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I have created a new thread as this one is getting very long. I have also locked a number of threads where comments were getting out of hand. Rather than delete them, I banned people who posted. Bans will be 24 hours or a week.


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Delicious news! I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here had a higher rating that the moanathon. To twist the ratings 83% did not watch.

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Love it! I'm a duchess but I couldn't get out of there as they took my passport, driving license and keys didn't fool people. 😂😂😂😂

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Lol 🤣🤣🤣

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Good Morning lovely people 😘 Someone has left a comment on the DM comments that a video of her having a full hissy fit at the wedding dress fitting filmed by someone has surfaced in Canada.I have seen rumours before about video but we shall see?

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There is a schizophrenic troll lurking who has set up at least 4 accounts, disables the email and posts the same thing under another thread. Please do not engage with them as it encourages them.

They are claiming that the RF should apologize to the Sussexes, give the child a title and that The Queen should make MM an Ambassador. They are also speaking to themselves with different accounts, so please ignore these comments and if you must reply use block caps TROLL.

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Thanks Harry will be very careful.

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I don't think anyone here would agree with those suggestions, but will watch out.

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Apparently I have a blind narrative...

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I think you have eyes in the back of your head!

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What do we all think today? No, I didn't watch it. I have an alibi. Giving it some more thought I can only say that if that is all the couple can come up with for rac-ism in the RF it is pathetic. Hapless no longer needs to be a prince and I hope the Queen will pounce when he is least expecting it!

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I can just about look at pictures of Megain through my fingers, whilst squinting my eyes, but I haven’t listened to her whiny voice for months.......I really just can bring myself to do it!

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Not good for one's health, the very sight and sound has one's blood pressure shooting up to quite dangerous levels!

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I hate horror movies, and this is really ‘hiding behind the sofa’ stuff, isn’t it?! I prefer uplifting real-life stories of truth, honour and love!

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*Sorry typo: really just CAN’T bring myself to do it!

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Thats the effect she has on us. My fingers try to go faster than my addled brain.

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Thomas Markle interview in DM now online . Still saying he loves MM. However, he does say the RF & Brits are not racist. Mentions Hazbeen’s past ‘mistakes’, such as dressing-up as Hitler & naked pool! Majority of comments anti H & M. Nothing new sadly 😧

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TM is still whining? While I have some sympathy, he does little to help himself. He needs to stop sitting on the fence.

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He deserves what he gets IMHO. Dont stir up pooh if you don't want to follow it through. Good blog Harry but I can feel your frustration and anger. What the hell are BP waiting for - an apology fgs !!

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I have asked people not to name YT channels mainly because they are speculative and I do not wish to be seen to endorse them. It will also surprise you know that some mentioned have personally attacked me, so I will not allow them any time or to be mentioned.

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RHarry Markle - good morning to you and all the wonderful people on here.

Caught the tail end of Jenny Bond saying she feels sympathy for mrs Hazbeen-sorry can’t believe people are fooled - just like the Diana interview. Am not buying all this c rap.

Am sure a remark was made about the baby - if it was meant in a derogatory way then of course it should be called out. Think hazbeen is so bitter towards the RF that he has exaggerated the claim (see how quick he was to assure everyone that it was NOT TQ or PP) was a deliberate grenade thrown into the mix with mental issues being thrown in. Funny how much the narrative between the two didn’t marry up? One saying before marriage the so called victim during fifth month of pregnancy. Someone tipped them re bullying allegations- they quickly went onto the defensive and threw in the accusations. TQ is really going to have all her wits about her and for them to behave like this is reprehensible. Mr Markle - so sad - what a witch she is - if America could see that interview surely they should see how heartbroken he is about not seeing her and grandson. He hasn’t even met hazbeen.

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Can I ask why my friends on this thread are not over on the latest thread. I miss you!!!!!! All my old dear friends!!!! A few weeks back we were all on the one thread and talking together. Can’t we have one thread for all? I loved that.

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No, because threads are specific (or I prefer them to be). This is for issues related to the petition.

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News to me. I've been going through one of your recent articles and clicking on discussion thread 2 in Opraghate. I haven't clicked on others afraid it might be the petition and not the discussion. I'm reading your articles and making notes this week. I wondered what happened to Alice.

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I've locked that thread now due to people breaking the rules.

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I know the discussion thread will take at least an hour to read over the next few days. Actually, Harry Markle, I'm going go over your articles. After watching Lady C (I think she follows your blog, my intuition), it concerns me that a powerfully influential person as Oprah is fuelling/inciting racial hatred. She reaches millions of people, if she is an invert? Racist that's her business, but it becomes our business when she isn't being a responsible public, high profile figure.

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I hope Oprah has Questions to Answer from some authoritative, regulatory body as a consequence of all this. Her 'interview of a lifetime" was nothing by a shameless PR exercise for The American and the lapdog to air "their truths". Ha! Truth!!!!! The word should shrivel in their heartless souls.

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The DM is reporting there could be more damaging allegations yet to come. CBS could release more clips because their chat with Oprah lasted 3 hours and 20 minutes which was "edited" down to 1 hour and 25 minutes for the U.S. broadcast. The remaining footage could be more damaging that what has already been seen.

