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I have just subscribed to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge YouTube Channel. I think it’s really worthwhile looking at. I am so impressed with the staggering about of inspiring work they both do for the community.

The DoC coverage of issues in the Early Years is comprehensive, home-schooling, hospice for children, children’s mental Health, Early Years, family breakdown, addictions, poverty how they impact on children.

I watched several of her You Clips and its very evident that the DoC is an intelligent, well educated, gracious, compassionate person. She is doing so much to raise awareness about children in the early years. Yet, we hardly hear about it.

TW seems to be very desperate to constantly draw attention to herself, yet she does NOT have the depth of genuine compassion nor depth of intellect to ever dent the achievements of the DoC.

The simply beautiful book by the DoC of stark, real photographs taken throughout the pandemic is not compiled for any personal gain or notoriety.

The proceeds of her book go the National Portrait Gallery and Mind !!!!!! the mental health charity

So does TW with the Sussex title emblazoned on the cover receive any profit from the book ?

So much of the work The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge do for many organizations and the community is under reported.

Its saddening to see the titles given to Harkle’s misused and abused for personal gain. It deflects from the great work done by RF and certainly cannot continue.

The Sussex titles constantly used for self-promotion purposes and monetary gain and is slowly denting into the integrity of The Monarchy.

Please take the titles and line of succession from them.

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People of the USA: a question

Is it time to file taxes yet? And are those statements private?

Because if it was already that time, Princess Pinocchio had to make hers. I don't know Hazz, but TW has to do it, she's American

And I think it would be interesting to know what it was that she declared. And by how much.

I do not get the accounts. The Chuchex spend at least $ 300,000 a month. Because Sunshine Sachs is not cheap, UK lawyers are not cheap, private security is not cheap ... Where do they get money from?

I think that problem is greater than whether or not the title is taken away. After reading the very funny story of the first Duke of Sussex, I agree with the people of the Daily Mail: the Queen gave them a poisoned and cruel little gift.

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If H earns any money in the USA, American or not, he has to file a tax return with IRS...he may also have to report his US earnings in the UK (if he has earned money there or has property, trusts, etc in the UK). He may have to report overseas income in the US too...also file a CA State tax return...

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The deadline is May 17 unless you request an extension. The tax attorneys would be

another huge expense for them. People can keep taxes from public view. One note- you can go to prison for back taxes.

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I just thought after reading your post that what may be behind all the fuss for her kids to have titles is because a divorce may mean there a no more titles for her. Her kids having titles would at least have her called “The Mother of” prince or princess.

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I think that there is or has been talk that to slim down the monarchy, PC will not be granting those titles to H's kids when he becomes King and she has her panties all in a knot because of this. What was said on O interview was to lay the foundation for when this happens so she can point and play the r card. Why else would she LIE about something so easily checked on?

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I agree, and think this might be the reason for their unhinged fury. Could this have been the discussion during the pregnancy?

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I feel frighten with what I'm reading all over the internet, with h&m never ending in the media and how a lot of media/people are bowing down to them and their lies. CNN buried the video that point out all the inconsistency after the o interview (I saw the video on CNN but I can't find it anymore now). People getting cancelled/fired from their job fro giving their opinions. To think H is supposed to be part of a group that will work to against misinformation on the internet yet they are scrubbing/burning anything that goes against them. When will the someone with a strong platform & high position stand up for the RF & stand against those two and their lies?

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The constant PR rubbish being pushed is sickening and only the uneducated would fall for it. And now there’s to be more lies told in an update of FF! Why can’t she be stopped?

Even ANL won’t get their day in court it seems. She wins again.

I wish that the truth could be told and this stressful situation could be ended.

I don’t believe HMTQ wants to change anything while she is still alive, to the detriment of the country and the rest of the RF.

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ANL’s application for leave to appeal Warby J’s summary judgement to the Court of Appeal has not been decided yet. They filed the application on 6th April and are waiting for MM’s team to supply further documents. Today’s second summary judgement in the copyright case by Warby J completes his involvement in the matter, at first instance. What happened today does not stop ANL having their day in court, but that will only happen if the Court of Appeal give them leave to appeal. Convoluted but it is the legal procedure. MM has won in the High Court with Warby J, but if leave is granted the judges in the Court of Appeal may be a totally different matter.

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Thanks TriciaH2K I truly appreciate your posts.

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I know how you feel, Pat B, I feel the same way. It's as if WE (and the millions of other people who post comments on social media) are on a different tangent. I can't understand what is happening. It all seems so wrong. Yet, they go on their merry way, seemingly winning every race. All while preaching their woke rubbish, lecturing, merching and disrespecting the RF and the people. I hope I wake up one day and see that they have been stopped in their tracks. I can't wait for that day.

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A reminder to all, no links, no bad mouthing members of the RF including name calling of anyone, no speculation, no politics, no racist remarks, no conspiracy theories, and no attacking other posters.

I'm sure many of you are sick of me repeating myself, just as I am, and equally I am sick of deleting the posts of those who ignore the guidelines, so expect a ban if you do ignore any of the above.

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If you are tired of repeating yourself, perhaps its time to penalise to a greater degree

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May 5, 2021
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I dont know how long the ban lasts - perhaps its too short and enables past miscreants to come back on our thread too soon ............I-m not N/A

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I try to be fair and give 24 hour ones as a warning.

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I know LindaMcG...that’s why I hastily removed it...sorry😞

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I enjoy our discussions and do not want HM to stop our outlet beause of some woke trollism or someone bring unable to follow rhe rules

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Its ok - we all have to watch out for THEM

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Maybe a flashing banner at the top. Much like Just 'Arry's at the recent event.

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TW has so much time in her hand to write the book, has her pick of illustratiors and the guarantee to be publish. Yet she comes up with this tripe. What a talentless person!

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She only knows how to mimic and copy others. Every "idea" or "speech" she regurgitates is stolen from other people.

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I am FURIOUS about either one of the PSYCHOS Speaking about Mental Health, They have nothing to offer. No schooling, Licenses from State. It is too HORRIFIC to think of them Babbling about something they know nothing about and some poor person who does need a Professional will believe them. The RF needs to cut them off completely and sue them if they use Titles. As far as Sociopath M writing a Children's book, there are People out there that are complete MORONS. She is HATED WORLDWIDE , no one will read a book by her unless what she has done to her father and Charles is focused on.

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Allison I posted on here quite some time ago that I had seen a small piece in the financial section of a paper concerning the company who were /had been due to air a MH series 1st touted when h was still very much in the UK, very shortly before or just after marriage, How anyone missed that as an early warning sign back then I do not know , as the company in question had at that point no launch date for the platform here in the UK. The project was reportedly so bad even after some 18 months or more re editing by some of The best in that field it was very unlikely to see an airing.What has happened since is I suspect that while holed up with ow for that interview some additonal stuff must have been shot, the good news is that if the same co. air it it will be to a very limited audience.Another small piece I read was that many of tw zealots were angry that weekend concert had been billed as a duo event, with both her and him supposedly present and all they got was h. I do not know if it could be streamed as a pay to view thing,if so then I can understand their anger as many of them may not have a lot of money to throw around. Alison be assured of one thing, so invicible does she think she is right now and if chooses to let down and disapoint the monster she created and encouraged, will turn on her in a fury that knows no bounds.

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The two greedy, entitled brats talking about mental health is like the lunatics running the asylum. In a nutshell it reminds me of Edgar Allan Poe's story of "The System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether".

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Couldn’t agree more.

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I think when we girls give birth or adopt a child we are more concerned that the father will help us (change nappies, feed it, hold it when we have a bath or go to the loo etc). There isn't much spare time to worry about them bonding at a future date!

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Well we certainly don’t have time to write poetry !!

