As an alumnus of Santiago de Compostela, I was both shocked and dismayed that the CEO of BetterUp would trade on his announced soulful life experience (for profit) with same.
The journey to Santiago de Compostela is a dedicated walk, for pilgrims of any faith and no faith, where some find a better way to live their lives through inner fulfillment. (Sounds like the mission statement of BetterUp!)
And this news comes during the most sacred time of the year for Christians.
I truly doubt the CEO understands the true nature of a prince who betrayed his queen and his nation.
I wish no ill will to anyone, but the fallout may be far beyond any karma that both may experience.
The DM is reporting Harry and Meghan told royal advisors, "you can't stop us doing what we want" before Megxit, and were "calling the shots". Hardly sounds like tough and unbending Meghan was being bullied by ANYONE at the Palace. It's past time for Her Majesty to continue ONLY seeing Harry as her grandson. The Queen must ACT as Monarch and deal with the Sussex couple as traitors who have betrayed Her Majesty, the nation, the Commonwealth of Nations and Harry's former comrades-in-arms by removing their titles. Meghan is a Rasputin like character who never should have been permitted to infiltrate the royal family.
The Queen has already betrayed her people by putting the wishes of her petulant grandson over the well-being of the country the moment she allowed this obviously ill-fitted and cunning social climber into the family. It was blatantly obvious from the get-go that Markle would be a disaster and that she would milk this opportunity for all it got. Her babbling family, her obvious out of control narcissism, her silly lies (I knew nothing about Harry), her endless greed, her cultural deafness (which really surmounts everything I’ve ever witnessed), her way of treating her family and friends in the past, her shady job history, everything was right in the open to see for everyone. And if rumors are true, many members of the RF did see these red flags. But for Elisabeth ll the happiness of her spoilt dim witted loser-grandson meant more than the survival of the monarchy. Well, if the royals care so little about the institution themselves, let’s relieve them of this burden by turning the UK into a Republic.
I find it very hard to support TQ in this particular instance. While she and her officials appear to have been covering up M's background and absolute unsuitability. the nation was still tearing itself apart over national self determination and the nation state of which she is the reigning monarch and absolute symbol. In essence this has been a right Royal fraud on the people of "this sceptred isle"
As they say:”you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t”. Since they are dealing with a brand of cunning that they might not have encountered before they need to think out of the box and hire from areas of expertise not normally associated with the RF.
I can see some difficulties here. If the Crown responds via zoom, it will immediately reported to Gayle King ( Soap Oprahs friend) and will be released to the public, partially or fully. If the Crown sends them a letter, it should be given by a British Ambassador ( above reproach) and drafted by the Crown's legal team, for the same reason as the first statement. Short, legal, and to the point, framed in diplomatic jargon, so no ill will is shown.
I def agree. IMO a decisive end must be put to the tit-for-tat responding that the Harkles seem to be so ready to engage in. All the one-upmanship does is reveal more of M's bog ignorance about proper form, good manners and common courtesy and it accelerates the hostility, but without providing any objective clarity to the matter. In addition, it create the impression of the duo's well-basted pettiness and petulance. A formal letter is the way to go, drafted by the monarch's legal and constitutional experts, signed by her and by PC, and delivered to the UK Ambassador in the US inside in the thrillingly-named "diplomatic bag" [shades of too many spy novels!], thence to be handed to H in person with due solemnity. While I wish rear ends to be metaphorically kicked and hard in Cali, I do not doubt that, as you say, the language in the letter will be most carefully chosen so as not to give offence. But I would not bet on M not taking it! It's what she seems hardwired to do. Which is one of the causative problems IMO. What We the Public will hear of the outcome, I don't know. I hope for full disclosure, but, as time goes by, I am inclined to believe that discretion and a level of privacy will operate on both sides. So long as we hear at least the basics of what we all want to hear, we may have to be, for the moment, content with that.
Perhaps the smartest thing that her Majesty could do is to Harry Markle (the blog writer, not the fool) as the Controller of how to behave in a dignified way online without silencing opinions that may vary? I had to be taught to do it properly, and I hope I learned it well. I have even toned down my comments on DM, which allow much more leeway usually, when it was pointed out to me that it is not a proper way to behave :)
I have never had mine modified, but they have never published or just deleted some of mine - not many, but for a while, a few of the sugars were "stalking" me, so they would be deleted. Sometimes the DM reinstated them, and sometimes, they did not. That has not happened for a long time, though.
