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Just as an update if anyone is still actively checking this thread. To date, having wrote to local Mp, foreign sec as MP and also as foreign sec and PM (4 letters). I have rec'd reply from Foreign sec as MP telling me not his constituency (fair point), local MP telling me BP matters.... Silence from foreign sec and PM.....

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I think that it is a matter of time before the government gets involved.

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Boris Johnson

House of Commons



Dear Mr Johnson

The monarchy exists only with the consent of the people and is accountable to the people through Parliament.

When do you plan to hold the Duke and Duchess of Sussex accountable for their treasonous disloyalty, as demanded by the overwhelming majority of the British people?

I respectfully request that you initiate action to remove Harry and his offspring from the succession. The justification for this is as follows:

Tempting as it may be to bury your head in the sand and keep passing the buck back to Her Majesty the Queen, this is no longer a purely private family matter. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have traduced not only their own family but also our constitution, the fabric of British socitety and the people of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth. They have deliberately exposed us to vilification and incited division where previously there has been cooperation and commitment to improvement for the common good, of which we should be proud. They have justified this action with a catalogue of lies, cruelly brought before the public in the US and around the world for maximum humiliation and personal financial gain. It is simply not acceptable that they should be permitted to do this from a position of British royal status.

Meghan and Harry have chosen for themselves a path which is incompatible with their retention of royal status. Royal status should be reserved for those individuals who assist the Monarch in fulfilling the Monarch’s role. That role is to sustain our hereditary constitutional monarchy, uphold our values (including integrity, free speech, fairness and natural justice) and act as the glue which binds us together within the UK and with the people of the Commonwealth, presenting our best face to the world and facilitating shared problem solving and mutual support. It is a role which necessarily comes with obligations and constraints – so, for example, it is by its nature a role which is in the public eye, which cannot be done in secrecy or under standard terms of employment, because it takes precedence over other interests. It cannot be combined with political activism, accepting freebies or making commercial deals for personal financial gain where conflicts of interest cannot be avoided. In return for this undoubtedly onerous commitment to public service, we bestow on royal persons significant wealth, privilege and opportunity.

Any and all persons with royal status should believe in the role, undertake the obligations with enthusiasm and be prepared to observe the inherent constraints. Harry and Meghan clearly do not – they have told us as much and that is their choice.

The Queen, with the assistance of Parliament as necessary, should therefore remove all of their royal status – by which I mean titles, place in the succession (both Harry and his offspring), and any continuing funding from the Crown Estates or British taxpayer.

Yours sincerely etc

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Dear Mr Mills

Whilst I thank you for the courtesy of your reply I am not in the least surprised by the content. You have once again done EXACTLY what I expected from you and that is thrown your hands up in the air with a "nothing to do with me" attitude. Well on behalf of Her Majesty and the Royal Family I will say thank you for your "support" NOT. You are a part of Her Majesty's elected Government and as such it is your responsibility and duty to protect her in whatever way way is necessary. Your response makes a total mockery of your last paragraph!!

I am not stupid, I follow this saga and know full well about the Titles and the monetary side of it, I do not need you to tell me something that I can read about for myself.

The reason I contacted you again was to make you aware that there is a huge calling for ALL Titles to be removed, that includes REMOVING the HRH's, REMOVING the Dukedom (which I know is in the remit of Her Majesty) and REMOVING Prince Harry and any offspring of his relationship from the line of succession to the Throne, which I understand that an Act of Parliament would be required to do that. It is this last issue that I feel you and other Members of Parliament and including the Prime Minister, should be taking on board.

Prince Harry and his despicable wife have labelled our country racist and toxic. I, and many thousands of like-minded people, are not going to sit back and take these insults lying down, we feel we have a country worth fighting for!! I informed you of a petition and I will reiterate that you should take a look at that because people are now calling for a REPUBLIC. Should that ever come about, and with feelings running as high as they are at the present time, there is every likelihood that could happen in the future and then you and your fellow MP's will not have a job!! It is not just our country that is up in arms, Commonwealth countries are now calling for them to be independent and Republics. That is losing something that our Queen has devoted almost seven decades of her life to and you obviously do not feel that you and Government shouldn't "concern yourselves with"!!

I am not sure whether the reply has come from you or if it is one of your "people" in the office!! Should that be the case and they are reading this, again on your behalf, I would advise them very strongly to show you the first letter and my response. Remember elections are coming up and I think you might find that my vote will be placed elsewhere, as it was the last time I got the same response from you""

A very angry constituent!!

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I have now had a reply from my MP as follows and I am VERY angry. I will post my reply underneath.

Thank you for contacting me about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

Buckingham Palace has been clear that the issues raised by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex following their departure are concerning, particularly those regarding race. The Royal Family has said that while recollections of specific incidents may vary, the issues will be addressed by the family privately.

The couple stepped down as senior royals in March 2020 and confirmed in February 2021 that they would not be returning as working members of the Royal Family. The military appointments held by the Duke and Duchess have been returned to The Queen.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have made it clear that they do not wish to be reliant on public funds. As agreed in the arrangement, the Duke and Duchess are required to step back from Royal duties. The Sussexes no longer use their HRH titles as they are no longer working members of the Royal Family. Given the specific UK government rules surrounding use of the word "Royal", it has also been agreed that their non-profit organisation will not utilise the name "Sussex Royal" or any other iteration of "Royal".

