
A Common Variety Fairytale Interview

While TOS dishes out advice on mental health

The postponed Variety magazine issue featuring TW was finally published, where they gave her some sort of award for paying to look like a humanitarian. The elaborate photo shoot that has been heavily retouched took place before the Queen died, but they didn’t have to postpone it, but it wouldn’t have given TW the attention and PR that she needed. TW played at being a model for a day, posing and preening, although we don't really know why because there was so much airbrushing and retouching of the images, that it all looked completely fake. Well, TW is the epitome of everything that is fake. Only the day before, she was moaning that ‘Deal or No Deal’ treated her like a bimbo model, and now she was posing as a model. There were the trademark smirks, sneers, and attempts to pout sexily, and of course the Madonna like gaze. How much did her PR pay to convince Variety to give her a useless and meaningless award for PR?

TW is nothing but an old and worn out cliché, that continues to exploit her husband’s royal titles and status. She wasn't born with it, she wasn't born pretty in her own words, but claims immodestly that she was born smart. Many would beg to differ in that she was born selfish, manipulative, and mean. One doesn't have to look far for the lowest common denominator—basically one who says they are a Harry and Meghan fan. Some even blurt out that they haven’t been paid to comment, while others do, and when they can only manage an emoji or ‘I love this’ as a comment, the cult have their own inbreeding gene pool going on.

In the insipid and sycophantic interview, TW managers to namedrop Gloria Steinem again calling her Glo, as if they were besties. The interviewer is as sugary as the previous one that interviewed her for ‘The Cut’, and that journalist seems to have been markled in record time. How long will it take for him to be markled? The interview was supposed to be in conjunction with an award Variety were giving her, which included her work on the podcast ‘Archetypes’, which is rather odd as the photo shoot took place after only one episode had aired. How can you award someone for something after one measly episode?

The interview is full of white noise, blah, and gibberish, claiming that TW interacted with thousands of citizens when she was in the UK. Really? There had been jeers, people ignoring her, and she was only out for 30 minutes in Windsor, where I doubt she interacted with thousands in that space of time, which included posing for photos with the flowers at the gate.

Netflix and Spotify are given a name check, but it seems Liz Garbus has locked her Twitter account after the cult came after her. This was in response to TW hinting that she had ‘lost’ control over the production of a Netflix series. Everyone is merely waiting to see how bad the car crash is when the final cut is released—that is unless Pa Charles coughs up to make sure it never sees the light of day.

This particular quote amused me:

…how tenaciously she has fought to build the life and company of her dreams.

Is the reporter mad, stupid, or deranged? She built her life on a web of lies, using a race card that didn’t exist, emotional blackmail and manipulation, where she has used people and dumped them (including her family), and the ‘company’ seems to be a money laundering operation known as a foundation, where everything is expensed from donations. She dumped her Canadian live-in -lover for the chance to bed a prince and to get a title, and that is what she has achieved. The royal aides of today did not have the steely resolve of the old guards of yesteryear, where they would've seen the grifter off packing before she set foot inside the gates. Oh to be a fly on the wall of the offices of Spotify and Netflix, especially the accounts team when they calculate the losses, but have to find a way to hide them.

When TW is asked how the family is mourning the loss of the Queen, she evades the question, and doesn’t actually answer it because we know that the RF tolerated their presence at the funeral, but it is clear that they have been ostracised, and she does not represent the UK or the RF in any shape or form. Not that TW cares about that, for that was her aim to isolate TOS from his family so that she could manipulate and control him. The entire world can see this, yet ironically TOS claims to promote therapy, and discusses mental health as an ambassador for BetterUp, where it is apparent that he is in dire need of desensitisation. He appeared as a special guest at the Masters of Scale summit on 19 October 2022. Well, I guess he has to appear to look as if he is working to ensure he keeps his work visa.

Is this even a real job for TOS? People would be able to relate to him if he did a week at Walmart and lived off those wages. No one in their right mind would listen to TOS, because he was hired for his title and as PR for BetterUp and that’s all. He should be seen and not heard to spare the world his sanctimonious drivel. Still, BetterUp are paying him as PR for their company, and will continue to milk his title until it dries up.

The journalist also says that TW was willing to sit down to talk again, and to discuss the Queen and the period of mourning. Of course she would agree, she wouldn’t miss an opportunity for some free PR, especially one that gave her an award for doing diddly-squat, and who paid for lots of new photos that she could use.

The content was TW’s usual word salad dispensed in a hot air bubble. TW gushed about ‘love’ and her husband, and completely forgets about the families she has dumped because they didn’t fit into her narrative. That would be the Markles and the Raglands, who were dumped, yet it’s mentioned as a typical trait of the manipulative but the RF chose to overlook it. TOS has never met his father-in-law as far as we know, or any of the Raglands either. One day that bubble will burst, and a lot of icky stuff will ooze out.


The interview was no different to the one in The Cut, in terms of how sugary the content was, but this is how TW wishes to present herself to the world. Only a simple fool would believe the fairytale make believe world of TW in Monetcito. There is no mention of the nanny who actually looks after the invisible children, but she does mention that there is no actual brick and mortar Archewwll office, and that they work from home. I assume that is for the benefit of the IRS, where they can write off utilities and rooms as office space as allowable deductions and expenses, as well as mentioning that they must travel 2 hours to LA (gas and car expenses) for business meetings.

There was no mention of her father-in-law becoming the King, and referred to the Queen as her husband’s grandmother. Everything was impersonal, and as for the family she never had, she managed to alienate them in less than a year. Some may think that TW has pulled off a masterful PR move, but they are equally as stupid or deluded if that’s what they think.

TW is exploiting the titles and status of her husband for money, and the life and business she dreamed of is built on the gifted ducal title and status of her husband who was born with the privileges. She did not work for it—the only thing she worked at was to isolate and entrap TOS. Would any of the media outlets, donors, Netflix or Spotify be interested in her as Rachel Meghan Markle if she wasn’t married to TOS? Nope, and she knows it. Would Variety have given her a cover and an award when she was a ‘Suits’ actress? Probably not, because they didn’t.

Nothing will change the minds (of sane people) and what they think of TW and her behaviour. It is however a typical PR tactic—keep throwing sugary PR at the masses, in the hope that people will forget about the bullying allegations, and the negative but true accounts of her behaviour that former friends and co-workers have given in interviews. The world doesn’t need anymore biased and fawning interviews to ‘get to know’ TW, for we can see how deluded and duplicitous she is from her own edited interviews, and her self-righteous, egotistical, and hypocritical sermons and speeches. TW is merely a common variety hustler, who is trying to convince herself that she can create her own fairytale world. Common as muck, and wardrobes of designer clothes won’t change a thing.