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Therein lies the conundrum. TW is very strategic, calculating it's never really about compassion such as Catherine's beautiful book capturing humanity. compassion, courage a book that will stand the test of time. Almost a historical book. TW it's about her image and this just my personal opinion but a deep seated jealousy of the DoC that is concerning

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Just a belated thought. The book is touted as a children’s book. It is based on a poem TW wrote for H. Is she confirming that he is still a child, or has a child’s IQ?

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There were several quite amusing limericks on here a couple weeks back. Maybe TW got inspiration from them during her anonymous peeks.

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I'll definitely sue her if she has used any of my gems!!

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Both !

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Team, can you all consider and answer the following question. It's a bit convoluted. Out of curiosity I checked out The official Royal Family website much to my chargin not far down the list of members of the Royal Family with the lovely coloured photographs I was absolutely shocked the see the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. I just do not understand why they are so prominently placed on the official website. Infact why they are there at all. They are actually attacking and trying to destroy the Monarchy. Please any thoughts.

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They are still members of the royal family Karina and the Queen is too polite to remove them at the moment. I think eventually they will have to get round this by updating the website to show only working members of the royal family. They are also on the RF and Cambridge Instagram but are getting further down the page and will likely disappear as new posts are added.

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Kespie I thought they were not on it any more and had been for some time , TQ needs to realize long gone is the time for being polite , or being polite may well lead to the down fall of the monarchy, they or for that matter anyone except them play by the old rules she grew up with in another century.

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Still on it unfortunately

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Thanks, you are right. I guess I had this utopian image in my mind. That they would no longer be there

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Really? Wow. I guess they're in till there until they're out.

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Yes, the are no longer working members of the family. But, the harsh reality is they still have the titles and are in the line of succession. It was a wake up call for me

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Yeah. I'd hate to admit it but I guess they're still officially royals. Sigh.

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Yes and that is something I have to personally accept. I struggle given the damage they are heaping on The Monarchy almost daily. It's the titles seeing them abused

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They may have Titles, however, they are BANNED from using HRH

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Those titles carrying a lot of prestige. That's why it was in flashing neon lights. That's why its plastered over her book :The Stench:. ( sorry feeling very upset). They are Merching the titles. They would be nothing without the titles.

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Is it just me ? I have been watching Megaliar, for quite sometime. I cannot help viewing her as totally detached from whoever Archie is ? Photos of her carrying the Child, like a sack of flour. The Child shows absolutely no recognition or affection towards her. The only time that Poor Child is dragged out, is for photo ops with Megaliar ? If you don't agree, please tell me, I can come back from the Twilight Zone ?

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It isn't just you Allison. When I saw the latest photo I thought (having just spent time with a 2-year-old), why wasn't she engaged with him, and he with her? because a mother, unless distracted (in which case she wouldn't have been grinning to herself) would be talking and laughing with him or showing him something - why else go for a walk? - especially if she was being photographed with him. If heavily pregnant and having to carry him like that, she'd be looking stressed. She wasn't any of those things, and he seemed to me to be looking at something ahead. Definitely not close to her.

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Archie is merely another tool used for money and for The Thing to pretend to the world that she is a good mother. She's not. I'm pretty sure her mother takes care of Archie, changes diapers etc. I'll bet The Thing has never changed a diaper in her life. She is repulsive on all levels and Ginger The Rat will be discarded as soon as something better (money and power) comes along. He will live to regret his disloyalty and unacceptable behavior. Too late, mate. She'll take him to the cleaners.

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Smeg trots out the kid as if he's a precious gem. 💎

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Nah, he's just a piggy bank and she hears "ka-ching!" at every photo op with him. Monetizing your own child is shocking.

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but dont you see - its now in her name - her account maybe

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She carried him like a sack of coal

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No it's not just you. Look at photos of the Cambridges with their kids. The difference is staggering--the bonds between those 2 parents and their kids is both amazing and touching. As far as I know there are only 2 photos of H holding TCKAA and a slight few more of TW. He's like a rent-a-kid, he gets wheeled out occasionally for awkward photo ops; otherwise he practically doesn't exist.

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I totally agree ! Watching the Cambridges on the beach with their Children. Hugging both Parents. Laughing and running. Both Parents watching them if someone falls. All we see, is H standing away and M pulling the Child and putting him on a chair or table while holding both his arms up. I know this will sound crazy but I will put it out there. I watched a Documentary on PBS regarding the Duke and Dutchess of Windsor. I almost fell out of my chair . The behaviors from start to finish could be M&H. When she first meets him, she does everything to pamper him. She is always around Love Bombing him. You can see her pulling him away from all his Friends, as he depends on her more and more. He showers her with Jewelry and Designer Clothes. OH I forgot, M walked into a LA Restaurant in a $14,000 Dollar Valentino Dress 2 weeks ago. Anyway, Britain and the RF are absolutely in SHOCK. He wants Wallis, a twice divorced, horrible looking, bad actress like M to be Queen Consort. Churchill was chewing the Antiques as the King Abdicates and they both go play Heil Hitler. Of course, the British People have no idea what is going on ? They are finally given the Titles of Duke and Dutchess of Windsor. He demands that Wallis be given HRH, which will only happen over the dead body of the Queen Mother. Slowly, you start to see his Infantile clutching at Wallis. She is sleeping with other men. The final scene is them at a party, she is speaking with a handsome man . The Duke touches her arm and she grabs his hand and pulls it off her. She says GO AWAY, SHOO SHOO MOSQUITO. He starts crying and she leaves with the other Man. I saw this exact scene in St George's, I don't know what the event was ? M is talking to Zara Phillips and Harry is next to her. Her entire body is facing Zara and her back to Harry. Finally, he touches her arm and she turns around livid and pushes him away and rolling her eyes and continues to speak to Zara. Harry sits there with his head hanging down. It was really CREEPY !

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Yes, I do feel bad for the kids having dimwit and the hustler as parents.

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😂😂😂 let’s put it this way - no way could you describe her as a yummy mummy.

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Some women aren’t mother material. Or wife material. Heck not even human material. Good one Morph. 🤣

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That POOR Child will be seeing a Psychiatrist before Age 5 ! It is SO Obvious that he looks confused. He never holds his arms toward her, like a real Baby would. We only see him when she is lifting him up by his arms ? CHILD ABUSE

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I don't know if anyone's mentioned this, but would the fact that Jason Knauf's involvement with the bullying accusations enquiry have anything to do with the fact that he has disassociated himself regarding the content of the unhinged one's letter? ALN must have had some information from someone at BP that led them to believe they had a case regarding copyright of the letter.

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I have mentioned it several hours back. I hope he can avoid being dragged into this action and risk compromising his good standing and credibility at the hands of MM’s lawyers.

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Sorry!! Didn't see your post! It was the first thing that occurred to me when I read that the copyright case had fallen through - he's involved with bullying case too!! Apologies.

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No need to apologise. My post was hours ago so you would not have seen it.

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The RF needs to act now. Prince Charles should make an announcement stating that " The Duke + Duchess of Sussex have decided to give up royal duties and relinquish rights to use their UK titles for monetary gain. They no longer reside in the UK and therefore those titles no longer apply as an affiliation to royalty." - or something similar - or get Boris to announce it - but the world needs to be told.

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ABSOLUTELY ! The farce has gone on long enough !

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Here, Hear!

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The other day I was (re)watching 2014 Oscars and there is a moment where Ellen says to Bruce Dern: “A little background on Bruce. His grandfather was the governor of Utah, his great uncle was a Pulitzer Prize-winning poet, and his Godmother was Eleanor Roosevelt. And here you are among us tonight. What went wrong?”

