
Harold Has A Playdate In Asia, While TW Has Another SAPPS

SAPPS=Sad And Pathetic Pap Stroll

Harold hopped on a plane with old pal Nacho, and landed in Japan on 9 August 2023, for the ISPS Sports Values Summit –Special Edition for Sentebale, one of the only entities that will continue to support the Overseas Son, but only because he founded it and is the patron. There was lots of photos taken, TOS and Nacho smiling for the paps and posing for social media posts, and Harold as usual mistook transient hospitality from the Japanese as ‘real life’, declaring he would live in Japan if that’s how he’s going to be treated.

There was a ‘hug’ photo opportunity, and he playfully posed for a social media post, even though he claims to loathe social media. It’s fine as long as it promotes him in a good light!

He couldn’t miss an opportunity to plug Invictus, with a pep talk to the competitors, telling then that he hoped they would become better people after the games! What a gaff—is he suggesting they are not good people and that they need to compete in order to become ‘better’ human beings? Perhaps Harold should look at himself and how he can become a better person because he is the one in need of ‘doing better’, not wounded veterans who have overcome physical and mental challenges to participate in the Invictus Games?

The whole excruciating video clip seemed like a sales pitch, and Harold appears to treat the Invictus Games as a business that he wants to expand. Has he forgotten that he is supposed to be serving the veterans and not to seek profit and PR from them?

As ever, Harold looked animated and fidgeted throughout the video while doing his best Max Headroom impression. Perhaps the Harold we saw was artificial, and was computer generated? To be honest, could anyone tell the difference? During the Asia ‘tour’, Harold posed for the photographers and looked happy most of the time as he spent time ‘playing’ with one of the few friends he still has, unlike his grumpy and sulky grimaces when he is with TW.

The polo match itself was of little interest and was a draw, but provided a platform for lots of PR in a region where TOS wasn’t going to get booed or jeered. In fact, people in the region seemed to be totally unaware that Harold and TW are no longer permitted to use ‘SussexRoyal’ where references to the name should be removed, yet the Singapore Polo Club highlighted a post that tagged the username in a social media post. Nothing like a faux pas from the uber rich who don’t have a clue about etiquette.

Back in the US, TW’s PR were busy leaking stories and arranging pap photoshoots. A strange story was ‘leaked’ claiming that TW attended a Taylor Swift concert, yet there were no photos. Why bother unless it was some desperate attempt to get Taylor to make a comment? Taylor doesn’t need to force people to become friends, and the story was as ever, mocked as attention seeking.

This was followed by another ‘Sad And Pathetic Paparazzi Stroll’ (SAPPS) in the car park of an office building. Do paparazzi regularly patrol the car parks of office buildings in Montecito on the off chance to catch a photo op? I think not, as footage shows TW in appropriately dressed (as ever), leaving with a bodyguard.


How can you not laugh at the farce? The bodyguard is wearing a normal short sleeved shirt as one would during summer in California, while TW wears a great coat, a sweater, and a scarf, with the deliberately tucked in sweater at the front to show off a belt, and the left sleeve rolled up to display a NuCalm disc. At least we were spared another #pitstain moment, but you have to wonder how long she took to arrange her scarf and sweater for the pap shoot for what was less than a 2 minute walk to the car? Jokes were made about the empty white tote bag—what was in it? The invisible children or what is left of Harold’s balls?

To top it all, TW tries to pretend not to see the cameras while smirking at herself, and holding up her left wrist with a rolled up sleeve in a pose for the cameras. NuCalm has been endorsed by the self-help motivational workshop speakers, but would they jump on the bandwagon and use the photo for PR? Of course they did, and as predicted they disabled comments on their Instagram after sharing a bit of PR with TW but only on their stories reel. I wonder if they paid for the use of the photo for promotional purposes or was there a bit of quid pro quo?


A few people made comments, mainly that they should expect to be ‘markled’ and that if TW uses it, then they certainly won’t be interested in the product. I saw the comments, and the next time I looked the comments had been disabled. Yes, while more people may have looked up NuCalm to find out what the heck it is, they have promptly raised their eyebrows in disbelief and won’t be wasting their time on that again.

The Tig will be relaunched at some point, otherwise the trademark will be revoked if it is not used within 5 years of being registered ( an application for The Tig. was made July 2021 -90854173 with the addition of a period/full stop). Is this TW’s feeble attempt to establish herself as an influencer? Most brands who have highlighted her in the past have had to delete their social media posts, or have had to disable comments which is the opposite of what you want from a brand ambassador. Still, some are still impressed by a royal title and will pay for that, but perhaps they should speak to the people at Spotify for a reference? The entire world outside of Buckingham Palace knows that they are monetising and abusing the titles, and simply want BP to act to stop it. They managed to amend the royal website at last to reflect Harold’s correct title and style, but that doesn’t stop the duo using the titles to open doors and to make financial deals on the back of the titles.


Many people in the UK accepted that fact that Harold had a place in the order of succession, even though it was a well-known fact that no one thought he was bright and he had bad PR as a spoilt brat. But that was before the acts of ‘treason’ occurred —the publishing of SPARE, the OW interview, the Apple documentary, and the Netflix faux documentary, where he has attacked the nation and the monarchy, accusing the former of racism (but then backtracked), and has made several appalling public allegations about several members of his family, knowing full well that they would not be in a position to respond to them to defend themselves.

Therefore, it comes as no surprise that the majority of the People would like to see his titles to be revoked (and the numbers are on the rise), and he, and any legitimate issue (born of body) to be removed from the order of succession. People also wish to see his titles removed as well as his Counsellor of State role, and those numbers also increase by the day, and I’ve been running these polls for the last few years.

Harold claims that his life has been and always will be about charity, yet he and TW are known to be the ultimate grifters and are freeloaders who will use the funds of charities to fund their appearances, travel, and any related expenses such as 5 star hotels. Somehow, that isn’t quite the philanthropic act when the charity has to cough up thousands of dollars to pay for a public appearance trip, to include hotels and private planes. Charity is also about giving quietly, yet each time Archewell donates money (money that has come from donors) they make a huge song and dance about it and leak it to People magazine for a paid for PR article. That is not true charity when you brag and boast about it, yet their PR will claim it is promoting the charity, when in fact it is PR for themselves.

With the Invictus Games being the next big PR event as well the WellChild awards in London, the duo will be in Europe for a period of time, but where will they stay, does anyone care, and there will be of course the inevitable question of whether Harold will see any of his family. This coincides with the anniversary of the death Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, where most of family will take time to reflect away from he public eye and to spend time at Balmoral. The question is whether the Harkles pop into Balmoral, before heading to Germany? Given that there are ongoing legal battles that involve the King’s government, and the crude dialogue that Harold has used to describe Camilla in SPARE that are in the air, I wouldn’t imagine any welcome to be warm and friendly…