While we await to see if ANL will be given permission to appeal the ‘Letter’ case, the public are glad that someone seeks truth and justice. Lawsuits can be difficult when the evidence isn’t there, or if it has mysteriously been deleted, and it is what can be proven in a court of law that matters. However, the court of public opinion is still a strong entity in its own right, and should never be underestimated.
Little did we know that the revelations that the copyright case being dropped may have spurred the story in The Times (02.03.21), where BP and KP staff have come forward to reveal complaints regarding Harry and MM’s abusive and bullying behaviour. Perhaps it had been waiting for the ideal time to be released, or it had been in the works already?
This is however old news, as we all knew about it in 2018 when the complaints were made. Perhaps the gloves are off, and BP figures they have nothing left to lose, and trying to hide things is simply making it worse? Maybe Knauf thought through his copyright testimony he could clarify issues and clear the fog around his name and reputation? That opportunity was denied him when MM said the copyright claim would be dropped. She didn’t need the case, and the risk of the facts coming out wasn’t worth it. I doubt the copyright case was ever going to see the light of day, and was added simply to deflect and to create more work for ANL.
It seems BP sanctioned the story in The Times and lifted the confidentiality clauses. Maybe they are finally seeing the damage being done to the Monarchy, and that had been part of the Sussex plan? Did MM plan this, so that she could play the victim card with KP, when it was she who was the bully all this time? We knew it, but the victims were silenced, and that was wrong of BP. Now it’s time for them to act, and make right where they have erred. The message is that bullies do not win, and that they will have to face the consequences of their actions.
Looks like BP will investigate the claims, therefore, they have not been denied by either party.
Bring it on. Bullying leaves scars in ones life. It's so traumatic. I hope more people come forward who have been bullied by Meghan.
Greetings all from across the pond. I am of the age where I remember quite well the “Royal Wedding” of Charles and Diana. Like most my age, I was absolutely smitten by Diana. So, count me as an American who has admired the RF from afar. With that said, I have been watching the Markles like a slow train wreck. When she first started with her “they won’t accept me for who I am” narrative, I told my wife, who loved the original Harry and Meghan story, that this was not going to end well and that she was going to tear the family apart. And it continues. Of note in these comments of late, I am seeing a lot of people fretting over the injection of race by the Sussex’s PR team and supporters in to the current situation. Unfortunately, that is par for the course on this side of the pond these days, and Meg is schooled well in how far it will take you. Over here, there is no longer any acceptable criticism of a person of color. Any criticism is “rooted in systemic racism.” It’s the straw man argument that can’t be overcome. If you criticize her, you are a de facto racist. She is playing the game the new “woke” American way. And she knows her young target audience will eat it up. I just hope the “race card” doesn’t infiltrate GB the way it has overtaken America. It is used as a hammer to stifle civil discourse. I do fear she will damage the Monarchy with her tactics. She will not go away quietly. She is on a mission and will take it through to the bitter end. I’m not sure the RF and BP are truly aware of what they are dealing with. This isn’t someone who felt put upon for not fitting in. This is someone with an end game who plays things differently than they are used to seeing. I can tell you in no uncertain terms that the vast majority of Americans see through the charade – not just of the Sussex’s, but all “race hustlers,” as they are called over here. The problem is the large media brands are fully bought in to the woke-ism of the left and will amplify her message. So, get ready for some quite bad press from a sycophantic media who will carry Meg’s water for her for quite some time. It is truly a shame.