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are now privately funded members of The Roya Family with permission to earn their own income and the ability to pursue their own private charitable interests. That means that, as they have stepped back as senior members of the Royal Family, they no longer receive funding through the Sovereign Grant and have become members of the Royal Family with financial independence.

I believe more broadly that the Royal Family and the monarchy are one of our country's greatest assets. The contribution of the Queen and the wider Royal Family to the public life of the UK is significant. The monarchy also plays an important constitutional and religious role in the UK with the Sovereign acting as head of state and Supreme Governor of the Church of England.

Thank you again for taking the time to contact me.

My reply follows !!

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To my MP:

Dear Mr (MP name)

Re: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

As one of your constituents I wrote to you last year in respect of the above named. Your reply was basically a "nothing to do with me" which seemed to be the standard letter sent to everyone who contacted their MPs.

The situation in respect of these two and the Monarchy in particular, is now very grave. You must surely be aware of all the fallout and especially the backlash from that "interview" which has been pulled apart and found to be made up of outright lies, mistruths and embellishment of the truth. I, and many thousands like me, are not prepared to allow them to trash our Queen and the rest of the Royal Family. I am not prepared to stand by and allow them to call our country racist and toxic. The calls for a Republic are growing ever louder and this alone should ring alarm bells.

I have attached to this a copy of a letter I have sent to the Prime Minister. I would respectfully ask that on my behalf you question the Prime Minister in Parliament as to whether he has received same and whether he has read it and taken note of the contents. I would ask that you also read it. You may not be aware that there is a petition signed by, as of todays date, 3009 people from the UK and the Commonwealth countries and, also surprisingly the USA and further afield who respect HMTQ. I would suggest that you log onto the "harry markle blog" on wordpress and read some of those comments for yourself, you might be very surprised at the strength of feeling there is surrounding them.

I will await your response.

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Anyone else had the c.r.a.p. reply from ofcom?

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Yes..I have to submit my complaint on an online form.Spent a long time composing my original letter as I thought it best to be different to everyones posted on here and not copy and paste!

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Yes so.did I. Its to put people off but they got the message people not happy. That's why I did a different message to Boris.

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This is my letter to the PM.

Dear Prime Minister

I am writing to you in respect of the Harry and Meghan Markle debacle. I know that you will be aware of recent events and most particularly the disgusting interview they recently gave to Oprah Winfrey. That interview has been picked apart and found to be full of lies and mistruths to suit their own narrative.

You are the Head of Her Majesty's elected Government and there to advise her. I am unsure as to whether or not you are aware of a petition to strip the Sussexes of all their Titles, including HRH (Meghan did not take out British Citizenship) and to call for Prince Harry and any children from the marriage to be removed from the line of succession to the Throne. I would therefore like to refer you to the "harry markle blog" on wordpress" where you will be able to read for yourself some of the comments. I have just checked and there are now 2,923 signatories with contributors from not just the UK but from the Commonwealth countries and even the USA each giving their reasons for signing. This petition was started just 6 weeks ago, and I think you might find it interesting to see what people think of this saga. If you are not able to access the petition then I would suggest you request a copy, or I can request harry markle send a copy to you. I think you should also make the Queen and the Palaces aware of this petition with some haste and specifically before the 31 March. You will see from the comments submitted that people are very angry and that if the Queen makes an unwise decision and allows them to retain those Titles, then there will be calls for a Republic which are growing even louder on a daily basis.

The Sussexes have attacked the Queen, his own Grandmother, his father and brother, and sister-in-law, and particularly Catherine who has borne the brunt of Meghan's spiteful diatribe. Are you aware that the Cambridge's and their young family have had more than a thousand death threats made towards them as a result of this from the Sussex cult fans, in other words they wanted their cake and to eat it. The said interview has been pulled apart and found to be full of inconsistencies, lies and false accusations with no merit.

People are feeling very angry towards the Queen. When she made that statement last week we all felt that it was with her "grandmother" hat on and not that of the Monarch. She was appeasing them but made no mention of the racial and toxic slurs they have made towards her people of the UK.

I am sure that you are also well aware of the fallout that this interview has caused throughout the UK and particularly since your own sister, Rachel, has also become embroiled in this. They have stirred up racial tensions for no other reason than their own self-gratification. People have been forced out of their job for stating an opinion, Sharon Osbourne bullied until she revoked her statement of support, the CEO of ITV has told us that we must believe "Meghan's truth". What has happened to freedom of speech? Is this what our relatives, present and past took an oath of allegiance for, who bravely fought and died and suffered horrific injuries for King and country? Is that what their families paid the ultimate price for that one unhinged woman can come along and try to overturn and control our freedom of speech?

