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Another cringey Oscar award winner Harry. Keep digging, nearly there.

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I wish to add that I keep waiting for Prince Charles, Princess Ann, or Prince William to throw down the gauntlet and declare that they will tolerate no more attacks, criticism, or embarrassment to be heaped upon the Queen and country by the reprehensible pair. Americans will support that iniative!

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What's this smell? Oh yes, despair...

No one wants you to believe, think or say anything at all Henry. You are a sorrowful guest in such act... in fact thanks to you and the missus many are hoping this ceremony comes and goes fast as that way you can return to US and let Royals live their lives and roles without pretending to not notice the stench you make.

As soon as Diana statue unveiling is done I believe the Royal Family will also be done and that's months too late in my opinion.

No one believes, cares or listen to Harry or his wife. They are done. The only desesperate card theyr have left are the children and more in US than in UK, the Commonwealth or rest of the world. The Diana Statue unveiling is Henry's last stop.

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I can just make out that awful bird nest picture in the corner, so it looks like it was filmed in advance while he was still in CA and filed away until they felt the need for some PR, which seems like every other day. I guess we will be seeing something "new" every day this week to keep the spotlight on his nonsense and their awful attempts to be relevant.

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Yes, it must have been recorded in advance, as he is now quarantined at Frogmore.

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Harry says what Meghan writes. It's all drivel. Harrys credibility has gone and Meghan never had any. So stay in Monticeto and shut up. No one wants you in the UK.

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Oh my. Thank you for letting us know about this. Last I looked, soon after this was Prime aged here, it was the headline for the DM's UK edition and his mention of his brother billed as "an olive branch" (a phrase that publication is obsessed with lately) and calling it a "surprise" zoom appearance. Ugh. Some surprises are not so nice.

On the bright side is Our Harry's observation that some "royal experts" are turning now, and growing more critical of the duo. There is a DM piece today where Hugh Vickers states that reconciliation is impossible as long a JCMH is "so under the thumb" of TW.

Meanwhile, the duo's PR machine has been cranking out stories in an attempt to rehabilitate JCMH's image ahead of the unveiling, but it appears to be backfiring.

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Their PR squad gets paid regardless. If you're in the business of getting your clients publicity you can hardly tell them to shut up and disappear

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Darn spell check. Posted, not prime aged.

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I'm afraid they're yesterday's news. Perhaps we like to read about them, but it's only to delight in their fast approaching downfall.

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I still can't bring myself to watch any video he posts.. he's an absolute moron

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I sense they’re becoming increasingly desperate. I wonder at what point they will acknowledge the fact that they’re an object of ridicule these days and the best thing to do would be to go to ground, for a very, very long time...

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I was wondering whether their announcement they would be taking such an extended maternity leave was on the advice from their PR team they do just that. If so, TW wasn't having it and it looks like they've doubled down instead.

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You’re right Harry Markle,I did choke on my tea. He makes me cringe.

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I did saw a little bid of the Vidio but my Stomach wasn't up to the Woke words and his hands and arms swinging. This had to be recorded while still in CA. The Missus had to be the Author of his speech no doubt about it. I have a feeling there is more to come that will upset a few people.

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The irony...

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Meaningless platitudes from PH (par for the course). Being insipid and shallow appear to be the hallmarks of PH and TW in their quest for world (domination?) acclaim, yet they fall short of their goal time and time again. PW & C, PC & C and, especially, HMTQ continue to serve the British public and Commonwealth with dignity, humility and enthusiasm. Even PE & S outshine the Sussex duo.

If the reports of PH wanting to reconcile are true, I don't believe it's a genuine intention. Their brand is nothing with out the RF.

Thank you again Harry Markle for another good post.

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Yes nearly choked on my tea and Jammy Dodger(no pun intended) when I read the part about Leadership😂

Another excellent summary from HM.

Maybe we have a few bench sitters along with the fence sitters.

I have also enjoyed reading Artemis satire . So talented the cartoons are brilliant 🤣. Thank you for sharing HM.

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Artwork courtesy of AG, words by moi.

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I’ve just listened to JCMH speech. What on earth is he on about. Just excruciating. The next few days are about your mother’s legacy. Not you.

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Cazz, you gave me the courage the courage to grit my teeth and watch it. Excrutiating it was. He mentioned TW by name at least twice, PW only once and referred to him as "my brother". More hand flailing, more woke word salad, same old, same old. The irony at the end when he talks about the importance of truth. You can't make this stuff up.

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Wow, you have some patience. I didn't even (and won't) click on the link. In fact trying not to click on anything related to them.

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I really hope it is not Diana on a bench.

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I hope so too because whatever else she was Diana was dynamic, a doer and full of energy. To sit her on a bench in perpetuity would not seem to capture her essence and vitality.

