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I will be closing this thread so people can comment on the latest one. I will open a new discussion thead after the period of mourning has passed.

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There is one big gaping hole in all this: PW has not said a word in public about his grandfather yet. I wonder why that is? That isn't "clickbait" as it were, it's a genuine question. It does seem that none of PW's generation--none of his cousins--has spoken out, so perhaps this is protocol? H's pathetic little contribution is to be discounted, it was clearly out of order and not appreciated at all, seen for what it was--yet another attention-seeking manoeuvre.

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It is protocol.

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I believe the Cambridges have updated their website with a b&w photo of the D of E, which seems reasonable.

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Charles I think is seen as head of the family now, being the oldest and therefore it would fall on him to make a public statement. PW is keeping out of the news for now because it’s all about PP but perhaps when he feels the time is right he will make a statement. He might even say a few words at the funeral. I think I read somewhere that Welby is taking the service. I hope he’s feeling rather awkward about it in view of his recent remarks.

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Apr 11, 2021
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@JA...Good one JA !

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NO,IMO - her and the child they named Archie, will be filmed or 'papped' having a 'Private memorial' in their garden- planting a flower or a tree in his memory her in full black regalia -weeping uncontrollably (which she can do within 5 seconds)? A speech about how Archie will miss his grand papa and how much she loved PP he he Loved her...

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Oh my, this has made me laugh. Feel almost like I shouldn't have but it's too late, I have 🤣🤣

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Naughty but funny!

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I think his children speaking out first is the right thing protocol or not. We heard from PC yesterday and Edward and Andrew today. PW after them and the first grandchild as he will be King

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Yes Temple I agree, that was my observation- when told by a friend of them not 'hogging' the front page- dignified silence to allow PPs children their rightful place i.e First.

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Hi everyone very early hours of this morning I caught PC, Anne & Edward talking about their Father, I have to say I did not recognize Edward stright away its quite a while since I have seen him. I was struck by how much he and his sister have grown a like. Looking at both of them I would say both had been crying. I think Ann was very close her dad. Edward after a couple of downs ,I would say has settled in to having a nice little family which he enjoys with HIS rock Sophie , Louise in particular seems a delightful young lady who always tries her very best. I saw a photo of her somewhere yesturday out driving a team of horses and carriage something her grandad loved to do I saw him once compete. and I imagine they had fun together him showing her the raines as he did Ann. My gut feeling on this is that with Anne Edward and Sophie who the queen seems genuinely fond of the she will be fussed over and well cared for. Someone on here informed me when I mentioned The Duke of Edinburgh Awards (Something I many years took part in) that Edward had taken over from PP. I personally cannot think of a better person for the role. Having as I said been a part of it I was delighted to see some of the young people taking part today from Australia. I had know idea that having started in 1956 it is now run in something like 44 Countrys. I really do hope in the not too distant future they gather together all the footage from this and make a programme on just this.

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PE is also meant to take the Duke of Edinburgh title after PC ascends the throne, but possibly HMTQ will give it to him in her lifetime to show how much she has appreciated his and Sophie's support over the past years. I think the incredible closeness of HMTQ's now quite extended family brings H&M's rupture into sharp contrast, and something the RF will probably never forget or forgive.

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@Temple..Very succinct...Agree !

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I think that we are being baited with snippets of speculative information.

The service and the period of mourning is about celebrating the life of HRH Prince Philip and allowing Her Majesty The Queen to have the space, peace and dignity to do this.

It does not matter where the man of straw walks, or stays, what he wears or whether he is present at all.

If we let ourselves be baited by the press so that our attention is with those who crave it rather than those who deserve it - they get their desire.

They are infuriating but it will be more infuriating if they manage to divert attention from our celebration of Prince Philip with their irrelevancies.

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I am concerned that the more trashy media will focus their lens@ PW and Dim to see interaction- following Dims every move., and commenting on that. -That is a huge added pressure for PC and DOC. -I don't know If I will bother watching.

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I have been getting so wound up by all the H&M nonsense, it's infuriating. Thank you for your post, I have given myself a shake & will not allow them anymore of my head space. I will instead use my time to read the fascinating & inspirational stories about the wonderful Prince Philip.

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JLiz Absolutely agree. Let’s just forget about H and M. They’re really not worth it.

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Meanwhile in Rentadook HQ in Montecito

"Harry! Harry!

"Yes dear"

"Have you got your list?"

"Yes Dear"

"Lets run through it."

"OK dear"

"One, find out how much we get

Two, ask pop for some more cash.

Three, make sure your recorder's turned on and get pictures. Oprah's promised a 1hour special!

Four, make sure you're in the main group. Netflix have insisted on that.

Now have you got all that?"

"Yes dear"

"Can I trust you to do it?"

"Yes dear"

"One final thing"

Yes dear"

"Don't get scarfed"

"No dear"

"Off you toddle then"

"Yes dear"

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I’m expecting them to do a podcast and documentary on grief counselling next. They have no shame. 😠

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I'm intrigued to know what the 'everything'is that M tried in order to come to the funeral. Surely, it's one conversation with her Doctor about whether she should travel or not, nothing else comes to mind. What I would say though to her Doctor, is thank you, just thank you.

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I’m more inclined to believe that Prince Philip stated he didn’t want her at his funeral. He was strong willed and forthright. As it would have been Philip’s request, then none of the RF could be blamed.

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M is a coward. Doubtful she will ever return to the scene of destruction IMHO.

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Think you're probably right. Mind you, I bet if they said there was a baby shower afterwards, she would've come! She really does bring out the worst in me I'm afraid.

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Artemis Goog needs to do a drawing of her leaving the funeral with a huge armful of gifts and big smug smile😂 (If no one gives her anything she’ll just grab everything in the palace that’s not nailed down and make a run for it)!

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Once she'd done the smash and grab, imagine if she got the gifts home and the boxes were empty or filled with cushions or inflatable rings! Losing the plot now....

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She's already done the smash and grab and got H, not such a gift in himself for sure but his royal connection keeps her in the manner to which she feels entitled.

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Manner to which she feels entitled says it all, definitely not earnt or deserved.

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😭Bananas with inspirational messages on them?!

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Not sure the messages would be inspirational Marilyn C! I can think of a few words though, let me think, nope, definitely none of them could be considered as inspirational 🍌🍌🍌🍌

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Not just you Helbie - it says a lot when someone we don’t know brings out the worst in us.

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Speaks volumes doesn't it? Glad to know it's not just me who sits with teeth gnashing 😬😬😬

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@Helbie I’m glad we have this forum to vent and have the occasional laugh. It really is a farce!

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I'm so grateful to be able to vent here. If I couldn't, I think hubby may have gone to live in the shed by now!

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Because Meghan can’t attend perhaps she will have a private memorial service three days before with the Archbishop of Canterbury in attendance. Then she can have a certificate for that to hang on her wall as well! Watch this space.

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AofC’s middle name is ‘Portal’ (yes seriously!), so maybe he can open one, step through, do a private service with her & then back to UK. No quarantine necessary!! 🤨

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Must admit it crossed my mind too, how can she milk this ... probably another trip to the cemetery to lay a remembrance wreath, could always get a photographer to accompany her in case she comes over ‘all pregnant’.

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You can bet your bottom dollar there will be something planned. At least we won’t have to watch her searching for the cameras with that smirk on her face as we endured at the Commonwealth service.

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I couldn't care less about MM, whether she decides to miscarry her airbag or prove the pregnancy is real by going into labour in the middle of Rodeo Drive, at this moment this isn't about her or her PR's fairytales, I prefer she is persona non grata right now. Sorry if I offend anyone but this is how I feel.

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No offence taken, you'r absolutely right. This time it's all about Prince Philip may he rest In peace. God Bless him.

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Thank you Ann.

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Not offended, I feel the same, this is about celebrating PP's life and farewell to a truly inspirational man of duty, service and loyalty, not the flakey fake windbag!

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Thank you Amber.

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You're welcome🙂

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Not offended at all JB. Well said.

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Thanks Helbie. 😥😔

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So typical of Prince Philip to say " Just stick me in the back of a land rover and take me to Windsor", and lovely to think that TQ has done just as he asked, though with a litte more style. Personally I'm glad it's not going to be a large public funeral, it's not what PP would have wanted, although it's to be televised to some extent, it's going to be difficult enough for the family knowing what's recently gone on, without being played out in front of a large crowd. I hope our dear Queen is taking comfort from the outpouring of messages from around the world, all praising her husband's duty and devotion to service.

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After reading all the PP tributes I did think a non pomp-filled funeral would be more suitable for his personality and maybe the restrictions are a blessing in disguise as they restrict the numbers to 30. I heard someone being interviewed yesterday that said Operation Forth Bridge had originally planned for 800 to attend. That amount of people would have put such huge pressure on a grieving family, I know it’s part of their ‘duty’ but they’re only human after all.

