They loathe social media, yet they make announcements, and launch their wares on the very platforms they claim to despise. Which is it? Hate or Love? The Sussexes are like Marmite, but how many who loathe Marmite would choose the savoury spread over having to read another Sussex tale?
Each image/stunt should come with a disclaimer:
For illustrative purposes only. Digitally created and staged for promotional effect.
Privacy is what they claim to seek, yet they hire photographers to show off their charitable efforts, and then get the charity to post the images for them. Photographers who sold their souls, get as many shots as they can in the 10 minute visit, and hope for PR rather than notoriety – as long as they don’t end up like Peter Lindbergh.
The tabloids appeal to the masses, and speak the language of the normal people on the street. They say what many think whether it is politically correct or not. The generation of snowflakes that society has to tolerate love free speech, so long as you don’t criticize them – otherwise they melt! However, you can’t control how people will react or what they think, although PR people will convince you that they can. If you ever watch people shopping at the newspaper stand, you’ll see that the masses choose a tabloid over a broadsheet. That is what people want to read, and they know half of it is exaggerated, but newspapers are for entertainment as well as the news. We want funny stories, like ones of people hiring goats because it’s cheaper than mowing a lawn, which is actually an in thing right now. Investing in goats is profitable, and you won’t see that in The Times!
The papers think that the people are interested in the duo, and that what they do is breaking news, but that’s where they, like BP get it all wrong. This morning on my Facebook feed, a company I follow (now unfollowed) posted the photo exclaiming how happy they were. They have no relevance to the company, but the company thought it would gain some social media interaction. How wrong they were – they got a few laughs, and the only comments they got were ones saying they aren’t interested/not relevant to the product, so why are they posting this, and stating that the duo left the UK, and what they do holds no interest. That comment got likes – the comment wasn’t nasty, but when you follow a company, you are interested in their products or services, and not what they are personally interested in. Many fail to realize that, and like Harry, expect others to like what they choose.
The public can play the media too, and the top comments in the ‘breaking news’ story congratulate Eugenie and Jack on the birth of their baby boy. A real child, from an actual couple who are royal. Thus, the public are ignoring the Sussexes, and consider them irrelevant and uninteresting. Much amusement is derived from this, and the papers are going to feel the backlash and realize that pandering to the Sussexes will lead to an alienation of the audience.
The recent court case featuring MM, may mean that tabloids will be wary of publishing factual stories in the the public interest that may not be flattering to the subjects in question. Many questioned the urgency of the summary judgment and the relative ease at which Warby arrived at the decision. Some believe that decision was made before the evidence was even presented, but surely not because that would mean that a judge was biased and had been compromised? Was Warby emotionally compromised or did it lead to some ‘unconscious bias’? While we may never know, the People can decide for themselves, and Warby cannot control what the People think, or control how the situation is perceived. This is what history will remember too. Warby, MM, and BP cannot control that either.
The hypocrisy continues, as the Sussexes staged another PR stunt – this time by making a pregnancy announcement on 14 February, the same day Harry’s mother announced her pregnancy with him 37 years ago. This Diana copying is rather sick and sad now, and it’s not a tribute to her, but is more along the lines of a Chucky Doll skit. It also means that the duo won’t be returning to the UK for now, and for that we can breathe a momentary sigh of relief, yet they continue to use ‘those titles’ that they covet, and that open the cash tills for them. The calls for the titles to be removed will never stop until they are stripped bare. BP should accept that, and know that their hopes of the People getting bored of making this request will never end.
(Click above to sign the petition in the comments)
The world gave them their privacy, and we really don’t want to know or care what they are up to. We simply don’t want them to abuse and exploit their British titles which are embarrassing us as a nation. Hand them back, and go and live your life of ‘privacy’. Nor do we want to hear what they think about anything, yet they are arrogant enough to think that they are important, and that the world must listen to them, but in reality they are white noise.
Meanwhile, Thomas and Samantha Markle seem to be not so silently reaching out to MM, for some kind of reunion. One person on here said Samantha’s book was ‘sending out smoke signals’ for a truce, and Thomas didn’t seem concerned that his ‘attempts’ at supporting ANL failed. Perhaps they did get a Christmas card as some stale breadcrumbs thrown their way? Will they allow MM to fool them again? The world isn’t interested in them, and you would like to feel some pity for them, but it’s clear that MM wants nothing to do with them, yet they persist and are looking rather foolish in doing so. That’s their prerogative, but playing the Markle victim is wearing thin.
The UK said goodbye to the Sussexes last year, and no, we don’t need to be on their Christmas card list. The best present they can give us is the gift of silence.
‘We ask for nothing other than for you to both remain silent.’
Please respect our wishes and if you must visit the UK, you will be heckled, booed and jeered, because that is all you are worth! Keep your hypocrisy behind closed doors because we can’t be bothered to fake look as if we are listening, and when you record your podcasts please record on mute. That is how you can make a positive contribution to society, So if you have any human decency Harry and MM, please barricade yourself in Montecito for the rest of your lives. We haven’t missed you, and won’t miss you, ever!
Tensions are high, and I am trying to write up the latest developments. I cannot do that when I have a few select posters who persist in circumventing my guidelines. I would delete the posts in question, and give a 24 hour ban, but now I don't have time. You will be banned and your posts will show so that people know that you have been banned.
A reminder: no conspiracy theories, no political talk, no name calling, no bashing of public figures or other members of the RF, no swearing, no links to dodgy websites, no hate speech, no racism – basically stuff that decent and civil folks don't do.
I don’t personally believe she had a miscarriage in July and I don’t believe she’s pregnant now. I don’t believe anything this woman comes out with, she lies as soon as breathes. Something seriously sinister is going on with these two.