Prime Minister I very much feel that the Queen, Buckingham Palace, and the rest of the Royal Family are once again badly misjudging the mood of the nation. The last time this happened was with the death of Princess Diana and it took our then Prime Minister, Tony Blair, to make them see how the people felt, As her appointed Prime Minister I, and thousands of others, feel that it is now up to you to take on that mantle and make them realise just how grave the situation is. Many of us wrote to our MP's last year requesting this was taken up in Parliament and we all got the same response "nothing to do with us". Well they cannot say they were not warned, and I suspect a great many of them will not be re-elected. This matter is now so grave that it cannot be brushed under the carpet, it is not going to go away. We want those Titles taken away and Harry removed from the line of succession and we will NOT settle for anything less. Harry is a traitor to his Queen and Country and the despicable duo and Meghan in particular, will not rest until she has brought down the House of Windsor. Are you prepared to stand by and let that happen? Prime Minister you have steered us well through Brexit and the pandemic, but this is another great challenge for you and I would hope that you do not let us down. Pease inform the Queen that we her subjects will stand shoulder to shoulder with her providing she makes the right decision. As a grandmother it won't be an easy one but Harry and Meghan wished for a private life, a life of financial independence, Harry has openly stated that he felt "trapped" and therefore she would be doing them the greatest kindness by granting them their wish and removing all Titles and taking him from the line of succession in order that he will never have to face that "burden" of duty ever again.


A UK citizen.

Sorry a bit long-winded but my hackles are up !!

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That letter has your heart and soul in it. You have done a wonderful job. Sometimes it is not easy to express feelings and emotions in a letter but you have really hit the nail on the head. Congratulations!! You should hold your head high and feel proud - we are all proud of you xxx

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Oh outstanding 😊👏👏

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Thank you Karina. I'm not very eloquent like some of our posters can't quote Acts etc !!

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This is from the heart, and very direct. That makes it a much more appropriate approach from a constituent to their MP.

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It was from the heart alright I was fuming the patronising git 😡

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Brilliantly put👍

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Perfectly said 👏👏

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Excellent 10/10!

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Very well said! 👍

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A very abysmal response from Mind:

Thanks for your email, we do understand the interview has had many effects on people.

Paul Farmer, Chief Executive of Mind said:

“In recent years, we have seen encouraging and significant improvements in attitudes towards those of us experiencing mental health problems. Although we’ve made some great progress, we can’t afford to lose momentum now; there is still much to be done when it comes to making sure that no one faces a mental health problem alone.

“At Mind, we’ve found when celebrities and high profile individuals speak publicly about their own mental health problems, it can help inspire others to do the same. Sharing personal experiences of poor mental health can be overwhelming, so it’s important that when people do open up about their mental health they are met with understanding and support.

“Our research found that 25 per cent of people said hearing a celebrity talk openly about their own mental health had inspired them to seek help or get support for themselves. In turn, more than one in three of those asked said seeing celebrity mental health stories had prompted them to start a conversation with a friend or loved one about mental health, showing how the power of celebrity can be a real force for change in how we all think and act about mental health problems.

“We recognise the importance of the Duchess of Sussex sharing her mental health experiences. Too often, feelings of shame and isolation mean people affected by mental health problems go without the help and support they need and deserve. Despite positive changes, we know when people do speak out, even today, too many people face discrimination across different areas of their lives – in the workplace, from family and friends, education, and from the health service. Positive improvements in people’s attitudes to mental health are something to celebrate, but we all still have a role to play to reduce mental health stigma and discrimination.”

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All well and good, but re the last paragraph, there is now very clear evidence that her version of the truth can be countered by facts and proof that were in the public domain way before the Charlatans were give an international public forum to spew all sorts of dreadful things. I would suggest that she has damaged attitudes to mental health stigma and discrimination by her devious manipulation to garner sympathy and damage her in - laws. Has Paul Farmer heard the expression "you lie down with dogs you get fleas"?

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Actually where is this research? There is research that states when movies share stories about mental health this does help to normalise mental health and people are more likely to seek help. However, I have done a quick search for research articles about celebrities sharing and the impact on reporting stats. There is some discussion re Bourdain, Health Ledger and how this prompted people to seek help.

This organisation is foolish

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Oh for goodness sake. They have not replied to mine bar some automated response

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So what if they find out she was fibbing? Won't that make them look a little foolish and desperate? Their research? Seriously? Many with mental health issues do not open up just because a celebrity does. Most celebrities only open up when they are in a good place, or if they have been seen in rehab and need their version of events to come out first.

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They will have egg on their faces and be stating that they knew it all along.

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Their press office had to draft this bog standard tosh.

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I would say it was a poorly constructed attempt at some PR releases cobbled up from various sources in the office. The sentences do not flow, and the tone is inconsistent. That's when you can tell when more than one person has written it, and when it has no direction,

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Exactly we used to call that cobbling something together.

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If you wish to write to Candace Owens who has been very sensible in her assessment of MM. MM is manipulating young AA kids by encouraging lies and this will enrage Candace.

You can fill out the online form so at:

blexitfoundation DOT org



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For anyone wondering ITV "love" hearing from their viewers. They just said so in their standard email thanking me for my feedback.

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I wonder if we should contact the UN seeing as this pair have attacked our freedom of expression and made us feel unsafe online and contravened our human rights.

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Hi. Can someone help Please? I am trying to send a letter I have done as a word document to the PM. I am using the contact HM gave us. I have tried using the http: and attaching my letter as a file but it won't send. I'm not that good with techy things what am I doing wrong? Thanks.

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Its ok thanks I've just used Katherine's and it's gone but I've just had an automated response which seems to have come from his constituency address?

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Excellent there will be automated replies sure but someone will have to trawl through them!

