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It’s been quite quiet on any new revelations today. Has it dried up a bit or are we looking at a bumper Sunday edition of new explosive bullying allegations?

I do hope so.

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She has nothing to say that isn’t her poor me mentality heard it all such ignorance on both their parts if that happens in my family I would throw her out with the garage because she has brought nothing but I’m new money classless trash behavior. Take the title she thinks makes her royal lol she will never brand it galls her to the old cracky bones. It’s time to set her straight and it’s time now.

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Do you believe Meghan was counting on “Never a complain, Never explain” from the Palaces and was shocked when Staff went to the Times? She thought she got away with the bullying, temper tantrums and lies. What disgusts me is she acted this way and when she was called on it she says it’s racism. Here’s where I’m confused: Did the Staff go anonymously or did Grey Suits know they were going to the Press? Is it a smear campaign when it’s the truth. Obviously, Will and Kate knew what was going on, and we heard “What Meghan wants, Meghan gets” early on. Surely Will said something to Charles of how they were acting.

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I think she was gambling on ‘never complain, never explain’ holding, but hedging this with if they did complain or explain, her ability to shout loudly that they were both hypocrites- not allowing her to - and showing how she was ‘victimised’ and how she always said they were out to get her and this proves true!

I think what she didn’t factor was the potential for any NDAs to not hold. Rumour and supposition are one thing. Provable facts quite another.

As to who was driving this, well I don’t think BP in and of itself were, at least initially. This is embarrassing for them, as whilst it shows her ‘didn’t protect her’ narrative to be wholly false, it also clearly shows that they failed to protect staff and at best ignored ill treatment, possibly enabling it by covering up/paying off.

I think this is KPs doing. PW in particular. He has clearly had firsthand experience and knowledge of what went on and didn’t like it, and might well be the only senior royal who grasped the potentially explosive nature of all this. That It was/is not going to just pass over by ignoring and being above the fray. Action was/is required. I think PH, KP and Knauf bounced BP into to actions it is now taking.

And no it’s neither defamatory or a smear if it’s the truth.

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I realize it’s a lot to ask readers to read “The Custom of the Country”, 1915, by Edith Wharton. But it’s fascinating if you read it in context of MM today. The character is thrice married, a completely narcissistic, ruthless social climber, a user and abuser - Julian Fellowes (probably best known for Downton Abbey) says “(the character) has no values except ambition, greed, and desire.” A century later, it’s still in print as a study of the quest for social dominance in a consumerist society. Speaking of relevant! Harry Markled, have you read it? Any comments from anyone who has?

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I have never read it but sounds really good. Thanks for the recommendation!

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Will have a read everything goes a full circle

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Just downloaded it. Thanks for the suggestion.

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Its fascinating in many ways. I am noticing a shift in public opinion though one poll says they are gaining popularity. Lots of commentators saying that she is mentally disturbed and the more I watch these clips I more its apparent

My Dad ran a large psychiatric hospital I have a degree in psychology and have grown up and doing working stints in psychiatric hospitals. Though I retrained into another profession.

The relationship borders on a folie a deux. The folly of two whereby both are disturbed but one is more so and more calculating dominant and leads the other into situations the weaker would not normally enter. Her behaviour when you watch very closely is an attempt to model Diana's however MM eyes are focused, emotionless. This woman is dangerous to The Monarchy she is calculating and vindictive. She does not operate from a moral code hers is completely self serving. IMHO. ( just an opinion)

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Yes, that sums it up nicely.

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I have just read where A list actors are demanding (how dare they) that the Queen should apologise to the trollop. It's obvious that this is OWs doing because they didn't give her the time of day before and they wouldn't now unless OW hadn't asked them to so she would get better ratings.

They will drop her like sxxt once the interview is over,the silly bitch doesn't realise all OW wants is the info about the RF wether it is truth or lies which coming out of the treacherous one is the latter.

Even if the Monarchy were to fall the Sussexs will not get what they want because we would then be a Republic and secondly we wouldn't have them back here to Lord it over us. They would be in a dinghy without a paddle facing away from this Country.

What on earth happened when we thought she would be good for modernising the Monarchy she's turned it around by 400 years.

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Thank you very much for your diagnosis. In other comments I wrote about the mental disorders of this couple. Psychiatry or Psychology are not my fields but precisely their strange behavior and body language draw my attention before their wedding. I asked for one expert opinion and suggest a folie a deux. There are a lot of clear signs of problems and if we add interviews, videos, biographies and so, is pretty clear the existence of one psychiatric case. IMHO there are signs of other disorders o mental pathologies mixed.

