
Americans Mock The Todger

Harold and his seal opera...

In the space of 48 hours, the Sussexes have been mocked and laughed at by American comedians, while skits in the UK by comedians show that no one cares about Harold and his tales of woe. Seth Meyers, highlights how the duo have hilariously broken their silence on a monthly basis, and that they breached their own privacy for money. Jimmy Kimmel introduces and reads, ‘The Prince and the Penis’, and one can only wonder how many IKEA plates were being thrown in Montecito last night when it aired.

Add to that a snub from BAFTA when they weren’t invited to the tea party over the weekend, and Chelsea Handler mocking the todger story. They aren’t as popular as they think they are or as their cult claim they are…


When people shared clips of the audio book, you had to wonder whether it was a parody or not with the clipped and monotonous tones, but apparently it was genuine. So was the clip with Harold singing to seals in what he called the seal opera. There are no words to describe this, yet I imagine upon listening to the clip that eyes will roll in shock, and mouths will hang open in disbelief that Harold would allow himself to sound so foolish.


How will the duo react? They can’t sue because of the First Amendment and parody is something they have to accept. That’s the beauty of free speech, and the right to your own opinions and beliefs, and TW is always encouraging people to use their voice, and they are—to mock Harold and his wife, and to tell them their behaviour is disgraceful and disrespectful.