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I hate that bl....dy woman causing all this unrest!! I'm a bit late today I have actually been out shopping with my grandaughter today first time in a year so I'm behind I will do the others tomorrow .

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Oooh lovely I hope you have/had a good time!!

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I did thank you it was very strange going into shops incredible that a year has passed and I got into following this whole sorry saga. I will write to some of the other organisations tomorrow.

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Hi Katherine. How do I add my letter on here? Is there some way to copy and paste or do I have to retype it? Its a bit long (well no its quite short for me hubby says) but I've got my hackles up !! I'm not as eloquent as you though !!

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I have no idea, but throwing into the mix - would there be any mileage in someone from overseas writing to their embassy in the UK?

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Alison, Aussie here🇦🇺. I wrote to our representative in the UK a few months ago. Did not get a reply.

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Yes, I will

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Great idea! Especially as this is damaging US-UK relations etc

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The more the merrier. After all, the Sparkles made this global.-

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Thanks for all the templates Katherine. I have E-mailed Mr Johnson now!

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No worries letters can be a pain. We are in this together. I am very proud of you guys and girls *blushes and hugs

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A letter to MIND charity

I am very disappointed to see that you have joined forces with Meghan Markle and Harry. This is not because I believe or disbelieve what the couple has said. I like to have a balanced view built on facts. It has come to light that many falsehoods exist in their interview so how can we know ALL statements are true? I would like to reserve my judgment until the official inquiries have been completed before aligning myself. I am sad to see that you do not share this presence of mind and have instead jumped on a popular bandwagon for publicity.

This makes you disingenuous and ALSO belittling of mental health issues and the suicidal thoughts you claim to defend. I find this ironic given your statement: “it’s vital that when people reach out for support or share their experiences of ill mental health that they are treated with dignity, respect and empathy.” You are not doing this for those who have been impacted by Meghan’s ‘truth’. People like me, the general public, the Royal Family, HMTQ, the Duchess of Cambridge who has received death threats from the Sussex Squad fans online. Do you have a care for us?

I am feeling dejected and as a former sufferer of depression and bullying I find your inability to fact-check startling and triggering. Again I refer to your statement: “If you or anyone you know is feeling impacted by the discussions that have taken place today, please reach out for support using the signposts in the thread below.” Given your stance I do not trust you to take care of me or anyone else.

You slam Piers Morgan for his view point to which he is entitled yet you do nothing about the mental anguish being inflicted on anyone else. Will you be apologising to Sharon Osbourne for her humiliation on a public platform. For your sake I hope she does not publicise her own well known and ongoing struggles with depression. What can you say about her mental health right now? I suspect the answer to that given your blatant bias and inability to see the full picture is you will say and do nothing. You have made a lapse in judgment by not waiting for the facts, regardless I have spoken to my local MP and several government ministers about your failure.



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I send them a email as well. Just got a automated reply

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all done!

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Thank you, I have contacted the relevants. People are getting called out on twitter, the very same @harrymarkle blog someone has sent across the pond! I myself, am having my say in many areas, told Shippy, ship had sunken. I keep things 'nice' still get abuse. I tell you for one thing, the hashtag of all hashtags has to be my last line #recollectionsmayvary . 🥳😂👏

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I have posted the blog on Twitter. Plus on DM. I’m from US and these two idiots want to preach to us and interfere in our Elections, no.

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I am not on twitter but this is a good idea I would add few more too! harryistheroyalracist for one.

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Let’s get #recollectionsmayvary trending! I love it! I was #marlkleslies or #maklelosthersprakle

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Excellent my dear! It feels good to mobilise! LOL.

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ITV have been forced to edit the inaccurate media headlines part of the interview. ANL have also complained to ViacomCBS. OW is currently standing by the whole interview. (Source Daily Telegraph on-line)

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There is a telecom regulatory list by country on wiki.

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A letter to your local MP/ Or Boris Johnson/ Or Dominic Raab

Dear MP

I contact you because I am deeply distressed about the manner in which Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have maligned the Royal Family, the UK, the Commonwealth. They have given me great cause for concern with their continuous harassment through the press and social media of individuals who do not champion them. The Sussex Squad alone have pushed high profile and lower profile voices into retracting any criticism of them. They have even directed death threats towards the Duchess of Cambridge.

I am a loyal supporter of the UK and can see the directed angst causing nothing but racial tensions and a US-UK divide. The duo has made many baseless charges which they have not given their victims a chance to answer, while citing mental illness and racial discrimination. When supported with fact these are valid concerns, but to disallow/disable response from the Royal Family, the press and the people of the UK (that includes current and former taxpayers like myself), they violate article 19 of the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

It states: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. Piers Morgan alone could happily and accurately state this.

I do not feel safe enough to express my opinion online or off without feeling under attack. To do so in my experience has resulted in trolling and threats to my family and person. This defies article 3 of the declaration which states: Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

So why is it we are continually being attacked? Harry and Meghan continue to contravene the declaration as they defy article 1 which states: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. I do not feel the spirit of brotherhood when my country is labeled as racist and my monarch is attacked by television hosts across US media.

I could go on with other infractions of the declaration but surmise you will have got the sentiment of my letter. The point is if mine, my nation’s the Royal Family’s human rights have been impacted, by allowing this to go unchallenged you do us all a great disservice.