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But for the covid restrictions, it would probably have been similar to TQM's funeral and under the circumstances that would have been hard for the family.

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I am sure there will be a memorial service in Westminster Abbey at some point when we are out of lockdown. I am glad the funeral is private for the sake of the family.

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Sorry it took me so long to type but I’m just saying the same!

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I agree Jill, much better to have a service later, somewhere like Westminster Abbey, and TQ takes great comfort from her faith so I'm sure this will be arranged when safer and appropriate.

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Sorry deleted the post will try again. Roya Nikkhah not sure of the correct spelling of her name has tweeted that TQ has yet to afford Harry's HRH status. I am not sure what that means. Does it mean his sitting placement or whom he walks with ?

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Believe it means his rank within the family as regards to where he is seated or within the procession.

If wrong, am sure a more knowledgeable person will correct me.

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Wow, this could get a bit naughty, processions are usually in rank order and as Harry’s HRH is in limbo it could be a protocol problem. Watch this space.

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Could be another massive tantrum like at CW service but I don’t think they’ll give in this time. The Green Goblin won’t be there to egg him on.

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Have just read Gov . UK which gives details of arrangements for Prince Philips funeral. I think we can trust their article over all the newspapers. According to Gov . Uk there will be military pall bearers and yes the RF and some military (commonwealth representatives) dignitaries will walk after the coffin to the church. There’ll be a 1min silence at 3pm before he is ‘piped’ into the church. but only the RF will attend the service. All sounds very proper and dignified.

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Thank You for that, I saw something on TV last night that said the funeral was to be held next Saturday but didn't say what time, 8 hours difference here on the west coast of Canada so now I know what to expect and I can sign the condolence book. Many Thanks !!!

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Scheduled for 3pm GMT I believe

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I'll have my tissues at the ready

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He left of his own free will. He can stand in the back with the rest of the unranked/untitled people

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JCMH, pack your black suit and SHUT IT!! It’s not about you! This is what happened when you decided to leave the family. There are consequences to your choices. If he pulls something like they did Commonwealth Day, I’m gonna lose it. Probably get myself a 24 hr ban in my rage

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He probably wants to wear his military uniform if others are and it has to do with that

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There is a report that both him and Prince A will be in suits as they have no commission or rank for various reasons, William, Charles and Anne can be in uniform. Am sure that will really cut him to the quick

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That's true. Harry always did wear a uniform at whatever event.

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Let's hope he doesn't hire one again......

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From the fancy dress shop ... yeah non essential shops open again Monday ...

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H is not fit now to wear a uniform at the opening of a packet of crisps

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Just to remind everyone Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex doesn't wear a uniform

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He can ,he’s a reservist .......

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You are right but not because he is a reservist ( he never completed any training ) but is an honoury colonel of a couple of regiments

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Well that should be a very simple no. Retired military personnel are not permitted to wear uniform. Medals and headwear are allowed. Special dispensation can be given but this would make the RF look wholly ridiculous if this was allowed only a few weeks of retiring him from his duties.

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Personally don't believe RF will be in uniform

Probably if it were a State Funeral but this is a private, family only, one.

Praying that the media et al allow it to be a family affair and about PP NO-ONE else.

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According to one certain popular tabloid military uniforms will be worn by blood family with the exception of A and H.

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Prince Phillip and Prince Charles did not wear military uniform when following Diana’s coffin.

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Diana was an ex wife when she died and no longer held any honorary titles .....she was effectively a private citizen .......

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Princess Diana was given a Royal Ceremonial Funeral, the same level as given to The Queen Mother.

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Hopefully they will fully recognise his status - by ordering him to sweep the road in font of the cortege with a besom. Whilst kneeling. All after he's been forced to sign a NDA. Very fitting imho.

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Oh No! Then he would be Harry three jobs. Besides those who clean our streets are not traitors, but decent hard working men and women.!

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Lol! And very true about street cleaners. I was thinking H could be more a sackcloth and ashes type of penitent serf.

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All the gossip regarding JCMH attending PP funeral is so undignified and nauseating. Paps camped out at the mansion waiting and watching for a glimpse of him to leave. Who cares? He is turning the funeral of PP into a circus. Hopefully the press will ignore his presence here. It would be more respectful to stay away. His presence is not important, he can send a zoom message, floral tribute and cold impersonal condolences, or whatever MM and his PR team have already decided for him. But defiant to the end, he will come, probably already here! Usual smoke and mirrors with him. The funeral of PP should not be over shadowed by this whinger and traitor. No one ever expected MM, thank goodness for her Doctors advice!!!

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Harry must surely be aware that people will be watching him closely at the funeral considering all the mess he and his wife have caused! Usually, I would say a grandson going to his grandfather's funeral was the right thing to do, particularly if there was a close relationship. However, in this extraordinary instance, Harry should undoubtedly be kept away. His presence would be most distressing to all involved. Why are there allowing him? I don't get it.

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Although the press seem to be speculating about H, I still think the focus it truly on PP, the way it should be. Looking at the comments, very few are in support of H coming over. The press can only say it once and then it’s gone. As you say, hopefully, the uk press will act in a dignified manner and give H very little air time. The BBC certainly managed to ignore him on Friday. I do feel for HMTQ, C, W and K particularly. What a position to be in. My only hope that all the family rally around them and ignore H. He does not deserve a look in and if he has any moral compass, he will feel as guilty as hell-if he’s capable of it. As for M, let’s just ignore her completely.

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I have stuck to the promise to myself NOT to read newspapers as I won't encourage click bait for those trying to overshadow HMTQ and PPs Children, in their time of grief.

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Hopefully this will bring home to him what Family is and what he's given up and for whom!

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Attendance will be important to PH (and MM will have insisted upon it) - way too big an opportunity to be seen as still part of the RF in an event that will be seen by millions. A self promotion event not to be missed.

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I’m surprised H didn’t try to get out of it by saying he “had to work”😂😂😂

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I get what you’re saying - but I hope he looks out of place. If military uniforms are to be worn, it’ll really hit home to Harry not being able to. He’ll be sitting alone, whereas the rest of the family will (most likely) be there with their partners. If there is any risk of Harry regretting his decision, or Markle suspects he will be influenced by his family, then he’ll be forbidden (by her) to attend.

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If the RF are wearing their respective military uniforms, which I would find totally appropriate, could H still wear his medals as he did when he walked on the veterans graves making him appear more important than he actually is? Serious question, would that be his contribution to feel included?

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Yes he could wear medals and would need no permission to do so. Why he has been worthy of medals is a question for another time though...

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I can't help wondering if we aren't giving H too much credit for sharp thinking. Let's be honest: it's more the paps giving him oxygen then H himself--they know exactly where the RF will be walking so they can start camping out next Friday night. H didn't have to leak anything, the funeral arrangements have been public since last Friday. I would like to think that for once H is contrite and would like to keep a low profile--especially given the humiliation of him the only royal, once decked to the nines in military gold braid, sashes and medallions like all the others entitled to be so, consigned to just a dark suit (watch though: it'll be tails sure as apples is apples, and he's lucky his Grandma doesn't relegate him to a hair shirt). Maybe M would like H to feature, but I somehow think H for once has other ideas. And that bit about M's doctor telling her she was too preg to travel? Make me laugh: as many have pointed out since that news dropped, she managed to fly to New York in her 8th month for a baby shower, bit of a stretch she can't make it to a major funeral in the UK in her 7th. And I gagged at that bit about she tried everything she could to be able to come but doc said no, so that's that. At this point what does she take us for? By the way, FYI: I believe H is in the UK as we speak, in isolation at Frogmore Cottage.

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Remember the doctors story could all be smoke and mirrors. I really don’t think the Royal family will want her there.

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Let’s be honest .. she’s chickened out of facing the RF and the British public, just like she did when Harry was left to negotiate their ‘stepping back’ whilst she scuttled back to Canada.

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The doctor's story IS smoke and mirrors--MM's fragile ego could never withstand the opprobrium that would be heaped on her for daring to show up. For once she has exercised prudence--granted almost exclusively for her own benefit, but the collateral effect is PP will have a decent, respectful send-off without Hollywood interruptions.

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Word of the day: opprobrium. Had to look it up. This blog has increased my vocabulary immensely. Love it.

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By the way, just a thought: I doubt the RF would have been so obvious as to tell her not to come. They may have hinted seating was strictly reserved, so there might not be room, whatever, but M has chosen to blame her pregnancy and not slam the RF with more allegations of racism because she was not wanted there.

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I agree, she will not let this go.

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I agree for now, but in the future she’ll most likely change her story. ‘I wanted to be there to support my husband, but was told to stay away. I used my pregnancy as an excuse so as not to cause the RF additional grief, but now I’m speaking out’

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I can actually hear her saying those words! It's worse than I thought!

