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I hope HMTQ will strip Harry and Megan 's titles very soon,and remove Harry from the line of succession. Never ,in my lifetime,have I ever seen such cynical,disreputable, and calculated uses of royal titles for personal gain and profit.And,never, have I seen a royal couple heap such utter lies, abuse,venom, and filth upon their own family, and their own people (s).

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Billed as coming soon an “Exclusive” interview with Oprah and the Sussexes. Wonder if judge Warby is feeling he’s been had yet? Probably not.

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News flash....Meghan pregnant. HMTQ will never rescind their titles now.

Where is karma when you want it

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So the judgment has been made. Not by law - the Palace has spoken. So, no need now to discuss or object to anything the Markles have done, are doing or will do in the future. Today's verdict makes it plain that the March "review", if it takes place, will change absolutely nothing, just reinforce the status quo. The Queen, over all the years she has reigned, has parroted re "her duty" "to her country", "to her people". Balderdash! First, last and always, her commitment is to family, HER family. The actions of the "Royal" family over the lockdown period says it all. What did THEY do? [cf. Norman Baker's superlative book "And what do YOU do?" - the standard opening remark of royals on parade]. What did they do? Apart from a few hours spent by Sophie and Eugenie & Jack, physically "helping", the only input from "our royal family" has been a few plastic smiles in Zoom calls and a couple of pronouncements from the Queen that would have gone down well in the 60s. We've had the Duchess of Cambridge exclaiming that lockdown is a gift, so she could play with her kids. Pardon? Thousands of people losing jobs, homes, businesses, fighting despair and depression. No, no, lockdown is a "gift". Add to that the Queen whingeing that her investments have dropped and more than happy to rip money off "her people" to make them up again [which I've no doubt is what happened]. Enough now!

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The Queen cannot have it both ways. She can be Harry's caring Grandmother, and Andrew's doting mother in private, but titles are unemotional. Bestowed by her, to elevate their status in the Public Eye and delineate who curtsies to whom , they are just plain ridiculous, outdated and anachronistic in 2021. It has all gone to their heads, and they really DO believe they are something special. The Queen is making herself seem incredibly foolish and out of touch by inaction.

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This debacle is unprecedented & as such the Queen must remove titles etc.

Already the damage to the Monarchy is considerable & it must be stopped as swiftly as possible.

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I may be mistaken, but I don’t recall any member of the RF initiating a lawsuit, but for Harry and Meghan it’s becoming a hobby. Their tawdry life is all about how much money they can get while preaching on subjects they are not qualified to speak on. I hope the Queen realises that the days of “don’t explain, don’t complain” are no longer an option. If the gruesome twosome are not stripped of their titles and patronages, I believe most Commonwealth countries will give up on the monarchy. A sad day indeed, but the RF need to put their house in order.

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here have been lawsuits, but usually over privacy issues such as stolen journals, and photos taken on private property. It is assumed all legal action is decided on in consultation with BP so that they can comment if need be. That has never been the case with the Sussexes. I think the lawsuits are an attempt to control the media and the public perception, but that is an abuse of the court system.

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Yesterday we lost a great man, Captain Sir Tom Moore, who, when the going got tough, got going at his great age, raised an amazing amount of money and brought a ray of sunshine into our lives. Here we have Prince Henry who, when the going got tough, ran away and is trying to get as much money as he can for himself and the creature he married. He, with her help, has brought great shame on Britain and the Commonwealth but more importantly on Her Majesty, our Queen, who has devoted her life to the service of these islands and the Commonwealth. I urge everyone to sign Harry Markle's petition, we do not need a rival court in America, we do not need to be preached at by a woke couple with their word salad and plagiarised comments; we do not need a duchess who is not prepared to become British and calls us toxic! Please sign this petition.

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Felicity Wismayer - Malta

I fully support this petition. Malta has had close ties to the British Royal Family. I am a Royalist with a complete admiration for Her Majesty and flawless reign throughout these years, and it is sad to see the Markles destroy the Royal Family over the last two years.

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Theres many great comments here. I can hardly add anymore to the conversation. I support a move to make Meghan and Harry ordinary citizens, to forfeit all royal patronages, commissions and honors. How they accept them privately is the RF business but as the Firm the Queen & all senior royals must uphold public roles & protocols. This laughingstock must end

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I would like to hear Harry and Meghan respond to the following questions:

Why did they think it was ok to have the big, very expensive wedding when knew that plans were already laid for them to run away from the UK?