I think that is just a bunch of hooey. Now the Q and people will not stand for something to change because of a whim of a stupid girl. Please let us remember the power the Q has and not even think this would happen. jmho
According to the DE, "Prince Harry was 'worshipped' by royal household - but now staff are 'horrified' by him." I would say pretty much how most people think about the traitor Prince.
It's the makings of a spoiled little boy. He really had no purpose in life so therefor the "devil may care" attitude. Poor little spare to the throne, needs no discipline and given more freedom. Too bad Diana wasn't around to keep him grounded.
likable rogue?- it was a very messy, public divorce, his mother died while being' entertained' by other grifters who used her (IMHO) she went from one lover to another- seeking THE ONE she could share a life with. (I am not judging Diana on this behavior). It is not surprise that the young child would not be damaged. There was the pity for compensation of 'naughty' behavior being over looked , AND it got him attention- which is what he was probably seeking from the family . He was perfect material for that wrenched narcissist's Miggan. Both meant for each other! liars, grifters, lazy, self serving manipulative cretins.
I hope this isn't off topic - The DM is reporting Saira Khan claims her Pakistani culture has been more restrictive to her progression than any racism she has encountered as an Asian woman in the UK.
Apologies if this is a little off topic, but I’m feeling very old... does anyone else remember the ladybird book about THE Royal Wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer? I loved it and must have read it a thousand times. 🥰 For some reason the names of their two youngest bridesmaids have stuck in my mind... India Hicks and Clemmie Hambro.
ITV have a documentary on at 9pm this evening called “My Years with the Queen” by Lady Pamela Hicks - she is the mother of India, cousin of PP and herself a bridesmaid to HMTQ. I’m sure that it will be a fascinating program, free from mis-information 😉.
Perhaps ITV are trying to make amends in some small way for showing that dreadful “interview” with M, PH and OW recently?
It does sound like ITV is trying to make amends (in a VERY small way)!!! Lady Pamela Hicks was also a lady-in-waiting to Princess Elizabeth in Africa when she learned of the death of her father, King George VI and she became Queen Elizabeth.
Well we've been waiting and waiting, and I for one was willing to believe our Queen would surely act on the 31st. Yet us royalists have been well and truly let down. There's articles galore popping up on DMs forum. Why don't they just hand them the keys to the castle and warm the throne.
Yes today is Maundy Thursday and tomorrow Good Friday ... weekend .Easter Sunday , Monday Public holiday ... why am I making excuses ? I'm sounding desperate now . Nothing is going to happen .
HMTQ sent out Maundy money as the Monarch as done for centuries, every year. I wonder if she sent 30 pieces of silver to the toxic twosome. Appropriate for this time of year as they betrayed HMTQ- the OW show was akin to the garden of Gethsemane story in the Bible.
I do not fear the lack or retribution-the RF and PB have plans- it is frustrating we are not getting a public show of them. It will be a HUGE spectacle. IMHO
They will use a private jet for their well earned 'holiday' it is exhausting being on the public eye 24/7!
I really do believe they will sneak into the UK-under cover.
No, I think you are right. TQ will be observing the Easter vigil and ceremonies in the traditional manner. The disgraceful shenanigans of the Harkles can wait, if someone has that view.
I'm starting to think the same. If it hasn't happened by now, it's likely not going to happen at all. I feel the announcement earlier in March about them going their separate ways is the end of it. Guess they'll get to keep their titles. So much for not cashing in on them either with Harry getting two roles in different organizations that are clearly utlizing his titles for their own gain.
I doubt there will be any action during Holy Week.
PH and MM say they can't be stopped? Just wait... have patience.
As an alumnus of Santiago de Compostela, I was both shocked and dismayed that the CEO of BetterUp would trade on his announced soulful life experience (for profit) with same.
The journey to Santiago de Compostela is a dedicated walk, for pilgrims of any faith and no faith, where some find a better way to live their lives through inner fulfillment. (Sounds like the mission statement of BetterUp!)
And this news comes during the most sacred time of the year for Christians.
I truly doubt the CEO understands the true nature of a prince who betrayed his queen and his nation.
I wish no ill will to anyone, but the fallout may be far beyond any karma that both may experience.