Judging this couple is difficult or impossible if we do not consider how works their brains.

Again, thank you.

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Thank you for this wonderful post. (I remember that term from my Psych 101 textbook; such a lovely sounding term, but when I read about it, it seemed to be just too impossible to credit.)

There is much to read about folie à deux (shared delusional disorder). on the Internet. I rushed ahead to "causes" and isolation was a key component; which fit the backgrounds of MM and Harry.

Your informative post brings up another truth. For years, William has made "mental health" a key component of his volunteerism concerns. William knows, first hand, what mental health problems can do to a family since he lived part time with Diana and full time with Harry.

At the announcement of William and Catherine's focus on mental health, I could not understand why they were spending time on a condition that is subjective and difficult to identify. Now, William seems to have been amazingly prescient.

After the past 3 years, MM has brought the "mental health" problem full circle. They now have enough mental problem material to study for a lifetime.

I wish William well, he has been treated SO BADLY by MM and Harry. I hope that the BRF is effectively rallying to his side. He has a tough row to hoe. Bless his heart!

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Margo you triggered a memory I have of a 'friend' of mine. I say friend but she was someone I met through housemates. It was an instant latching. I would not call myself charismatic or particularly interesting and so it seemed even more alien to me that she did this. Something was not right about this beautiful yet troubled girl. To make matters more complex she was a 'psychic.'

I consider myself a good judge of character and she niggled at my gut and even made me feel uncomfortable. We stayed friends for the duration of my flatshare and when we all went seperate ways I was relieved. Ten years later I randomly bump into her in another part of town and we reconnected. It turned out she was doing well with her work and was lonely.

It turns out I don't like having 2-3 hour conversations that I cannot extricate myself from! I would miss her calls and she would accuse me (rightly as it happens) of ignoring her. The things she would tell me ranged from: her landlord had bugged her flat installed cameras and a global network of perverts watched her (including Anthony Hopkins! and some UK footballer whom I had actually met through my work). That she had been cursed and hexxed etc. When I probed it had to be VERY carefully otherwise she would turn on me in a paranoid attack.

She was a highly intelligent girl and a lot of what she said was plausibly presented. I used to think this is Munchausen's syndrome or something because the delusions were grand! She had studied a year of psychology at university before dropping out, had a troubled childhood and when we first met had a strange sugar daddy I suspected was her pimp. The way I saw it was, to her everything she told me was the truth and since she considered me her friend it was my duty to listen and not question that. I did what I could to help and eventually gave her money to escape the bugged house situation so she could leave and start a new life.

All very odd indeed but my long and drawn out point is mental illness is no joke and to experience a person switch from logic to attack and leave you reeling from "what did I just say to deserve this?" is unsettling. I still wonder how she is but relieved at not having to deal with the daily onslaught. It was emotionally exhausting and the level of guilt for not 'being' there was high. I only managed a few years of this and it did me in so William? I know it's not the same illness(es) but still I can see how hard this must be for families no less such scrutinused ones.

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Well said. IMO William, not Charles, is the future of the RF and must, I hope, be wholly supported at this awful time by the rest of them. Hazz’s betrayal of his brother - whether precipitated by mental health issues, by jealousy, revenge or spinelessness - Is contemptible and tragic. I believe that, whatever private relationships might be salvageable with his relations, Harry must be publicly abandoned by the RF as collateral damage. He and his wife brought the crisis to this eventuality. Nobody else.

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Exactly. I have a similar background to you and am not judgemental by nature. Analytical, yes. But not judgemental. However, there are very clear indications in her speech & behaviour (captured on tape, so it cannot be misinterpreted or misreported) that confirms what you said. More people are starting to work this out, the more she's in the public eye.

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An opinion even those who didn't study psychology can see only to well,unfortunately

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Just reading comments online so many are commenting about her mental health. She has made no attempt to reconcile with her father, half siblings seems to have no other family relationship on either side bar her mother. She is alienated from them and now the same is happening with the RF. Family therapists call this intergenerational transmission of family processes and dynamics. She is repeating the same family pattern of interaction. Past behaviour is a predictor of future behaviour. The child Archie is born into these unhealthy patterns of interactions. So what are outcomes for him being denied access to two sets of grandparents ? Therefore the line of succession is psychologically broken

Is it not?