One day - soon - Harry will be in the receiving end of such speech or considerations... People should all calm down stating that Meghan is taking spotlight from Catherine in whatsoever. Because she can't ever... and The Duchess of Cambridge and The Royal Family know this very well. I wish people would stop feeding her ego saying she accomplished what she was aiming for. It is your words and beliefs feeding the Beast. USA is already showing that they have stage for just one clown and is not Meghan Rachel. She keeps grasping the lifeline to stay relevant and people keep securing the other end... stop holding the rope on your side :( do you think media will insist on them - out of trashy media - and their news if no one clicks or comments?!

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I wouldn't have said TW is taking the limelight away from CDoC but she sure tries to! C is brilliant in absolutely ignoring anything coming out of Montecito, you really have to hand it to her for pure class.

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The Duchess of Cambridge understands the "dogs bark..." idea. She has time - all her life - to wait this out. In fact all Royal Fans know similar stories in several Royal Families, past and present, where suddenly here comes the star of the show that shines so bright that everyone around her/him looks like swimming against tide... just let it burn and the less fight one gives the faster they burn. And CDoC is a Master on this game... The Royal Coach goes on. And guess who's on board? One hint - not the Montecito TW ;)

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British author Corrinne Averiss doesn't see any similarities in her book, The Boy and The Bench, and TW's book. She was quick out of the box to disassociate with it.

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Yes she was. Ish. I think the actual comment was caveated somewhat with ‘from reading the description and published excerpts...’ ie I don’t think it’s the same, but I’ve not seen the book in full. Good publicity for her, her book is big news now and will be sold in its droves by people looking for comparison between the two and still room for action if it has be plagiarised. Time will tell.

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I'd guess (and it is just a guess) this Corinne Averiss wants no part of this mess and is trying to distance herself as much as possible. I would in her shoes, the last thing I'd want in my life is a publicised plagiarism brawl with TW.

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And with TW’s unhinged sugar fans

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Yeah. Getting into a legal battle with someone can't be fun.

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Exactly what I was thinking. Corinne has probably decided not to enter the fray. The vitriol from a certain segment of society would be just too stressful

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Good way for an upsurge on the sale of her own book so that buying could ferret out for any similarities in tw version.

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Just imagine, the "compassionate" woman has to be remined by Jason Knauf to mention her father's ill health in her "personal" letter to him.

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I expect that he advised her to do that in the event that it became public, knowing that she would be slated for sending a letter that was unconcerned about her father’s health. He was likely smart enough to know what she was up to and he was doing his job as communications secretary.

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The fact that has been made public does not make her look good at all. I think that is far worse than having the letter published. A man who does not know you very well has to remind you to show concern for your ailing father. IMO that information looks worse for her then the letter itself does.

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Her supposed 'victory' over the copyright of the letter actually appears to be something of an own goal, given that we know that a staffer had to suggest that she refer to her father's health. If anything, you might consider it a loss. Definitely not good PR. More work for Sunshine Sachs, et al., and more outlays for the Moi!kles.

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Let’s hope so

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This view needs to be propagated for those who need help to realise it.

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Yep. Whether meant to be private or public, it's not a good look for the Empathetic One.

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She is actually quite creepy. If I am honest.

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Hanah Brown She is indeed very creepy/fritenening in regard to the demographics of the people she and h are targeting.Its even more so that the people supposedly in charge of the events they attend/crash in the last few months are or appear to be ok with them doing so. What can a couple of people their age have in common with as in the case of I think sometime last week 13- 18 year old girls or suitable knowledge to impart. Many as in the past when they invited some to what was supposed to their home and was not. The youngsters in the photo's taken at the time seemed uncomfortable and confused.

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Very uncomfortable- wouldn’t allow them anywhere near my children.

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Morph Yorke I totally agree , but if they are going some sort of course which it would appear some of these kids were ,how would you know until they came home and told you. How in the hell can know one involved with them(The young students) not see this for what it is, grooming

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Does TW stand for the witch? Sorry I see initials I am trying to figure out what the initials stand for.

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That is what I thought when I first saw the initials-no insult to any real witches or wiccan folks!

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TW is from Harry Markle's wonderful Blog = The Wife.

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or That Wife!

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What audience is the book aimed at, surely not her teenage "fans".

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Young mothers are her target audience as well

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According to the books section on A it’s for ages 1-7yrs

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I am no expert but a one year old and a 7 year old are not interested in the same books. That Duck Rabbit was a ridiculous book to expect a one year old to understand and the pictures were far too dull for that age group.

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LOL - I don't think many 1-7 year olds will be purchasing many copies, possibly a few obsessed relatives though.

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Sadly that’s the mental age of most of her fans.

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That high?

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Seems to be aimed at sad people who need a good belly laugh! I know I almost fell off my ladder in hysterics when I heard it on the news. THE NEWS this is NEWS?

My wish list for this year includes: ANL getting an appeal and going for the jugular of THAT WOMAN he calls wife. AFTER the ANL win, they gloat for a while and then...silence- zero, ziltch mention of them. Ahhhhh just thinking about it.

Tears of joy eh? this wasn't about the same time she was thinking of not living anymore?

Meagain Markle, actress, play write, director, author, philanthropist, humanitarian, almost queen of England, Celebrated cook, mental health ambassador/therapist, yacht girl, suitcase girl... Oh sorry just counting her other titles did I miss any?

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If the Nobel prizes had a category for hypocrite she'd be a shoe in

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Burger and sausage flipper or bbq’er

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How about the biggest and famous liar!

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May 5, 2021
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Do you really think TW cares what her audience are? Just throw it out there and be relevant.

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I think Hazza's attempt to spin the concert as standing ovation will backfire for him among his showbiz buddies. One showbiz types love the limelight and hate it being stolen. Two, lot of companies are donating. My company where I work part time and am finagling a retirement deal-they allow part time hours after a certain age and then work on a retirement process. Well they just announced a two dollar for every dollar match of donation to india and brazil. So we can donate to charities they chose that supply oxygen , medical equipment , medical etc and company will match our donations at 2 for 1 upto a certain limit.

People are rallying and want to help and will be put off by the ginger one trying to make it about him and his standing ovation. I think he can't help himself-he wanted to make it all about him at the bRF-they put up with him because he was family. He is going to do the same with his new "friends" and they hate people who try to steal their thunder!! Harry finally found his kind!!

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When I worked for a company I could designate who I wanted to get my donations. Not the ones they designated. They were ok with this.

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In mine they have an approved list of charities. if you wanted to add one, you have to take it to a committee and they verify financials etc to make sure it is a legit charity with legit paperwork filed etc. Then you can select an amount and they take it out of your paycheck. If it is in the approved list , you can donate to any. however in these matching situations, they decide which ones they will match-this is to encourage donations.

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VD May I ask if you as an employee are obliged/ expected to donate to what ever cause they choose its a pressure on people like yourself to give,which I find rather distasteful.

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In the UK it’s called Give As You Earn, it’s entirely up to you if you want to contribute or not.

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"Ginger one" 😅

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Skinners make a decent brew called Ginger Tosser lol!

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Pleased to hear that you are on the Pisolation Ticket Boo

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Does anyone other than us traitor haters read this blog? Is anyone like the RF or the UK govt paying attention to our voice - nothings being done + meanwhile the UK royalty is being made a mockery by H+M on an almost daily basis it's infuriating.

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Gigi I totally agree with you. Lets be brutally honest, they appear to be winning hands down with the use of titles, now a book and another legal win if I saw the headlines correctly. So it’s ok to bully your grand parents, staff and family; lie and manipulate your way to money whilst using #royalty titles. Yes next they will be hash tagging them - great moral story to pass onto the next generation!!!!

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Great comment, the BRF really need to understand that the people getting closer & closer to turning their backs on the BRF. I don't want this, I don't want JCMH & TW to 'win', but how can we support a BRF that allows this to continue? Quite simply we can't. I am coming to the conclusion that the only Royal Family that will survive will be the Royal Court of montecito..