I look forward to hearing from you with a satisfactory course of action. I will be contacting the Prime Minister and Dominic Raab for their thoughts on this matter.

To find your local MP go to:

members DOT parliament DOT uk FORWARD SLASH members FORWARD SLASH commons

Email Boris Johnson:

boris DOT johnson DOT mp AT parliament DOT uk

Tel: 020 7219 4682

Email Dominic Raab:

dominic DOT raab DOT mp AT parliament DOT uk

Tel: 020 7219 7069

Email Dominic Raab re foreign office work:

fcdo DOT correspondence AT fcdo DOT gov DOT uk

Tel: 020 7008 5000

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Nice one. Another thought what about the hereditary wearers of ermine in the Lords? If we went Republic would there be an Upper House where they are there by virtue of their birth?

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I wrote to my MP in October to which he responded that he could do nothing about removing titles - I have copied your text above and emailed him again now to follow up

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I have just received an acknowledgement - so will let you know when I hear anything else. Thanks for the text Katherine.

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No worries Susan we are all in this together!

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My MP must be working today as he has written back to me immediately - do you want me to put his response on this page or send it Harry Markle messenger?

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I saw it, thanks. I do think this will get worse if BP doesn't act efficiently and the government will have to step in like previous PMs.

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His PA has just written to me again and I have forwarded this to you on messenger

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You can post email addresses just not website links. Thanks.

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IPSO Independent Press Standards Organisation / PRCA

I would like to complain about the recent bullying of BBC editorial staff by the PR team representing Meghan Markle. Her request to NOT use old, white men in coverage of her interview with Oprah Winfrey is blatant racism. She has been very vocal about racist attacks and bullying yet is happy to carry out both on others to great effect. She may have coerced her representatives into this action but ultimately her conduct lies with them and is in breach of basic moral guidelines. This cannot continue and I urge you as the ‘regulatory’ body for the industry to step forward and investigate this breach.

You have a duty of care to the end users who feel incredibly let down by the inability of media outlets such as the BBC to speak out on this matter. To not do so simply demonstrates a dismissal of the racism issue on the whole, all racism is wrong and your failure to act on this matter would be a gross failing.

IPSO email:

inquiries AT ipso DOT co DOT uk

PRCA contact:

prca DOT org DOT uk FORWARD SLASH contact HYPHEN us

Scroll down to the contact us link

Fill out online form and submit

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CBS complaints letter

I would like to complain about the Oprah Winfrey interview with Harry and Meghan. You have put out a piece of unsubstantiated and salacious TV with the intent of causing irreparable damage to the Royal Family, the UK and the Commonwealth. None of the statements have been fact-checked or verified and it is coming to very glaring and obvious light that much is incorrect. I would urge you to prepare yourself for legal action from the incorrect/ misleading and stolen media headlines and articles used within that interview.

You are encouraging and inciting racism and violence. Just look at how the hosts on other networks such have been attacking not just their own colleagues for supporting those against this interview, but HMTQ and the UK with slanderous commentary. Bullying Sharon Osbourne is one example and you are directly responsible for that now. You have done your viewers a disservice with this tawdry show. I understand CBS ratings are disastrously low and the network is in trouble but just like ITV you will see how damaging this interview will be financially.

I am calling for the executives in charge to publicly apologize to the RF, UK, Commonwealth, Piers Morgan and Sharon Osbourne. I will no longer be using your services and am encouraging more on social media to do the same. I will also be speaking with my local government representative about this matter.



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im trying to submit my complaint email isn’t working for me i’m writing after com/show feedback/ is it wrong?

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Which browser are you using? I couldn't get it sent using Brave, changed to Firefox and it went straight away.

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i was able to send it Thank You :)

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No that should work make sure there are no gaps though. If you are getting stuck Google CBS complaints. It should come up with ...Show Feedback - CBS click that then it gives the online form.

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it keeps giving me an error i’ll try to find it if it doesn’t work i will call on Monday and complain i have the number Thank You for tour time making the letter

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I received an error message repeated: Please provide feedback and only use alphanumeric. This happened first happened at 11:00 pm March 16th. I tried five times.

I did not cut and paste, even from my own document/email. I wrote it as I do on DM....a rant. There may be poor grammar or spelling, but everything’s a letter or punctuation.

I was shocked that someone like Miss Winfrey didn’t do her research before allowing two spoiled narcissist’s to tell their truth. Their truth, Her truth, His truth, have nothing in common with the truth. Here in the US, we call those lies. I should have been surprised that Oprah used fake headlines, but I’m not. Oprah wasn’t interested in the woman Meghan Markle, until she became Duchess of Sussex. It appears that Oprah and CBS are more concerned about money and gossip, then they are the truth. What more would we expect from the MSSM, Main Stream Shit Media, but I expected much more from Oprah than what she served us. When the allegations of bullying are proven against Haz and Meg i’ll be supporting the true victims, the employees and the RF. Eventually, all will be proven a lie, and at that time I hope the ones damaged by your greed file a lawsuit against CBS, Viacom, and Miss Winfrey.

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Sent mine. Use your own words, your complaint will be more believable. They'll see its a campaign, otherwise.