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How many times has Meghan been married? Aside from her earlier marriage(s ?) many think she and Harry were married in Botswana and now she claims they were married three days earlier than the lavish ceremony by the same Archbishop.

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I see that the AofC has still NOT come forward to explain. I said yesterday that I thought the RF could sue for defamation of character. If this claim is true then they should be made to name that person so they can defend themselves. Read RQ wanted to think more overnight well she should be very aware if she gets this wrong she will be unemployed as well. As lots of people "point out " the monarchy is funded by taxpayers so that being the case the arrogant brat thinks we should still be funding his b. ...dy lifestyle!! It makes sense now WHY she changed that birth certificate don't you think? She is obviously peed off Archie is not a Prince despite hazbeen stating he wanted him to have a normal life !! I think I'm more angry today. Someone reckons BP waiting to see the reaction of the UK audience before they act!! Have those men in grey not read ANY of the petition or comments??

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I wonder was she was already preggers could explain the shotgun wedding?

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...and the absurd, highly unRoyal secrecy about the pregnancy, birth, christening etc?? I would not be at all surprised. I am convince both are shameless. Totally shameless.

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There was one amusing tidbit in their interview. They want to get back to basics and live authentically in their $15 million mansion with 16 bathrooms, a guesthouse and chicken coop.

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I hope their pipes burst.

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Best quote made on sky news/aus. “This was a Narcissistic Victim Complex Display. It was all really rather repulsive”. Will await for the Harry Markled response. Cannot believe the woe MM had for not be taught the national anthem. Refrain.

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Oh Loz, I like Sky News Australia, very different attitude to our Sky. Loved Alan Jones summarising the interview and the pair, on the lines of, many people were reaching for the chuck bucket! Described the Meghan Markle way as "condemn everyone, name no-one", the tactic of an unworthy person. His final thought of the night was a line from Shakespeare's King Lear: "How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child"

How fitting for the pair of them!

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I'd like to have been looking over Her Majesty's shoulder tonight when she wrote in her diary. What a day it must have been for her, with Prince Philip still in hospital and after emergency meetings with Prince Charles and Prince William.

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Knowing March 31 is approaching when they knew they could very well lose the ducal appointment, they deliberately did this nuclear interview focusing on racism. If Her Majesty rescinds the appointment now, many will denounce her as racist. Harry is not too swift but the narcissistic actress is in charge of the agenda. She nailed the world's former number one bachelor, who just happens to be a Prince, by stalking him. She and Oprah know exactly what they are doing; Harry just follows suit.

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I agree M.M. that if HM acts now to rescind, it will play straight into their hands and many others, as we have seen. According to DM this morning though, she has refused to sign a statement prepared by her Aides, she has stated that she needs more time. Wise of her.

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It's not a ducal "appointment". It is a title, a Royal Dukedom. A very rare beast indeed. Given solely by the reigning sovereign. It comes with huge privilege and prestige. Harry's Royal Dukedom actually takes precedence over his title as Prince, and gives him precedence over other Princes, unless I totally misread Bourke's Peerage. { Please advise if I am wrong, someone.] Removing it is a hugely big deal. But it HAS TO BE DONE.

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I do not know what the RF's response to this will be. What I hope they will include in their response is something along the lines of 'Her Majesty the Queen is disappointed th at Prince Harry felt trapped whilst living amongst his l oving family. To ensure that he does not suffer any further mental anguish, HMTQ has decided to remove him from the line of succession, and all other titles associated with the United Kingdom' This very cleverly makes out that she is doing him a favour. Or is this too oily?

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No, it isn't Penelope, this is what I previously suggested; worded in such a sweet and compassionate way, she is showing her cherished grandson such kindness. How do you rebut that one! However, knowing the duo they would cleverly twist it but how would others react to her statement of a sympathetic gesture in order to remove the burden of that which would always be a reminder to them of a distressing period of their lives. It's all in the wording!! Play them at their own gsme!!

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The Royal Family shouldn’t be relying on their own brain cells to get them through this one! They really need to be employing the very best brains in the country, super-intelligent chess-playing strategists! I fear that that’s what it’s going to take to win through!

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'Our' Harry and a team from this site would be a good start Gail 🙂

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I absolutely agree! Expert advice with no payment required....just mutual respect!

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Last comment from me is that every word they have spoken in this interview is going to be put under the microscope. Every contradiction and untruth voiced where there is a truthful fact. It"s already begun!!

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I hope it won't be your last comment, Margaret.

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☺ Should have added; this evening!

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Oh good!

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I wonder if the viewers of the moanathon are having a good time? Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz are much more entertaining!!

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Anyone seen the new b/w picture? Only MM's face is showing. Hiding Archie again.

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It seems like they’re on a continual game of “ hide and seek” with him!

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Mar 9, 2021
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Hey I must remember that one JA it has stirred up an image in my mind of green gas blowing out from their ears, which to be honest is true !!

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Not watching darts tonight, Poirot instead!