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She will be speaking out, as IMO ,she is waiting for DIM to come back with his victim story.

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Apr 11, 2021
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Can there be a petition to let Princess Anne handle the Sussex debacle?

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Count me in. 😀 !!!

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Certainly that conversation would really make you want to be a fly on the wall. Unfortunately Princess Anne has no power to make anything stick--apart from H having a largish strip torn off him. She can't take away his titles, only her mother can do that.

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Apr 11, 2021
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And I! 👍🤗

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Just a snippet of news from the other day which makes me realise what a wonderful slightly off beat country we live in here.

Soon after PP's death was announced dozens of London black cab drivers lined the Mall(the long straight road from BPalace to Trafalgar Square ) They stood by their cabs and many draped Union Flags over the bonnets.This was in tribute to PP who used to drive around London in a black cab, shunning the use of a limousine.

Although so sad it feels heartening to see the response to PPs death, with the huge outpouring of love.

We tried being republic nearly four hundred years ago.It didn't last long.Since then our constitutional monarchy has served us well.The Monarch rules by the will of the people and at this moment I'm sure the will of the people remains for the status quo.Two upstarts in California aren't going to change that.

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That's the sort of tribute that brings a tear to the eye--ordinary people showing their feelings in that mute, uniquely stiff-upper-lip British fashion.

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Well said! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

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Sorry if I’ve missed this, but I’ve just read that Prince Philip will be buried in his full naval uniform. Does this imply that those of the RF who represent the military (eg, Prince William, Princess Anne) will also be in uniform out of respect? If so, Harry will have his nose out of joint.

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My understanding is PC, PW and probably PA (not sure but think so) will all be in uniform. PAnne no idea but possibly as didn't she take over one of H's military functions? Plus she is always in uniform at the Trooping of the Colour. H will not--one way to let the point sink home: he blew it.

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Apr 11, 2021
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A lot can happen between now and Saturday - let’s hope it does to prevent him attending. It’s all up to Markle and what she wants really.

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In my dreams for the D o E funeral ,full naval or military uniforms are worn in respect for his illustrious career, so that would be Charles,William,Anne ,Edward and Andrew and bringing up the rear Harry in his usual scruffy Grey suit ,blue socks and scuffed brown suede shoes ....maybe that would bring home to him that he is no longer a Royal in the UK ,just as he wanted, and he’s not coming home because he has made it clear that la la land is now his home .....

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I guess it was too much to expect this gruesome duo to be quiet for a few days of mourning and not make it all about them. This has got to stop.

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If I was a betting person I would put a bet on Megaphone will put out some dramatic PR on PP' s funeral day to try & overshadow his farewell!

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I imagine she has saved a few things in her back pocket ready to release when apt.

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Just thinking here. When Cathrine gave Harry a gag give for Christmas, you know - grow your own girl friend? First it was really a "gag" gift. Also should have read the label - made in Hollywood. Poor H was doomed!

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C gave that to him? I know the RF love to give and receive gag gifts but that's really funny! 😅

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I just read a headline in The Sun. The reason why Queen loved PP is because he made her laugh. I didn't read article, however watching M and H; when was the last time we saw them laugh? Now William and Cathrine are always either laughing or smiling. Also the other royal couples do the same. Guess that is what I miss with H. When he was with W & C there was laughter galore and also H when he got together with anyone there were laughter and smiles. Ahhh that was the good old days.

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MM$JCMH are a miserable couple, so fake when they pretend to smile or laugh. They do not look at ease or natural with each other. All their PDA looks contrived and the too much botox probably doesn't help!

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Well Amber, Saving the world is a very serious business! And they work 25/8 at 'saving the world'. Bit of respect please...*laughing out loud here*

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My opinion: Diana taught H to get revenge, Doria taught M how to grift. The two of them together are a miserable & destructive couple. H will never be happy again as long as he is with her.

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Funerals always seem to bring out the vultures. Hoping TQ is spared. 🙏🏻

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Who do think will hold PH's hand. Maybe M had a replica of her hand for him to hold. Just wondering.

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My Guess is Eugenie. (MM 'friend' long before she met H) Interesting my friend told me that PP only had last visits from his Children., none of his Grandchildren, He also said that PW and DoC have not been 'hogging' the limelight, but standing back, giving PPs children their place, as immediate family.

PC will lead the 'walk' I can't see Dim walking behind the coffin as it would mean ALL the grandchildren would have to. This post is just my opinion.

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Very good Frances, very good. But I am more concerned about how he'll stand up without said hand to 'prop him up' or talk or think.

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some random article said he talked to PC and Princesses E&B if is true i don’t understand why they even trust him with a conversation

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Probably more PR nonsense to make it seem like not everyone is mad at him.

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@ Marianne: you're right! E&B may have cared very much for Harry but surely, now that he's shown another, uglier side of his personality, could they trust him with anything? He's complicit, along with that sick wife of his, in personally waging war against his own family in front of the entire world. I can't believe he's going!

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He has wronged their grandparents along with his Mrs. He has wronged their cousin who will one day be king and his wife. The Sussex fan club have been vile to their cousins children on social media.

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he showed his true colors with that interview and the statement for PP the only reason i could think he’ll go is for PR and to get something out of it i only hope the RF don’t fall for his tricks

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Several news outlets here in the US are reporting all these nonsense about the traitor including that he was in a good relationship and close to PP so obvious is their PR form spreading all these things cause he’s probably fishing for paid security and everything else his wife wants along with inheritance i’m outraged at the lack of respect for the DofE don’t they ever stop?

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Harry will receive any inheritance regardless of him turning up (unless it’s a condition). The RF can’t give in to the ‘paid security’ as it’ll not only be be never ending, it’ll only increase as the kids grow. Harry had security when he lived here, why should the RF (and the British) be responsible just because he wanted to move his family for ‘safety’. We all need to budget and prioritise, and Harry needs to too.

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Exactly what I was thinking

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Apr 11, 2021
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Sadly, heartless Markle will probably regard the Queen as an easy target without her ‘rock’.

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I think so too i hope he comes back empty handed he doesn’t deserve anything

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A certain solar newspaper saying H will be attending the funeral... I sincerely hope that this is more made up clickbait... he has insulted the UK in the last year on multiple occasions and it cannot be swept under the carpet, surely?. My turn to be lost for words...

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ANDREW SHURMER Had a quick look at teletext Sunday papers News Review, its in several papers so it would appear to be true.BS like brothers will stand shoulder to shoulder in honor of PP.Fed up looking at others Sarah Vine and her husband as well as PP getting a bit of a bashing from the ferals with fingers. I do not think I will look again as the level it has sunk to is truly an alltime low. I don't think there are that many of them but they are very prolific.

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I am in two minds about him being there. 1. My lizard brain asks how dare the coward have the gall to show is face as though he had done nothing wrong? 2. My rational brain asks what better way to cleave him from the bosom of his awful wife but by whispering into his ears?

Dear GAP UK, please keep yourself sane and clean from that nasty. dark energy. I went to look once but no more it is just too damaging and I don't hate myself enough to read the vitriol. Here we lift each other up when we feel hurt or sad and that is what we all need right now.

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Really? That is horrible to Will. Why force him to stand shoulder to shoulder with this fool who betrayed him and wife.

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Article was I'm DM there is no way to know what is fact or fiction in these articles

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Should you edit the name? SV

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Sarah Vine is a columnist, SFAIK.

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Lol. Yes I believe it is requested we don't use proper names. Not sure what SFAIK means lol... doesn't look nice though

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(So far as I know)

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Michelle how do I do that help please

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Sorry, just saw this. No edit button. Guess it would be delete then repost

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Yes, I just read that as well. I actually felt defeated to see that Haz would walk shoulder to shoulder with William. After, such a betrayal of them all. I deleted my last post but I was trying to say William will be grieving in front of the world then he has the incredible stress of behaving as if he, his wife, children,his elderly Grandparents, and father have not been betrayed and publicly humiliated. Its horrific. I also see the ferals bashing PP they are a minority, they do not matter in the big scheme of things. Nothing can take away the achievements of PP. Interesting to note the Commonwealth have truly rallied behind PP and are going to involved in the funeral. Markle thought she was important, that she had the power to sway public opinion. Her target was the Commonwealth. It did not work she has been to look a petty fool.

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They might 'stand together', but I very much doubt that PW feels much togetherness with that wastrel. I have two siblings. If one of them 'did an 'Arry', I'd be less than enthused to interact with them.

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Karina Shaw I doubt very much m knew that much about the Commonwealth and how it really functions, Aus and New Zealand both of which I have been to hate wingers. They really had nothing she could latch on to. As for shoulder to shoulder its a phrase, and cannot be done due to covid rules. I really do think they would not dare risk the health of the Q and PC. I also think they are under no illusion that he can be trusted,after all they all knew his true personality before all this. Personally I never took a liking to him even as a child, nor was I overly struck on his mother. Both had the downward sideways sly look.