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Thanks just sent mine in

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Thank You :)

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ITV complaints letter

I am writing to request the removal of CEO Carolyn McCall. She had a very serious lapse in judgment when she allowed the agenda of the network to be dictated to. Sacking Piers Morgan is not just the only issue here. She has set a very dangerous precedent for the future and has naively misjudged the impact of her action. We value freedom of speech and you and Ms McCall have done your part in destroying it. Not only have you proven hypocrisy by allowing a one-sided unsubstantiated of fact-checked (and now rebutted and debunked) interview to be aired on TV, you have shown that different voices do not matter.

Have you considered how you have dismissed and denied the truth and I would go as far as to say are responsible for the wave of discord we are facing in the UK. You are condoning programming without facts, you are inciting racial hatred, you are insulting genuine victims of mental health and or racism. Without substantiation and proof NOTHING can be believed. The sane person assumes a default position unless given facts. These you have denied us in your complicity.

I do not ask for Piers Morgan to be reinstated it would be insulting to him and us (he is our voice) to be amongst such shallow hypocrisy. You will possibly learn the lessons of his departure in bad ratings and reduced market share. I do not wish you luck in the future as I will be finding alternative entertainment from now on.


viewerservices AT itv DOT com

itvpresscentre AT itv DOT com

Any good press office worth its salt will pass customer emails on.

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ABC Complaints letter re: The View

I am disgusted at the behavior of your hosts Joy Behar, Whoopi Goldberg and Sunny Hostin. They have not done their due diligence when it comes to the Oprah Winfrey interview with Harry and Meghan. This is a piece of unsubstantiated and gratuitous TV that has caused irreparable damage to the Royal Family, the UK and the Commonwealth. Despite this they have gone on the attack due to their own personal bias and prejudice by verbally insulting HMTQ (with references to her tiara or how they address her). This is blatant bullying of an elderly woman who is not there to defend herself. This is a shameful and opportunistic and does a great disservice to US TV.

Furthermore you are encouraging and inciting racism and violence. Just look at how this has descended to bullying within the TV ranks, Sharon Osbourne case in point. Or check out at the countless social media trolls from the Sussex PR camp who bully any dissenters or send death threats to the Duchess of Cambridge.

I am calling for the executives in charge to do the honorable thing and resign or take those responsible to task. The executives have clearly missed the point and are complicit in fueling racial tensions and division. I will no longer be watching ABC and am encouraging more on social media and off it to do the same. I will also be speaking with my local government representative about this matter.


lauri DOT l DOT hogan AT abc DOT com (all lower case that is an l not i)

stephanie DOT leifer AT abc DOT com

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Here is my FCC Federal Communications Commission email.

I would like to complain vehemently about the recent Oprah Winfrey interview with Harry and Meghan Markle. This was a gratuitous and disgusting piece of TV, non verified, full of speculation and hearsay. The questioning and impartiality was non-existent and quite frankly shows Ms Winfrey in a terribly biased, divisive and naïve light. Her audience may be ignorant in her mind but in ours they are capable of sniffing out inflammatory and accusatory television.

None of the statements have been verified in fact most statements have been confirmed as out and out fiction. Others details are being investigated perhaps this is something Ms Winfrey should have done before lighting the powder keg. The fact she did not do her research demonstrates her own dark agenda. The many incorrect/misleading and stolen media headlines and articles used within that interview demonstrate the lengths she will go to.

Furthermore the interview does much to encourage/incite racism and violence. The aftermath of trolling has seen death threats and online bullying on a grand scale. I take particular offence at Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg with their demeaning comments about a well-respected monarch several times. Sunny Hostin is no better at making statements based on an interview in which the main players cannot answer back. I have contacted the relevant network on that matter and my local representative to see this matter is not neglected.

Please take note of this as a valid complaint. Failure to act on this is a failure to the decent people of the USA who are already living in a difficult socio-economic climate.



As per Harry M guidelines I have replaced dots and hyphens etc with the word in the links. Remove them and close any spaces

Website contact:

consumercomplaints DOT fcc DOT gov FORWARD SLASH hc FORWARD SLASH en HYPHEN es

This goes to Consumer Complaint Center go to File A Complaint, TV there you will find a submission form.


MediaRelations AT fcc DOT gov

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Thanks Harry M I will post my letters below once I have got out of my dressing gown! Yes I have been 'trapped' on the laptop since 9 am.

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Please advise how to send a message of support to Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge. I'm from South Africa where the postal system takes forever. I feel her pain, and would like to send her my love.

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There is no real way to email her but I have used other methods to circumvent that. This is their media centre but beware you may get loads of press releases after that and need to unsubscribe. But in my experience press offices forward other/lost inquiries on to relevant departments.

As per Harry M quidelines of not posting links I have replaced dots etc with the word in uppercase. Sure I don't need to point that out but it may help someone else as it looks confusing! Also there will be no spaces.

If you go to royal DOT uk FORWARD SLASH media HYPHEN centre you will see a contact form.

Good luck

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I sent a card to Prince William at Clarence House, London SW1A 1BA

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Sent my complaint to Ofcom. Also for a giggle the go fund me page has raised 78 pounds / dollars to help pay their mortgage. I think a sick kitten would raise more than that or a dog who has a bad case of demodectic mange. I know i once gave 50 euro to a page for a dog with a broken leg in need of an operation. Maybe the lies are coming undone slowly. Heres hoping.