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Well done Gail - little grey cells - love a good Agatha Christie.

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Lucky you, I’m waxing my legs...ouch!

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You are brave.

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When a job’s gotta be done, it’s gotta be done, painful as it may be! Double entendre intended!!

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Can you email that to the Palaces please they have obviously NOT got the message grrr

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Mar 8, 2021
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Harry said he didn't know he was formerly "trapped" until Meghan told him he was. Now that he has fallen into her trap he is in a hole so deep it has become a canyon, from which he will never recover.

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Mouse trap?

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He was trapped the minute "she fell into his life" - and will be evermore!

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That’s what you get for being a chicken...better end it here...

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Further into the abyss - stay there.

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Today being International Women's Day, should be Meghan's cue to advise the world she is experiencing the embryonic kicking of feminism.

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Whilst living in fantasy la la land!

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Arrogant, petulant, bad-tempered Harry complains because Her Majesty gave him the brush-off by cancelling a previous invitation to dinner at Sandringham upon his return from Canada.

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And, instead of blaming his grandmother the Queen, he throws it at the Aides as colluding against him! Notice how he is avoiding publicly actually throwing the mud at her, even 'making it clear' to Oprah that the colour slur was not HM or PP. Not too concerned about the terrible effect the wretched pittying, moaning, insulting interview will affect her! Now I wonder why? Why is he not prepared to actually put himself and his wife 'on record' in slinging the mud in that particular direction??

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TQ is not that daft but having said that she must be really be upset.

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There’s a brilliant post by Helbie on the other thread from about an hour ago. It’s really worth a read! A bit worrying actually! May shine some light on this.....

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Don't see it on the first thread Gail, the last two are most recent, others further back than that.

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Sorry....it’s the OW Interview, 2 hours ago now....liked by Harry Markle!

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Thank you Gail, I'll take a


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Which thread Gail?

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Sorry....the OW Interview.

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He's hoping they don't suddenly decide to cancel and re-write their wills.

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Just been contemplating your comment MM, he's already admitted that he didn't realise he was 'trapped' until she told him, so you could very well be on target. She"s been whispering in his ear again!

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Sorry Margaret do you mean “whispering” or “hissing??”

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I was trying to 'be kind' Lol! You got it!!

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You know, and of course I could be wrong here, but I think its entirely possible that the first interview piece may not have been quite as wicked as it was when finally produced. The revelations regarding her bullying, especially being reported in The Times, of all newspapers, was actually a great shock which they were not expecting, put that alongside the reports re the diamond earing 'outing' and the knowledge that others were anticipated to come out with their own 'truths'? I believe there was not a little panic and the re-editing was now carried out with even more anger and resentment at the heart of it, most definitely on M.M.'s part. She was seriously at risk of being found out! Therefore this interview had to be of such earthshattering quality that it would consign the rest to the backburner, at least until she could think, formulate a plan to deal with it fully in her usual way. My thoughts only but think about it.

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Miss Marple you have done it again. Most likely scenario - think Mr Knauf was cross with Warby that he thought if I don’t act now .......

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Definitely a "could be".

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According to DM we have a vicar here saying the Archbishop should clarify exactly what took place 3 days before the Official Wedding. As we ourselves know, they could not legally have married in their 'backyard' (garden), without 2 witnesses and in a licenced venue. The vicar is asking are the rest of the claims BS too!

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I read that Margaret. Dont know if you read Lady C's book but there are some shocking things in it and I don't believe she made it up. So thomas markle on GMB tomorrow morning. That's not something I watch but I wonder if it has finally.dawned on him she has thrown him and samantha under a bus? Might make a difference if ANL get an appeal he might not be so reserved next time.

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She’s still maintaining that she was an “only child” and that she wished she had “siblings”...that is why she is now apparently, supplying (for want of a better word) the child known as “Archie” with a companion/playmate...can’t remember the exact words.

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A lot of the Royal reporters are coming out now. They are claiming the Palace held "holiday parties" for journalists in exchange for positive press. They are asking why didn't they get invites? It seems she is very angry he wasn't given a Prince title and an article has explained why and how it works. Well very shortly his father won't be a Prince either or should I say he had better not be !!

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Sorry M, but I doubt it, he's proved too weak willed and certainly unreliable for ANL to count on. M.M. has him trapped in a perpetual cycle of wanting his 'princess' back! I've only contempt for the man now.

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Yes I know just wishful thinking.