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Agree, have also been both to Oz & NZ, they don't suffer fools gladly! & after the 'Teagate' debacle, IMO MM seems not to be very popular down under!

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Hope security frisk Harry for any wiring for photographs or recordings ....take his phone while he is in the UK and hope he comes face to face with Princess Anne ......

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Yeah 🙏🙏🙏

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If he had any Anne could shrivel them with a look from 50 paces.

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Apr 11, 2021
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Oh I second that! The Princess Royal would only need to speak 2 sentences. Maybe 3. H, used to hearing That Woman’s drivelling word salad for the past few years, would not know what hit him. His muscles would turn to water. He’d have to be poured onto his private jet to fly back to Cali.

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I'd pay big money to see Harry alone with Anne! 👸

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I totally agree ,so sick of will he /won’t he be there .....can’t read a column without Harry being in it ,reporting from la la land saying how hard it must be for him so far from home ..... there are 8 days now of mourning in respect for the DoE and that should include the Harkles to stay silent and make no comments ....

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As I said earlier, this should be about Philip, yet we knew that some media outlets would make it about one grandchild attending or not. The decent thing would have been to stay away out of respect. While some would claim Harry could support his grandmother, father, and brother – who needs his kind of support?

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I agree, they should be allowed to grieve properly not worry about what they say or do being sold to the highest bidder. 🙁

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Saw a random comment yesterday 'if you can't see me when I was alive, then don't come to my funeral'. That one was spot on. He has made his bed, he should now lie in it, but I guess what we think doesn't matter. Sackcloth and ashes instead of military uniform please if he does attend...

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My grandmother had a much younger sister who she had not spoken to in 30 yrs at the time she died. She had a real hissy when I refused my consent for her to go see her in the Chapel of Rest.

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And not shoulder to Shoulder with William please the audacity

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Outrageous if that happens... maybe they think they can de-programme him if they get him away from You Know Who... who knows, but 'heal the rift' is doing the rounds at the moment....

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Andrew Shurmer I have posted on here about a cousin who in the 70's while in Canada was inducted into a cult. A very quite shy guy they allowed him home for a family wedding somthing which knowing what I know now I still find surprising. We were very lucky in finding help from surprising quarters it took quite a while, doubt he will be here more than 3-4 days. that said anyone who has seen the Elizabeth Smart story will have some idea of what I mean.

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Funny that you should mention reprogramming. They surely would have sought advice re Hazs mental health and I was musing over the idea of the RF using this window of opportunity to do that.

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Apr 10, 2021
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Karina Shaw unfortunately you are giving amoral h a humanity he does not and very likely never has had. I really personally do not think he will be here for more than 48-72 hours, and still have my doubt's as to wether she won't pull a stunt to stop him.

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I can’t decide if she’ll want to prevent him coming for fear of him being out of her control, or she wants him to come to gather all the information (and any inheritance) and gossip he can, so they’ll be able to spin a sob story interview when he returns. Which?

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No, you are incorrect I have never given any indication that I am giving Haz any humanity. I am utterly and completely disgusted with is behaviour

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I hope and pray just as we have been reminded to refocus on DofE that the Media do likewise. So many articles about Haz returning to the UK. Hopefully the TV cameras do not focus on him as this is about celebrating the incredible achievements and life of a great man. A man who has received accolades from around the globe. We are now seeing how much The Duke devoted his life to public service. All the work that was never reported I was staggered to learn about his numerous visits to Australia and NZ. There was a programme in NZ about how he went in the Bush for 3 days without security. What a truly great man

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Adelaide Laurie21 hr ago

I am so embarrassed by this social climbing, narcissistic person who uses her title to get what she wants. She does not deserve the title. As an American, I truly respect Her Majesty the Queen and the Royal Family. I read Hapless Harry's condolence message...how cold and unfeeling. Better if he would have said nothing. I mourn the loss of Prince Phillip along with the British people,


L BAKER10 hr ago

Thank you for those kind words. I only more Americans felt the same way.


Adelaide Laurie6 hr ago

You're welcome....please know that there are many Americans like me who do not support or believe Meghan or Harry. They may have found a home here in the USA, but most Americans are hard working people who value the same things as our friends in the UK, and we are so disgusted by the way these two spoiled brats are acting. Before she met hapless Harry, no one here even knew who MM was!!! They will be found out to be the liars and frauds that they are. I support your Queen to me she is an amazing woman.


Mantis4 hr ago

Adelaide, this board is just for condolences to the Royal Family -- would you like to transfer this comment to discussion thread No. 5 ?


Adelaide Laurie3 hr ago

Yes....so sorry. I apologize. I am saddened by the death of the Prince...never meant to offend.

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A touching story appeared in the DE of when Prince Philip, Duke Of Edinburgh attended the funeral of John F. Kennedy. “At the White House on Sunday, November 24, 1963, Jacqueline Kennedy was looking for John Jr. and opened the door to his playroom.

There she found the Prince sprawled on the floor, playing and laughing with the murdered president's son. hen John Jr, days from his third birthday, asked “where’s daddy,” the duke is said to have stepped in to comfort the youngster.

John had said he ‘didn’t have anyone to play with,’ and Her Majesty's husband decided that he would entertain the boy.

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Wonderful story.

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Been washing jumpers all day in the hope of putting them away in a flat pack bag. Ever the opptimist, or at least I try to be. I caught the last couple of minutes of PC's tribute to his father. Despite being asked not to there were a fair number of people laying floral tributes at BP and a very diverse crowd they were, some of whom said he made them laugh. No word from Welby GOOD! don't want or need to hear from him. Also I was reminded of PP's first love (Apart from TQ) was the sea and sailing. In 2007 while under going conservation work the Tea Clipper Cutty Sark for many years a tourist attraction at Greenwich was badly damaged by fire. PP visited soon after, and was passionate in his determination that it would be fully restored to its former glory. Between 2007 and 2012 when it was once again opened the public he payed many visits. to see first hand the work and progress being made. I am not entirly sure but I suspect he may have been the one to open it again.He knew how to get things done that's for sure. Lastly a long standing royal commentator Nichalas Withall I think spoke to praise PC'S statement on his father and how the majority supported the RF and saw them as a steadying influence in these times of uncertainty, mention was made of modernisation to keep the support of future generations. I personally took from this that he implying that maybe PC should forgo his turn to make way for W. Then came him saying h would be attending and the useual BS I have come to expect from the channel of a time for healing family rifts etc GUFF. In the memory of PP I certainly hope not. Lets not forget PP turned on his heel and walked out of a lunch meeting with W, Q and h who if I recall rightly was late. h could have been left in no doubt what PP's thoughts were, having been given the posh version of the index finger salute. My take on this? don't think they know a lot, but well they have to come up with something. I certainly do not feel there will be intervention , for the moment h is still the golden goose , she will not allow him out of her control for more than a few days. I would not put it beyond m to pull some stunt at the very last moment to prevent h coming. Fine by me. We all and I know some here are very upset by PP's passing but please do not dispair his influence is still strong.

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I still can't believe that Prince Philip is gone and haven't stopped crying since yesterday. Even though he was in hospital for a long period, especially at his age, I really thought we'd be seeing him celebrate his 100th birthday this year. The coverage in the press has been really wonderful though, so many beautiful tributes from people all around the world. I was especially touched by Prince Charles' statement from earlier today, his words were simple and straightforward but full of emotion at this profound loss.

Regarding the dreadful duo, I think their statement was appalling and it was equally appalling to use Archewell to do it. Maybe this will be a wake-up call for Harry though? Or maybe that is just wishful thinking...

Has anybody here met Prince Philip? Any fond memories?

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KC Saw him in the distance at Cowes Week something he took part in every year for many years. Saw them twice in one day while working in East London they were touring the area after 07 bombing's I think. I remember being asked by a policeman to go up the front and wave my dog's paw I obliged as did my dog.

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I haven’t but my parents have. They were invited to a garden party at BP late 70s. We had just returned from holiday and my mum was very tanned. The RF member greeting their line was PP. He was charming but as gloriously indelicate as his reputation knows him to be as he made reference to her potential ‘white bits’.

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Hope she wasn’t too embarrassed.

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She was absolutely fine with it, she was initially a little disappointed she wasn’t in HMTQ line but it gave her something to remark upon and remember rather than a ‘hello, have you come far’

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There are so many wonderful pictures of DoE. I know there is a photo of HMTQ with her great grandchildren but I haven't seen one of DoE with the youngest generation. It would be lovely to see that. I also wonder if they have a special nickname for him.

DoE is has his flaws but you can see the love he has for his families and for all he does.