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Having the Cambridge's children view the statue ahead of time, must really be hitting a chord with JCMH and MM!

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Harry Markled--you said exactly what I was thinking...execpt you left out the word "trust." How can anyone trust what comes out of the Sussexs' mouths. If Harry really wanted to reconcile with his brother....he would have recorded a joint video with William. Again blatant self-promotion using Princess Diana

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Speaking of members of the media taking sides, what has become of Harry's demand that he get to choose his 'own' media rep to be in attendance?

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I wonder if that went out the window with the new pared-down ceremony, including paring down of press attending. We shall see, I suppose.

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Could it be Scobie? But I seriously doubt he’ll be let any where near 🤣

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Maybe it's Tom from ITV, the one who'd done their South Africa interview and continually defended them, helped ITV secure their Oprah interview?

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Oh right! Forgot about that one!

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That's the only person I could think of. Maybe it's a case of 'what Harry wants, Harry gets"

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Didn’t William break friendship with Tom just recently, don’t think he would want Tom there do you?

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As an American, I am horribly embarrassed by Markle's utter lack of class and the negative attention she's brought upon the Royal Family. Harry seems more and more like a witless pawn dragged along for his pedigree rather than his intelligence - rather more like a house pet than a mature, aware adult. I hope Harry leaves the UK quickly, without subjecting his family to another round of his whiny nonsense. Your amazing Queen deserves some peace and quiet!!

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Thank you.

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In Australia the pair are totally irrelevant. Nobody is interested. Just waiting for the titles to be removed.

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I can understand your embarrassment, most British people feel the same way about Harry’s behaviour. We are aware that there must be thousands of beautiful, well brought up, well mannered American young women, who would have done a sterling job on joining the royal family and who would have made us all proud and delighted at a union that would have strengthened the bonds between our countries. Unfortunately Harry picked a woman who brought out the very worst in him and together they have become a folie a deux. Tragic.

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Aside from the fact that both Harry & Meghan are more than a bit long in the tooth to be acting as if they are young leaders, this actually makes me rather sad for what might have been.

Had Meghan not been a total fake and actually realized she fell into a pot of gold, she and Harry could have been ‘roving ambassadors’ working with Commonwealth Countries on a range of issues from climate change, to female empowerment, education and healthcare …. They could have had a great and influential life, been a huge asset to the RF, especially to PC when he becomes King, as well as made a nice niche for themselves that William would have appreciated

But, it was too much ‘work’ and not enough drive by photo ops for the Little Mermaid of Montecito ….

Such a terrible waste of money, yes, but of lives, especially Harry’s as now he really has nothing

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I don’t think TW would have ever been up to the job. She wasn’t willing to listen and learn, both of which are attributes needed to be a success. You can’t pass on experience or guidance to the young if you are so immature yourself.

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Harry and Meghan are not young nor leaders nor invested in anything but making the biggest, most wasteful and embarrassing spectacles of themselves as they slowly self-destruct.

Additionally, their antics in this first half of 2021 made their prior misdeeds and malfeasance seems bush league. They disparaged Prince Philip on his deathbed and hijacked his funeral for attention; then upped their hate game with post-Oprah schemes including giving their daughter a highly inappropriate name in yet another attempt to build a royal brand. Finally, they've managed to make a mockery of the Diana statue unveiling. Catherine and her children are tasked with saving the Royal Family but are excluded yet, the Fishwife will appear via Zoom to give a speech. To whom is she Zooming, Omid Scabies? The sculpture will now forever be a symbol of Diana's failure to parent Harry. I for one, join Harry Markle, in utter disgust that the Montecito Menace has free license to wreak havoc.

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Omg!! Is TW going to zoom a speech? WTAF

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Surely not...! That would be the absolute worse thing to do.

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Please tell me this is only a rumour. If this is allowed the RF will look like mugs.

Just Harry now has the same smug look as TW 🤮

My heart goes out to the Cambridge's. I keep dending them positive thoughts. I truly believe in the Power of Positive thinking.

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Sorry sending not dending. Need new teeth I am typing same as I am talking

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I hope not

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It’s true HM, I have noticed recently that most royal commentators have chosen which side to support and apart from the usual culprits you mentioned, the others either don’t really have anything to say about Harry and TW or they comment on the bad behaviour. I think it’s getting more difficult even for the diehard supporters to spin a story because the Montecito duo are now so predictable and most people with any sense can spot a false narrative or are aware of what they are doing, especially when it’s about trying to overshadow the work of the royal family.

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Harry is so badly spoken. "Wanna" for "want you". Not a good advert for Eton. Not exactly creme de la creme is he, more like sour milk.

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That's the way a lot of us Americans speak. Has he started dropping the 'ending g' yet? ('goin' for 'going')

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I feel desperately sorry for William. To have to share a platform together after everything that has been thrown at the family. I hope Harry leaves the U.K with a realistic understanding of the damage he has done and how the public feel about him. He can't hide from his destruction for ever.

