
Harold The Todger

Cheap clickbait that none of us wanted to know or needed to know

According to Harold, the Todger, the book S P A R E was written to ‘save and reform the monarchy’ and to help pave the way for the next ‘spare’ even though he was never actually the spare and that was his nickname. The Overseas Son claims he’s not delusional after making such statements via pal Bryony Gordon in an interview in the Telegraph. He also claims he ‘spared’ hurting his family by cutting out half of the book, at which point did he think attacking and calling Camilla a villain, and taking cheap low digs at Kate wasn’t hurtful? If anyone disagrees with his wife or doesn’t applaud her, he attacks them like a vicious and rabid animal. As he revels in the glee of the audience at the story of his less than artful todger, wasn’t he using it as cheap clickbait as a PR tactic to sell his book?

Perhaps the next book should be called ‘Delusional’ because people are concerned about his mental health if he thinks he is saving the monarchy, and he’s even demanding his family to issue an apology to TW. The British public do have a say in matters, and the sane masses consider the book to be an attack on their RF and the monarchy. The book may have sold because people wanted to read for themselves whether Harold, the Todger has really sold what is left of his soul, and thrown dirt at his family, and many have concluded that is the case. Sales so not mean people liked the book or thought it was truthful, but how many people will be returning the book for a refund? Most stores allow 30 days to return unsatisfactory items.

Harold claims to loathe clickbait as a means to lure people into buying a narrative for profit, but isn’t that exactly what he has sone with his cheap and nasty todger story?

Spare a thought for the excellent charity ‘Walking With The Wounded’ whose trek he joined for 4 days (it was supposed to be 3 days but was extended by an extra day due to the weather and no flight out) in 2011. There was no real mention of them in the recent PR, where the incident was used as a cheap thrill to entice the kind of audience who love a bit of dirty humour.




It also seems recollections vary, where he claimed he had no training (which would be unwise and against procedures) but in fact had spent three days training in Norway (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-13028941) Hasn’t he used the incident as a cheap way to promote the book, by adding a tale that people could laugh at? Most people who have been in extreme temperatures are wondering why he got frostbite down there, especially as there are other more sensitive areas of the body that would be vulnerable to the cold. You would also think that a trained soldier would have been taught survival skills and how to cope in extreme situations, or even to use basic common sense, and most are wondering why he was exposing himself in those temperatures.

Harold, people aren’t laughing with you, they are laughing at you!

Spare a thought for Elizabeth Arden that has been dragged into this as apparently a pal suggested that he used Eight hour cream on his the ‘wound’, and perhaps he thought Elizabeth Arden wouldn’t mind the free publicity. Eight hour cream is more of a barrier ointment for chapped skin and is a beauty cult classic, but it seems to have put people off using it by way of the thought of it being used on a penis. What is worse, is that TOS states the smell of the cream reminded him of his mother as he applied the cream and felt she was there watching him as he applied the cream. Even if that wasn’t fabricated for a Diana card, that is creepy and inappropriate information that no one ever needed to know.

Perhaps it’s a case of his brain cells being frozen because no one in their right mind would be revealing such personal and private information, written in the style of a soft porn script for money—especially when they continue to complain about their lack of privacy, and moaning that the papers make money off stories about them. Harold is now making money off an incident that happened during a charity walk!


The book throws more accusations at various members of the Royal Household (and former members of staff), and those in the media, without naming them, yet the text and context aims to intentionally identify them. One being Dickie Arbiter, a former press secretary to the Queen has claimed he was misquoted and has requested an apology from Penguin Random House, while one of TW’s assistants is described and then accused of using TW’s status to commit fraudulent acts and theft, leading to an alleged forced resignation.

TOS knows that these people he has accused have NDAs and cannot defend themselves. As there were only about a dozen members of staff in the Sussex camp, it points fingers at a small number of people whose reputations might be marred by this in their future careers. As I said before, members of the Royal Household would be blamed purely because TOS knows that they are easy prey as they cannot refute the claims unless the NDAs are lifted by BP. TOS also keeps claiming he has evidence to prove his claims—claiming you have evidence is very different from producing evidence, and he doesn’t appear to have produced any concrete evidence with his accusations.

One can imagine him rubbing his hands with glee, getting one up on the Men in Grey that he saw as obstacles to him reforming the monarchy and getting his way. The book reads like the rantings of a mad man, and reminded my of Gogol’s ‘Diary of a Mad Man’ where Harold is sounding deranged and delusional. He has stuck with his trusted media outlets for PR and exposure, with Bradby and now Gordon, whose interview he uses to defend why he published the book for money. While some idiots claim the money goes to charity, only a small amount will be donated to two charities that TOS had pledged donations to.

