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Hey... stop enticing them to stay in the US, we are not very fond of them either. We are much less fond of her than him. Perhaps they can be exiled to Elba or the Falkland Island.

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Please please please take their titles. They are waxing lyrical again and using said titles. They know exactly what they are doing. This is becoming unbearable

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A narcissist is always one step ahead in their conniving. Meghan's use of the word privacy is a bad joke in light of the fact of her revealing how she relieved herself in Africa and published it in her book Finding Freedom.

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Imagine her fury if HRM takes her titles and leaves Harry with his.

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That can't happen unless they divorce. The "boys" are given a dukedom on their marriage to give their wives and children a name. She derives her title ONLY from his name. IF he has it, she has it.

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I wrote a poem for the Markles since they love poetry so much: There once was a witch named Sparkle, who looked for a dope to Markle, she found the nitwit, they were a good fit, and so she married Harry

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I admit I am a sucker for those tabloid titles. I was hoping to see such diamonds as....

Harry and Meghan: The Grift that Keeps on Giving.

Or the gruesome twosome being photoshopped up like Mr Humphries (John Inman) and Mrs Slocombe (Mollie Sugden) the title being... You Are Being Served?

Then there's...

Harry and Meghan: Ex-Service Animal and his Handler get Neutered

I could go on.

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Please do go on - your suggestions are great!

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Here goes....

Joking Growling's: Harry Plotter the Half In/Out Prince

Redbeard 'n' Capn Meg Left Legless: Her Maj Cancels Montecito Hokey Cokey Contest

The Hunting of the Snark: Catty Markle Caught in Sneaky Spat

The Art of War: Sussex Zoom Bombs vs B-F Orf 2 U Bombs

Frog No More: Cottage Relief at Finding Fungus Freedom

The Pilgrim's Progress: Pious Pairs' Bunyans Speak

A Night at the Oprah: Royal Castrato and Soprano Sing to the Fat Lady

Duchess Schools PC on Woke: Pass the Duchy from the left-hand side.

Meggy's Revenge: Nightmare on Woke Street

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Very good! LOL!

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Thank you, Harry Markle Blog Author, for allowing the planet to vent, and I must admit, your latest articles on the Sussex Duo are brilliant as your blogs always are. As for the cover story on the magazine or paper as to what the child should be named, I have a suggestion: If a boy, The Dimwit 2, in honor of his daddy - if a girl, Diana, of course - what else with Meghan's huge ego?

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Your latest blog Harry Markle is beyond magnificent. If BP still fail to understand the mood of the Nation and Commonwealth then there is no point in the Monarchy continuing

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It is very difficult to follow the mind of a narcissist unless you have experienced one in your life. We automatically give people the benefit of the doubt. However narcissists are a race apart...their manipulation goes against the grain of right thinking people. Often if you expose the narcissist to friends & family that criticism backfires on you. They simply do not believe it & you are branded the problem. Having suffered 17 years of seeing my child exploited & changed by a narcissist I have no doubt whatsoever that MM is a pathological liar & narcissist. Harry stands no chance against this...she knows his every weakness & knows exactly what buttons to press. It is heartbreaking for family & friends to witness the destruction of someone they love. Nothing will extract him from this vice until he himself decides he can no longer live with the abuse.

She on the other hand will sail through until it is clear she is poison. Whenever that is

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Thank you for all your hard work.

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American here. The behavior of Markle and Harry is disgraceful. While it would be emotionally satisfying for TQ to strip their titles and patronages immediately, I understand her desire not to stoop to their level and to remain true to her word. This means waiting until March 31, but it must be done then or it seems as though the monarchy and TQ’s legacy will be at grave risk. IMO, Markle knows that the British public loathe her (that she will never be regarded as Diana 2.0) and she is trying to destroy “the institution” of the monarchy in retaliation. This will be her greatest role and achievement, in her mind. Allowing her to continue to trade on her title after March 31 plays right into her hand as the public will not stand for it and will seek a republic. On a slightly different topic: For those in Hollywood who contemplate doing business with Markle and her husband, mind how you go. They will not hesitate to take from you and then discard you or worse. Examples: calling the British public racist after they paid for a $2 million wedding; not even bothering to visit Thomas Markle, Sr. prior to announcing the engagement, despite him paying for Markle’s education; calling Scobie a liar for saying they helped with the book; ditching the marine memorial to suck up to celebrities at the Lion King premiere; notifying Trevor that the marriage was over by FedEx; using Tyler Perry’s house and then saying it was tacky, or words to that effect; taking millions from Charles and then not even mentioning him in the Archwell launch, etc., etc. Past behavior is the best predictor of future conduct so think hard before tarnishing your reputation through an association with Markle and her husband.