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Harry and Meghan forget that their children will grow up and they two may feel the need to speak their truth to the world! The reputation of many of old Hollywood’s superstars were destroyed by their children’s recollections of life at home.

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And physically by geography as well. Thanks.

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It is much more comfortable dealing in physical objects and phenomena; things that can be weighed, measured, accurately described and calibrated.

Delving into the minds of others can be daunting and uncomfortable. But, with the wholesale destruction being meted out by MM and H, we need to try. And, when symptoms fit exactly, it's difficult to deny.

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Yes, I agree. But, it is striking for me it is that BP had doctors able to detect these disorders and it seems that they do not do nothing (or is secret) or failed. Main symptoms were obvious. Marriage of two very troubled people can be explosive and dangerous. I am almost sure that this couple will not last many time together.

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It is possible that they were hamstrung by the biracial issue. It's blown up in their faces anyway.

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I do not believe so. Both had a lot of experience in their intense social life. A 32 M Pounds wedding it is a clear sign that there was not any racial issue. Moreover, there are a lot of pics of HMTQ posing with her mother, an ex convict and no problems. Race card is only one or her woke tricks.

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I agree that race was never the issue. But they had to make sure it did not become one. It's a hair trigger issue and Meghan took/takes advantage of it. Even now people refuse to believe that her actions alone are what turned people against her. She has weaponized the race card and wields it when it suits her.

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Absolutely Yolie. No matter how toxic anyone in the Palace thought this relationship would be, the fact the r a c e card had been played so early bound everyone into trying to make it work despite all signs to the contrary.

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Some of the comments on here assume M&JCMH are sending themselves off into wilderness, I fear not. If BP expect to take 2 years to conduct the investigation into her behaviour, then there will be no resolution. If BP ends the restrictions on staff comment, M&JCMH will get ever more vindictive against Katherine, Camilla and anyone else they fell has slighted them. Scobie has already raised the racism card. I think it will be bloody, painful and sad to watch, but think BP will win in the end, I hope for everyone’s sake. But you are asking a grandmother and a father to out their own, never nice

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Yes, that investigation has to be thorough, and it has to be fast-tracked to its valid conclusion. The current instability cannot, must not, be allowed to drag on.

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And yet, that same grandmother and father stood watching and doing nothing when lies took a big chunk out of the William and Catherine marriage! Those scars will never leave. The most solid marriage in the BRF and they let it be sullied.. They know who did it, yet they did nothing. William's children will be unable to not see the lies on the Internet for their entire lives. That is heart-breaking.

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@Lady P -- HMTQ can act swiftly when the need calls, if she so chooses. A lot is riding on her placing duty to Crown and country ahead of M and H.

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Yes it is, too much to bear alone?

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Perhaps ... but we don't know what kind of advisers she's been relying on. I don't count PC in this category, tho she'll certainly listen. I'm thinking more of the all important men in grey.

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She wasn't even married at that time. She could choose to leave without royal tiltes and live somewhere else without the royal restriction. Anyone with basic logics can figure this out, but still she used the case to throw shade at RF.

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It has to be done - TQ swore she would work and protect her people and country / no way should we allow hazbeen and 2 bit concubine dictate otherwise.

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Maybe not nice, but Queen Mary and the RF at that time had to accept Edward's abdication and disgrace for the good of the Monarchy and the country. Wouldn't The Queen do the same, remembering her vow made when she was 21. " I declare before you all, whether my life be long or short, to devote myself to your service etc"

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Latest clip just released and it is boring! Goes back to initial phone call between OW & MM. MM moaning about her inability to be herself. Living under the palace rules, etc.

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I think we’ve all seen enough of ‘herself’. So, she knew there would be restrictions prior to marriage, but went ahead with it anyway, suggesting she accepted these ‘rules’. All jobs have rules and guidelines to follow.

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She’s been sacked, both of them have, from the RF by their own volition - trying to turn the tables hence hazbeen saying ‘we didn’t step down we stepped back’. Can’t be half in half out - didn’t stick to the ‘year to see how they would settle but not to abuse the Monarchy etc.,’ end of.

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Just want to see an end to this debacle, If Charles wants to keep supporting his younger son then he needs to ask them to put him up in the spare room and go join them, Let William take over with the support of his wife and loyal family members.