Why did they accept their titles knowing that they had no intention of ever living in the UK?

Why have they not given their titles up as they now live in a country that doesn’t use titles and are not impressed by them?

Why do they criticise Britain and the Commonwealth but feel it’s ok to be financially supported by the people?

Why has Harry made no attempt to meet Meghan’s family?

Why does Harry appear to hate the family who have loved and supported him all his life?

Why the secrecy around Meghan’s pregnancy and birth?

I’m sure others will have lots of other questions they would like answered.

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I would love to see the child along with his DNA

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Because they are two selfish arrogant malicious grifters who think what they have to say should be obeyed by all of us,and grovel at their feet. In the past this situation would have ended sharply and finally and they would not be heard of again. They would have been put away securely.

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Meghan and Harry WILL bring the Royal Family to end unless they lose their patronages and titles

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Good luck to you all with your petition. May you achieve success in your desired response. Sadly, I think you will receive the same response we did nearly 250 years ago.

" In every stage of these oppressions we have we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms; our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury."

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Don’t be a doubting Thomas, we WILL see fair play at the end of the day ...mark (not markle) my words.

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How many more debacles do we have to endure, we’ve got the birth certificate and now Harry’s apology in court, even though the Mail had already apologised and made a donation to the Invictus Games. What is it actually going to take for the titles to be removed.

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Daily Mail has posted an article saying that Rachel Megan changed her name on "Archie's" birth certificate in favor of "Her royal Highness the duchess of Sussex".

How are the the British and particularly HMTQ just going along with this farce?

The birth certificate is suspect to say the least, but the glaring hypocrisy of saying "we are linked not ranked" while inserting a rank she hardly deserves is beyond words.

The longer this travesty goes on, the less chance of the monarchy's survival.

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Could you please add a "doomsday" countdown clock for the remaining days those two are still RF

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Markle tried to take down the Crown...The Palace Security should have done a complete background check on the twice married grifter and told her to take a hike...All titles and funding should stop for these unsavory snakes..How could Harry be so disrespectful towards his Grandma Her Majesty........God Save the Queen...Long May She Reign..

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I want to express my gratitude to the author of Harry Markle blog for their insightful, reasonable, level headed, informed commentary about the Meghan Markle problem, and for providing this new comment forum which already contains many thoughtful insights from readers. I am an American who was thrilled that Harry was marrying one of us, and believed at first that Meghan would have no problem learning the ropes and figuring out how to do her new job. I couldn't have been more wrong and have watched in embarrassment and horror at times while she gradually revealed her true self to the world through her actions and behaviour. My opinion of Harry has changed drastically due to his own behaviour over the last two years; she appears to have brought out the worst in him. What the Queen decides to do with Harry's titles and perks is a British issue and my American opinion doesn't count for a hill of beans, but it really bothers me to see these two selfish, unkind, manipulative wastrels profit from Harry's royal status and perks over here in the US, while they have done so many unkind things to senior RF and the British public.

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As an American observer, I would say the longer this continues unresolved, the more it highlights the weaknesses of an inherited system of rule. What can you do with a bad apple?

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As a citizen of The Commonwealth- I am disgusted and highly insulted that these grifters have any official title with us. It is a disgrace that the Queen has foisted this grifter upon us. Titles must be removed -Harry is no Prince- just an over indulged, cruel little man. I never thought I would lose respect for the Queen- this is unforgivable.

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I believe that if the Queen cannot or will not defend our constitution, then the monarchy will not survive in the short to medium term. That is not an outcome I will welcome.

At the core of the constitutional problem is the Markle’s lack of accountability to the British people. I also believe the Markle situation is unprecedented. Day after day, the Markle PR machine churns out arbitrary comparisons with other individuals in the royal family, because it suits their purposes to paint themselves the victims of discrimination. The Queen has to answer that with clarity as to the objective grounds for her decisions, not capitulate to blackmail.

In my view, there is no coherent argument for a category of adult persons with British royal status who are not bound to observe British constitutional rules. The Markles are currently unique in claiming to be free to do so and in acting on that assertion.

