Family, throughout my life. I've admired how such an active, interesting man was willing to devote his life to supporting our Queen. He just knuckled down and did it, putting her and our country first. He wasn't a doormat.. far from it. He was kind, but didn't suffer fools. He just 'got on with it' . I would have loved to have known him. I never met him but I still feel an intense sadness and that the world is a lesser place now that he has passed away.

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I grew up with him and the Queen being there in the background, solid, calm and a reassuring presence. My mum and dad were of the same generation and admired them both greatly. My father served in WW2 and much of his admiration for Prince Phillip was based on Phillip's service and his down to earth, no nonsense approach. I feel with his death as if I have lost a little bit of my parents again. My overwhelming feeling is such sadness for our Queen to lose the man who has been her love and rock for many years. He was a man who really understood what true service to his nation meant.

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I think many of us feel the same way; having experienced the loss of parents of the same great generation.

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Thank you. I was genuinely surprised at how emotional I've been, so much so that I had a blazing row with my Republican son, which surprised us both!

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JMS sometimes people get caught up on which side they are on and forget to actually SEE what they are dealing with. Strip all that guff away and it is not hard to see that PP was one in a million, a character we should all aspire to and the likes of whom is fading so fast from our society that it makes tears flow. Good for you giving your son what for.

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Prince Phillip was the legend behind the legend. May he Rest In Peace. My sympathy is extended to all whom he loved and to all who loved him. God save the Queen.

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As hard as it was for Prince William & Harry to lose their mom at a young age, none of their sad experiences even begin to compare to what the Prince Philip had been through as a child a teen, and what a man he ended up to be. That was a testament of his character and grit, and how he helped to shape the Monarchy, which Her Majesty has admitted openly. The difference is the Prince Philip didn't allow those early horrific experiences to define him, rather to mold him as a great man. Harry has nothing on him, even in 100th %. Prince Philip is an inspiration to the people around the world (and myself included). Harry is just pathetic, and most sensible people just want him & MM away from their eyes for good.

I've read Prince William's tribute to the Prince Philip today, April 12th, (along the photograph of PP with Prince George). I think it's wonderful how PW has touched upon the fact that Catherine has had enough time with Prince Philip to get to know him, and no doubt, as a future Queen Consort, to learn a great deal from PP. It's wonderful that the Cambridges, and their children will have so many memories of PP in their lives. Something that PH has chosen to take away from his family.

RIP Prince Philip. You've served long and well, and your service was exemplary. Your memory & legacy that you've left will outlive you for centuries to come.

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Kitty, Prince Philip effectively lost both his mother and father at a far younger age than Harry i.e. 9 years old ... you are so right, he didn't allow this to define him, he was a far, far finer man than Harry could ever dream of being, just a great man in all aspects, H should stop whining!!!! I am so touched by the adoration of the people in Tanna, Vanuatu, love their story and love that PP knew and responded to them :-)

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I felt that both tributes to to Prince Phillip, from the two brothers, were very well written. However, PW wrote his, while PH had someone write his tribute for him.

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I agree with you. 'Thank you for your service' is a very American saying. Commonly used to commend those in the military for their service in armed conflict.

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I agree, it was very obvious. William’s message rang true, clear as a bell. The pic of little Prince George with his great Grandpa was a lovely touch also - many thanks to Duchess Catherine.

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Yes, William's loving, heartfelt and respectful tribute to Prince Philip was especially moving coming from a devoted grandson and future King.

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Beautifully written.

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Feeling so sad for our Queen, her rock and great love passing away, my heart breaks for her ❤️

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The RF is lucky to have PP for so many years. My father was born the year after PP but passed 25 years earlier. They both served in the Navy during WW2 aft for a time after. That generation sacrificed more than we can ever know. I hope future generations will continue to learn about honor and sacrifice from those who came before.