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A couple of people on DM online said the Ofcom site was down for quite a while today. It is back on now but people are querying whether the number of complaints caused it to crash. Let us hope so.

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This is my complaint to OFCOM - thank you to Freeman3 and L for your drafts which I incorporated. The OFCOM form asks for complaints to be kept to 1500 characters, but doesn't actually truncate them if longer.


I believe that this programme breached OFCOM's broadcasting code: sections 2.2, 5.1, 5.2, 5.7, 7,9, 7.10, 7.11


Numerous serious allegations were made against members of the British Royal Family and others in the UK including Royal staff and aides, the UK Press and the British public. These allegations were made and broadcast without any challenge; any questioning of their veracity; any proof or evidence; any basic or substantive fact-checking or any 'right to reply' afforded to the individuals or organisations named or affected by those allegations.

The programme included many examples of demonstrably false ‘factual’ information, the extent of which is sufficient to seriously cast doubt on the bona fides of the interviewees and their remaining assertions. Including, but not limited to the following:

- reference to a private wedding – in the UK weddings must take place in a licensed venue before witnesses;

- reference to Archie being denied the title of Prince due to his colour – the rules relating to the title of Prince are set out in Letters Patent by George V in 1917 and Elizabeth II in 2012;

- manipulation of some press headlines shown, all purported to be from the British Press, a significant number were from non UK publications;

- contradictory information between the accounts of the Prince and his wife concerning an alleged conversation about the colour of Archie’s skin;

- many other assertions, including Meghan’s claim to have been trapped as her passport was impounded despite numerous trips abroad for both duty and leisure; a four month period in which she only left the house twice; claims that Meghan knew nothing of Royalty or Prince Harry before meeting him, the length of time since Meghan had last seen her sister; Prince Harry never having travelled on a bicycle with his parents as a child.

As a British citizen I feel deeply upset by the allegations made during the interview, especially the accusations of racism and the assertion by Prince Harry that the British people are racist as it 'filters down' from the press, who were also accused. In doing this Prince Harry, Meghan and Oprah have defamed the UK, the Monarchy and the British people to the entire world without allowing for any right of reply or offering proof of their claims which has had a marked effect on the emotional and mental health of many British people. This is unacceptable and must be rectified. Apologies must be issued by the broadcasters, producers and all participants of this programme for disseminating unverified accusations in order to perpetuate a false narrative.

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I’m beyond grateful. I’ve been sick all week at wondering what to do. Thank you

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Wow,wow,wow. How clever and succinct. Everything I want to say but can't find the words.Where do I sign up?

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Googling Ofcom complaints is probably quickest, alternatively go to ofcom DOT org DOT uk FORWARD SLASH complaints

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Are you going to hold them to a response to each part of the code? Make them answer every point, paragraph, subsection?

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I doubt I'll receive an individual response - their acknowledgement said: "Thank you for contacting Ofcom. Your views are important to us as they help us to ensure that TV channels and radio stations follow our codes and rules. Ofcom assesses each complaint it receives to decide whether it raises a potential issue under our codes and rules.

Ofcom will not normally write back to you with the outcome of its considerations.

However, please be assured that if your complaint does raise a potential issue, we will start an investigation. Whether or not we believe an investigation is required, your comments and feedback will be considered, and all our decisions are published in our Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin. We publish our Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin, every fortnight, on our website. It includes the latest decisions about the complaints we’ve received."

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I received the exact same reply.

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Yes I got the same response, lame

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Just sent my complaint - online!!!!! and received acknowledgement. Thank you all for your help, I can tear my letter up now.

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Thank you Gill J. This will help me to fill out the online form.

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I have also just submitted a complaint to OFCOM, I will be interested to know how many complaints they receive and how they will react!

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I think a running total is used. I know when I submitted a complaint about Newsnight on BBC2 there was a sort of countometer somewhere on the site

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Ive just done the same

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Charlotte Grahamjust now

just put a complaint to Ofcom - it's long but here it is

This was not a typical interview. It was a one sided attack on the Royal family and the UK without any fact checking or cross questioning from the interviewer. In fact Oprah enhanced Meghan's dialogue often adding her own words to give weight to the implied meaning where it gave a greater enhancement of her controversial statements.

Some of the content was a blatant lie eg, a legal marriage is not possible without witnesses. An accomplished interviewer would have raised doubt where an answer appeared contentious. But Oprah let it pass without debate. The claim also that Archie was shunned for a title was factually incorrect and again unchecked.

The whole interview breached the code of fairness. As an interview it would have been expected some personal opinion to be aired but it was not portrayed as personal opinion when the interviewer effectively nuanced the answers. Remarks which were defamatory to Meghans sister were made, to the Royal family and to the British taxpayer.

Press cuttings were shown to portray the image of the British press as being racist or hounding the couple. In fact these were deliberately doctored and edited in such a way as to change their meaning. Most were not even British publications. It was obvious with the inclusion of fake and doctored material that these images were was intended to mislead.

Deception, set-ups and ‘wind-up’ calls

7.14 Broadcasters or programme makers should not normally obtain or seek information, audio, pictures or an agreement to contribute through misrepresentation or deception.

This was a blatant misrepresentation of that code.