As the Queen herself has said, the British monarchy exists by consent of the British people. The Monarch is accountable to the British people through Parliament. The job involves more work than one person can do alone, so the Monarch delegates duties to a wider pool of family members. They are accountable to her, and through her to the British people, for how they perform their duties. To the majority of us, in this country and the world, a person with British royal status is seen to be in this pool and to represent the British monarchy when they are active in the public arena.

Relatively recently somebody not very clever came up with the distinction “working Royals”. The term is now widely used, but its meaning is not clear. My best guess is that it is supposed to denote those individuals who receive financial support for performing royal duties. On the other hand, I often see it used in the context of accountability, to suggest that only working Royals are bound to observe the rules which underpin our constitution, or that non-working Royals are bound by some sort of lesser degree of accountability. The Markles are currently a uniquely muddled hybrid.

The rule of thumb “never explain, never complain” isn’t a bad guide at all, but the daily, overwhelming and one-sided drip- drip-drip of misleading Markle PR is causing confusion and undermining our trust not only in the Markles but also in our monarchy. Without our trust, they are nothing. So “never say never”. I’d like to see the Queen remove the Markle’s royal status in full (titles, royal patronages, place in the succession and funding from the Privy Purse) and to face down the blackmailers by explaining why that is required by our constitution.

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Well said

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The Queen is not listening to her people at this moment in time

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I agree with what you say and have been a Monarchist all my life,believing that a long tradition is far better than a vote every four years for a President which usually appears to want to line their own pockets before affinity with their people. I am now in my eighties and have many questions about this current situation I will not live to see what the final outcome will be but I feel that UNLESS the Queen acts now exactly as her father would have done she will be Elizabeth the longest reigning and Elizabeth the last Monarch of UK and the Commonwealth. Why hasn't she acted on this situation?

Are there still secrets still hidden away after the usual 50 years?

What secrets do the Sussexs have that they are holding over the Queen and PC?

Is the Queens reputation as clean as we are meant to believe?

Why does she protect the black sheep of the family above the reputation of the other members of the RF?

Was the real ruler of this Country PP who when his strength failed we are left with this debacle?

Why is PC funding the Markles (has anyone noticed we never refer to P Harry anymore they are the Markles?) from his proceeds from the poor people of Cornwall not exactly positive support for his future subjects.

I have waffled on but all these questions go round and round with no answers from an old woman who I now believe should have retired years ago like her European relatives,so why DIDNT SHE?

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From day to day, I feel variously sad, depressed, frustrated, offended, powerless, angry and suspicious about the whole sorry mess and it sounds as if you do too. By giving in to blackmail and trying to live their lives by reference to opinion polls, the royals seem to be losing connection with what is right and wrong. I have more confidence that William gets this than I do Charles, but we don't even know who is guiding the ship at the moment.

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Did anyone watch Lady Colin Campbell's video this evening on the removal of Megan Rachel off Archie's birth certificate. Interesting and a debatable

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Your not sure who's guiding the ship,well the Captain retired and went to live in a cottage on the Sandringham Estate

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I agree with your statements it seems to me that the "men in grey suits" are long behind the times,the Queen has been obeyed and expects this regardless and is stubborn to the point of being ridiculous. Charles faults are many but I always remember a little boy stood at the train station who's mother greeted everyone then shook his hand. Her mothering skills or lack of them certainly didn't help this child,but the difference shown the second son oh boy what a difference. Then poor Edward was like the forgotten added on to make up the number,still looks the same to me. The Monarch should not have favourites all the Senior members should be treated equally as the current situation is not uniformity through connection and respect but by the orders of a woman who appears to be one thing and is another. PP led this monarchy even though he got lots of bad press even from his wife,but in my opinion the Windsor's would have failed long ago without him at the helm. When Diana died she nearly lost the crown then the anger on her face when she hHad to speak to the Nation on her PMs *advice* should have been an inkling to the character Since he threw the towel in the RF have gone down hill faster than an avalanche. P H should have been locked away like they did to Prince John who's only failing was he had epilepsy Harry is insane without the cleverness of a brain. Maybe I say to much but I am still allowed free speech even in my eighties