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This is becoming quite a joke, a third trailer is being shown at midday, (I'm assuming that's not GMT) If they keep this up nobody will be tuning into the actual interview, it will already have been seen, albeit in segments.

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Just read that too - top story on DM website. While another story claims they insist on being involved in any formal bullying probe. The constant release of these ‘trailers’ is maybe to keep them top story...or maybe to get their (her) grievances heard in case the interview gets cancelled?

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I am so sick of all this, all HMQT needs to do is take the Titles and the HRH and be done with. This is just dragging on and on and on. Let them moan and whinge for a few weeks, that’s what they are experts at, and then disappear into oblivion.

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If they lose the DOS titles, she can call herself Princess Harry/Henry, which you rather a duchess or a princess?

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From what I gather (from Americans on here), Harry would have to give up his titles anyway if he applies for citizenship? But I don’t understand why Markle, already an American, can use hers? I also gather (please correct me if I’m wrong), you can also more or less call yourself what you like in USA (a poster on here gave the example of queen Latifah?) and it’s all just meaningless?

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The big difference is that Dana Elaine Owens will NOT bite your head off, or bully you, if you do not refer to her as "Queen" or "Your Majesty," And she does not expect deference because she goes by "Queen Latifah."

We do not have real titles but MM does. The fact that she USES it is absolutely uncalled for and wrong. She is a mental case and thinks that "Duchess" makes her a big deal over here. It does NOT! In fact, she is such a nasty zero, that NOTHING will ever make her a big deal. If she keeps it up, she is going to be a laughingstock.

When Sarah Ferguson lived in Connecticut, everyone knew she was Sarah, Duchess of York, and was the ex of Prince Andrew. But, she went by Sarah Ferguson. She paid her utility bill as "Sarah Ferguson." She did not "put on the dog" because she didn't have to. Those who knew, knew, and those who didn't, didn't matter. THAT is how MM should behave, but there is nothing normal about her.

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Agree. Very funny your words about Queen Latifah.

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She's Princess Henry anyway, so losing the HRH and Ducal titles plus his place in the succession is the most we can hope for.

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Princess Henry as it’s a demotion and her fans already to refer to her as a Princess anyway.

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Shows how dense they are.

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So let's see ... on one side, we have the RF, whose bullying allegations carry the hefty weight of multiple witnesses, providing specifics, to numerous incidents. To my mind, provable in court (tho I lack legal knowledge, if I were sitting on a jury, I'd certainly be convinced.)

On the other, we have M and H -- no witnesses whatsoever to counter the allegations, only a few former co-workers praising their characters to the skies, which is not evidence at all to the facts at hand -- their only defense, "It's a smear campaign." And rabid, hysterical stans, all too busy trying to force the PA whataboutism card. (Again, not evidence -- but a potentially dangerous gambit for the RF if not handled properly.)

The third hand is invisible, but the game-changer, IMO -- public perception. A segment of people on both sides of the pond still believe, or are willing to believe, the RF had Diana *bumped off.* Another segment (overlapping the first) thinks the RF are nothing but *spongers.* Yet another thinks the RF have outlived their usefulness. (Again with the overlap.)

And then there's the segment still loyal to the Crown, tradition and history, and fiercely opposed to M and H as unhinged destroyers. If the RF are to continue, it's to the right-thinking people TQ must adhere, regardless of family fallout.

JMO, anyway.

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Thought provoking.

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Great new article "our Harry"!

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PH hasn’t jumped into the fray yet...maybe

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Was going to say something & thought better of it

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Hate it when we decide to be nice ‘cos it’s not in our nature nature to be unkind but events, dear Ottilie, events make you want to spit feathers.

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J S-P in the DM is trying to say it's casual racism because being 'demanding' is not bullying!

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The staff suffered severe emotional distress some left as a result... because of bullying

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J-SP is a fruitloop and courts controversy IMHO 🙄

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Demanding is bullying. Asking is NOT .

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But how you express those "demands" can alter the game.

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I sincerely hope William is able to take the helm here. He knows what needs to be done and I suspect given the opportunity would get on and do it.

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Totally agree, Charles has had his chance and been found wanting. Hope PP cones home and reads the riot act. His discipline over the family has been sorely missed since he retired.

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putter away in the garden of good & evil there Charlie while the weeds grow round your castle ..Sleep around beauty kidnapped the prince

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Mar 5, 2021
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I’ll give you a hand! He is sorely missed.