Opportunity to contribute and proper consideration of facts

7.9 Before broadcasting a factual programme, including programmes examining past events, broadcasters should take reasonable care to satisfy themselves that: material facts have not been presented, disregarded or omitted in a way that is unfair to an individual or organisation; and anyone whose omission could be unfair to an individual or organisation has been offered an opportunity to contribute.

The interview was presented as a factual programme but allowed gossip, rumour and false statements to dominate throughout in order to satisfy appetite from the interviewer to broadcast a 'bombshell' interview.

Questioning was biased towards a one-sided endorsement of the positive character of Meghan and Harry whilst allowing them a platform to cause harm and make unevidenced claims stated as truths to the Royal Family. There was no attempt from Oprah to provide a rounded line of questioning. I thought it was an appalling broadcast which goes against everything Ofcom regulates broadcasters to prevent. It was extremely damaging and unfair and defaming to those who found themselves portrayed publically in such a negative light without the recourse of reply or reasoned debate.

Reposted in the wrong thread.

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Pamela3 min ago

Good morning from the U.S. A word about how things work here in the U.S.: there is no regulatory body here such as OFCOM. You are quite free to complain to Viacom and they are quite free to bin the complaint while laughing like donkeys. The parent company of the DM can complain about misrepresentation, but I'm not aware of any laws that were violated, including libel laws. Also, I have a question about OFCOM's authority: if they find a complaint has merit, what kind of correction can they impose?

REPOSTED without the political comment that was wholly unnecessary.

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I'm confused, but I'm a guest in your blog, so.......

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Sorry if it has already been asked and answered, but who might one complain to in the US about CBS?

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ViacomCBS is the ultimate parent company. One level down it is CBS Entertainment. But I have no idea what department you would contact.

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Maybe write to the CEO of CBS?

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Yes, we should email them and say as an American citizen feels it appropriate to complain about our press, we reserve the right to do likewise.

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DM have made their complaint to ViacomCBS. Briefly looked them up but email address blocked out. They have a Facebook page and I clicked on briefly, there were a few critical comments about Meghan which were fiercely (and abusively on occasions) shouted down by the Sugars. Clearly not a site to get involved with if you are not a Meghan acolyte.

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ViacomCBS have now listed the DM complaint on their Facebook page without comment.

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If you are writing, the address given on the bottom of my email acknowledgment was, Riverside House, 2a Southwark Bridge Road, London, SE1 9HA.

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Thank you Heather.

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OFCOM E-Mail address: contact@ofcom.org.uk

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I would also say that you probably need to add your name and address to the E-Mail as you need to do this on the online form.

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Thank you.

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Freeman3 hr ago

I have copied and pasted below a DM reader's comment which may be worth considering if making a complaint to OFCOM.:

"Here's some useful info if you wish to make your own formal complaint to OFCOM about M&H's Oprah 'interview' shown on ITV... 'Numerous serious allegations were made against the Monarchy, BRF and others in the UK (e.g. Royal Staff & Aides, UK Press). These allegations were made and broadcast without:

1. Any challenge

2. Any questioning of their veracity

3. Any proof or evidence

4. Any basic or substantive fact-checking

5. Any 'Right to Reply' afforded to the individuals or organisations named or affected by those allegations.

The above means there is a clear breach of the following official OFCOM guideline which states: "Ensure that Broadcasters avoid unjust or unfair treatment of individuals or organisations in programmes". end quote.



I hope I have not breached Harry Markles guidelines by posting this, but thought if anyone wanted to make a complaint to OFCOM re the interview they this may be of assistance.


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Thank you, I have used that draft in my complaint to ofcom and have added the following to it as well, feel free to copy/paste anyone if you want....

As a British subject I feel deeply upset by the allegations made during the interview, especially the accusations of racism and the assertion by Prince Harry that the British people are racist as it 'filters down' from the press, whom were also accused, using edited and misleading 'evidence' without any valid substantiation. In doing this Prince Harry, Meghan and Oprah have defamed the UK, the Monarchy and the British people to the entire world without allowing for any right of reply or offering proof of their claims which has had a marked effect on the emotional and mental health of many British people. This is unacceptable and must be rectified. Apologies must be issued by the broadcasters, producers and all participants of this programme for disseminating unverified accusations in order to perpetuate a false narrative.

Not sure if that's a bit overboard? Mea culpa if so..

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Thanks again Harry Markled. I was so angry listening shippy defending them that I went to complain and was not sure how to phrase it and thought I would check here lol! Mine is sent and I got the confirmation.

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Add complaints about Shippy then too...

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Thank you Harry Markle, I too have sent a complaint to Ofcom. Just wondering if there is someone we can complain to about Omid Scobie as he has been stirring the pot again lately and is the instigator of many of the sugars toxic posts.

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Is there someone we can complain to about Scobie, his statements are driving me nuts

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This is a good idea. I had noticed his bias but didn't understand why? He was getting more and more obvious.

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I have just sent mine off but added that I do not think an American citizen who has not taken out British citizenship should be allowed to make a complaint to a UK organisation.

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I’ve also complained and received confirmation. I do hope they get enough to look into things

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I have done the same!

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I have just complained to OFCOM and they have E-mailed me confirmation of my complaint.

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I have put a complaint onto OFCOM using the above - it was really quick and easy - thanks for the link. Hopefully others will do the same.

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Me too. I am sure their solicitors will be busy

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