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Harry Markle has said, we would be surprised who reads here.

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Let's hope it's someone who will take appropriate action

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Yes, Gigi, I've wondered as well about this. I would wager that TW does look here as narcissists do want to know everything that's said about them.

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May 5, 2021
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Sometimes when I read spoke people from media they sound as if they are either reading HM Blog or our comments here.

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If they do take our comments to ‘use’ then it’s about time they stopped smelling the roses and be more proactive at fighting off the two ingrates. Trouble is the ‘owners’ of the media - they dictate (it would appear imho) to set the ‘narrative’.

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I actually agree with that Frances. things which have been discussed here have ended up in online tabs.

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Hannah Brown I thought it was just me imagining it.You and frances are both right.

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I agree, but please correct me if I’m wrong: Princess Pinocchio has been used as a name on here for weeks and now I notice Piers Morgan using it🤔

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Anna Kizzed I have also started to notice some in some places, phrases I have used cropping up in comments,maybe some on here leave comments in the news section I really dont know, I do not but its ok with me. It means something is getting through is'nt it.

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I see the Cambridges just launched their own Youtube channel. TW and Hazbeen will be spitting feathers.

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I only hope they don't overdo it. They don't need to.

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Paul Davis At the moment this appears to the way RF are choosing to go , fighting fire with fire so to speak, Personally I have doubts as to how this is going to help the situation, its gone way beyond being some popularity contest the time. This fresh media blitz by BP is some thing they should have considered more seriously when the so called fab four parted courts. I personally feel it will antagonise two unbalanced people.

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Couldn’t agree with you more - a little less is more.

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They will launch their own before you can say “ they don’t have an original idea between them”

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Developing content will cost $$$. Should be fun.

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Even with a mask on, she occasionally reveals a facial expression known as "Duper's Delight." It's an unconscious expression of arrogance and pleasure at the prospect of successfully duping or deceiving people who, she believes, are less sophisticated and less intelligent than herself. So with that in mind, and on a lighter note, I humbly suggest a new title for Harry, that outstandingly adolescent, disloyal, ungrateful and destructive dunce. He is now and evermore, the Dupe of Montecito. A title he's earned--- and richly deserves. Fortunately, the sane among us, see them for what they are.

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I hope this isn't too rude: how about Douche of Montecito?

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So right about the mask! Even when TW wears one you can tell she's always smirking underneath.😛 I know it shouldn't bother me but it does.

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She’d still frighten the horses with a mask 😷 on

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She is so insanely jealous of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge that she has to try to upstage them at every turn. To quote the late great Muhammad Ali “TW is so bad she makes medicine sick” If the RF can’t see that they are attempting to establish an alternative RF in the USA then they must be truly blinkered. The only thing that will stop them in their tracks is the removal of the titles that according to TW, mean nothing to her anyway.

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Problem is they don't have much of a court. Just them, a son, one on the way and a load of bathrooms.

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I've never understood why TW is jealous of D+D of C. What did they do to her? Why does she think it's her right to outdo them in every way? Weirdo!

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It’s just my opinion. H knows he can’t to be King. But, he always thought he was equal to PW (as grandson of TQ and son of the futur King). H always believed he, his futur wife and childrens should have the same privileges, status and rights as those normally given to PW and DoC.

Jealousy unites H and TW in a toxic relationship. H&M are not prepared to understand that in a Monarchy, the direct line heirs will always have privileges more important than others members of the family : HRH for the childrens, communication, royal missions, budget, house...etc

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Jealousy. They are a future King and Queen something she and H will never be and so they pooled their jealousy and malice and determined to undermine and try hurt W and his family and ensure W will never succeed to the throne. That’s my view of it. That if H can’t be king then nobody should be. Now over in the USA they are still trying to prove they are better, more popular, richer, cleverer, more successful and generally far superior to W and C. It is pathetic but also very worrying because where will it end?They must be removed from the line of succession, and soon, before the damage H does to his brother and nephews and niece is irreparable.

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Catherine was very welcoming towards her. William was more reserved I believe and seems to have got the measure of her in a very short time. I believe the jealousy comes from the fact that one day William will be King and Catherine will be Queen consort. TW thought that she and H were more popular and should rank above them. Her mistake was thinking that it was a contest that she would win. When she discovered that would never happen, she upped sticks and ran, believing that she could set up a rival court in the USA. That’s my take on things but others on here are very knowledgable and they may have a different view which they will be happy to share.

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I totally agree.

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Kespie Am i the only one who thinks h did not explain to her that who became king was not changable based on who was most popular. I think she really thought if they were popular enough it could somehow be changed.Yes she knew a fair bit about the RF, but I also think h was a bit economical with the reality.

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I don’t think that it would matter who explained what to her. She had her own agenda and probably thought that she could either charm everyone into giving her top spot or that the public would demand that her majesty promote her over the Cambridge’s because of her star quality. Maybe she thought it was like the Oscars. Others say that she had a plan from the beginning and it does seem to add up when you think of Oprah being at the wedding and Gayle at the baby shower. I used to think that was stretching things a bit but nowadays I am thinking that it certainly looks like that is the case.

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Spot on !

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She knows that they are better, more honest, more compassionate, and more importantly, much more likeable, relatable and natural.

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She recognised that they have something you just can't buy, or fake. - it's called CLASS

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Well, with TW I'd call it "Klass".😄

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And better looking

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Of course that too thank you Temple

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"Insanely" jealous indeed. Her title, which she claims means nothing to her, is the ONLY thing she has going for her. The same can be said for H.

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What bothers me is there were so many facts of the case that did not get out into the public . I would love to see m and omid on the stand squirming under pressure. Omid stated the letter was probably for the public in that book. Tom m. got set up by his daughter. M is an evil person !

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Ughhhh.. Omid squirming.... I cant undo that vision from my mind now... 🤮

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Agree - could punch a certain dewigged, defrocked wearing tarts trotters persons lights out.

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I would say this all seems to be an attempt at brand building, but just for her, not JCMH. I would not be surprised to hear that the book was at the suggestion of her Management or PR team, or whatever they call themselves this month. They may have pointed out that Sarah Ferguson wrote a successful children's book series (Budgie the Helicopter), which was then adapted as an animated children's tv show. The fact that perhaps the original idea for the story was not hers, is absolutely not surprising. Accusations of this sort have dogged her before: the cover of the Vogue Magazine she guest edited, quotes in speeches she has given, which she portrays as her own.

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Barbara I well recall the hype around that Vogue addition with the then newly appointed editor who you saw her with in pictures.Oh the news stands supermarkets can't get enough people lining up for it, even great investment!, blah blah. So if that was true why when I was out with the dog did I see my local supermarket sending boundles of them back to supplier for pulp. By the way Budgie the Helicopter was at the time said to be very very much like a much earlier series of books from the late 50's early 60's called Henry the Helicopter which was out of copy right by the time Budgie came out.

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I think she's trying to project the 'Earth Mother' look - currently pregnant ( by all accounts) . What better time to launch a book about family love.? Oh, the irony!

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TW knows all about family love for sure. Not.

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TW is the last person on earth who should be writing a book about loving family relationships and H the last person who should be doing a television program on Mental Health - unless of course he is the subject! They really are taking the p......now!

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You're right, Pam. Re your last sentence, they have been doing that all along and getting away with it! When will someone in the RF fight back? For their own good they should put a stop to them. The people have had enough.

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Brand building for sure, and she probably diverts money under H's nose and has it stashed in her personal nest egg somewhere that he knows nothing about. I don't believe that she discloses everything to H at all regarding "their" finances, and if she did she would probably use the same MO on him that she does 24/7, that being lies after lies after lies to cover her tracks. He really is totally braindead, a lost cause, and it wouldn't take much to confuse him or talk him out of any suspicions. Boy oh boy, is he in for a rude awakening in the future. Serves him right though.