The Gordon interview is of course sycophantic and is littered with Harold friendly quotes that try and justify his actions. So, in context, here are some of TOS’s gems, where he claims to be trying to save the monarchy from themselves, to forge a path for the next ‘spare’, where he demands an apology for his wife from his family and accuses them of various things, and basically sounds so unhinged as if he is stoking a bonfire of magic mushrooms inhaling the fumes with each deluded utterance.

Even formerly sugary reporters (as above) can’t deny that Harold and his wife are deluded, and I have been saying for years that his actions could be considered as acts of treason. Finally, TOS can’t claim he has been misquoted by the press as these are his own words as he attacks his family, the monarchy, the media, and royal aides.

This is not about trying to collapse the monarchy, this is about trying to save them from themselves. And I know that I will get crucified by numerous people for saying that. (A subjective belief that only insane people would believe, for how is he trying to save it by attacking them?)

I feel like this is my life's mission, to right the wrongs of the very thing that drove us out. Because it took my mum, it took Caroline Flack, who was my girlfriend and it nearly took my wife.And if that isn't a good enough reason to use the pain and turn it into a purpose. I don't know what it is. TOS is blaming the press and the RF for allegedly ‘killing’ Diana and Flack, and it is low to use two high profile tragic deaths for his own narrative. Diana didn’t wear a seatbelt and got into a car with a drunk driver, and Flack’s death was tragic, but comprised of several factors including her mental health, the press coverage of her domestic violence case, social media trolls (including Jameela Jamil), and her troubled relationships. He also claims that he believes that his role in life is to ‘control’ the media against criticism and uncomfortable truths.

I still feel a responsibility, knowing that out of those three children. At least one will end up like me, the spare. And that hurts, that worries me. Claims he is doing this to help William’s children, claiming that one will end up like him, and he worries about the other ‘spares’ in the family, despite never actually being one himself. As William has stated, his children are not Harold’s concern and I imagine they will be kept away from him for their own safety and sanity.

Fancy captivity (a description of how he considers his life while in the RF).

What's the difference between airing lies about your family through the British press, or airing truth through a book? In my case, this is all contained in one place where I hold myself entirely accountable and responsible for what I am saying. (TOS’s subjective opinion where he has breached the privacy of his family without their permission for money and to make himself look like a victim!)

It's so dirty. It's so dark. And it will continue, and it will carry on, and I look forward to the day when we are no longer part of it, but I worry about who is next. (TOS talks about criticism of the RF in the press.)

(On excluding some chapters from he original draft) But there are some things that have happened, especially between me and my brother, and to some extent between me and my father, but I just don't want the world to know.Because I don't think they would ever forgive me. Now you could argue that some of the stuff I've put in there, while they will never forgive me anyway. But the way I see it is I'm willing to forgive you for everything you've done and I wish you'd actually sat down with me properly, and instead of saying I'm delusional and paranoid actually sit down and have a proper conversation about this, because what I'd really like, is some accountability. And an apology to my wife. Basically, TOS is still sticking to his story that he is the victim here, and that he is willing to forgive the RF (although what for we still don’t know, and they don’t seem to either bar them saying no to the half in, and half out model and also not giving into their demands). He demands an apology for TW (again what for?), and thinks that his father and brother may never forgive him, but doesn’t address the risk of losing his family forever, while still playing the victim and appearing to look gracious by suggesting he ‘could’ forgive them. True forgiveness does not depend on the other party conceding or being given conditions to fulfil before there is forgiveness.


While stories on S P A R E continue, with claims that more copies in the US and France had to be published as they sold more copies than expected, could that be a ploy to gain PR to claim how popular the book is? Given that the book has cost millions, how else were the publishers going to recoup their investment if they didn’t publish enough books or were pre-sales that bad?

The book has sold well, but that doesn’t make it an accurate or truthful account of various events during Harold’s life. Many things have been disputed, yet Harold and his ghostwriter claim that some memories might be flawed which is understandable if there is no way to fact check the event. However, when there are ways to check things, it seems that Penguin Random House didn’t think it was important, such as where TOS was when he found out the Queen Mother had died.

The real question is the legal status of some the accusations that have been made in the book, and whether action will be taken against TOS and/or the publisher.