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Interesting and not-so-happy news from a single source: The MM/JCMH interview has been called a "ratings juggernaut" by an American sports site which also reports on pop culture and politics. Please, for context, bear in mind TV ratings are down across the board for American sporting events; the college football national championship was the lowest rated in recent memory. The NFL has been suffering. However, OW's sitdown with the duo, according to this source, citing the Wall Street Journal, beat the NBA finals, which had 7.45 million viewers; it beat the 14.9 million average of live NFL games across the 2020 season. I suspect -- and this is a personal opinion, based on the figures cited in this one site, plus on what I hear out in the world -- that the glamour perpetually surrounding the British royal family benefited last night's sad and distasteful event more than did public interest in the two principals involved. Maybe JCMH's connection to the late Princess was a draw. I also suspect, again personally speaking, that the demographic breakdown will be interesting. The site I'm paraphrasing says Diane Sawyer and Caitlin Jenner drew fewer viewers in 2015 (16.9 million, so pretty close to OW/MM/JCMH) but rated high in the sought-after 18-49 demographic. We'll see how the duo fares with that demo. I have read accurate (unflattering but very accurate) re-caps of the duo's performance on American-based news/culture websites which I visit regularly. However, I am no longer part of the prized 18-49 demographic, and my world view includes a great deal of sympathy and admiration for the British monarchy and for Her Majesty and PP -- and high hopes for the DandDoC. As do writers on the sites I frequent. So, I doubt I am representative of the American public at large, at least of the younger generations. An interesting note, made by the reporter, not by me: the finale of "Game of Thrones" drew 19.3 million viewers. Time will tell what conclusions the American public will draw about MM and JCMH. My friends and colleagues who know about them are not impressed, shall we say. But the public at large, and the small but vocal segment of the population represented by the denizens of Twitter.....we'll see. I apologize in advance if I've misquoted any specific numbers; the older I get, the more innumerate and inaccurate I become! But please know I felt dismayed by the entire spectacle put on by OW and the duo. I admire and enjoy this site very much, and I enjoy reading what you all write. Best regards from the American South.

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Hi CDW. I guess you are new to.our site so welcome to our little community. May I recommend that if you are interested in this saga our Harry's blogs are a must read. You will see all the articles she has done on them at the bottom of the blog main page. She has documented right from the beginning so it will take you some time to get through them from beginning to date. I was late coming to this site so had a lot of back reading to do but now I'm hooked!! We are awaiting her latest breakdown of this garbage. I hope you do read and you will understand just how despicable this pair truly are. There is also a petition which is very enlightening and people from far and wide have signed so have a look.at that too. Best wishes M.McQ

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Thank you so much, M..McQ! I have read the more recent ones, and loved Harry's approach. I learned quite a bit, too! I will keep working my way back. And I am very interested in his/her take on the current state of affairs. From where I sit, it looks as if the monarchy may actually be in some danger; among other things, there is the age of HMTQ and PP; even PC's age.....they are products of another time. But I digress and will stop. I'll wait for Harry Markle and for you and your fellow commenters.... I have to say though, I agree with you -- these two have gone way beyond the pale. I am increasingly horrified by what they do. As today has gone on, the coverage has become more intense. The folks you'd expect to take their side do so. But I said I would stop. I thank you again for the warm welcome. This is the first site where I feel as if I could comment; Harry Markle has set sensible boundaries, and the folks who post here are definitely smarter, funnier, and a lot nicer than what I see elsewhere.....even on those sites I visit regularly, and which post information and opinions with which I agree! So, I reiterate: thank you so much! All the best and talk to you soon! CDW

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I am hopeful that anyone in the US with your intelligence and grace, will share your point of view! Many thanks and best regards to you also (from the great Mercian county of Cheshire).

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You are kind, Gail R! Thank you!

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You’re very welcome...nice to talk with you!

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And from Derbyshire 🤗

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Thank you, M. McQ! Appreciated!

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Thank You your comment is much appreciated. I wonder what all.those people would say if they were suddenly told you will now have to pay for their security would their opinions change? I think when the bullying reports are out and I'm sure they will be made public, again would their views change? Again thank you for posting and your support. There is a saying and it's proven to be true in this case " You can choose your friends but you can't choose your family".

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I hate to quote "The Crown" -- is it okay, per the rules of this site? I can only paraphrase, anyway. It's from season before last, I think, and Tobias Menzies as PP says something to the effect that there are weak vessels in each generation of the Windsors.....the character singled out George VI and Edward VIII.....and Menzies delivered the lines beautifully -- "for every George VI, there's one Edward VIII..." He goes on to say a lot more about the princesses, but I think you get my drift. For every D o C, there's a JCMH, I guess.

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Yes and how true that is !!

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If Americans were told they had to pay for the duo's security, there would be an loud outcry that would cut across demographics and political parties! And, no, the royals can't choose their relatives any more than the rest of us can.

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That's the reason they left Canada they kicked up a fuss had a petition and said NO. The arrogance he still expected UK.taxpayers to pay, we kicked up and that's when TQ told them they had to pay for themselves but its reported he never accepted that. What a shock 😱.

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Thank you so much for your comment, interesting....... Appreciative regards to you too.

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Thank you for your kind words. I feel sad that the Monarchy is under this attack. Let's hope that the Monarchy weathers this storm! I think if any institution can, that of HMTQ has a great shot!

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So good to hear that there a lot of Americans who do not buy into charade by the hazbeens and big bird.

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We know OW of old. Really old. I have a dear friend who met her when she was on a local TV show not far from our nation's capitol. And I don't suppose anybody who stops to think has problems figuring out the hazbeens. I hate that MM has involved your monarchy in her machinations. She is an embarrassment.

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Thank you for your insightful comment.