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Markle has been given enough rope to hang herself whether it be deliberate or down to Windsor inertia. If I was W I would do/say nothing for now. Keep my powder dry and have Markle pulling someone else's hair out wondering what my next move would be. She will be wanting/needing a reaction of some sort about K to satisfy her narcisism. When would the killer punch have optimum effect? I can't believe the RF don't have something really big on her

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Perhaps the biggest thing they can is quietly get in with the investigation and don’t answer her allegations until everything is sorted. Sometimes it is best to ignore until you know you can win, I think the silence would wind her up enough to make mistakes

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She’ll be running out of extensions to pull out!

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Mar 5, 2021
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Will be interesting to see or hear MM evidence of what she's spouting! RF have their proof, just so she knows! 💥😂

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PW is the only one that has the strength,willpower and his love of the people who is able to lead with the support of the people behind him.

He is living in the 21st century not pussy footing about playing the game of letting the Palace do what it wants and hide away things they don't think we need to know about.

This secrecy has become one of the major factors in dealing with this current problem

PW has his grandfather's strength of will and intelligence who without assistance gained a degree off his own merit.

He also has a very strong intelligent and supportive wife.

If the Q and PC had let him deal with this current problem we would not be in this deplorable situation now

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Now the Harkles have thrown Kate and Camilla under the bus this should get things moving along quickly. PC must remember he has 2 sons, 1 a future King hopefully, the other just a waste of space and mad as a box of frogs! 🐸

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Trying to throw Catherine under the bus will infuriate PW he will not allow his wife to be ridiculed he will certainly do something about it even if the Q or PC doesn't want him to. William is his own man,and he knows that without Catherine in the past 12months the Monarchy would be in a weaker position than it is now

As for PC we will have to see if he has what it takes to support Camilla I'm not holding my breath that he will do what he should on her behalf.

I am willing to be surprised that he's man enough to do it

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Senior Dragon

I don’t think you will be agreeably surprised. He has had long enough to do something and been found severely wanting. There was a report that initially he had supported their half in, half out approach but the Queen said no. I agree that it has to be PW next. If you can’t deal with your errant son disrespecting the RF at every turn then you have no right to be monarch.

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Hi am just pleased that people agree with my feelings as at times it seems as though people look but don't see,and now it's crunch time we get the headless chickens running about and flapping .

They should have let PW get on with it from the begining he saw through the Markles shinanigins from the start.

If he had they wouldn't be sitting quacking in their shoes wondering what comes next

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I agree, he has so far shown foresight to distance himself as early as possible and has kept his council. He is wise and has the strength of character to bring this to a conclusion.

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Agreed. I feel he takes a no nonsense approach to the handling of his brother based on a lifetime of experience. Thank you for such a well written reply

: )

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Mar 5, 2021
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About 4am after I had listened to every comment on the utube blogs which sent me into a state of comotose

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Pretty please Harry Markle, can you re-post your March 9 blog image on the Mountbatten Festival of Music blog, the final picture when MM is caught snarling in car on departure, also your March 12 blog covering the Commonwealth Day Service on March 9, when MM pushes through the seating at the end...

Both images show a different side to how MM relished her royal duties – and may be picked up by national UK press. Thank you for the investigative blogs.

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There was also the incident on the balcony where the Harkles were at the back according to protocol. MM tried to slither herself to the front next to HM, Princess Anne stepped in her way and blocked her! Cut her off at the pass 😂

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Prince Andrew was useful for once when he blocked her completely. It's a wonder she didn't stamp her feet and throw her dummy off the balcony.

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That facial expression of hers was so eye-opening, the polar opposite of her usual smug smirk!

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The one where she was opposite Catherine in the coach was enough to frighten the devil himself. If looks could kill, that would be the one to do it as it was totally malevolent

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Senior Dragon do you the significance of ‘the scarf that William was fiddling’ with outside the church please?

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MM had her eyes on the prize, PW, as they were leaving church, but PW hung back ostensibly adjusting his tie until she was swept away down the stairs by those coming behind her. If you can find the video, it’s great.

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Thank you - in another article comments in VF, who else, alluded to PW being something else. Buts that’s sugars for you and no doubt given ‘credence’ by the likes of Scoobie.

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I do hope we’re going to see some of the bullied staff on camera detailing their ordeal. Obviously very difficult and it may be that none of them want to put themselves through that but unless other people start coming forward with their own stories, it may be what needs to happen to wrestle the narrative from her clutches.