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Even recently taken photos show the extremely wonderful bond TQ and PP shared.

They were truly blessed.

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I could quite honestly cry at what H+M have put the RF through in PP's last weeks on earth. They are so self-centered and mean spirited in the extreme.

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Apr 10, 2021
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I agree with K and Dusty. ‘Nasty’ is the word indeed. Also ‘despicable’.

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Can the UK Brits help with clarifying the current ‘bubble’ of how many people can be together? I’m reading here that up to 30 people can attend a funeral, but what of dim Harry’s accommodation? Could he have to stay at Frogmore Cottage alone?

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I am sure he will find it positively spacious after the Chick Inn where he usually beds down.

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Anna Kizzed, Does anyone really think h will be allowed away from m for more than a couple of days, hoping he has enough charm to capitalize on their grief. For a start off I don't think he will be allowed too close to either Q or PC due to their age. And there is Aunty Anne to confront SHE is very much her Father's Daughter.

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My understanding is that he won’t be able to stay with anyone who doesn’t live with him, or who isn’t in his support bubble. Therefore, he will have to self-isolate alone for a minimum period of 5 days, if he then subsequently takes a COVID test that comes back negative. A maximum of 30 people can attend the funeral (excluding workers), and those from different households or support bubbles will still have to maintain social distancing.

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Thank you GAP and GAIL... IMHO I think he’ll be asked to stay a week or so to address “family business “.... he may think it’s the reading of the Will...I’m hoping it’s the wielding of the guillotine 😉

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I've just read an article by B Gordon in the DTelegraph which has made me really angry.

She says that H didnt mean to hurt PP and TQ in that interview but merely to explain why he stepped back .Also PP wouldn't have been bothered by the interview as he had faced far worse things including his traumatic childhood.She also states that PH and PP also shared an unbreakable bond due to their love of the military.

So on the one hand she is comparing a man who devoted his entire life to duty and service to another who ditched his duty to country, failed to support his RMarine patronage by missing their memorial to network with Disney, dissed the entire RF and country and created friction within the commonwealth.Words just fail me.

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Best to ignore these journalists projecting their own narratives on to recent events. Seems quite a few were present when PC and PP met on very recent occasions. Others speak like they were there alongside TQ as PP passed away

They have to fill column inches and 24 hour rolling media makes the expectations greater.

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Outrageous narrative and opinion! As if she'd know. Pure fantasy. I can understand how angry you are to read such BS, so would I be. That's exactly why I have been avoiding reading anything with the Gruesomes name in any article, just the headlines, or comments in any publications since Friday. We know what the truth is.

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RO'R Oh dear PLEASE try not to angry or upset this is BS writen to suit the modern narrative.As for shared love of miltiary , I wonder h would have been just as happy playing with model soldiers with PP. h played at it PP lived it. A vast difference h knew how to play the game. I do not think it is any secret that Q mother and PP never got on but they had one thing in common they could be very unforgiving to people who hurt or upset those close to them. He would have seen it for exactly what it was an insult.

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This stupid journalist B Gordon should be held accountable for writing such an article. How dare she speculate how Prince Philip felt about the interview of lies. Harry did not explain why he left RF. He trashed them which in turn trashed

Prince Philip who had devoted most of his life to queen and country. Sorry I would rather not comment on Harry during this time but this article made my blood boil.

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Makes a change from her boring on about her weight or her drinking and her domestic strife. She is one of many currently trying to convince we mere mortals that they know stuff and are relevant

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I hate when journalists make excuses for other people😡

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and add to their story

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Can’t bear her - haven’t read her column for ages - bit woke and aren’t I great. She has overcome a couple of demons granted but another woe is me. Can’t compare a has been with Prince Philip. So his grandfather wouldn’t have been bothered by the interview! Is she for real? Of course he would have been bothered - ffs, h out his family under a bus. Unforgivable.

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Standard cover all for a no talent person who can string a few words together. These days there are fewer and fewer I would give the job title of journalist.

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Agree Gap - you included and Our Harry and those who post on here, would be far better journalists/presenters, than those who write a few scribbles for the newspapers.

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Morph York Thank you ky only experiance was writing sports reports for school news letter. Back then I was described as pants at it.

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Oh well that's alright then H and M. As long as we know no offence was intended, that makes everything OK. What a load of tosh. They can see the damage they've done, no-one else is responsible. They haven't even got the ⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️ to apologise. They knew exactly what they were doing but failed to recognise that just because they believe their c#rp, no-one else does. Trying to back pedal isn't working and won't work because we have the measure of the pair of grifters. How dare they and who is this so called journalist anyway? Clearly another one who needs to 'take a seat '(whatever that actually means) 😊

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She definitely needs a reality check.

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I have to have my daughter translate these phrases for me but Mantis explained it perfectly. To us olds it might be like when someone was misbehaving in school and the schoolmarm or nun looks at you and says, “SIT DOWN,” you know you’re done for.

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Lol. If it was accompanied by 'the glare', and the ruler was brandished, then you really knew you were skating on thin ice! 😊

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😂😂😂True! Don’t know how we survived that

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So eloquently put.

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Ta Morph 😊

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Apr 10, 2021
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Thanks for clarifying Mantis. Now I know what it means, I feel like I'm 'down with the kids' 🤘😊

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I’ve heard “take several seats” but M already did that at Wimbledon😂😂😂😂

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😂😂😂😂😂 - hilarious - especially when told that actually they were taking a selfie of themself not her.

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They haven't even buried him and PR starts full throttle and make it all about him. God. This has to end.

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It doesn't happen often, but words fail me.

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Ah. Here we go. The subtle switch in narrative - we’ve gone from speaking out about the horrors they have endured, the smears, the we want an apology for our ill treatment, to now things look bad that even they can see they look bad, he didn’t mean to hurt anyone...

If this is true and they really didn’t, and all this is a bit of a misunderstanding, then what exactly is stopping PH and MM actually, you saying this? Apologising maybe? It not like they are still silenced is it.

The next few days of attempts to re-write the story will be painful to endure.

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Clearly not the sharpest spoon in the drawer then

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But published in a broadsheet

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The bond of a man of straw clinging to a man of steel.

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The writer should hang their head in shame. No one gives a flying one for H. The thoughts of millions are focused on a bereaved Queen and the loss of her beloved husband.

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She has been in therapy and needs more (BG) as she lives is a bubble of sugar world. I give her a nano second of my time and that's merely to reach for the off button.

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Isn’t she one of the people they turned to when MM was in the pits of despair? The one who hurriedly rocked up as requested to KP with a box of brownies to dispense advice? That one?

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Definitely in the Sussex camp then. I wonder if she was asked to write it

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Yes, her mother was a well-known tabloid journalist, and was one herself I believe.

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Tsk. Fraternising with the evil press for better coverage.

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you gave her that much time? LOL She is so weird why would anyone give her credence?

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She writes regularly for the Daily Telegraph a 'reputable' right leaning broadsheet newspaper here in UK.

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No longer the Torygraph of old.

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Not so sure on ‘reputable’ right - bit of wobble for a few months.

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Morph Yorke They most certainly have.

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Yes, agree, hence the inverted commas.

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She is also a former drug addict and confessional writer, and that appeals to a certain sector of society. Not quite the intellectual kind, but the DT needs a diverse audience.

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A confessional Writer? as in 70's smutty very funny films or those magazines you know the sort of thing I ran off with the wife's Granny and lifes great.

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No more about her own life problems.

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Also a recovering alcoholic. Nothing to be ashamed of in that at all, but the article has just rather taken the shine off the rest of the tributes to PP in the paper.I just wonder if any of the duos PR team is behind it.

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RO'R I wonder why there currently seems to be a burning compulsion to get all their stuff out there. I can't decide if its as an excuse for if they fail or hey look triumph in the face of adversity.

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She has worked with H on mental health issues.I dont think the article is going to go down well with the regular readers and I shall look forward to reading the DT letters page in the next few days.

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Its called biased writing are the editors of these papers AI ? Lou Grant they aint thats for sure.

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Harry most definitely, in my opinion, does not deserve to be at his Grandfathers funeral. No if's or but's about it. This totally disloyal grandson was fully compliant in painting the Royal Family as rascists and unsympathetic to Mental illness etc., etc. The Commonwealth as some 'old colonial' racial organisation. A disgraceful attack on just about everything that his family hold dear.

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I stopped commenting on this site because I had grown frustrated and angry with the silence coming from Buckingham Palace regarding the gruesome twosome, and as I kept thinking about why the Queen was silent, in the back of my mind, I kept coming back to the fact that Prince Philip had just spent almost a month in hospital. When news broke yesterday about the passing of Prince Philip that’s when it clicked; the reason for the silence despite people crying out for PH and MM to be held accountable for their actions is because the Queen and the royal family rightly focused their love and attention on their ailing patriarch, Prince Philip, and ignored the temper tantrums of PH and MM.