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Lonestar, My father was born 6 years before PP, he also served Royal Navy as a young man of 19 years, prior to and during WW2. I can just remember him coming home on leave once in his uniform, I must have been really young but it's a memory that has stayed with me. We have reason to be proud of our fathers and the whole generation including PP for their love of their country, their sacrifices, duty and service.

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HRH The Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh was a precious, irreplaceable Treasure. I am devastated for HM The Queen and bereft at the loss of another member of the "greatest generation". They just dont make them like that anymore.

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Rest in peace dear Prince Philip knowing that we have your beloved wife's back. We'll take care of her until you meet again.

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As an American, I mourn with your Queen, Royal Family, and Country. He had a great sense of humor, believed in duty, fought for his Country, represented his Country, stood by his Queen, stood by his wife, loved his family and wasn’t afraid to speak his mind. May Prince Philip Rest In Peace.

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I hope HMTQ knows the world mourns with her. What a true great he was, they definitely broke the mould when he was born. A gentleman of honour who knew exactly what Service was and carried out his duties with dignity and grace. Rest In Peace Sir

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RIP dashing Prince Philip. Not only was he always loyal to his duty and the UK, but he was also WOW! good looking and a brilliant wit. And an amazing husband to his amazing wife. They are so lucky they found each other. What a love story for the ages!

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Looking at pictures of the young naval officer Prince Philip, it's easy to see why he captured the attention of teenager Princess Elizabeth.

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I am an American. I Truly Admire this man in how He Put Duty, Country, Family, and His Beloved Wife, the Queen, First. I Admire that He Always did what was the Right and Honorable thing to do--whether it popular or not. What a Treasure the British people have Lost (We Have All Lost) and my Deepest Condolences to All.

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So much sadness. Rest In Peace HRH Prince Philip, brilliant man. You will be greatly missed. My deepest condolences to BRF and HRH The Queen.

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At 71 years old, I feel I have grown up watching the Royal family, being the same generation as Prince Charles and Princess Anne. I couldn't help but shed a tear when learning of his passing on Friday. I can remember as a very young child waving a flag for HRH the Queen and Prince Philip when they visited Yorkshire in the 1950's. I felt sad when I saw him arriving home from hospital by car and thinking how gravely ill he was looking. I'm relieved that he died at home with the Queen by his side, instead of a hospital bed away from his familiar surroundings. My father was born the same year as the Duke, and had great admiration for him and his direct no nonsense approach to life; he will be sadly missed by so many. My heart goes out to H M the Queen and her family.

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I watched the programme 'In His Own Words' about the Duke that night and it was so interesting, and I learned about things he had been doing which I hadn't been aware of, including their attempt to build a bio-waste fuel plant using the manure from the cattle on the estate, which apparently blew up! He was involved in so many things that I'm sure many people are unaware of, and it would be good for that to be made more publicly known, and his modest and self deprecating way, in that he truly wanted to try and make a positive contribution to the world for as long as he possibly could.

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My heart hurts for the Queen and her family. Sending love and hugs to all from the U.S.

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As Archbishop Welby has said, Prince Philip "took the hand he was dealt and followed its call". He devoted himself to the duties he assumed when he married Princess Elizabeth and the responsibilities that followed when she became Queen Elizabeth. He has never faltered in his devotion to The Queen, the Monarchy, he nation and the Commonwealth of Nations. May Prince Philip rest in peace, he was a devoted servant.

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I was surprised how emotional I felt when learning of the death of Prince Philip. At 64 years old I have seen many national figures depart, but some like HRH Prince Philip, you somehow assume will go on forever ...

As a teenager, I was chosen to be a member of the Guard of Honour when HM The Queen and Prince Philip opened a new building. On arrival the Queen walked down the side where I was standing, Prince Philip took the other. My proud Mum had positioned herself at the front of the crowd opposite and was overjoyed when HM the Queen chose me to speak to. News had travelled and a large crowd of local people had gathered and were pushing forward. Mum was horrified that as Prince Philip came near, one lady thrust her arm forward between the Guard of Honour saying: 'Oy Duke, Duke, touch my hand Duke!' Through a very tight-lipped smile Prince Philip retorted:'I don't know where you've had it Madam!'

