
60 Minutes Of Waffle And Whinging

TOS does some PR for his book, and is waiting for his family to apologise to him

We see here Anderson Cooper claiming that they asked Buckingham Palace for a response to a show that they had not seen, and one that the channel refused to provide a copy of. Who is the idiot here? Would you ask a restaurant critic to write a review for a restaurant they had never been to, and where they have never eaten? It appears it was an empty gesture, aimed at getting a disclaimer in order to appear ‘fair’ to the viewer.

The pre-recorded interviews were of little interest because the leaked extracts have been in the news for more than 72 hours. Each had the same questions, where TOS gave the same answers, he just wore different clothes and pulled different faces each time. We can safely say he is no role model when advocating the use of hallucinogenic drugs with ‘the right people’ to help with grief, loss, and trauma. No, that’s when people go down a slippery path of addiction and dependency on drugs to get a high, and the Army needs to explain itself if a serving officer was taking drugs and they did nothing about it, especially if they were permitted to skip a drug test. A soldier under the influence would be a danger to his unit, and the question is whether TOS was given special permission to avoid having to take drug tests?

The ‘Good Morning America’ team received a request from Buckingham Palace lawyers for copy of complete transcript of interview with host Michael Strahan.

Perhaps this is some kind of response, but as everyone knew these interviews are pre-recorded and have been promoted for days, again, why are BP so slow to act?

“We received a response from the law firm representing Buckingham Palace this morning, while we were on the air, saying that the Palace needed to ‘consider exactly what is said in the interview, in the context in which it appears’ and asked that we supply them immediately with a copy of the entire interview, which we do not do as a news organisation, as a matter of our policy.” (9 January 2023)


Basically, TOS confirms he took drugs, he didn’t want his father to marry Camilla, that Camilla had plotted a campaign to be Queen and used the media to make her popular at his expense, and of course he is willing to forgive his father and brother but seeks accountability from them before they can talk and have peace.

In a nutshell, he expects them to grovel to him with an apology, and he attempts to be the good guy by offering to apologise for his mistakes and TW’s errors, but he claims not to know what they are! Well, the world has told you and so has BP—the bullying allegations, the numerous videos where both have been rude to the media, aides, and guests. the duo play the Diana and race card whenever anything crops up that they don’t wish to discuss.

While TOS hints that he is open to representing the Commonwealth if his father offers it to him, I imagine many in the Commonwealth are choking on their breakfast with such news. Imagine having to host the duo for an unspecified length of time like poor Canada. What was supposed to be a Christmas break of a 6-8 weeks, turned into 5 months where the public resources had to pay for their protection detail, and who knows what else they sponged.

TOS might claim they do not wish to return as full-time working members of the RF, is he so deluded to think that anyone would welcome him back? He avoids the question on relinquishing the Sussex title saying it would make no difference—of course it would, because TW would have not title of her own and nothing to flog. We all know that, and so do they, and while the title is pretty much steeped in filth and muck, there are some who are still silly enough to pay for an association.