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Haha - a bit stashed in the sock drawer, another lot under the mattress. My parents did that and then forgot where it was. She wouldn't forget though.

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Oh yes, she sure is looking beyond the marriage, & completely agree that she is not disclosing everything to him. In addition, I wouldn't be surprised to hear that her mother is advising her to do so, considering the rumors that have been swirling about that woman. I just can't foresee any of her legal advisers suggest she do that, because hiding anything financial from the BRF, is not a road to go down.

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Yes, she's building a brand for herself prior to the divorce.

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Hopefully, nobody buys her garbage. 🚽

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I for one won’t touch any of it with a barge pole.

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Me neither DebbieF - but I have just bought The Boy on the Bench lol!

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Good for you! I’m planning to also! Unintentional good happening.

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And me.. 😄

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I could be doing it a disservice, but from the snippets I've seen it doesn't look like a book for children, more of a book for parents to feel smug about. I can't work out if the Insufferables (Mrs in particular) are wilfully not reading the room, just plain stoopid, or deliberately poking the bear to see how much they can get away with using their titles. In the meantime I am enjoying exercising my right to ignore them - how the book thing made it onto the news at 10 last night is a mystery.

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Her PR is in overdrive--you have to feel a wee bit sorry for them, and who knows when their last bill was paid. The book appears to be a load of virtue-signalling codswallop meant for parents not children. My guess is the whole point was people will buy it for the author's name right there on the front, in font almost as large as the title. A child's tea table book, if you will, a mini version of the classic show-off coffee table book--no one actually even opens it but guests are impressed you have a copy.

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It will tank. But after all it’s probably all about the PR Bob. I too enjoy ignoring.

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Mind boggles

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The ego of TW to believe that she has even a scintilla of knowledge to pass on about children-parent relationships is astounding. People need to keep her totally away from talking to youth at all, or imparting ‘wisdom’ about relationships to anyone.

Also, the fact that Harry had his title flashing large in lights above his head at the vax show and that TW had to use hers as her name on the book patently illustrates that nothing they do would be possible without the titles.

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That is unbelievable!! His title in flashing lights???? What happened to " Just call me Harry"??????He is a hypocrite of the first order.

Perhaps he should be reminded that this whole farce of them leaving the RF was to be just like everyone else.....

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Thank you for pointing out JCMH's name in flashing lights; how hypocritical of him. And as you say, without titles (especially her), all of these companies would not be interested in signing them for projects. In a years time, it will be interesting to see where these deals are at, and if any of them were quietly cancelled.

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Every time he pulls a stunt like this, it's like he's a naughty child, thumbing his nose at his parents. " look at me! ! Now what are you gonna do?? " Time someone called his bluff!

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Pamela - You mean Harry, who is camera shy and can’t stand all those clicks. I’ve been saying for a while that I don’t like the way TW always goes for the young impressionable. It’s not a good look IMO.

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But it is very important! G Thunberg is testament to that. get the yoof behind you and they are going to use their ignorance to shout you down. cancel you out, deny you a right to challenge their 'entitlement' . Good news is: NOT all young people are easily led, only the vulnerable and those who need protected from such 'woke' ambassadors.

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Hannah Brown the very scary other worldly creature you mention is on the whole screaming at those of its own age group, there is very much a whole different agender going on their.

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Thinking further about the ANL case, Knauf stating he had no claim on copyright is no surprise - the words were clearly hers and he was never going to join a claim. His inclusion by ANL was more about casting real doubt on the privacy case. What has happened today though is interesting. Her legal team have had to further state that while he was involved in the creation of ideas, she was the only author. So far so ok. It was difficult to believe that she wasn’t. The involvement of her director of communications was the important bit. Warby chose not to allow ANL to gain further information from him in their defence, yet today, albeit only a little, we had some. TWs legal team have explained that Knauf suggested that she include reference to TM’s ill health in it he letter, and she did. The most obvious question now is why. Why should she include that? And why did she? If the letter was wholly private and not for public consumption, then including something which if omitted makes TW look uncaring is unimportant and irrelevant. If we were always meant to read it, how she comes across is key.

Should ANL be granted an appeal this might cause issues for TW. Now she has used this for the copyright case it can’t be disputed or changed. This is now fact. ANL just needs the chance to seek clarification from Jk on exactly why this was considered a necessary addition and why was he consulted upon and assisted her in.

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Great analysis, Hel. Fingers crossed the appeal is granted.

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These are the type of posts I really learn so much from. A succinct easy to understand analysis

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I agree. Let’s just hope ANL get leave to appeal and soon. Thanks.

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Agree with everyone else on this excellent analysis.

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Good analysis!

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Valid points.

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A great analysis Hel. The point about JKs suggestion of adding a reference to her fathers health adds credence to the fact that the letter was for public consumption. If leave for ANL appeal is refused it will confirm what we already know, that there is one rule for the rich and powerful but another rule for Jo Public.

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That is so true, there is one rule for the rich and powerful and as a pleb I am watching closely I am sure many others are as well. It would a horrendous indictment on the judicial system if your words come to fruition

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That is a very good point!! Otherwise if she had not shown concern for her father and it was released she may have not looked like the doting daughter she professed to be...

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Sooo, if JCMH & TW get divorced, but she keeps her title? What if he marries again as his new wife should be Duchess if wherever?

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I would think one of the main reasons TW would divorce H is because he lost that title. No way would she consider cashing in on Princess Henry, not exactly the same. Though with her, who knows?

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If she remarries she loses the title I believe.

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I believe sshe could go back to being MM or take her new husbands name

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@HM - I hadn't even contemplated the possibility of her remarrying, lol. However, I did some research not to long ago. If she opts to enter politics here, she is required to denounce ALL titles. However, our Constitution also states Congress can vote to allow her to keep them. If Harry applies to become a US citizen, he must also relinquish all his titles. However, there is no clause in our Constitution that states Congress can allow him to keep them. Sorry to go wandering off...just a little fyi I've learned.

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Interesting little snippet. So if he becomes a US citizen he has no titles, therefore neither does she whatever Congress may say. Otherwise they would be creating their own royal titles. Go for it Harry, become American before she enters politics.

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She'll remarry, mark my words. She's not smart enough to earn a living on her own without using a guy.

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She will need a new loaded sap to control...narcissists always need a spouse...a whipping post

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Bit who would have her?

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Bill Gates is available and he is worth a whole lot more that "Just Harry". Mind you he gives an awful lot of it away to charity. She might not like that...

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He is also a Billionaire,I would say he like to sleep on a NEW mattress instead of an old nasty stained one:)

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robyn davies my 1st thought now he is on the market so to speak was well thats h being moved nearer to the door. My second was that his kids are probaly consructing a deep very sercret hidaway far far from the grasping claws of tw.

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My understanding is she would be styled Meghan, Duchess of Sussex and a new wife would become HRH, THE Duchess of Sussex. It's the "The" in the title that changes. I don't believe she automatically loses the HRH, but that is all likely something that will be worked out in the divorce documents. Sarah Ferguson, for example, is styled simply Sarah, Duchess of York. No HRH and the all important "The" is gone.

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I would think that in the event of divorce, the RF would most certainly remove her title. It was a wedding gift, not a permanent arrangement.

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Plus she is not a British citizen and would no longer be married to one.

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Who could guess that "the" has such clout!

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'the' is a definite article whereas TW is just an article

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I'm surprised TW hasn't gone for Thee....like that american rap singer....Thee DOS...

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ROFLOL. Same thought I had.

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Might restyle to The Denise CB. What do you think The Jo?!!