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Feb 4, 2021
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I see they are now dragging Lady Louise into working as a *senior* royal. It seems a bit like come on up your next in the firing line while H and A are mollycoddled and protected,then as the debacle fades into the background C will start his slimmed down monarchy and she will be sent back into oblivion. What does seem strange is that the York girls have never really done anything publically for the Monarchy these two are grown women but yet Q brings in a teenager to help hold shore up their falling wall

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And now we get all this misinformation about the trouble makers name on a birth certificate. The way it is being reported is ridiculous it just sounds like two arguing school children rather than BP and a supposed Duchess. Is it any wonder that the Monarchy is failing. You mentioned the pond life

D of Y what appalled me more than anything was the support of the Q taking him to Church the day after the brainless interview . I am a mother grandmother and great grandmother who seems to have a preponderance amount of males,if anyone of them had even been thought of being involved with something like that I would have made sure they were taken into custody and face the music. What would the Monarch have done if it was one of her girl relatives??? I had a son who served in the Navy and was serving on the same ship as the pompous Duke he told me he was the most disliked man by Officers and ratings alike. There are too many cover ups we are not in the 19th or 20th Century but the 21st time to stand up and be counted Your Majesty

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Thank you for stating what many British people think and feel. At times I feel caught between staunch monarchists who trust that The Queen 'has a plan', and those who have lost faith. I am in the middle, but my faith has waned.

We, the British owe MM nothing. She did very little for the nation, but took a lot from us. Harry on the other hand is our problem whether we like it or not, but that doesn't mean we must accept it without making our opinions known.

I believe the Royal Reporters came up with the 'working royal' to try and differentiate them, but you are right (IMHO), in that it merely means they are supported by public funds. Any member of the RF irrespective of receiving funds should be held to a higher standard because they represent The Queen, and she in turns represents the nation. This is why many of us are ashamed and embarrassed, and The Queen ought to be if she isn't. If Joe Public are ashamed of the Sussexes representing us, then it says a lot, and it is foolhardy for BP to ignore this.

I will be hosting a petition on this platform shortly to outline why the People need reassurance that action will be taken. There are 61 days for The Queen to show us what she is made of. Inaction is not an option.

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Thank you for your reply. You can count on my support for the petition.

Every British person has a different threshold for how long he or she is prepared to be slapped about the face and humiliated by the Markles, before demanding that our Monarch takes action to defend us and our constitution. For many of us, that time has now long passed. I personally think the review period was a tactical stroke of genius, but it could and should quite legitimately have been cut short. When they first stepped down, the Markles’ position was incoherent and incomprehensible. It didn’t seem unreasonable to leave the door open if things didn’t work out and they wanted to return. It quickly emerged that they had not been honest about their intentions. With the passage of more time, they showed their true colours and I really didn’t like the constitutional implications of what I saw. But then an unexpected and disconcerting thing started happening – I also began to lose faith in the members of the monarchy who just stand by, apparently inert. The Queen bears prime responsibility, but to the extent that Prince Charles or anyone else has a say in the decision, this is a test also of their fitness and they are falling a long way short.

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I think Prince William is trying to,but he seems to be shot down and overused at every turn

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Thank you HM for such clear and concise summations of the machinations of the dreadful duo. I believe that JCMH is equally culpable in all aspects of their actions although megaphone is the puppet mistress and both should be stripped of all titles. I am also of the opinion that PC is complicit as he is the one providing financial support and calling the shots behind the scenes. He has shown himself, over the years, to be a weak and petulant man with little or no connection to the public and, because of that, I suspect that no action will be taken against them in March. I do hope that I am wrong as I believe the implications for the monarchy would be dire. I fear the result might be the appointment of President Blair or President Boris. Keep up the good work

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While I am no fan of PC or in fact of any member of the RF, perhaps he was played by them and is a victim.? The problem he faces is whether he chooses to save himself and the Crown, or to give in to Harry and MM? The choice should be simple, duty before everything else. Now he must show that to the People though, and it needs to be obvious and apparent if he stands any chance of being a Monarch who wishes to have credibility amongst the People.

As it stands, the public is divided – many see him as weak, but evidence may come to light to show that he was a victim. In the case of the latter, one will then ask as to why protections and precautions were not taken? Covering up a mistake and a mess always leaves traces, and the men in grey may try to shirk away from that, but they should be honest and accept that too much doubt has arisen. If he opts not to show he was a victim of the duo, then he has made a waek bed for himself, and public perception will be nigh on impossible to change. That is the blunt and honest truth that no PR can spin.