Shocking as well that Harry, with the encouragement of Meghan, would trade on the tragic death of his mother for commercial purposes
Their entire game is beyond belief, imo.
The DM is reporting Harry and Meghan told royal advisors, "you can't stop us doing what we want" before Megxit, and were "calling the shots". Hardly sounds like tough and unbending Meghan was being bullied by ANYONE at the Palace. It's past time for Her Majesty to continue ONLY seeing Harry as her grandson. The Queen must ACT as Monarch and deal with the Sussex couple as traitors who have betrayed Her Majesty, the nation, the Commonwealth of Nations and Harry's former comrades-in-arms by removing their titles. Meghan is a Rasputin like character who never should have been permitted to infiltrate the royal family.
The Queen has already betrayed her people by putting the wishes of her petulant grandson over the well-being of the country the moment she allowed this obviously ill-fitted and cunning social climber into the family. It was blatantly obvious from the get-go that Markle would be a disaster and that she would milk this opportunity for all it got. Her babbling family, her obvious out of control narcissism, her silly lies (I knew nothing about Harry), her endless greed, her cultural deafness (which really surmounts everything I’ve ever witnessed), her way of treating her family and friends in the past, her shady job history, everything was right in the open to see for everyone. And if rumors are true, many members of the RF did see these red flags. But for Elisabeth ll the happiness of her spoilt dim witted loser-grandson meant more than the survival of the monarchy. Well, if the royals care so little about the institution themselves, let’s relieve them of this burden by turning the UK into a Republic.
I find it very hard to support TQ in this particular instance. While she and her officials appear to have been covering up M's background and absolute unsuitability. the nation was still tearing itself apart over national self determination and the nation state of which she is the reigning monarch and absolute symbol. In essence this has been a right Royal fraud on the people of "this sceptred isle"
Couldn’t agree more.
DM reporting this morning that H&M were in talks with a now defunct streaming service a year before Megxit.
As they say:”you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t”. Since they are dealing with a brand of cunning that they might not have encountered before they need to think out of the box and hire from areas of expertise not normally associated with the RF.
I can see some difficulties here. If the Crown responds via zoom, it will immediately reported to Gayle King ( Soap Oprahs friend) and will be released to the public, partially or fully. If the Crown sends them a letter, it should be given by a British Ambassador ( above reproach) and drafted by the Crown's legal team, for the same reason as the first statement. Short, legal, and to the point, framed in diplomatic jargon, so no ill will is shown.
I def agree. IMO a decisive end must be put to the tit-for-tat responding that the Harkles seem to be so ready to engage in. All the one-upmanship does is reveal more of M's bog ignorance about proper form, good manners and common courtesy and it accelerates the hostility, but without providing any objective clarity to the matter. In addition, it create the impression of the duo's well-basted pettiness and petulance. A formal letter is the way to go, drafted by the monarch's legal and constitutional experts, signed by her and by PC, and delivered to the UK Ambassador in the US inside in the thrillingly-named "diplomatic bag" [shades of too many spy novels!], thence to be handed to H in person with due solemnity. While I wish rear ends to be metaphorically kicked and hard in Cali, I do not doubt that, as you say, the language in the letter will be most carefully chosen so as not to give offence. But I would not bet on M not taking it! It's what she seems hardwired to do. Which is one of the causative problems IMO. What We the Public will hear of the outcome, I don't know. I hope for full disclosure, but, as time goes by, I am inclined to believe that discretion and a level of privacy will operate on both sides. So long as we hear at least the basics of what we all want to hear, we may have to be, for the moment, content with that.
TQ and PC were at Frogmore grounds today.
That is a very potent statement- the photographs give out. Could be a subminimal message to the toxic two?
I feel so confident that the big bang is on its way.
Truth ,light , honesty
Perhaps the smartest thing that her Majesty could do is to Harry Markle (the blog writer, not the fool) as the Controller of how to behave in a dignified way online without silencing opinions that may vary? I had to be taught to do it properly, and I hope I learned it well. I have even toned down my comments on DM, which allow much more leeway usually, when it was pointed out to me that it is not a proper way to behave :)
My comments in the DM vary according to whether the comments have been modified or not.
I have never had mine modified, but they have never published or just deleted some of mine - not many, but for a while, a few of the sugars were "stalking" me, so they would be deleted. Sometimes the DM reinstated them, and sometimes, they did not. That has not happened for a long time, though.