PH and MM can and will be dealt with later but right now it’s Prince Philip‘s time.

It’s time to mourn and commemorate a man who put his wife first, who was her biggest protector and defender, a Second World War veteran and someone who serve the British and Commonwealth faithfully for decades.

Godspeed, YRH Prince Philip

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Ditto robyns comment

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Beautifully said....

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I can't comprehend the void in TQ's life now that the love of her life has gone. They both appeared to be so devoted to each other in public and the rare off-screen moments captured. The Royals will stand as a dignified family, united in grief and sorrow, but retain cherished everlasting memories of a husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather.

H+M have no place within a unit they have rejected.

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They really were made for each other. Married for 73 years and known each other for 80 years. It was meant to be. Love, fate and the universe prevailed in this extraordinary journey together.

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She rejected her own - says it all.

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How interesting it must have been to those involved to have had a grandfather like Prince Phillip!

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It's extremely annoying that the papers are saying MM is staying in California "because of her pregnancy". What tosh! She isn't in the travel danger zone yet, so we all know what the real reason is: she isn't welcome and her presence would likely cause such resentment in the RF it's unlikely the wounds would heal, if they stood a chance of that at all. I think the papers know it too but are too cowardly to come right out and say it: she isn't coming because no one wants this to be about her--which it would be, she'd make sure of that. I hope H gets next to no coverage--papers banging on about how yes, he is coming, are also missing the pertinent fact of his isolation so he doesn't infect everybody. That should also keep him out of camera's way.

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Didn't stop her going to NY for the baby bash did it but oh silly me she took the stand in moonbump !

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Exactly. She's so transparent. She doesn't have the moral fortitude to face up to all the damage she's done.

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Why would Markle care? She's shown us she has no conscience.

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Coward is the word you're looking for I think.

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She can say what she wants to say. I wish my country USA sends her as Ambassador to Chunga Chunga island.

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Would that be with the penguins? 🐧🐧

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She flew to Morocco when she was further along with Archie....

She doesn't have the courage to return, she prefers to stay where it is a safe distance to lob her lies and accusations.

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If it’s an expedient excuse put out to avoid causing any unnecessary distress to the Queen then I’ll live with it. This is not about M.

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It's always about M. Their PR team have been firing from all angles to try to get a good shot ... even spreading diplomatic pass so the great H can bypass all the rules the plebs have to follow. I sincerely hope that shot misses the target, it would have bad repercussions for both Govt and RF.

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If H was so concerned he would have begun quarantine requirements weeks ago...

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I am looking through all the published photos of HRH PP in the course of his duties and reading about him. How lucky HMTQ is, to have had someone like him - such an extraordinary zest for life, that strong sense of duty and commitment, a strong honor code - at her side all these years. His love, steadfastness and good character probably allowed her to shine even more as Monarch. Her loss is immense.

My heart goes out to HMTQ, their children, family, friends. My thoughts too, to all whose lives have been touched by him, via the DoE Awards, the WWF, his charities, the military, even those who remembered enjoying a beer with him.

Makes me even more disgusted with how H has turned out. He had good role models to look up to within his family, and one of them was a man such as HRH PP.

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I wish the media would stop making this about H&M. They need to, as the young people say, “Take a seat,” and the press needs to show some respect to HMTQ. Has everyone forgotten how to conduct themselves?

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Apart from this blog I’m reading nothing but the BBC who have confirmed that H will attend, M will not (on medical advice). I don’t need to see anything else just now.

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Well said

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😁I ❤️your username!

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Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there was no reporting on his arrival, stay and departure?

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My husband said exactly that

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🙈🙊🙉 wouldn't silence be golden Morph?

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One would hope Morph. We shall have to wait and see what happens. I’ve just seen the funeral will be held on 17th in Windsor so they will not have to travel.

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I wouldn't be surprised if Harry releases something on Netflix soon- the heart of Prince Phillips or two war heroes-the story of war hero grandfather and grandson. I wouldn't put it past him. He would probably come back and trample a few gravesites for more PR.

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Prince Philip had many godchildren. What was his relationship with them and their parents? Did he have a lasting influence on any of them? I heard that he built a replica of BP; is this true? Everyone knows he was a keen sportsman, but did he have any artistic talents and interests?

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In one documentary I watched on Saturday, 'PP: An Extraordinary Life' told that he could make jewelry. Seems he had a very artistic streak in him too, as well as his pragmatic and adventurous attributes. A fascinating man with many talents.....This recently made film is an excellent look at his life, and the background music was performed by the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra. It aired Saturday night in Australia. It was riveting and I was crying again by the end of it. Here's the blurb for the film.......

"Born in Corfu in 1921, Prince Philip has lived on the national stage through Britain’s move from Empire to Commonwealth amid all the extraordinary political and social changes that have taken place since he married Princess Elizabeth in 1947.

The film tells of the late prince's work in public service, his such as establishing the Duke of Edinburgh Awards, and also considers the many controversies that marred his public appearances, which were often euphemistically dismissed as "gaffes".

Prince Philip: An Extraordinary Life reveals a side of Prince Philip that many viewers (even avid viewers of The Crown) will have never known, and provides a timeline of a near-century of global political, social and cultural triumphs and upheavals."

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Thank you, I hope it was on SBS. I will watch it even though it will mean closing my eyes to get past MM's documentary. His was an extraordinary life when we know of his early years that nowadays seem to traumatise most for a lifetime. I think there are many extraordinary survivors who have lived extraordinary lives from PP's generation. One or two became to us in Australia during covid. Thank you again, much appreciated and It helps to focus on the positives and 'bury' MM's ilk.

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The film has absolutely nothing to do with that vile creature. My comment was about PP and no one else.

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I just watched it and it made me cry. Thank you again. It talked about being 'self-effacing' and 'getting on with things quietly'.

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Was doing water colours on one of the tribute programmes last night

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I googled and learned he preferred oil painting and received tuition from artist Edward (Ted) Seago. His most famous painting of The Queen at Breakfast,, Windsor Castle (1965). His paintings have pride of place in the Queen's private rooms in Sandringham. He did an oil painting of Edward Seago at an easel aboard Royal Yacht Britannica during the Duke's world tourof 1956-57. Seago reciprocated and painted the Duke at an easel. People are not going to like this, butHarry looks the image of his grandfather.

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As an American I am so sad for your Queen, her family, and the country of Great Britain. Yes truly sad. Stand tall all of you and be proud of her as she is now in mourning the loss of her beloved husband. I keep saying trust her she will make the right decision. All of you are a great example of the reason I keep coming back to read all the posts. You are proud of your inheritance and really care about the day to day living and how it impacts your lives. Trust me the time will come when you will look back on all of this and you can tell your children, that you were there when history was made. Harry Markle was wise enough to open the Blog to help us understand the crisis unfolding. To that person, thank you. Then to open the discussion page to let us rant and rave. Thank you again. Remember I do think the Queen listens to her people. Keep up the good fight.

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I have had an awful feeling at the pit of my stomach which hasn’t really left me since the days leading up to the Oprah interview. I will never forgive anyone involved in that grotesque spectacle. But that sickening feeling, that repulsion I feel is because I have some experience of close relatives behaving badly around a bereavement. When this happens, when death is imminent or in the aftermath - or both as in this case - the wounds are so very deep and long-lasting, if not permanent. In my case I’m not over it ten years on and understand now that I won’t ever be. It really messed up my grieving process and I spent years beating myself up, chastising myself for wasting so much energy on them rather than grieving for my mum. This is what Harry has done to his family and to us, the people who had so much fondness in our hearts for him for so many years.

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I hope you find peace Sarah. And I understand that awful feeling in the pit of my stomach, the sickening feelings regarding all things with the Gruesomes, and since they became a pair actually. My stomach churns at the thought of them before and now, and forever. They are so base, it's impossible to comprehend.

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So sorry to hear - and yes, the despicable way he put his family throw is beyond shameful.

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It was bad enough that they lobbed their megxit grenade so soon after Prince Philip came out of hospital the last time. And here we are today. They’re just so callous. Harry is also messing with Williams’s grief over his mother as we’ve seen. I hate that I’m even talking about them but they’re partly responsible for the fondness I have for our RF, which has grown so much over the last year or so. I’m so heartbroken for them all.

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I’d willingly do time to slap him and her. Awful pair.

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Same here.

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I hate to think of TQ in these awful covid times not having any hugs from her family. I hope all the flowers and condolences from the public give her some comfort.

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Heard a lovely comment on an English news channel, as they were discussing PP's many patronages and charity work - his unrelenting work ethic.... the commentator said that he quietly and regularly visited and supported his patronages in a real and physical way. Without the need to have a PR piece released each time. A very pointed and telling comment. He will be very greatly missed, so much of what he did was 'under the radar'. He is really the end of an era sadly. RIP Prince Philip.