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I think they are already a poisoned chalice. Recall that NDA they made J-Lo and A-Rod sign just for going out to dinner with them! Note the celeb friends are rather quiet these days. But hey-ho they still have arch-sychophant and world's unfunniest man James Corden to hang out with!

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a very cheesy performance with Corden....embarrassing

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MM/H have gone from George Clooney, to Elton John, to David Foster, to James Corden.

If I were marking points on a continuum, the line would be on a steady downward trajectory.

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LOL yes they are starting to scrape the barrel.

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I agree 💯 with everything you said. The wedding actually cost 32 Million pounds.

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Feb 17, 2021
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I agree, and I know some will keep saying wait until 31 March. I liken it to a battle, when one side says we will meet at noon for a true, but one side plans to sneak up at breakfast, but you catch wind of it. Do you think, wait until noon, or get ready and stop them attacking at breakfast?

You wait, you die. You take action, you stand a chance of survival.

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No problem with the lapsus. Aside, I think BP men in grey do not know or ignore Sun Tzu or Niccolo Machiavelli books, perhaps are an excellent aid to decide about this mess.

In my opinion the HM problem is that in this match, like in football, he want play in both teams at the same time and to establish new rules being the referee too. Of course, it is impossible but if the RF accepts, they are idiots or all this nauseating show is a farse.

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Should say truce!

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We knew what you meant; it's that beastly "auto correct" that thinks it's smarter than all of us. At least it didn't negate your message. Some of the auto corrects are real corkers!

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Maybe we should rename it MM? After all what is the difference between them?

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Yes, the auto correct feature can be pure evil. LOL.

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Brilliant. Pure gold phrase.

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Exactly! You nailed it! We are people of honor, but we are not fools. Your "battle field" analogy was perfect. It would be fool-hardy and dangerous to your own troops to not act on new information. Yes!

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*does a twirl in chainmail. Does my bum look big in this?

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I’ve just read that the RF claim H & M have ‘upheld the values of the Queen’. The mind boggles at this ludicrous statement. They’ve done everything to undermine the family from the outset.

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😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 pardon my mirth - oh my aching sides ‘values’ - they have none.

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MM is playing everyone like a fiddle...it will all end badly. It is painful to witness this narcissist in action.

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If so, their attempts at 'protecting' the Monarchy are being laughed at. They have lost credibility if they have made such a statement because no one believes it. If they truly believe that then either they need to be sacked, or the values of the Queen/RF are those of the many who are residing at Her Majesty's Pleasure.

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I have been reading your blog for many months, only prompted into response these past few days. I admire you for what you are doing and wish you well. Keep at it. You have loads of support, from all around the world it seems.

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Feb 17, 2021
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All these empty statements aimed to pacify have the opposite effect. I'd rather they simply act and let us decide whether their actions were effective or not.

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Feb 17, 2021
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In the old times, this frontal and dirty attack to the Crown were a sure passport to decapitation or hanging. If the offender was intelligent, the best options for him were to escape very quickly or immediate suicide. Now the Crown is tolerating too much this traitor.

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Telegraph reporting that the RF are going to give a statement on Patronages before end of March so that the organisations can make arrangements. No hint of those titles going. Really not sure RF will do what is being asked of them by the public. If not, then they are totally tone deaf and deserve to lose all trust in the monarchy l

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They can try and convince us that this was the plan all along, but really? They have been shamed into having to to do this because they failed to act.

