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A reminder to please refrain from commenting on other members of the RF that are not connected to the saga.

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Thank you Harry Markle for another insightful update, and for allowing us to comment again.

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Hazbeen was a young boy when his mother died, highly likely he wasn't involved in any of her private life activities to know the reality of what might or might not have been going on. Decades later he is creating what can only be called a fiction to sell to people who have little sense and who are gullible enough to imagine he has any clue about any of it. It will be about as accurate as a low grade magazine like Take a Break would produce. His aim being to make money at any cost, regardless.

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I am so happy to be able to comment. I finally timed it right. I just want to thank you for all your articles. You say in such amazing words what so many of us are thinking. I wish HMTQ had you as her advisor. I am an American citizen and it is hard for me to see this inaction, so I can imagine how hard it is for all the British citizens and the people of the Commonwealth. The great 70 year legacy being destroyed by her own grandson and TW. HMTQ will be remembered for this drama and her failing to defend the Monarchy. Once again, thank you Harry Markle.

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It is so hurtful to witness people being this hurtful (and mean) with so many people and not see action from those who should be leading (and inspiring) by example.

I gave up on the Royal Family. See you all in 20 years, or so, when HRH Prince William ascend to The Throne and has the L(ish) time that (now) King Felipe of Spain has... because previous generations messed the curve to his job, the prestige being dragged thruogh filthy minds and mouths and - let not fool ourselves - once it is gone, you can be 100% perfect (no one is, but even if you are) all radical movements and thoughts will have been birthed and nurtured during, at least, two generations.

George, Charlotte, Louis, Catherine and William will receive a heavy invoice, impossible to pay, all because of those two who will not be named.

It is embarassing, revolting and frustrating to see the train come derailed and everyone whistling and looking to the other side.

Thank you endlessly Harry Markle. You are a Champion of the cause and I will always support you and alike but - now, today, this moment - I state that they won... (nothing at all because what matters - Princess Diana comes to mind, where people who weren't even born still hold the admiration/respect/are inspired by her - they have lost long ago. They know it, we know it, RF doesn't mind being dragged by it. So go...)

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I've been watching for another of your excellent posts from across the pond as I can't make heads or tails of the Queen's actions as it relates to this absurd pair. Part of me wants to tell my British friends not to lose heart... that surely they are being heard by this RF they have supported all these years, it's just taking the wheels of justice time to get moving. The other part of me just shakes my head at how much abuse and disrespect is being allowed to both the RF and by extension, the People. It's frankly the most bizarre thing... what do the Sussex pair have to do to "fall from grace"?? Here in the States, no one is impressed... but we're all rather troubled by the lack of reaction from the RF. Who is going to stand for the People? And if the RF won't, then why on earth even have such an institution? Thank you HM for your very wise words and for continuing to try to shed light and provoke some kind of action.

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Sad to be reading this article because what is said is so very true. Thank you Harry Markled for this update. I am starting to believe HMTQ doesn't really care what happens to the future of the Monarchy. This is the reason why Prince Willian and Prince Charles should take some strong decisions to disown the duo. If they don't and continue to show complete complacency, then I fear, the RF are digging their own grave.

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It seems the Queen has always taken the soft approach to controversy and chooses to let time work out highly emotional and impactful developments. It is NOT going to work in this case. Harry is reaching out to old friends, the politically powerful and Hollywood, to ramp up additional sympathy and support.

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All this lack of action makes it look as if the RF do have lots to hide. I detest Harry and his wife so much after their terrible, cruel and childish behaviour that I am hoping that they are brought down, no matter what comes out.

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Jh ... the incredible Sulk!

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Thanks Harry. I don’t think this phrase should be used in public, nor should the duo be allowed to take part at any official events. There is a limit to how often HMTQ should turn the other cheek, a red line has definitely been overstepped. Several times.

Nothing against private meetings and private assurances that they are much loved but no more play acting in public, please. That is simply asking too much of the other members of the family.

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Thank you Harry Markled for another update. How can bp not see that they have traitors in the midst, and something has to be done.

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Just so sad about it all....and angry.

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Thanks HarryM, as always. I was hoping your next post was going to indicate more positively on activity from within BP. Now even I am losing hope..

I posted earlier something I read a few years ago. ‘ Blood is thicker than water, but money is thicker than blood’. How reflective is this in life? Ring any bells?

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OMG I'm here when comments are open!!! Thank you for your continued words of commonsense.

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We have missed your wise words. Thank you for posting

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