This is a discussion thread for issues regarding the petition. The usual, no politics, no racism, no attacking others, no name calling, no links, no conspiracy theories, no swearing, and no attacking other members of the RF (or anyone), please.
Please do not mention/promote YouTube channels or websites, because it may appear to some that I endorse them and I don’t, and many are monetized and I do not wish to be a site used to advertise channels.
I want to provide a safe space for people to comment, free of political views, racism, name calling, and conspiracy theories and gossip. Some are ruining it for others, and so they will be removed or will receive a short ban. This is mainly to stop them making others uncomfortable and allows me time to remove any offensive posts.
People should not feel intimidated in posting, and I encourage people to be honest and open while being civil and rspectful at the same time.
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Discussion Thread The Petition (18 March v4)
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This is a discussion thread for issues regarding the petition. The usual, no politics, no racism, no attacking others, no name calling, no links, no conspiracy theories, no swearing, and no attacking other members of the RF (or anyone), please.
Please do not mention/promote YouTube channels or websites, because it may appear to some that I endorse them and I don’t, and many are monetized and I do not wish to be a site used to advertise channels.
I want to provide a safe space for people to comment, free of political views, racism, name calling, and conspiracy theories and gossip. Some are ruining it for others, and so they will be removed or will receive a short ban. This is mainly to stop them making others uncomfortable and allows me time to remove any offensive posts.
People should not feel intimidated in posting, and I encourage people to be honest and open while being civil and rspectful at the same time.