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When married she is HRH The Duchess of Sussex, if divorced she would become Megan Duchess of Sussex

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Then we end up with 2 Duchess of Sussex's. I have always said if a woman has a title because of her husband then on divorce they should lose it otherwise you could have the ludicrous situation of several Duchess of whatever if the man married serially.

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SW seriously who would have her, they all know what they would be letting themselves in for. She is too old and was never more than average in looks.

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Who would marry JH? Everyone knows now what a fool he is!

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If they did divorce I am sure she will relinquish her title, because she has mentioned before that titles mean nothing to her.

That's why Archie doesn't have one!

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she likes to say things that sound right but her words and actions are often polar opposites.

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I'm not so sure. If H&TW divorce, it will most likely be over his loss of that title (remember, the title is DUKE, no woman is Duchess unless she's married to a Duke, even the oldest daughter of a Duke is just Lady Wotsit, not Duchess), meaning she will already have lost hers. If you're thinking of the late Princess of Wales, the circumstances were very different because of the issues of succession and her position as mother to an heir. Ideally, H's line in the succession will also have been removed (*see article 2 of the divorce filing) so at that point TW is totally irrelevant to the RF. Should H remarry, he would no longer be a duke, so his second wife would be Princess Henry, full stop. I don't think TW could hang onto that either in the event of divorce, try as she may.

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I was just thinking of how it works in general. Diana lost her HRH but she as an ex wife was still entitled to the title, it wasn't a special exception. Obviously if H had his title taken away then wifey would also lose hers (personally I doubt it will be taken off him)but if they divorce with him still titled as a Duke she then keeps it and if he remarried the new wife would share his titles also.

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Diana was the mother of direct line of succession- huge difference.

Princess Diana was the media/pap name for her and it stuck. To be pedantic, she was Diana Princess of wales. Not that it bothers me, just putting it out there...

The Monarchy can remove the titles on the basis that the toxic two do not want the titles and so doing them a favour! :)

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It doesn't make a difference that Diana was the mother of a future king. As an ex wife she was entitled in the same way as other titled ex wives to keep her title until she 're married.. Obviously the monarch could in theory remove a royal Dukedom although there is no precedent for it but not the Prince of Wales's title, as the heir he is entitled to it by right therefore his wife, ex or otherwise had a right to it.

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Always a first of Our Queen put her mind to it.

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So Catherine's book is coming out this Friday and TW releases publicity about her upcoming book today?? I mean -how predictable. BRF won't protect one of their own -no matter what. I just don't understand the Queen. At some point loyalty has to be rewarded-not used as a doormat.

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There is no end. We may as well buckle up and get comfortable. Just as we always think she can diversify and sink no lower; she somehow manages it. I have long since totally given up hoping she will be devoid of anything that she won't try to spin up and hustle for her own gains. We are in for the long haul.

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Yes, after baby 2, then she will strike!!!

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She is hustling her present position as Duche$$ within the royal family knowing it is the only thing she has going for her. The ball is in Her Majesty's court to take the necessary action to banish and airbrush her forever. The Queen has been far too lenient with the $u$$ex couple, the longer the inevitable decision is put off, the more damage to the Monarchy

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I have several members who have voluteered to help keep the boards free of speculation and off-topic items. They will helpfully suggest that you delete or reword something, yet I saw someone being rude to one of them, and my rules are no attacking other posters. They were banned for that act.

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Thanks HM and the volunteers. We must respect your rules. We all enjoy being a part of this blog.

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Many thanks I appreciate a reminder if I go off the topic.

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Many thanks to you HM and the volunteers.

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Agree. Many thanks to you all.

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Many thanks to both you and the volunteers! I imagine the task is somewhat like herding cats. Very much appreciate this speculation-and-attack-free zone!

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Im just amazed that mm has done a book on fathers considering how she has treated hers. It doesnt even sound like a child would understand it, just another vanity project. When will the Queen decide enough is enough and take their titles they are obviously making money off them.

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There is an amusing highly critical article about her book with 38k shares, I am not sure I have seen that many shares before.

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The book is not really for children as such. It’s a saccharine sweet mother’s point of view. TW is the star of course and it’s all about her, rather than the father and child. I doubt that a young child will understand it. I would have thought that many children would be afraid of soldiers for various reasons and the woke brigade would be entirely against them.

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I will be very interested to see the actual ratings for vacuous live. The ratings for the Oscars were dismal, and yet those attending the oscars preened, emoted, proselytized, and applauded as if the were the center of the universe- just like hairy.

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I stopped watching the Oscar a few years back. Also surprised the dumb duo wasn't there. OW had a party and no mentioned of the duo showing up. Read somewhere the TW is the most searched person on internet. Source did not say that is because of curiosity of TW whether good or bad. This is what TW wants. Using baby #2 as excuse probably for not being invited, if someone inquires. I never thought in all my days, would I be so interested in those two and I think it is because of the lockdown we have experienced. So everyday I keep telling myself don't click on either one of those nit wits. However I do. 😏

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Same here. Strange isn't it?

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I've just checked Amazon here and TW's book, which won't be released until June 8, has already been marked down from $18.99 to $11.99 for the Kindle version. It's listed in Children's Black and African American stories. Not sure of the difference between those two. It's for ages 3-7. It is 40 pages!!! No ratings for it yet. As others have started the movement, I purchased "The Boy on the Bench." It's only available in paperback form. Unfortunately, The DoC book, "Hold Still..." is not yet available on Amazon USA, just Amazon UK, pre-ordered it anyway. While I don't see a similarity between the "bench" books in the story aspect, the similarity in the covers is just too big a coincidence, imho. I also believe putting the one father in military uniform was an obvious dig at the Queen, which I find reprehensible. As for her story theme, father/son stories are so common, beginning with Cain and Abel, so really nothing new creatively. However, the timing of releasing her book info is again, too big of a coincidence with DoE book coming out Friday. NO doubt in my mind that was deliberate, but it also means they will be compared, despite TW's book not coming out for 2 more months, and I believe the comparisons between the 2 of them will brutal against TW. DoC's book will be new and historical, as well as gripping and emotional. TW's book is simply a regurgitated theme with nothing original. It's quite clear who is the more talented of the two.

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Will purchase Cathrine's book, however not available in US as you just mentioned.

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Thinking of Just 'Arry's 'performance' at the Ex-Lax Games, I was reminded of that eyesore known as "It's a Royal Knockout", which by comparison now seems quaintly tasteful!! I never thought I'd write that. As for Mrs. Duke, continual ridicule is key. People like her hate being made fun of. They want to be taken seriously, very seriously. They see themselves as skilled and expert in many fields. Ridicule drives them around the bend. Given her ridiculous pretensions, it's hardly a difficult task.

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I agree ridicule drives them 'round the bend. It makes me wonder just how much more ridicule Her Majesty and Prince Charles are willing to put up with. M and H abandoned their royal responsibilities to live a "private" life merchandising their connection to the royal family because it is all they have to sell.

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like tupperware without the usefulness ? Historically wasn’t it Martha Stewert who branded her “lifestyle”accoutrements seen in her tvshow , magazines & fashion photos to the lesser lights , via K Mart ? Put her name everywhere ? Is this the RF trajectory ? sussex plasticware service for 8 , dukey monogrammed sheets , books of agitprop coffeetable virtue ?

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Can’t we just tell them to BOGOFF?

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I reckon H got a hint of that message when he came back for PP's funeral, Morph. Unfortunately TW was too scared to attend or we could have given her the welcome she deserves.

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Rotten eggs? Turn her off chickens for good.

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That’ll learn her - isn’t she supposed to be a vegetarian?

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Well she did make H roast chicken but did she eat it?? 🤫

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"We" have; it's up to Her Majesty and/or the government to make it official!!!