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I really, really want to know why Oprah didn't ask her if she was upset by the rumours about the surrogacy?

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In fact I think the Harry Markle Support Group should have set the questions.

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Piers Morgan has announced Thomas Markle, Meghan's father, will be on GMB tomorrow.

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Wonder how Piers will treat him? Sympathetically or harsh?

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Not harshly!!!!

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Won’t watch him - but my husband will - he is appalled by the hazbeens.

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Lily-livered oaf!

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She has twisted herself into a knot of lies. She and Hapless should have co-ordinated stories first!

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That’s all that they can literally survive on, is “LIES.” Their current life and existence consists of nothing more than “LIES!” They are living a “SHAM”...as is the RF, until they sever all ties with the bullying traitors and start to put their “house in order.”

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There is a saying "a liar has to have a good memory". They tell that many lies they would do well to remember that.

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Agreed M, and she’s already slipped up SOO many times ALREADY! Why isn’t something being done??

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Surprised big bird allowed them to get away with it - or be fooled by them.

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Did it not suit her own agenda???

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They didn't get enough "privacy" last night so they released a new picture today while shielding the child known as Archie from the camera.

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They were paid extra for that but I tell you what he looks a big lad and I knows it b&w but he.got a good head of hair which to.me looks dark?

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Tell you what I know its making us wait but BP making them wait for a response which will.drive them mad. Mind you it could be they waiting for BT to change all.the phone numbers.

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Hope they catch them out when they least expect it.

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Let them dangle - perhaps a couple of months then say no titles. Know it’s hard but they cannot afford to have a knee jerk reaction. Biden had no right to condone Hazbeens behaviour- insulting to Or Queen and Our Country. Wouldn’t like it if the shoe was on the other foot.

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Rock bottom is when you accuse "someone" of racism without naming the person; now all royals fall under the suspicion.

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And they were there to tell truth?? But not in that instance, BS!!

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Such a dirty trick.

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What do expect from pond life...slime!

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"I knew they would be difficult, but I thought they would be fair"!!!

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Denise, you are far too nice a person 😊 don’t judge everyone by your own good standards...unfortunately, there are some evil people in this world who refuse to recognise the rules of “fair play!”

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I think that the whole interview was an unnecessary evil.

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Necessary to some, but abhorrent to the likes of you and me and similar decent people!

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Don’t be silly? Lucretia fair?

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Just quoting her at the South African moanathon with Bradby!

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Ha thought it sounded familiar!

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Just read viewership for interview last night was only 17 million. Oprah releasing more footage today with UK people as well as press being labeled bigoted by H

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Not so many.....332 million in USA!

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That would mean 315 million people in the U.S. granted them the privacy they "claim" to want.

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Ha, ha / positive them!

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US President Biden just weighed in about their “courage”

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Perhaps he could pay for their security then?!

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Well he would !! Trump saw right through her.

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Most intelligent people do!

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If in fact they were "secretly" married by the Archbishop three days before that lavish ceremony funded by UK taxpayers, British people deserve a full refund.

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I suspect it was on the lines of a rehearsal or blessing or something. She is either pretty dim herself or the 'lie' was included for juicy effect.

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Don’t give a flying pig whether he did or didn’t / we need an apology and all monies paid back.

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Hear hear

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Now Archbishop being questioned as what he allegedly did was against Church of England protocol

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With interest!

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Meghan has proven herself to be the Rasputin like character, whom I said early on, should never have been allowed to infiltrate the royal family. Prince William had her number even before the engagement was announced.

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I don’t think it’s fair to measure her against Rasputin....he was quite a pleasant chap in comparison!

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Charismatic - she has no charm.

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Tea time. What's occurin'? I am sure Harry can do an excellent curtsy, find her an excellent doctor and if he doesn't know the National Anthem by now ....... however, he might not have to sing it ever again.

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Hope not

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p.s Hope she is busy coaching him on how to behave when the American National anthem is played!

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They are both beyond and beneath contempt!!

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Mar 8, 2021
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YES!! She struck out at Catherine by saying Catherine made HER cry. She knows Catherine, being a lady with finesse, will not reply. Finesse is a quality Meghan will never possess because money can't buy that fine quality.

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Mar 8, 2021
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Which reporter Karen? Evil hazbeen / Biden now saying how brave they are/ I could really swear but I don’t want to be banned by Our Harry.

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Mar 8, 2021
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Thank you Karen - saw Ms Tominey on tv this morning and she looked a little ‘fazed’ by bright spark Scofield and Willoughby saying that Catherine had upset Lucretia. Know that Catherine sent her flowers but believe it was a birthday pressie.

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Mar 8, 2021
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In telling "her" truth, Meghan said she had suicidal thoughts just before they were to appear at the Royal Albert. Harry said he would go alone but she said she couldn't be left alone so accompanied him to the event. I remember reading at the time that they were actually booed at that event, which could result in why she said that they held hands so tightly their knuckles were white.

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Oh they definitely were I've seen a clip of it.