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I hope each one of them writes a book about it makes decent load of dosh and sticks it to her!

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With the backing of BP, and maybe special eye makeup for extra effect like MM, am sure for the sake of Queen and Country they will not need to be asked twice

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They have been very brave breaking cover & all should be grateful & proud of them. What they must have suffered is unimaginable. I hope more will emerge with their stories, so they will feel exonerated & supported. Safety in numbers!

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Good article from Jan Moir in DM, who loves the Queen, but notes she is being attacked from without and within now and suggests the monarchy is at risk and her great legacy is being squandered by the antics of her own family. As she says, whatever action the Queen takes is fraught with danger but the risk is the RF will lose all their mystique and will begin to look more and more like a soap opera as the world watches them tearing each other apart. The time for the RF to cut this pair loose and remove their titles is NOW.

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I have always said, "There's the Queen, and there's the Pope, and then there are the rest of us!!!

She is the MOST special female in the entire world IF she is "AFRAID," then I'm done with her!

IF she is "afraid she will look like a soap opera," then she will, and she is causing it.

IF she does not know that doing the RIGHT THING is the only thing, then she is hopeless.

IF she thinks that "doing the right thing" means they lose their mystique, then she has no values.

IF she thinks that her options are "fraught with danger" so that she does NOTHING, then she has no right being Queen.

Let's not get confused here and let's not conflate terms.

Absolutely NO ONE is "tearing each other apart."

MM and PH are the ONLY ONES doing any tearing! They are rending huge chunks of flesh from William and Catherine, but the Queen and Charles do not seem to care. The Queen and Charles should be PROTECTING William and Catherine but they are SO SELFISH they do not care what happens to William and Catherine.

MM encouraged her sick followers to post tens of thousands of messages that said "Catherine looks old," and "Catherine looks wrinkled" and "Catherine is skin and bones" and "Catherine is ugly." The Queen and Charles were silent.

MM arranged a HUGE LIE against Willian and another person (who MM also hates) that affected William and Catherine's marriage to a HUGE degree and the Queen and Charles were silent.

The Queen and Charles are TERRIFIED that MM and PH will "be mad at them." WHY DO THEY ONLY OWE RESPECT TO MM and PH? William has ALL the responsibility on his shoulders with ZERO aid from the Queen and Charles.

Instead of dealing with Harry, the Queen and Charles gave him some tranquilizers (so he would grin and wave) and then CHUCKED HIM OFF ON WILLIAM!! William has been stuck "baby-sitting" with HARRY ALL HIS LIFE. [You are lucky if you do not know the facts about Harry.]

William was so desperate to get away that he went all the way to Scotland for college! (He had wanted to go to Cambridge (or Oxford as a second choice) but those are only about 40 miles from London; he put 400 miles between himself and Harry to save his own sanity.)

Then, he went into the military.

Then, he went to Wales to do his rescue flying.

Then, he went to Norfolk to do his med-evac flying; all far from Harry.

The media pretends they are emotional twins who must always be together (and the family keeps up the pretense because it makes THEM look good). In fact, William is no fool and he has a good marriage and a wonderful family (that MM and Harry are trying to destroy). Whenever I hear anyone "bleating" about how sad it is that the boys have been "separated" and they need to "heal" that split, I get sick at the propaganda being demonstrated. Harry supports MM destroying William. Who in their right mind would forgive that? Or the LIES that have hurt Catherine to the core! Or the attacks on his own children! Harry is attacking the Cambridge children and some folks blame William for not being welcoming to Harry. That is SICK!

WHY did William focus on "mental health" as the area of volunteerism he wanted to focus on? Because he lived part time with Diana and he lived full time with Harry and he KNOWS what mental illness does to a family. That was BEFORE Harry found MM and brought her home for a rushed union. Now, William looks prescient (the ONLY one in the BRF who does).

While William was having to deal with Harry, and was stuck being around Harry every day, the Queen kept busy with her life and raising more horses. While William was suffering, Charles was playing with his turnips. While William was suffering, Diana was having eight affairs while being married to Williams' father. Collectively, they never gave William a DAY without Harry. (They wouldn't deal with Harry, the doctors couldn't deal with Harry, but they expected a boy of 5, 6,7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 to deal with Harry.