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Just when you think she can't be more farcial, ludicrous and totally inappropriate she sinks even lower. Painting herself as an author/expert on bonding between father and son after the way she abandoned her own ailing and ageing father and fractured the relationship between her husband and the only family he has ever known, is so hypocritical. Watch for the book to hit the best seller list after her PR people buy up copies; the book will soon be available in bargain bins. No doubt she will have another book planned for next year, in time for Mother's Day, on the love shared between mothers and daughters.

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What I find truly amazing is that a B actress(at best) and a former suitcase girl is so qualified to advise the world on how to live, treat each other and is now an Author. What education does she have that would give her the expertise to lecture people and young teens on how to interact and be compassionate human beings.

I have said it before, that she is the last person to be giving advice to impressionable teenagers on how to treat other people.

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It’ll do well. At least initially. You need to sell fewer books than you might imagine to top bestseller lists and she does have a proportionally small, but in actual numbers significant (in these terms) band of groupies who will buy the book because she wrote it regardless of it’s actual merit. More fool them.

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That's an old trick to get onto the bestseller list. A publisher (or PR team) will put in a pre-order for a few thousand books then cancel the order just before it's release date.

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In my view TW has no experience of parent/child bond. With A not even 2 yet, just wait until he is older and able to voice his own opinions that may differ from hers, especially the teenage years. Also the non existent relationship she now has with her dad is not a good example.

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When he's older, he will hold it against her that he was not able to grow up among the centuries old family and traditions he was born into.

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or even the relatives in the country he is living in. Is he British or American?

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MM Hi copies sent free to all Infants Schools and Pre- Schools free of charge! do you think. Nothing would surprise me at this point.

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I don't think she gives anything away for free.

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You got that right, Amelia! 😄

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No, she doesn't; she follows her mother's reportedly advice.

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Does anyone have any faith in what should be the rightful outcome of the court case?

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The most important aspect of the case is the privacy issue upon which Warby J gave summary judgement weeks ago. ANL have sought leave from the Court of Appeal to appeal to the full Court of Appeal on that issue. That action is still waiting for bundles to be produced by MM's lawyers. I imagine there was a cut off date but do not know when the time limit for production was. Possibly 28 days so must be fairly soon unless excuses or extension has been sought by them. The case today was a minor part on the copyright point and the issue of damages relating to that. It will not stop the appeal going ahead if leave is granted. Warby J will no longer be involved after today. Nil desperandum!

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There is a god thank you TriciaH2K

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May 5, 2021
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Failed everyone miserably - ought to be de- wigged.

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Good point our Morph! We've called for Welby's "frock", now we may have a wig - any idea where we can get the shoes to complete the outfit?

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Once he is defrocked and dewigged we could call in the paps and get a compromising photo!!

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Her tart trotters - she’s clearly walked all over him.

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Then give to TW for her collection...👩‍🦲

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Good one Ms B. Hee, hee

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Hi all well last night I nearly fell off the sofa and squashed the dog laughting , oh please achildrens book! It would seem a book already in print with almost same title and content exists. How many more times is this very seriously deluded person going to get away iwht this.

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Were you laughing or the dog , GAP UK ???..😄🐕

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Ms B. Me the dog moved sharpish.

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We do wonder on a daily basis. I would have thought by now that Harry and his wife would have plenty of ropes to .... themselves.

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Surely at some point the RF and the various advisors have to acknowledge the current Monarchy ISNT working for us. By "working for us" I mean the set up, not the physical graft. There is no justification for a Monarchy that shows little respect or empathy to its citizens. H+TW seem to have carte blanche to do what they please so long as they don't use HRH.

H+TW are not the full deck but seemingly enabled by the family.

I am questioning what the RF think their own role is going forward if the little people withdraw support. There are some magnificent hard working Royals who may ultimately be chasing a lost cause.

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H & MM will NOT be the undoing of the RF. They will continue doing what they do. Yes the couple are basically taking the pee by using their titles for merchandising. I agree with everyone here but what about the great British public? I'm not so sure. I think the majority of people either don't have an opinion or they just don't care one way or the other. The antics of H & MM will not bring down the Monarchy. It will be business as usual, that is until H & MM truly do something outrageous, then something may be done about them.

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This is what I dislike so much. Because they're enabling these two, the RF, which really could be a force of good, are just made to look pathetic. Such a shame. I cannot support an RF that works like this. They've become a laughingstock.

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Yup, at some point it stops with the Harkles. Everyone knows they are going to keep doing this. The anger will turn and is turning at the Queen and the BRF for allowing this to happen.

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I know myself, that every day that H and TW pull another stunt or scam, my initial anger at them gets redirected immediately at HM and PC for not putting a stop to it in the first place. One can't disassociate the Harkles' BS from the RF BS, because it goes hand in hand at this point and has been for far too long.

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Agreed TP. Their stunts and scams do reflect badly on the RF. By bandying around their titles, leaps seem to be being made - by some - that it's accepted/endorsed by TQ so why the fuss from people like me who object.

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May 5, 2021
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I fail to understand what the RF's thinking is on all of it JA - they may as well be named as executive producers of the unfolding reality show or listed as the supporting cast of the H+M ****show

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‘Prose is terrible’ Andrew Neil blasts Meghan Markle book. This is exactly what I thought after I read those pages.

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Ha Ha thought it was meant to be poetry, just shows how recognisable it was!

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I am thinking Meghan lives in some fantasy world? How on earth can she write a child's book about a child's relationship with her father-when she refused to introduce Harry to her father and he hasn't even seen her grandson?

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Anyone who claims polite applause from a seated audience was a standing ovation is deluded beyond all reasonable help.

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And on the televised version canned applause will be added, no doubt.

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Thanks Harry Markle for all this work. You are my only source of information.

I signed the petition. This is my first comment on this blog.

I live in Canada. My mother tongue is french. So, i apologize for any grammar or spelling mistake.

I offer my most heartfel condolences to HMTQ and RF.

But today, i feel sad, angry, and abandoned by the Monarchy. I do not understand what is happening. The duo stepped down their royal duties one year ago for a private life. However, as we see every day in the media, they use royal titles to make money.

They lost theirs roles in the QCT, patronages and military titles in february 2021. I thought that a revision was planned in march 2021 to assess their status. Actually, nothing changes and nothing happened.

The President and Vice-President roles in QCT have not been reassigned. These positions are actually vacant.

As canadian, i am so beyond hurt by this situation. I can guess that this work goes on well behind the scenes. However, it has gone on for too long. Everyone is tired. The public needs a clear and strong answer. Inaction only reinforces bad behaviour.

The « Men in grey » have done very good work before 2018 : they made JCMH as sympathetic and popular. I never liked H (fights with journalists ; alcohol ; drugs ; naked in Las Vegas ; nazi costume party ...). I always thought he was too spoiled, arrogant, egocentric, envious and jealous of his brother. JCMH thought he was really equal to PW. He always believed he, his futur wife and childrens should have the same privileges, status and rights as those normally given to D&DoC.

H and TW have that in common : jealousy. It is a classic « folie à deux ». That’s why they were planning their full exit around the time of their wedding : « My brother will be King of The United Kingdom, i will be the King of the World ! ».

After the Cambridge’s wedding, i remember that JCMH followed the couple in theirs official missions. It was a mistake not to separate the official duties of PW and PH at that time. Remember the beginning : same budget for the wedding ; enormous privileges for TW as fiancee ; the « Fab Four »...

The RF is a private family, but she also has public duties. The Queen is the Head of State, « Fount of Justice », and Defender of the Faith and Supreme Governor of the Church of England.

As private family, all members are equal and loved : « H, M and A will always be much loved family members ».