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That's where she wore the red devil dress. Her face in that car when they were leaving showed her true nature that is pure evil. Wouldn't it be good if TM on GMB tomorrow confirmed the story of her gluing that poor girls eyelashes together? Mind you he paid the girl off, she left the school and the file was closed. I'm sure a good investigative journalist could find that girl give her a nice cheque to speak.

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If you look at the footage they are grinning from ear to ear.

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Yes, they were booed. I have a video somewhere in the archives. They were booed inside the Royal Albert Hall.

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I still can't believe that two people, while in their mid-thirties at the time, thought they could abandon their jobs with "the firm" and still expect to be compensated for doing so. Meghan claimed her passport was taken from her. How did she manage to make that visit to N.Y. for the baby shower she arranged without the necessary documentation to enter the U.S. So many inconsistencies in their narrative which conflict with known facts, it will take me hours (even longer) to take it all in.

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They are even dragging the Archbishop of Canterbury into it by claiming they got married 3 days earlier in the grounds of KP. I've not read any comments about TM yet did he make an appearance? BP reaction will be VERY interesting they CANNOT let this go lightly. But it seems they are in financial hardship because he only has his "moms" money to live on, can you wait a sec while I get another loo roll? It's ok I'm stocked up again where was I? Oh yes that's why she wanted the ANL money urgently they a bit short of the readies 😱. Go for them ANL.with full force !!

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🧻...there, you can have one of mine! 😂

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Thank you Gail most kind. I'm sure before the weeks out I will need another grrr !! Hubby heard brief bit on news ( he has strict instructions to switch off!) that 17 million Americans watched. Like I say to any of those Americans who are daft enough to suck it up would you like to pay for their security? That might shut a few pie holes up and a change of tune hey?

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You are very welcome! It’s a bit easier to come by these days! Remember that Izal stuff? That was really sharp and painful! On the positive side, 17 million isn’t that many, considering the US has a population of 332 million!

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Lol Gail I do but I can remember as a child we had outside toilet, loo paper was cut up newspapers on a nail OMG I reckon I'm in heaven now with all.mod cons and soft toilet paper don't know I'm born 🤣

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Morph don't laugh I was only 5 I was traumatised !! To go to the loo and it was dark we took a candle in a jam jar there were BIG spiders in there 😱.

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We still have an outside loo, but we do have one indoors as well! It’s handy if you get caught short doing the gardening!

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You should do a meghan dump in the garden 😆

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Wish we had one outside.

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Forgot to add that I haven’t seen it - definitely will not be watching - find my truth on here with peoples post.

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Can’t believe he’s moaning - how can that sit comfortably with those scrimping and scraping when he has 13 million, allegedly, in the jam jar?

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Is that the same jar that Sally said Scooby keeps his face in by the door?

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Morph I know. And I think we have all been a bit harsh with hindsight on PC with whats coming out. Tbh. I'm still a bit shell-shocked at the garbage. I didn't watch did you ? Why the hell did they buy something which so obviously at the minute they can't afford? The audacity they thought they should be paid for. I can put hand on heart and say I have never in my.entire life felt such revulsion for anyone. They deserve one another and I.hope one day they will get their just desserts. Politics? she is deluded she will be made mincemeat of and her alleged woes now will be nothing compared to.what she will get. BP are keeping us waiting for their response.

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Wouldn’t it be bizarre if she ran against the Donald in a future US Election?!

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I’d fly over and help him with his campaign

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Couldn’t agree with you more. Feel sick with revulsion. What bugs me is this sense of entitlement. Why should they find him a job - he said he loved Africa why not do conservation and commonwealth work. Thought it was their aim to hit the ground running and to work with the RF. Thought that is what they both wanted. They lied from day one. Fame and wealth. No soul.?? Very good article, respectfully, in the Daily Telegraph by Nick Timothy and Camilla Tominey. . Feel so sorry for our Queen and the rest of the RF. Wish Mr Trump was still the President of the USA - am sure he’d bring her down a peg or two.

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I'm just catching up with Mail online more stories being released but they are getting bashed and ridiculed so a good match for the "supporters". Mind you I'm very pleased to read that probably for the first time and hopefully not the last he is worried by money or lack of. Ahhhh what a travesty that is!!!

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I've just read a bit more thats come out it gets worse. He and she honestly think that by virtue of his birth he should have protection. She reckons she wrote 5 letters to the Palace begging them for security if not for her and Archie but for Harry who she reckons had received death threats. The sense of entitlement is jaw dropping and this is what it's all about revenge. He reckons that after the Australia tour the RF couldn't handle at how "popular" they were. I think we need Australians to come out and say how it really was. There's more and it's truly truly sickening.

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...just as Charles was allegedly angered at Diana’s greater popularity. The mirroring is getting beyond creepy now.

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Remember that classic 90’s British melodrama ‘Guest House Paradiso’? I feel like projectile-vomiting at the moment, and I know where I’d like to aim it!! 🤮

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I'll join you !

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I find his bragging about popularity is sickening - reality check - people have already read and watched Diana’s betrayal and regretted it. She too lied about helping Morton with information - just like the hazbeens with the equally sickening Scoobie Dribble.