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Such a vague and self serving message from Harry. It reminds me of the old American military recruitment ads, "Uncle Sam wants You". Young leadership for what, exactly? To join Harry and TW's woke SJW army and buy into their products? Thanks again HM for the hard work and effort you put into this blog.

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Don't tell me..... Diana is going to be revealed sitting on 'The Bench'! Now I wonder from whom Megain heard about that little gem!

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I have an awful feeling you're going to be right about the bench thing. It's even in the right spot for a figure on a bench. That would be beyond horrible... but would explain a lot on the Markle side.

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If you search for PD & PC you will see pictures of them sharing a garden bench - nothing new under the sun.

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He sounds like he’s giving a high school graduation speech. Is he this dim and dull at cocktail parties, too?

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The traitor and TW must think people are not so smart with all the abusive lies and word salad they spew. Agree that titles, money and succession must be terminated. So overdue.

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What a load of twaddle he spouts straight from his handler...wonder when she will burst onto the scene. Hope the unveiling goes without any trouble.

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Twaddle is a good word. However in America it would have been a more meaningful.

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That speech was a load of waffle. Glad Prince William is spending time with the Queen. Harry needs to realise he has gone too far and is not wanted or needed in the UK.

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I hope the unveiling is as classy and upmarket as Will & Kate could make it, something to show the duo how things are done with quiet elegance.

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I think it's too late for that. Harry has turned it into such a circus with his barrage of press releases: Will he or won't he come? Will he bring Archie? Will he reconcile with William? Is he bunking with Eugenie at Frogmore? Did Granny visit to invite him to the Jubilee? Will the Fishwife come to make an uninvited speech (as she is wont to do)? Or will she zoom from Montecito with imaginary children singing "Goodbye England's Rose" in the background? Meanwhile, yawn, no one cares.

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Wow, for once JCMH is smiling on the photo, and looking smug while doing it. Yet another word salad. "Putting the "do's" behind the "say"s" - ah, in other words leading by example and not just by "do as I say, not as I do", as he & TW are actually doing. I hope there'll be more coverage on the Queen & other BRF members in Scotland, and Wimbledon with the Cambridges, and less on that duo's shenanigans. Because the more the press covers them and BRF solidifies that coverage with their PR, the more they give the footing & legitimacy to the duo as the US/LA branch of the royalty, thus cheapening the actual Royals and their work.

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He isn't smiling - it is the after effects of having his eyebrows done They appear to have been threaded or styled in some way.

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Plus, it looks like he had his teeth capped or veneers were applied.

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Would you think me rude if I told you that when I saw it, my immediate thought was to smack that look off his face?

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Get in line with all the others who have the same thought!

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It wasn’t a speech to encourage young people to be future leaders. It was word salad with a rehashed summary of his Covax lecture to the little people thrown in. The despicable duo are way out of there league. They have nothing new, interesting or inspirational to say

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I finished the "speech" couldn't understand it. Was is in American or English? Kinda of dumb, didn't seem to mean anything?

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It was in Markle-ese. Even Google Translate can’t decipher it. 😎

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Such irony that the Sussex would point out putting the 'dos' before the says. Hahaha.....They should take their own advice. Another word salad. They are grasping at royal activities and titles because they seem to haven't even caused a ripple in Hollywood much less take it by storm. They are simply a joke.

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Harry is all ‘say’ and not ‘do’. He’s such an embarrassment to the family at this point. Part of me hopes he gets fully disowned but doubt that will happen.

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Some wonderful pictures of the Queen and Prince William in Edinburgh on Royal family Instagram. I hope the unveiling is very low key and is not overshadowed with any drama, especially from Montecito.

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I wouldn't watch the video but from the few quotes, it's the usual meaningless word salad.

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I feel the same Babsie. I can hardly bear to look at pictures of them and definitely can’t listen to all that authentic self nonsense. As you so rightly say, it’s all the same predictable word salad that doesn’t actually mean anything.

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Oh Harry…… he does make us laugh, when is he going back home.

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Forgot the question mark, seriously though, he is not wanted or needed anymore. The slimming down of the monarchy can’t come quick enough.

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Impressionable and inexperienced. You nailed their target audience

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H really isn’t bright or interesting, is he?! 😇

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Nice pictures of PW and The Queen. So much better when Harry stays quiet, rather than behaving like he's in a competition. He's not.

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I believe in Harry belting up because I'm sick of hearing from him and about him, and her as well.

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Such class in the future of your king, William.

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Both make my skin crawl, titles need to be gone and place in line of succession.

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And the time is NOW. Her Majesty has to deliver it. Soon and Definitive... it's been too long already

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