William's mother was a problem but she's gone. His father seems to prefer Harry (maybe he feels superior because Harry can barely read and can't do a single thing but have temper tantrums and use drugs and demand cash). His grandparents on his mother's side (both step and bio) are all dead. Prince Philip, and Catherine, and the Middleton's are on William's side; anyone else?

LEADERS LEAD they do not quiver and fret. I have adored the Queen for decades, and now she does this! Shame on her!

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I think the rest of European monarchy needs to pipe up. Do they not see that wrecking the UK monarchy is akin to Brexit? It has a domino effect and they'll be next! Fools show some backbone ye fools!

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I've been saying this for the last 3 years!

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By allowing the marriage HMaj. destroyed it all herself.

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I think she has been complicit by her inaction and the fact that her judgement was clouded by the fact that it was Harry who by all accounts was/is her favourite grandchild.

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That is a bunch of nonsense! In the first place the Queen would NEVER say such a thing. That is coming from another place. And, if she were GOING to have a favorite why wouldn't it be William, the heir who has never put a foot wrong? Or Peter, her first? Or Zara, who shares her love of horses? Or Lady Louise who is the most like her? Or WHY the "red haired" dim bulb who faked his military service, got a "D" average at Eton, went nekked in Las Vegas (and skipped out on a $38,000 bill, and faked flying, and has a history of addiction, partying until he pukes (nightly) and forces his staff to clean it up, and has never DONE A THING in his life, and has had "odd" sexual photos taken. Name ONE day that Harry has worked! One day or one thing he has accomplished. We can make a LONG list of William's accomplishments and Harry has a GOOSE EGG on his copy book!!

What kind of woman wants a cheat and a sneak and a fake and a lazy greedy lying addict as her "favorite?"

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Probably fabricated to go alongside the "aww ditzy Harry isn't he daft but harmless?" routine. But I certainly wish the wrath of PP would reign down on this pair. It's not hard to see what might happen here and I say that ironically since "I've got two balls and neither of them are crystal."

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Well said.

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For years there were "tales" about Harry (bad temper, addictions, odd sexual encounters, strange attractions. odd statements that made folks uncomfortable). But, I never said a word; few did. Because, as you say, he was deemed "harmless."


He had his problems (mostly reading poorly, and not being able to write) but he was able to party around the clock. They seemed to have the right prescription of tranquilizers so he would "wave and grin" and not "look" like a problem.

The Queen and Charles are NOT "big" on mental health. She is a no-nonsense woman and Charles is about the "physical world."

The proof is the efforts of William and Catherine (to be the first) to press "mental health" as their focus for volunteerism. William lived part time with Diana and full time with Harry so he experienced first hand what mental illness does to a child or a family. Now he looks positively prescient for pressing mental health as his main issue.

PLEASE NOTE: Nobody could do a thing with Harry, but Diana, Charles, and the Queen all DUMPED HIM on William, and pretended it was "cute" that the two brothers were so "close." William was robbed of part of his own childhood, by being "told" to "mind" his loopy brother. William had a number of "nervous" issues as a child, and I thought it was because Diana was such a problem. (She had been abandoned by her mother and left with a group of people who couldn't stand her. She had NO role models and had no idea how to be a good wife, mother, daughter, or sibling. That's why all she did was shop, swim, and look for lovers. She had no idea how to do anything, so all she did was "pose" as a "perfect" mother but she did NOT care for those two boys. She left that for Charles to do, and the good behaviors that William exhibits are because he is a Windsor and he listened to Charles, the Queen, Prince Philip and Princess Anne. They are the people who were actually raising William BEFORE Diana died. She was "too nervous" to deal with two rambunctious boys. And, she was glad to give up the responsibility to Charles. If you know what to look for, you are not fooled. Remember that picture of her with the red and white, and blue and white, hounds-tooth suit dress? They were on a ship and she took off her hat and grabbed both boys? That was a media stunt. Charles was there, but while he stopped to thank the captain about taking such good care of the boys, Diana RAN AHEAD (she had seen the boys from the limo when they arrived) and posed for pictures. She INTENTIONALLY manipulated Charles out of that picture. That was her MO.

These adults had no care about what "dumping a boy with Harry's level of problems" did to a brother who was barely two years older. I had no idea that he was being left with Harry all the time.

No wonder that William sacrificed his dream of going to Cambridge, and went all the way to Scotland for college. He HAD to get away from Harry for his own mental health. Cambridge (or Oxford as a second choice) were too close to London and Harry would have continued to monopolize William with his weird behavior.