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Well Harry markle this is a fine pickle you've got yourself into. Bet even you never saw this coming when you started documenting but hey what a finale you've got 😱🤣🤣

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No, I was fully aware.

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I thought I was ahead of the game but never guessed that they would stoop quite so low and be so vulgar.

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Am I missing something here? IF her passport was taken off her then HOW did she manage to FLY to see her pal, HOW did they get to Eltons Island whatever and as I recall SHE refused to go to Sandringham? I am so b.l.o.o.d.y disgusted at the pair of them words fail me which isn't often!! She should be made to prove that allegation about Archies skin tone that could be construed as libellous. They have now gone past the point of no return and all I can say I hope they will be happy with their billions of $$$$ which they won't get because no-one will want to work with them ever. There is uproar now but once BP hits back, which they will in due course in their calm controlled manner they will be dust.

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Did MM herself not wonder if her son would have red hair?

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I don’t think it’s particularly racist to wonder about skin tone anyway. As parents/grandparents, we all like to imagine what our children will look like....eye colour, hair colour, curly hair, straight hair, fat toes, chubby cheeks......it’s human nature, isn’t it?

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It is indeed, people wonder who the child will take after and which genes will be dominant. I saw the clip, and it's probable that a simple conversion was twisted to suit MM's narrative. We have seen her do this so often, and the British in general are very careful about talking about race.

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I will admit now, that when Meghan announced her pregnancy and the birth, it crossed my mind what Archie might look like, which I’m sure it did with many people. But I was only ever mildly curious, never in a million years racist!

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I totally agree I wondered the same thing, Is it any different wondering if a child will take after it's mother or father, ie red or blond hair, brown or blue eyes. No not racist at all.

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If the allegations are true, I expect it depends on the context of how it was said. I’m sure it wouldn’t take much for MM to take offence!

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Good point.

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You would have thought so - silly woman.

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Just watched end of bbc news and of course everyone’s talking about the interview. Apparently Oprah, when asked if she had spoken to H & M since the interview was put out last night said that she’d just received a text from Meghan asking “how’s it going”. Says it all really

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Mar 8, 2021
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They are over the moon - 30 pieces of silver. Gosh he’s really getting his revenge - poor DM - wonder how Kaye feels as they were always on Diana’s side.

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Do wish we had a right to reply as citizens of this country, petitions aside. Front page - ‘please crowdfund us to sue Lucretia for inflammatory remarks made re racism etc.’ Not to be overseen by Warby. What gave you done. Stitched up like a kipper.

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I’ve read the press headlines and seen a few snippets of the interview. Words fail me, so I’m not going to waste my precious energy trying to think of words to describe this evil narcissist and her accomplice.

From having just watched the BBC news, it appears that a lot of Americans are being taken in by their tales of victim hood, which are inarguably filled with contradictions and inconsistencies. On a very personal level, I will never, EVER forgive these two traitors for branding us, the good People of Great Britain as being racist!

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Regarding headlines you need to realize the press is very liberal in the US and she will be seen only in that light because they and their celebrity friends are all liberals too.

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B l o o d y woke and hypocrites to boot.

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How gross is big bird - she has said via whoever that hazbeen told her before the programme that it was not TQ or PP mentioned skin of. Also alleged that Lucretia said the remark was made during pregnancy - hazbeen said it was before the wedding. Do they actually talk to each other - know he’s not passed Reading John and Janet books but that’s a big fib!

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Ha ha, yes, haven’t watched the interview (and won’t be tonight either) but from what you’re saying, I agree their accounts don’t seem to match up! No doubt the whole thing will be riddled with inconsistencies, once people are able to scrutinise in detail, the two hours of tosh! She’s allegedly stated that she received no training, or something similar...perhaps she’s just forgetting the “security courses”that were provided for her, for her own protection and safe being?

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She shifts the narrative to suit - as for big bird - she knows the form and truth - but hey, truth doesn’t bring in the ratings or money. No shame but we know that from her past performances.

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Unfortunately, some people don’t know the meaning of the word shame, or compassion, kindness, loyalty, integrity, dignity, humility, gratefulness, truth....oh the list is endless......

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100% behind your post.

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The Metro is running the header “Annus Harrybilis”. I would remove one letter from this title! Can you guess which?

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Mar 8, 2021
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Shucks!.....you guessed right!

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I'm afraid that what I've been saying about them being purely out for vengeance has come true through every word that came from their mouths. Just by skimming over press reports has made it glaringly obvious. I'm going to wait for BP's response to this before I write anything else.

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Has the Palace responded yet? I think if I was them I would get an experienced psychologist in for some advise before doing so. This on a whole new level and how H & M respond, as well as how this will be interpreted on the world stage by others. I would add Chris Ship had a huge smirk on his face this morning

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They can’t at the moment imho - it would be like The Punch and Judy show. This is a treasonous act of trying to bring the Monarchy down. Hazbeen will never ever be forgiven for putting Our Queen and HIS family because of a spiteful female.