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That’s what charity is all about - keeping the mouth zipped.

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I read earlier he used to drive himself around London in a black cab so as not to be recognised.

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I watched on the news last night that all the London Cabbies were lined up on the avenue in front of BP as a tribute to him.

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Apr 11, 2021
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He really did. He connected with all kinds of people from all walks of life, as people did with him. There's a tribe in the South Pacific that believe he is a spiritual god and is revered.

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Wouldn’t it have been fabulous if he had been flagged down, asked to be dropped off somewhere then realising upon paying who the driver was!

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There are some wonderful pictures of HM and PP in the papers today. One of my personal favourites is when HM is carrying out an inspection of the Guards I think, and she walks past PP in his dress uniform. I can't decide whether she knew it was him under the bearskin or whether she suddenly realised it was him. She is having a little chuckle to herself and he has a smile on his face as he stands to attention. So beautiful. So much in love ❤

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I've seen that vid, I think he surprised her. They both shared a cheeky and fun streak.

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The Queen and Prince Phillip came to Canada several years ago, it was their last trip here together. Naturally they drew the big crowds and were so warmly welcomed by us Canadians. Whenever members of the RF came for a visit it was a BIG deal here. Canadians love our ties to the Monarchy.

Anyway, they had just completed a full day of events, walkabouts, handshaking, chats with the public the usual routine and retired for the day. Unbeknownst to them there was a journalist who was staying close by who just happened to have his cameraman with him while he was doing a story on their visit.

Totally unaware that anyone else was around the Queen and Prince Philip appear out of nowhere and take a stroll around the gardens. The cameraman started filming and it is a beautiful video of the two of them walking together having a chat like they were just an average couple out for a stroll before retiring for the evening. She was in her traditional headscarf and trench while he was in a very comfortable looking tweed. This piece of footage was played over and over again yesterday after the news of Prince Phillip's passing. It is a tribute to this couple who had been together for so many years and spent most of them in front of the whole world that they could do such an ordinary thing as taking a walk together through a garden as if they were all alone.

I might add that there was no security following them or paparazzi just the two of them quietly enjoying each others company like most of us marrieds do.

I am sure that the Queen will miss Prince Phillip very much but I think that the memories she has of their life together will be with her everyday.

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Canada does indeed, love their Royal Family! 👑

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What a lovely story Robyn, thank you for sharing it. So many people have wonderful recollections over the years which shows how impactful they were as a couple. They really were together, a force to be reckoned with and you're right, HM will have some amazing memories and those along with the support of her family will bring her great comfort at this sad time.

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I've never been an ardent Royalist. I have accepted them and what they do, and was polite when I spoke to PC on a work visit. I watched Charles & Diana's wedding, but just watched the highlights of other Royal weddings, mainly to see the dresses. I didn't watch Harry's as I was bamboozled by his choice of bride, who I'd never even heard of. Of course their shenanigans caught my attention and I now have very strong feelings against them. The surprising result of this (to me) is how much I now support our Royals, having been shocked at their treatment by the Markles, and feeling their embarrassment and shame as a family who have always risen above such matters, and been the epitome of class. I was moved to tears yesterday at Prince Philip's passing, and judging by the scenes in the press so have many others, of many ethnicities. I feel there has been a groundswell of support for our Royal family, and long may it continue.

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Your observations will resonate with a lot of people all around the world, its a good thing.

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A renewed respect for service, self sacrifice and a little more of getting with it than talking about it may be a result of this reflection on the life of PP.

Perhaps being patriotic and proud of your country and culture won't be a victim of woke culture after all. Maybe it will be PP's final gift to his country.

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There really has been a groundswell of support and renewed admiration and appreciation for the RF, and on an international level. I have been a little ambivalent toward them lately with all the trouble that, u know who, have caused, but I have been moved more than I can say with PP's passing.

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Tears welling up reading your words. Think many, many of peoples views will have changed - especially when they realise how much the great mn and accomplished away from the glare of ‘celebrity’ - he will be remembered for ever.

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So true Morph. He is a hero in life and in death. A very extraordinary man.

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Aw Morph, it really helps me that others are going through the same emotions. We can all weather this storm.

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Evensong live from St Paul’s Cathedral at 5pm this evening on Radio 3 in memory of HRH Duke of Edinburgh.

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I would like to call a halt to this speculation over whether Harry will come to the funeral or not. This is not about him, and he is one of 8 grandchildren. ITV didn't help matters by speculating on things either, and I find that disrespectful and the DM basically repeating it all.

For goodness sake, have some dignity and recognize that this is about the death of Philip, The Queen's husband and not whether a wayward turncoat of a grandchild will attend a funeral, where high risks and costs will be involved.

It may have been Philip's dying wish that he did not want Harry to attend out of respect for The Queen, after all, it is about her wishes and also what Philip had wanted. A blood tie doesn't automatically confer any rights to attend a funeral.

One must also look at the practicalities – we all knew Philip came home to die, and was ill for the past year, yet Harry and his wife chose to attack the Monarchy that Philip had worked hard to establish. That alone indicates a high degree of selfishness, and is traitorous. Even with Covid-19 guidelines, Philip could not see his grandchildren, and could only see his children in a socially distanced context. Therefore, BP must consider whether Harry is a 'risk' coming from another country, and to be in contact with The Queen and all the other heirs, and is that a risk worth taking if he insists on attending. I don't believe his presence is a risk worth taking with his flippant 'I've had a Covid test' quips.

Some may say it is hypocritical of him to turn up, others say he should stay away out of respect to his grandmother and father. Harry didn't care about his family when he attacked them 8 weeks ago in a public interview laden with mistruths, and even this week, his PR was packed with his latest money making ventures. How can one say that Harry truly cared about Philip and his family or had any respect for them?

I believe if he shows up there will be pressure for him to stay away because he has caused anough damage and hurt already. The least he can do is have the decency to allow his grandmother to bury her husband in peace and without any family tensions that his appearance would cause. I hope he has a bit of dignity left, and if not, it will be left to other family members to take control.

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You're right, HM. This is a clear- headed perspective.

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What I find profoundly shocking is they (the family) knew he was dying 8 weeks ago and still this pair went ahead with that heinous interview. It just beggars belief. They have to be simultaniously selfish and heartless. They are both most certainly emotionally and intellectually bankrupt.

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And so say all of us! Perfect solution for an awkward situation. Well said Harry Markle.....

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Thank you for saying what I was thinking. I woke up today with the promise to myself NOT to read online news, listen to the radio. I am just sickened to my core that DIM one is front page news. Are they using those toxic two as click baite?

The good news is RF are gaining the support of the REAL people in theirtens of thousands!

I actually feel ashamed of wanting HMTQ to respond to those cretins. HMTQ has every right to go on national TV and play the victim card- bullied by her Grandson and his 'escort' of a wife, while her husband was dying, and her country in lock down suffering all sorts of hurt. BUT she did what she always does, her duty in times of strife and personal grief.

I am also reminded by a friend, that DIM complained that HMTQ scarfed them. She had invited them to a stop over from a trip- then told them sorry she didn't realise she had something else on. This is second hand, can anyone verify it?

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Love it scarfed when in truth it means throttling!!

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Yes, it was somewhere towards the end (H was there) on that travesty of an interview,

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Think the support has always been there from the ‘real’ people, it’s just the detractors the most noise and get themselves noticed.

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Yes a silent support - but now the silencers are roaring - a true nation of patriots are telling the antis - if you don’t like it - move away. We are not the bullies and racists that they like to portray.

We welcome and respect all those who want to live here. It’s a lot freer than some other countries and more tolerant - The Queen and Prince Philip have led by example - courteous, with humour and compassion.

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Thank you so much for this it really clarified it all for me. Yes, it is about Prince Philip

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100% agree. Well said.

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Excellently written and correct in every detail.

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Rest in Peace HRH the Prince Philip. Hold your peace Harry Wales.

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For those not in the UK, under Covid-19 guidelines, people have not been allowed to officially meet in other households since the start of January, nor in private gardens. I know many have bent the rules and broken them, but that's why we have had more than one lockdown – because people broke the rules. Only those in a support bubble could be in the same house.

Therefore, many see family members on the driveway or speak through the window at a distance. So Harry would not have been able to see his grandparents even if he returned, especially if the other 7 grandchildren who are in the UK couldn't see them either. I think Philip being around to see Eugenie and Zara both naming their sons after him was a blessing. It pales in comparison to the child known as 'Archie' failing to having any ancestral names, which then makes one wonder as to why that is...

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Archie reminds me of Archie Bunker-a comedic TV character from a generation ago!