The LIE that they are bookends, and the bleating about "the brothers have been split up; they need to get back together" makes me SICK. Harry HELPED MM to try to destroy William. Harry HELPED MM to hurt Catherine. Harry HELPED MM to blame the children for her unhappiness. William would have to be brain dead to ever trust Harry, ever again. Harry has been a problem for 35 years and William was used as bulwark! That is NOT FAIR for a small boy!!! Yet, the Queen and Charles continue to sacrifice William, as if he has no feelings at all. SHAME ON THEM!

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History is repeating itself but not in a good way - Diana cut off all ties with her mother, was not that close to her sisters and her brother? Well, two peas in a pod. So, there we have it - Hazbeen emulating his mother - she too discarded friends. Accusing the press of hounding - how many times have the press covered up for him? Again, emotional blackmail. trying to mirror his poor mothers ‘war’ with the press and the ‘Firm’. What joke and people are falling for it. You can fool some of the people ..............

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That has been my interpretation too - PW was the babysitter. Have heard another story (and it is true). PC used to use the ‘back door’ to visit a child in hospital - Diana would use the front - whose picture was in the press? Yes, Lucretia tips the press when it suits then sues!!!!

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If nothing is done about them it will certainly look like William has been overlooked in some way. It is just plain wrong all of this stinks.

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Mar 5, 2021
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Not another excuse please - he was a spoiled brat when he was very young - got away with a lot (as most children do). Then the divorce / but it was Prince William who suffered the most - D was supposed to be the grown up but it was her that constant wailed about being the victim. She was supposed to be the parent not him. It must hurt beyond belief that Harry hasn’t protected his grandmother and grandfather and now allowing Lucretia to lay blame of leaks at Catherine’s door. Despise this women which is not Christian or pc - you know what? Tough.

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Applause; you nailed it!

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Anything HMTQ had to do, did, and or has to do in regards to MeAgain and subsequently Harkle I support her 💯 . There is no errors in HMTQ in my book when it comes to MeAgain Markle whatsoever. None zilch nada. Forgiven to the end by me. ❤️

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Ditto - she was fooled - Harry is indeed the son of Diana. NOT that she would have condoned his marriage or actions - no way. But the ‘charm’ is difficult to resist.

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Mar 5, 2021
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The Spencer family live their own lives. Frances abandoned Diana to the Spencer family (who couldn't stand her) so she (Frances) could run away with yet another lover (this one she married).

Diana hadn't seen Sarah for over a year before she died. She hadn't seen Jane for over 18 months. And, we all know what Charles (the 9th Earl Spencer did to Diana).

But, she saw the Goldsmith's often; the last phone call she made on this earth was to Annabel. Annabel was in DC and the CIA (just down the road at Langley) was monitoring (because of Diana's imprudent stand on landmines, which put her 180 degrees opposite the British military and the Queen). MI-6 had asked the CIA to monitor and we work mutually.

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Couldn’t agree more... The Sussexs are parasites and don’t give 2 hoots if they destroy the house of Windsor.

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I am of the view that destruction of the RF is the Sussex’s goal. Who put them up to it is another matter imo.

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MM has publicly stated that she supports BLM (a Marxist organization that pretends to have an interest in supporting "blacks" but it is only a cleverly constructed name that demands adherence to their many schemes (or they call you a racist if you "for example" refuse to get on your knees and beg forgiveness) when they command you do. Or, if a merchant refuses to hand over their products, for free, or you are called a racist.

Funding? BLM is supported by George Soros. Kneeling at football games? George Soros funds the NFL players union. Soros funds a lot of BAD stuff and I have no doubt that he would give MM and Harry a few million if asked. Perhaps he already has.

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Oh yes, his name is mentioned a lot - why are some people born evil?

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I suspect that they want to set up an American royal court just as newsworthy as UK's by diluting them.

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Perhaps you missed how much she hates that kind of stuff. She wants to be an A list actor and get invited to all the "big" parties in LA.

A "royal" court in the USA would be mocked and joked about. We are only 234 years old and we are still well aware of the notion.

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Mr palindrome from Hungary. He whose name must not be mentioned? He has form.

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I can say his name! George Schwartz aka George Soros. He is 90 but has two sons who are just like their father.

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the mad Magyar strikes again .But in the us there was /sorta is a past prezzy who loathed Britain.Ps , the Churchill bust is banned again ..

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