
Harold Uses The Courts As A Stage

His wife appears to have purchased another PR award

The scene was set—a smart suit, a neatly pressed white shirt, accompanied by two officious looking bodyguards to boot. PR perfect, or it was until Harold went off script. Harold stepped out of the black cab outside the Royal Courts of Justice on 27 March 2023, and greeted the media with a ‘hello’, a wave here and there for the photos, and even a smirk was thrown in for free. He then amused us all as he was too busy posing that he walked straight into a photographer, who was then manhandled by one of the heavies. I guess he felt he had to do something of worth to validate his babysitting job.

We were amused! At last Harold has some purpose, and that is to amuse us.

One might think that Harold was brave, but not in pursuing a case against the evil entity known as Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL) that must be taken down, and where Harold considers that it is his duty to do so, but for being so courageous as to step foot in the UK which according to him is a dangerous place. That’s why he’s challenging the Home Office to regain a round-the-clock protection detail— because he is too scared to live in the UK. Yet, he managed to step out of a black cab with a couple of heavies and thought nothing of the danger of being inches away from the public and the press. He survived! Is that his idea of danger, for what he has proven is that he doesn’t require 24/7 police protection?

We all know that Harold showed up to publicise the case because quite frankly the public don’t care and no one can keep up with all the lawsuits he has filed since meeting TW. Yes, it all began when he met her…


There was a statement where he accuses ANL journalists of being criminals, and ANL as a company that carries out criminal acts (is he seeking a defamation case?), while he claims to love his country (after betraying the Sovereign and the Crown), and believes it is his duty to expose an alleged ‘cover-up’ and claims that the British public ‘deserve’ to know. Quite frankly, no one gives a damn—what people are concerned about is the cost of their gas and electricity bills, the cost of food (which has skyrocketed—a tin of Heinz Tomato soup is now £1.70!), and how various strikes will affect them. No one gives a toss about the case that Harold and his ‘pals’ are pursuing in the grand scheme of things.

I am not in this for self preservation. I'm in this to be able to say, draw a line enough, we can all move on and get on with our lives. But if this continues, then I'm naturally deeply concerned at what has happened to us will happen to someone else. And I can't let that go that's a piece that I can't let go and that's why am really pushing for a change and accountability.

Unfair is not a big enough word to describe the fact that Associated is trying at this early stage to prevent me from bringing my claim. If the most influential and popular newspaper in the UK can evade justice, without there being a trial of my claims, then what does that say about the industry as a whole, and the consequences for our great country.

I am bringing this claim because I love my country and I remain deeply concerned by the unchecked power, influence and criminality of Associated.

The evidence I have seen shows that Associated journalists are criminals with journalistic powers, which should concern every single one of us. The British public deserve to know the full extent of this cover-up, and I feel it is my duty to expose it. (Prince Harry)


Harold showed up for three out of the four days, and now is probably back in the safety of his Montecito mansion. Phew, he survived a dangerous trip to the UK! He’s probably in need of several back-to-back sessions with a coach from BetterUp in order to help him cope with the anxiety and stress of being the UK. No one seemed to care where he was staying, where he went, or when he left. The appearances were for the sake of PR, as he seems to be using the courts to try and justify his victim status, and also to remove those who criticise him. That’s called censoring and restricting the press in order to control it to suit a specific narrative that he favours. The court was used as a stage, where Harold could make another world salad statement and for it be put into the public domain as he continues in his role as the ‘victim’.

Justice Nicklin will deliver his decision on whether the case has merit and can proceed, but the key evidence (a statement claiming ANL had hired Burrows to investigate and target some well-known people) that seemed to be the stimulus for the case being initiated appears to have been falsified according to Gavin Burrows who has claimed he never made the statement and never signed it. When you have someone stating publicly in a court document that they did not write or sign a statement, then how credible is the evidence if that is what the case is based on?

Meanwhile, TW has been busy purchasing another award that will be presented in another New York extravaganza. Well, a fundraiser event with a meal thrown in for $1,500 per head. Who will be paying for her flight on 16 May 2023, to New York, and who will be paying for her hotel because she’ll want to stay for a night at least to do some networking to gain some ‘donations’ for herself, and the obligatory pap strolls.


The biography is as amusing as Harold walking into a photographer while waving at the press. Both the awards mentioned were only offered after ‘donations’ had been made by Archewell, and the staff that have worked on Archtypes have left and have claimed that they did all the work that TW is taking credit for. So how much did Archewell have to cough up for some positive PR, and did old pal Glo Steinem influence the outcome? As it’s a feminist event, will the Harold puppet be permitted to attend, or will he have to babysit the invisible children in the mansion?