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I am incensed by this evil woman! I had my first panic attack when I was a small child....I have been suffering from severe anxieties and irrational fears ever since! I see none of the issues that I am familiar with in her! She is as cold as ice, and is completely incapable of an emotion of this kind, indeed of any kind! Almost HUMANOID! I have been reading our Harry’s posts for a considerable amount of time now, but have only in the last week plucked up the courage to make my first comment. I never comment on DM and such like, there are too many nasty people! You are all lovely on here, and our Harry keeps us safe! I also have personal experience of a suicide, a very young and close family member. SHE denigrates all those who have thoughts and feelings of this kind, which makes her extremely dangerous! VILE, VILE, VILE!!!

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I am very sorry to hear about your anxieties. It is good that you feel able to speak out on this site and I wish you well

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Gail you will love it on here - we all feel safe - your personal anxieties and experiences resonant with me and am sure with others. We are incensed that she has been allowed to blackmail, emotionally (no doubt in the past financially) towards the RF and us. If big bird had any decency she would have questioned Lucretia on being supported ‘mentally’. America is far more racist than here - watch out Hazbeen- patronising and sly put downs now. from those who think whites are privileged. What irony. Chicken to the slaughter.

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Gail, you're in a good place on this site ❤

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I’ll wring his rotten neck for them!

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Join the queue x

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I have learnt not to react, but act when it suits you which is why at 1 am, I was tucked up asleep unlike anxious reporters. Sometimes I am up writing, but I don't see the rush to break this down just yet. I am content to wait and see how BP chooses to act for now.

The suicide card and the picture they paint of being prisoners we know is their narrative, because it is they who desired the 24/7 security. MM didn't have to get married, but could have dated (but Harry would have strayed as he did) long term to see what life was like in the UK. She never wanted that, she never attended family gatherings or public events with him or with his friends. That is why many don't see this as real.

Again, this is a sensitive topic like bullying and racism and she hones in on it knowing that people cannot criticize it. That is low, and despicable.

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Thank you Harry for your calm reasoning. I didn't watch the interview and it is relatively early here so I haven't read anything yet, but, reading the first few comments I sensed that there was another card played. I was starting to feel really uneasy and when I read your response I felt somewhat better. I keep saying what a horrible shambles this is.

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Thanks for that very balanced viewpoint (and all your work, of course). I really think it is best at the moment to let the dust (or worse) settle and for the RF not to get involved in any kind of slanging match or to try to discredit individual accusations. Speaking from personal experience I know that trying to discuss with narcissists is impossible, it is exactly what they want and simply fans the flames.

Far better to ignore them now, then make a well-worded statement and a clean break.

(We have had no contact with our family narcissist for the last 7 years).

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Thank you Harry! I commend your cautious and considered approach to this, and I highly commend your ongoing efforts to bring these issues to the public fore. Take a bow! 👏

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Mar 8, 2021
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First, I have to say I did not watch the interview. I think it brings more questions than answers for these 2. Could they really get married in their back yard, even without witnesses. The security thing too, why could they expect the British tax payer to fund it when they are living in another country, and the inevitable travelling it would have involved,if they kept patronage’s etc, perhaps leaving Meghan and Archie behind in the US. Also about Archies security, are we really led to believe that he wouldn’t be covered-their South African trip and prime example-or am I missing something. They turned down Australia when they wanted to name one of their fire fighting planes after Archie but then claim they wanted a Prince title for him but they themselves felt trapped by the institution. It just doesn’t make any sense to me. That’s my rant over for now. As you can tell I’m not really buying it

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Not only no witnesses to so called secret wedding but also Illegal in UK to marry in an unregistered place.

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I don't think you can have 2 christian marriages to the same person (without a divorce in between) - a blessing yes, or a civil marriage. Their "backyard" wedding (at Kensington Gardens!!) sounds like a tall story. Call the Archbishop of Canterbury to the witness stand!

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I thought they might have got married in Botswana which would have explained a lot!

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She is gaslighting. She's doing it to Harry. Now she's doing it to us. She knows people will argue over what is true. She's living for the moment. She will change her story again. She always does.

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Yes, picking very awkward subjects, but not going so far to disrespect the Queen, although they have done that already and big time. As a mother I would be most annoyed if someone dared suggest that I had a surrogate baby if I hadn't (all that indigestion for nothing!). They didn't cover that huge story.

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She also said in the letter to her Dad a lie can't live forever. Yes Meghan. We all know that....

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Oh damn you mean she not going anywhere anytime soon?

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That’s very insightful and true

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Looking forward to your views Harry Markle. I imagine you've had a few black coffees or something stronger 😀

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I'm going to leave it for a few days as I have a source I need to double check something with. Also I don't jump on bandwagons. I write when I want to and I like to double check things.

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Thats very wise and a good idea considering all the comments and opinions out there.

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You always do Harry that is why you are respected and can be relied on for the "truth".

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... and mini chocolate rolls too.

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Too early, and I am out of them.

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... or fallen asleep on her computer?

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Thunderation! Haven't perused the papers yet but a friend told me that they got married 3 days before the wedding, to which him-indoors said "Why did we pay all that loot for the big wedding then?" It sounds as though it is a copy of Diana's narrative".

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