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The Markles must be really brainless not to realise that continuing on their cause to bring down the RF will see their titles and ability to milk the system will also disappear. Talk about cutting of nose to spite the face

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What is clear to me is that the Insufferable Sussexes, Meghan especially, are working hard to become Hollywood-style bastardized US Royals. Americans love their celebrities and pretty much follow them whole-heartedly, without question. How else could a family like the Kardashsians become so incredibly rich, with millions of people doggedly following them? And royals are uber-celebrities. Many Americans adore the BRF and now have Harry & Meghan on their own shores to look up to and fawn over. Conniving and wildly ambitious Meghan knows this. Thus the meticulously staged photo ops, press releases, interviews, and surprise Zoom calls - mostly aimed at star-struck, woke, impressionable young people.

Sad to say, here in the US, celebrities like the Sussexes have become major societal influences. Hollywood values and it's woke reimagining of virtue have changed the face of our nation through the younger generation. But more and more, even solidly old-school people are gradually adapting to the new morality. It's pitiful to see how shallow and intolerant towards conservatives our society has become. And the duo are working hard to further that change even as they spout kindness and positivity, which only seems to apply to those who are left-wing and support their grandiose ideas of themselves. Otherwise, lawsuits.

Before and after Meghan married It was evident that she expected to become the next Diana. When that didn't happen and she realized she and Harry would never be top dogs, she quit. Prior to that she seemed to think order of succession was determined by popularity, a media contest that she aimed to win. No number two for them. Early on she and Harry turned their eyes on a bigger prize (in her own mind) - the States and then the world. Their need for "privacy" was a ridiculously lame excuse for leaving, given her life-long penchant for publicity.

Now they are firmly transplanted in the US where they have no competition and no pesky authority that must be obeyed. She can try to become "America's Princess". She can try to best the BRF in the publicity game. Meghan knows the Oprah interview will be seen by millions. She will use that to reframe the negative narrative surrounding her and justify what they have done, casting herself as victim, philanthropist, intellectual, and saint, with false modesty thrown in for good measure, word salad wokist propaganda flowing smoothly from her lips.

That laughably meticulously contrived pregnancy announcement showing Harry with his hobbit feet and Meghan on his lap, re-creating a scene from Notting Hill, will be sure to appeal to many Americans. But I see it as a slap in the face to the RF. It is absolutely undignified and un-royal, designed to make the RF, especially their perceived rivals William and Kate, look stodgy and uncool in comparison. Meghan and Harry's ambition to best them all by turning the face of royalty into Hollywood style celebrity is going according to plan.

The expat Prince Harry, who willingly chose to leave duty and the country of his birth for greener pastures will continue to whine and clamor for his place back in Britain, though he has no business representing anything having to do with the UK.

Unless the Queen puts a stop to this by stripping them of their titles, there is no end in sight.

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I agree with everything you said, but please remember that NOT ALL Americans are so stupid as to worship either the Kardashians or the Markles, or even Oprah and the rest of the Hollyweirdoes, for that matter - all the British papers say we do, but that is far from the truth. Most people here despise them, except for their comedic value, and most have no idea who Markle even is, though they do have an idea that Hapless Harry is Diana's son. Most of us also admire the Queen, Prince Philip, Princess Anne, and Sophie. Please do not judge all of us by the dumb statements some of our fanatics make.

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We also admire William and Catherine, who I forgot to mention!

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You are right, of course. I did not mean to paint every American with such a broad brush. Sorry for not being more clear.

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No problem - that is a widely held misconception of us, for good reason - the loudmouths get the headlines - those of us who are normal just seethe until we have had enough - but if anything like Covid can be seen to have a silver lining, it is that most of us now realize that we can do quite well without the Hollyweirdoes - I just hope their oversized egos can deal with that! Have a great day!

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@Alice FL USA... Thanks (!) We Americans mean well...really! Turning one's sights to historical purposes and following other's insights here, has been far more entertaining than Hollywood...

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I agree CPMc - the posters here and on DM are a lot funnier than the Hollywood "comedians" nowadays.

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@Alice...both witty and historical!

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Well said. Totally agree.