As Monarchy, there is only one legitimate heir. The direct line heirs will always have privileges more important than others members of the family. Monarchies work like this.

H&M don’t want to understand that. Obsessed with jealousy, H confuses parental love with honors and titles of the Monarchy. He is taking advantages (Dukedom, security, roles, titles, and money) for granted.

This reasoning is childish and manipulative. H&M exhibit the same behaviour as a young child in supermarket and there is a fight about why the child can’t have the jelly babies or others sweets. If the mum gives him to his desires, there will be more and more crisis.

If nothing is done, JCMH and TW will soon destroy the reign of the D&DoC.

The duo not give up the titles and it will never stop.

My thoughts. The father and son story in this book is a dig at PC and his alleged «bad » treatment of Harry. TW uses A as a pawn to H. And might also extend to PC and PH’s relationship. The objective : PC and PW feel guilty. It’s just manipulation.

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Welcome to our blog and thank you for your post. You should have joined us sooner. It will be a pleasure to have your thoughts and insights regularly.

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Superbement dit. Yes to everything you said. I myself am particularly upset at how they wanted to also manipulate the Commonwealth for their greedy aims, without understanding the difference between the Realm and the Commonwealth of Nations, without learning its history. As well, to her desire to not want to understand what marrying into such a family means... or perhaps she does not have the capacity to understand it. The Monarch has to do something to cut them off decisively.

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Thank you all for the warm welcome !

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Indeed that was my point in an earlier post today, a cruel,nasty snide dig at Charles.

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Welcome and thank you for such a thoughtful first post.

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Yes, it's payback for cutting off their funding.

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Well said!

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So very true. With them popping up every other day, the monarchy becauses a circus.

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Great thoughts. Maybe h$m should become case studies in narcissism to be analyzed and discussed by future psychiatrists.

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Think that's already happening

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Don’t think even a brain surgeon would want to dig into their brains - might be catching.

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Mad chicken disease.

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Seriously, I guess I should not be shocked but I am.I understood that they both wanted a quiet life out of the limelight. Harry once again reiterated the same nonsense that he seems to spew at all these events. It is pretty obvious that being in the Royal Family did not bring them enough attention. They both want to be celebrities. It seems that it is a more lucrative endeavour than just being a working Royal.

She seems to think that she can flog anything as long as the Duchess of Sussex is attached to it. Coffee, books, clothing, backpacks. There has to be some point in time where the Queen and PC will say enough is enough and take that privilege away from them.

IMO I think this was the game plan all along. I understand that they need to make a living to survive as most people do but they have certainly not shown that the need for privacy was a priority. They could have gone off and quietly lived a very normal life. But from the last few months and after that interview it is very obvious that was never their intention.

I am sure this book will be another of MM's flowery prose in her nauseating way of driving her mandate of doing good deeds and how we should all love one another. Ironic that it is about a child and his parent and their relationship as she seems to be remiss in her treatment of her own father.

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What is horrifying is that it could all have been so different…they had everything in their favour to do real good in the world…but no the personality of the narcissist is a wrecking ball. Riding rough shod over everything decent & everybody for self gratification & it will not stop until something dramatically changes. The despicable duo are on a path of self destruction without doubt because they discard people with such regularity. It is a nightmare scenario

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No, the privacy claim was a smokescreen. The problem was H&TW had no control over what the UK press said about them, and as a lot of it was often quite negative, they had to get away from it. Look at all the lawsuits initiated by H&TW as indication of their objection to unflattering press coverage. They crave attention like a junkie craves another fix, but the attention has to be in the form of adulation, not criticism. H was already sort of famous, mostly because his immediate family was, but raising TW to first H's squeeze, then fiancée, then wife, then Duchess, put her on the celeb map like nothing else ever could have. She'll hang onto that title for all she's worth.

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Once again, an excellent summary! A woman who writes about family relationships when she can't maintain mist of hers. A man who discusses mental health with a "woke" personality on a TV show...neither have training or licenses to do so. UGH...Am waiting for Netflix and Spotify to "ask" where/when the Sussexs will start delivering their "content." Checked Spotify earlier this week and saw that the Sussexs have only one podcast available, and that's the one from last December.

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For the life of me, I have never understood why anyone listens to Prince Harry on mental health. He his mental health issues but that does not make him an expert on treatment. He can encourage other people to get help but he has no expertise.

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Jack of all trades

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Strange isn’t it that he’s ‘a hack if all trades - master at none’. Cut his hands off he’d be speechless - what is the point of him?

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Yes, he can encourage others to get help when they need it by showing that mental health affects all different types of people. But it's the way Harry goes about it...he should lead by example.....not by making a buck

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DT: Meghan Markle’s fun-free children’s book may put an entire generation off reading


"It reveals something of the political superficiality of Harry and Meghan’s activism that an “inclusive” book would use the military father as its promotional message. Perhaps it’s a cultural thing, but if my kids have to read about soldiers, I’d prefer Hans Christian Andersen’s tin version rather than the woke posturing of a former royal."

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It is not even a children’s book, the feeling and emotions are through the point of view of the main character, which is the ‘mother’ not even the father and child and the language used is for adults not children; mine would have been bored after reading the first page.

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I was confused when I first read the pages becasue the writing is confusing. The book is for under 2 or 3, they will be totally lost.

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Even a fictional HW has to be the centre of attention?

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She cannot think or write from other people's views, no such abaility.

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Enough to give you nightmares

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We could deliberately misread the story! Harry divorces his wife, joins the US Army, and it is his turn to have A for the day and he takes him to a bench in a public park. That poor kid is going to have a terrible time no matter what happens.

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I think he will need to join the French Foreign Legion to escape from her clutches.

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That would be the last of him. Never survive.

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Sadly dear Tricia - they’d run away from him - he’s proved to be just as toxic imho.

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May 5, 2021
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No - runs away - in the past he’s had his nose wiped.

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This is what that illustration made me think: War hero Harry returns from the front line to meet his son for the first time. It even almost rhymes, like one of her verses, printed for some reason in such a tiny font you can hardly see it.

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Maybe the uniform is a dig because H had his military titles removed?

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Looks like an American uniform to me. Perhaps because it's aimed at an American market?

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Unbelievable! Will they never end their daily pr releases? American Mother’s Day and Father’s Day coming up so I’m sure there will be pr releases for that too. They copy everyone and everything, the Obamas, even Fergie, American Wounded Warriors (Invictus), PW &C, just waiting for the future announcement of their last stop.... reality tv show.

I doubt you Brits will see h in the summer....he will stay home and appear via zoom, this time using the birth of his new kid as an excuse. TW is probably freaking out every month as her accountant tells her how much is being spent and how much $ is coming in and US & Cali taxes have to be paid. She may have gotten a 6 figure book advance but that $ won’t last long. What is their next money making scheme? Oh wait, new kid will mean new photos to sell! Hope HMQ, PP and PW take some action soon to publicly distance themselves from the spoiled, money grubbing hypocrites.

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Today is also Cingo da mayo day ( don't know if I spelled that right) and of course, is Wednesday so is Humpday:))

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I like the reality show idea. Working title: Havin' a Larf wiv the Harkles

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After the uproar about A’s privacy and not showing him off as some sort of revenge against the RF and public, it will be interesting to see how number 2 is presented or hidden.

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Oh it will be all over hello magazine no doubt for megabucks

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Judging by The Garden photo..its probably here already..

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Running around the garden.

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appears Knauf denied writing or help write the letter. Perhaps having seen this book he wants to disassociate himself from any of her poor writing style. On the subject of privacy surely Thomas Markle has the right to balance the public comments to the People with public comments to British press to clear his name/reputation. and only extracts relevant were used. TW alienated her father before she met Harry. Damage was done when she decided to broadcast it via friends dripfeeding to People. Back in the day when she had friends.

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