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Archie Bunker was supposed to be the US equivalent of Alf Garnett for those of us old enough to remember Til Death Us Do Part. A patriot and royalist. And a great fan of West Ham

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You heard it here first, how much you want to bet that their new baby is named, Philippa Diana Mountbatton-Windsor? This will help to get them back in HMTQs good graces.

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I am getting a little irritated by people who keep harping on about Harry dashing back to see Philip. The UK has been in lockdown since the start of January which means no one can visit anyone in their homes unless they are part of a support bubble. Yes, lots of people have broken the rules, but legally Harry could not stay with anyone, and could not visit anyone even if he had been quarantined.

Thus, his 'dashing' back even as a gesture would be a waste of money and time. If Philip wanted to see anyone, it would be his wife and children.

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Indeed. His coming home to visit was a non starter. He cannot be blamed for not doing it. What he can be blamed for and to his complete, and for me, never to be forgotten shame, is that he went ahead with the toxic liefest of an interview without thought nor care as to the damage it would inflict. He didn’t need to visit. He just needed to keep his, and his wife’s, mouths shut. Unforgivable.

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A truly treacherous act - harsh some say - but it was.

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Even if H was allowed to go, he doesn't have 2 weeks to self- isolate first. Why would anyone risk the RF to be around him? They wouldn't!

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I live in Nova Scotia. H would have to self isolate for 14 days in this province, regardless of his status. Perhaps the traitor could isolate in the tower.

But... this is NOT about him!

Sadly, his masters -the money makers - may have figured out a way monetize his visit, during this difficult and sombre time.

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H&M's PR is in full overdrive with turbo-boost trying to spread a narrative for Harry ... even down to spreading a rumour about him getting a diplomatic pass to avoid the regulations all other citizens have to abide by. How low can you go?

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Orrid Scabies put that out first. Despicable as usual. Dumb Dumber and Co are so transparent and predictable.

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Is this just in the US Paul?

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He is not a diplomat.

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You can say that again!

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Probably the least diplomatic person out there

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Exactly, and I have a friend who is a former British diplomat and the rules are hard and fast. He has no diplomatic connections or ties.

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It’s not a good look, is it. One would think their reputations should be in tatters. His PR can try as hard as they like but I think most decent people will see them for what they are.

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All papers today are featuring PP on the front cover, no mention of H and M, the way it should be. I have only watched BBC commentary on PP so haven’t seen much of what itv have been doing. I know Chris Ship would be centre stage and he really irritates me. I’m not quite sure why there is so much speculation about H coming over. If he does, then I for one, hope it’s all done behind closed doors. I think he has some front to show his face after all the heartache he has brought on the family. He doesn’t seem to understand, that attacking any member of the Royal family, directly affects the Queen and the Monarchy as a whole.

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Shippy has toned down a it - perhaps markled and Bradby. Do hope so.

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I looked at his twitter feed and why he thinks the clip with Anne is cool is beyond me. He simply looked foolish and sounded it. As for the drama over the duo putting a message on the A well site, surely even he knew that was in poor taste?

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Until this morning he still had an item from March about H&M and the interview as his pinned tweet many hours after the news. It looked utterly distasteful. It has been changed today. Someone must have had a word.

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Doesn’t Bradby have a say nowadays at ITV in promoting the traitorous two?

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I think Bradby, along with itv, Chris Ship and a few others should be ashamed of themselves a) for showing the Oprah interview and b) for continually trying to promote H and M. I would hope all decent people know exactly what they are and will not support them.

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You would have really thought so Harry but I don’t think he has any idea on how to behave.

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Lower than the deepest trenches in the Pacific. Inevitable though that the pair of them would never miss an opportunity.

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It took me a while to cotton on to the middle name of Harrison (if you’re as slow as me...Harry’s son)

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Hear Hear...

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Well said Harry. Puts it all into perspective.

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Note that one US TV channel called out H& M for their deplorable behaviour toward TQ and DoE even suggesting that the O interview impacted on the Dukes health. Why is there not more outrage at their appalling cruel, heartless vindictive, self serving behaviour? and how this must have impacted on the family causing enormous stress. Why are they not condemned? Why is there even any discussion about Haz getting special treatment to enter the UK by passing Covid protocol. How can such treachery and duplicity be reinforced? I just do not understand

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I just hope Prince Philip was not aware the content of that interview. May he rest in peace.

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I agree absolutely with your POV, but if there are no expressions of outrage being seen and heard, it is probably because to give way to such would not be considerate of TQ's feelings at the present time? I think conflict and anger may find their outlets, but after the period of mourning.

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I would say out of respect for the Queen in her grief.

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Yes, good point

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So the gruesome twosome would have known for the past 4 weeks that PP was coming home for palliative/end of life care? All immediate family would surelly have been informed?. And if that was the case not for one minute did they put the breaks on?

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Surely it was obvious to you that after a month in hospital he was allowed out to die at home? The whole country knew, but just didn't say it. Many terminal patients go home to die as their last wish.

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I didn't say it wasnt obvious to.me. I was widowed myself 3 years ago My comment was in respect of the two

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That's the conundrum they must have been informed but I am beginning to wonder that BP could no longer trust them and provided minimal information. Because either way common sense would dictate that the DoE was gravely ill and to be so incredibly vindictive to two elderly Grandparents one of whom was gravely ill is sheer contemptuous cruelty

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Spot on Karina and just imagine what vileness they would have concocted with their masters. This way they were not able to taint the memory of PP. They are likely livid they were kept out of it.

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Apr 10, 2021
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Vivien. They may not have been kept fully in the picture and H is very dim and may not have seen the warning signs.However when a ninety nine year old is in hospital for that length of time surely even they should have understood it was serious.Allowing THAT interview to go ahead was unforgivable

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I know he’s a bit dense but do you think he even watches the news or reads a paper other than duck, rabbit? Or just celeb mags?

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Duck Rabbit? Blimey isn't that a bit advanced for Harry?

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We all knew, no one sent us an email or announcement.

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Hear, hear!

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Exactly, and it's something we knew and the media didn't have to tell us either.

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The photo of PP in the car returning to Windsor said it all.However the heart procedure would not usually be carried out in similar circumstances. (speaking with my Drs hat on)

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Have to say - thought the taking of the picture of PP was distasteful- out of order.

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The whole country knew when he came out of hospital it was to come home to die.

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Yes, but it did not fit with the agenda the duo had. Had they acknowledged the facts, they would have been expected to be considerate and actually think of someone other than themselves. “There’s none so blind as those who will not see”

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Let’s face it, as someone pointed out earlier, 99.9% of people would never have gone ahead with showing the interview, especially in the circumstances. If they weren’t aware, then they should have been. H and M are no good at reading situations. They can’t, because if you are always thinking of yourself, you do not have empathy towards others and see and feel what most people do.

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Apr 10, 2021
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You are missing the point in that it would have done no good as we in the UK have been in lockdown. I'm unsure if you are in the UK, because if you were you'd know what you keep saying is ludicrious.

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I think some views are coloured by reports that H has been back “under the radar” despite lockdown- presumably to see somebody. Thus giving the impression that he actually can get back into the country when he wishes.

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Apr 10, 2021
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It just proves how selfish and self centered those two are. To go ahead with an interview like that at this particular time when it was obvious Prince Phillip was so ill just illustrates that they are self serving vindictive spoiled people.

Most people with any kind of compassion would see that they really only had their own interests in mind. They could have waited for that interview to be televised at a more appropriate time but I don't think either of them has the capacity to put anyone else's feeling and needs before their own.

They both profess to be great humanitarians but that is hard to believe when they can't even put the wellbeing of their own families first!!

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Robyn they are fauxmanitarians.

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Just had a quick head count of all 30 who can and should attend the funeral.

Sorry, Harry you are no.31 !

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They will let him come in the forlorn hope that they can bang some sense into his dim brain without his toxic handler in tow.

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Save their energy and focus carrying on all the good that PP set in motion.

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Or to tear him off a strip.....

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I think it will be more likely a dressing down than begging him to come back. He has now accomplished the unthinkable: united the whole RF against him. His refusal to come back to see his grandfather before passing away was probably unforgivable, then yesterday's antics must have sealed the deal. That family is steeped in duty and tradition, selfishness is beyond the pale to them. My guess is they want nothing to do with him.

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"That family is steeped in duty and tradition, selfishness is beyond the pale to them. " ... How true.

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He wouldn't have been able to see him. There are 7 other grandchildren and they were unable to see him, except maybe through a window.

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Yes, but the gesture, the personal sacrifice, would have spoken volumes. H is way too shallow to understand nuance. H should have travelled coach on a commercial airline (even royals have been known to), suffering the indignity of covid tests, TSA checks, basically showing he actually meant what he said. That will never happen with H.

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True Temple, and it was not all about HRH Philip- it was about showing love, support and concern for our Queen and his family.

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Or section him for the good of his mental health even better.

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I dont think we can do that anymore

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