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MM is straight up, a Hustler. That's what you learn in L.A. That's what she lived, moving from one con to another as alleged by...EVERYONE. She is grabbing the golden earring of Oprah and taking that last ride. Meghan is an actress far past her prime, but in a better position for sympathy now she's betting ...to hell with the red carpet ! In the US., Oprah is, one's last stop before rehab...for something...in her case, verbal dysentary.

I cannot think of a soul here that has benefited from an " intimate interview" on Nat'l TV...Not " OJ", " Michael Jackson, Tiger Woods, Jody Arias, Charles Manson...you get the drift. I believe MM may have indeed, overplayed her hand now, by believing one Oprah " exorcism " session will have us perceiving her as "Diana."

She's desperate I think, where does one go to for sanctuary once the Oprah card has been thrown ? She lost her platform in her " Deal or No Deal" strategy, with HRH shutting her down temporarily. Now I wonder if she believes that by shaming the RF, she can "stop the bleeding " so to speak, keeping a coveted title or two .

I have been wondering, that Oprah AND MM, know the true value of a TV "big reveal"... What might be more shocking than say, Meghan announcing that she did IVF treatments, is actually pregnant, proves it and becomes the new face of "IVF ", ( rather than the face of " miscarriage " which rendered little sympathy in media coverage ). It would "prove" ( in her mind's eye ), Archie was authentic and the World has been abusive, and oh no, she's "NOT OK."

Megsy is a " legend in her own mind "...Every time she blinks, it's a NEW DAY...Better get that green cape out Megsy, I predict a bumpy ride!

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CP: Part of the problem with having NPD, is that she does NOT have a "mind's eye." That is one of the permanent symptoms. She is lacking an ability to be introspective OR to to "see herself" as others see her, OR to even reflect on how she should look, or dress, or behave. The ONLY thing she knows is that SHE is the STAR of every occasion.

MM cannot envision anything but success. She has no ability to see disaster looming. She has no ability to see how she will look (which is why she almost always looks like a "slob" even in designer duds).

Think about how limited she is! When a "normal" person is told about an upcoming formal dinner, it is easy to imagine what dress you want to wear, or that it is time to buy a new one, and how you want to look, and do your hair. MM does not have the capacity to do anything of the kind. All she knows is that SHE will be the star, so she needs to be stunning. Then, she has to get catalogs, or magazines, to find something to copy! (She has zero imagination, which is why she is always copying quotes from others and why she needed others to write to her father.)

Imagine that you need to plan a party for a 4 year old girl who likes yellow and ducks. It is easy to imagine yellow cupcakes, with yellow frosting and yellow balloons, and paper plates with pictures of ducks, and books about ducks. YOU can do that, but MM cannot! She has to find catalogs, magazines with pictures, or go to party store. She has to find things that she can point to.

Imagine how awful it must be to have NO imagination, yet always knowing that you are the STAR of every occasion. (If the Queen is there, she is still the star. If Catherine is there, she is still the star. If Beyoncé is there, she is still the star.) And she winds up ALWAYS FURIOUS when she is treated as just another BRF wife. What a lunatic!!!!

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CMPc... Your comment about bumpy ride, reminds me of the movie, All about Eve, Rachel is playing the part of Eve...

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She lies about being pregnant in 2018 and 2019. She lied about having a baby. She lied about a miscarriage. She is lying again. There is NO WAY she can prove she is pregnant now. WHY are you so intent on believing her lies?

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@Margo...Hey...it was tongue in cheek, ( or now, foot in mouth ? ) just a "goof" ( as Americans say..) Highlighting the fact that OW ALWAYS tries to deliver " reveals", and how bizarre a MM " reveal" cOULD be! I think my other posts correctly represent my positions which in NO WAY, align with the Harkles. I am well aware that her telling the truth about anything, is pretty much a long shot...No hard feelings, I'm on your side..!

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And there's the rub. No one is going to make her lift her dress to prove it. Plus anyone who knows is NDA-clad. Iw onder why they don't just leave dossiers in taxis or staged laptop robberies like we do in the UK when we want an NDA get out!

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