
Another Desperate PR Pap Stroll?

Bacon and Megs at the Montecito Farmers Market

One must laugh at the ‘staged’ paparazzi PR stroll that the photographer, Jill Ishkanian claims wasn’t staged, yet we see TW posing and looking directly at her. The venue was the Montecito Farmers Market, where TW was seen walking a dog, carry a large and empty straw tote (as per usual, just for show), and chatting to vendors while smiling at the camera. Ishkanian is from the area, and just happened to be there at the same time as TW, but didn’t bother to take photos of other well-known people at the market…

Funny how TW hasn’t been spotted at the market all these years until the day before the Wimbledon final (ladies) where Kate would make an appearance. Then the story dropped at the same time, not that people would have noticed, because who cares about TW’s desperate PR stunts?

As Ishkanian was credited with writing the Mail story, it states that TW had security detail with her, yet Zak Bagans states that the person Ishkanian claimed was her security was in fact his personal assistant— (Robert) Bacon! As a friend cried out, “It’s Bacon and Megs!”


Ishkanian would have known this if she had been following TW around the market and indeed the video footage shows no close protection around her (how scared she must have been!) and Bacon had gone off to do his own thing. So why did Ishkanian claim that TW had security with her or make that suggestion in the copy when she knew full well that no security was visible? Perhaps they are invisible like the children? TW can see them, but sane and normal mortals can’t because their existence is debatable.

Others will ask why bring a dog and not a child, as that’s what normal mothers do when they go shopping? Alas, we all know TW is anything but normal, or perhaps Ishkanian is on the payroll and the dog was a cheaper rate than a child?

Ishkanian used to work on tabloid magazines, Star and US Weekly, and left to set up Sunset News & Photos, a paparazzi agency. She also appears to have a reputation for collaborating with celebrities for stories (which many paparazzi do), and had been sued by her former employers (US Weekly) for various intellectual property issues (trying to access email accounts after she had left the company and for taking and using confidential information). On the surface, she and TW appear to have several things in common as well as initiating lawsuits, perhaps they could become besties as TW appears to be running out of pals to use, and Backgrid seem to want to see the back of her?

Talking of desperate pals, TW appeared to have enlisted the aid of Misan Harriman to try and drum up support for her, by claiming that the children of royal parents should be left alone, and not be used for PR. Funny, didn’t he take candid photos of the alleged Sussex children purely for PR purposes, and to be used in tabloid publications for clicks? He may not have been paid, or paid in kind in other ways, but the premise is still the same.

His posts on social media appear to have been deleted when people called him out for taking candid images of the alleged Sussex children, which were then used for PR purposes on social media and other tabloid magazines. It seems that he was trying to criticise the Wales’s family day out, claiming that the images were used for ad clicks, when it was an official engagement where the children are being ‘trained’ just as all the late Queen’s children were, and the media had been invited to attend.

Harriman looked a little silly after that, and then attempted to save face by telling the media what they should and should not publish. That might be his opinion, but why has he suddenly decided to be vocal about it after all these years (BTW, no one really cares what a cult member thinks)? He even mentions the focus on Louis, but the only people who are vile about Louis are the deranged cult that he belongs to because the rest of the nation adores Louis and his quirky and mischievous ways. It isn’t the press that attacks Louis, but the mad cult, and yes, Louis and the rest of the world should be protected from them!


It doesn’t take a genius or an accountant to figure out that Netflix have overspent on the Harkle projects, and they seem so quiet right now and aren’t bragging about their exclusive stars. More like elusive, as in they haven’t delivered any goods of worth that warranted their alleged huge pay out. Are Netflix that dim, because we all knew Spotify got out as soon as they could? Jumping into bed with the Harkles should come with a ‘practice safe sex’ warning, oh but there were warnings—Spotify and Netflix chose to ignore them though at great cost to their profits. Spotify figured out they had been ‘markled’ pretty early on and, but many suspect it’s only a matter of time before Netflix calls time on their relationship with the Harkles.