Time has passed, a great man has left our lives and is moving into history. I am so grateful to have my own little personal anecdote of his famous quick repartee.

My heartfelt condolences to the Queen and Royal family. May he rest in peace.

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A wonderful anecdote and I'm sure a cherished memory, he was a real character!

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My cousins in the UK are mourning his loss.

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My whole life HRH Prince Philip has been there at the Queen's side. I truly feel bereaved, the Grandfather of the nation, he certainly had a remarkable life full of adversity in his formative years, but his duty and his devotion and dedication overcame that, which shows huge strength of character. He achieved so much in his life and we can be grateful for the steadfast figure he was in modernizing the monarchy. My heart aches for the Queen and the Royal Family, may God in his wisdom help them to find peace. May he Rest in Peace.

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Rest in Peace, HRH Prince Philip. I extend my deepest sympathy to the Royal Family, you and your country have lost a remarkable man.

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HRH Prince Philip and the Queen were a great team. He was well loved and liked across the world and his humour was unrelenting. His legacy & charity work is unsurpassable - what a real man he was - & will be greatly missed across the world. R.I.P your Highness.

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Agreed 100% .Well said.What a wonderful ,supportive, and stalwart partner and husband HRH Prince Phillip was for HMTQ.I can easily see why HMTQ fell for him ,he really was a tall, handsome, and golden Prince.

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We spoke of them as "Oom Flip en Tant Liesbet". Respectfully, adoringly. I grew up in South Africa with their presence always in the background of our lives. The young Elizabeth and her family's visit in 1947 was an all time high for us all. They arrived by battle cruiser (the HMS Vanguard) and travelled the country by rail. When the handsome Oom Flip married the young Princess Elizabeth in the same year, we were in awe. They visited again in 1994 and the Prince seemed to be on easy terms with President Mandela. We used to wonder what the Prince said to Mandela to make him laugh as he did. Through the years he became a colourful grandfather figure also to us.

An era is passing.

RIP Oom Flip.

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I feel as if I have lost a beloved relative!....HRH..The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh...have been a constant in my life....and were the same generation as my parents...It's truly the end of an era!....which I will be sad to see go....An era....that suffered so much hardship...and lived through a world war....(my father was a Desert Rat in the Battle of Al Alemain ).....They were so stoical...and just got on with living their lives....and never complained....They didn't whinge and whine....and had such a high standard of values and morals....that they chose to live their lives by....and in my opinion....Her majesty the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh epitomised these values...in their life of duty.....Thank you...for your very touching and accurate view of these current events....I am praying that the media will respect the royal family....and not make it about certain members of the family...who are sadly rather shallow..and fail to see and understand what duty, love and loyalty truly means....HRH The Duke of Edinburgh....deserves to rest in peace....after a life dedicated to doing his duty to this country....and loving and being loyal to her majesty the Queen .....

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Couldn’t agree more and, feel as you do!

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I've remembered something my mum told me which has cheered me up. She was in the WRNS

in 1947 stationed outside London The musical 'Oklahoma!' had come to London in April, and one of the tunes was 'People will say we're in love'. Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip were not yet engaged and were trying to keep their romance secret. Apparently they went out to dinner, and when they were seated the orchestra started playing 'People will say we're in love' and everyone stood up and clapped as they took the floor. They were engaged in July and married in November.

My mum said it was one of Her Majesty's favourite tunes. I now have a wonderful image in my mind of the princess and her Prince dancing to this wonderful song! I'll try and keep it there in my mind over the coming week! Bless them both.

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That paints a lovely picture Penelope. Thanks for that, it cheered me up too.

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Witty, elegant, and steadfast. And so curious about the world. Even from this distance in the US, he stood out. RIP, and condolences to his family.

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