Is to HIRE * Harry Markle the blog writer - sometimes I hit post before I proofread
Two items I have come across
There is a new CEO for the Qcommonwealth trust
Someone in the Sussexsquad is suggesting change the name to Archewell ?
Some movement behind the scenes?
I think that is just a bunch of hooey. Now the Q and people will not stand for something to change because of a whim of a stupid girl. Please let us remember the power the Q has and not even think this would happen. jmho
The kick back has begun.
The gulag awaits
Archewell is the name that needs changing. Ah Well is a good name.
According to the DE, "Prince Harry was 'worshipped' by royal household - but now staff are 'horrified' by him." I would say pretty much how most people think about the traitor Prince.
The general consensus was he was trouble, but not worshipped but loved as a cheeky rascal.
I heard the opposite. When he was a child he used to ride his trike into the legs of footmen.
It's the makings of a spoiled little boy. He really had no purpose in life so therefor the "devil may care" attitude. Poor little spare to the throne, needs no discipline and given more freedom. Too bad Diana wasn't around to keep him grounded.
They say D never told him off for riding his bike into them
likable rogue?- it was a very messy, public divorce, his mother died while being' entertained' by other grifters who used her (IMHO) she went from one lover to another- seeking THE ONE she could share a life with. (I am not judging Diana on this behavior). It is not surprise that the young child would not be damaged. There was the pity for compensation of 'naughty' behavior being over looked , AND it got him attention- which is what he was probably seeking from the family . He was perfect material for that wrenched narcissist's Miggan. Both meant for each other! liars, grifters, lazy, self serving manipulative cretins.
I hope this isn't off topic - The DM is reporting Saira Khan claims her Pakistani culture has been more restrictive to her progression than any racism she has encountered as an Asian woman in the UK.
I read it a few minutes ago - a brave article, in my opinion.
Apologies if this is a little off topic, but I’m feeling very old... does anyone else remember the ladybird book about THE Royal Wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer? I loved it and must have read it a thousand times. 🥰 For some reason the names of their two youngest bridesmaids have stuck in my mind... India Hicks and Clemmie Hambro.
ITV have a documentary on at 9pm this evening called “My Years with the Queen” by Lady Pamela Hicks - she is the mother of India, cousin of PP and herself a bridesmaid to HMTQ. I’m sure that it will be a fascinating program, free from mis-information 😉.
Perhaps ITV are trying to make amends in some small way for showing that dreadful “interview” with M, PH and OW recently?
It does sound like ITV is trying to make amends (in a VERY small way)!!! Lady Pamela Hicks was also a lady-in-waiting to Princess Elizabeth in Africa when she learned of the death of her father, King George VI and she became Queen Elizabeth.
Well we've been waiting and waiting, and I for one was willing to believe our Queen would surely act on the 31st. Yet us royalists have been well and truly let down. There's articles galore popping up on DMs forum. Why don't they just hand them the keys to the castle and warm the throne.
To be fair, I believe Her Majesty is observing Holy Week, hopefully we'll hear from the Palace next week.
Yes today is Maundy Thursday and tomorrow Good Friday ... weekend .Easter Sunday , Monday Public holiday ... why am I making excuses ? I'm sounding desperate now . Nothing is going to happen .
HMTQ sent out Maundy money as the Monarch as done for centuries, every year. I wonder if she sent 30 pieces of silver to the toxic twosome. Appropriate for this time of year as they betrayed HMTQ- the OW show was akin to the garden of Gethsemane story in the Bible.
I do not fear the lack or retribution-the RF and PB have plans- it is frustrating we are not getting a public show of them. It will be a HUGE spectacle. IMHO
They will use a private jet for their well earned 'holiday' it is exhausting being on the public eye 24/7!
I really do believe they will sneak into the UK-under cover.
No, I think you are right. TQ will be observing the Easter vigil and ceremonies in the traditional manner. The disgraceful shenanigans of the Harkles can wait, if someone has that view.
I'm starting to think the same. If it hasn't happened by now, it's likely not going to happen at all. I feel the announcement earlier in March about them going their separate ways is the end of it. Guess they'll get to keep their titles. So much for not cashing in on them either with Harry getting two roles in different organizations that are clearly utlizing his titles for their own gain.