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The *men in grey* have not got a clue about we the people,to them we are insignificant. To them we should be seen but not heard. Their backgrounds, status wealth and positions allow them to think of us as irrelevant.

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Disagree. Whether or not BP and the aides choose to listen is another matter but they are fully aware of the mood of the people.

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I agree to disagree *they know* but they won't act because they will not admit to getting their take on the situation wrong and to eat humble pie and admit it

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Camilla is the strength but unfortunately no voice that matters.How any adult in his late thirties who spoke like a love sick teenager over the phone to his mistress can be taken seriously is beyond belief.He would have been better using what little grey matter he has rather than in his lower interests below the belt.

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PC has no other option than to save the Crown. Otherwise he must start packing his bags and booking his ticket to a South American country.

The planning by H & M initially blindsided the RF. Realising the BAME society were putting Meghan on a pedestal for no other reason than her colour initially put them in an unenviable situation.

But they have had almost a year to put a plan into action and for the sake of the sovereignty the populace of UK it has to come to fruition.

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Perhaps it's time for the UK to follow the example of Norway. The direct line of succession is the Royal House, with the rest forming the royal family, that have to take care of themselves. Should something shocking happen, succession is still provided for, but siblings and cousins are no longer central. Just 'Arry (and spouse) would in this case be family, and expected to lead an autonomous life, away from the limelight.

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I'm American, and also a liberal, who's been in the environmental trenches for decades. Even given H&M's need for greater security than the average person, preaching about sustainability from that huge, posh compound in celebrity-land is so tone deaf, and so far from what is needed to meet our challenges. Not to mention their victim profile and PC bla bla bla. I know many quiet, effective people working on the world's problems--a totally different breed, with different priorities, than these two.

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Free speech comes with guidelines, and respect for others. That means no name calling of anyone, and no political comments. There is no edit option here, so it leaves me no choice but to delete comments that don't follow the guidelines.

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I hope the court case goes ahead and All people in this give evidence as I believe this so called couple.need to be accountable for their actions that in my opinion are anti British in everything they do. I want the hrh to act and strip them of titles and any entitlement that they poses.

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This site is an oasis of wonderful insight, so different from other sites that are basically mirages repressing open discussion and good will!

I am American and I feel the USA has a vital stake in the outcome of this presently delayed Court issue. My strong hope is there will be a trial, that defense witnesses can and will speak up; and that the defense wins in a clear resounding way.

Otherwise, the intrusive, sinister behaviour of H&M into American political and cultural life will creep in steadily, and they indeed will remain a threat to Great Britain, and begin infecting nations on a global scale.

It is not surprising to find, but it does disgust me, how eagerly some American media, business, and social elites keep flattering the two defectors, thus accelerating the duo’s money- and power-goals, in circling the wagons protectively around H&M.

As for these two newly minted California residents, the latter’s first brazen act, putting Americans on notice that we now have a monarchy, a two-headed one, was the surprise gatecrashing of a tv show: Suddenly, there was the tv broadcast video inserted into the proceedings, where MM was shown commending a specific (yes, honorable, brave) contestant on the finale level of America’s Got Talent — “We’ve been cheering you on every week,”Meghan declared to the entrant, and even managed indulgently to squeeze in a proud, personal plug about baby Archie. She seemed oblivious, indifferent to the other contestants standing by that night, ignoring them as if they were as valuable and vacuous as potted plants. Their own admirable life-stories were deemed not worthy of this modern verbal form of knighthood. Their hard-earned right to be acknowledged was callously disrespected.

This was an inappropriate self-coronation, and with it the singling out of one over many, by an interloping force that had no expertise or business being there. It could only have led to ratcheting up the normal anxiety, hopes, and fears of performers, awaiting that week’s upcoming announcement of voting results. There was also no thought for the millions of tv viewers wanting to relax, and enjoy a nonpolitical event free of overt or hidden agendas. No nation deserves such a “gift” as H&M seem to insist their combined very presence creates.

The major media here reported that The Queen had sent a confidential note to the new U.S.president during the time of his inaugural week. Contents not revealed. I have to trust she was not asking him to help the West Coast Windsor duo in any way that strengthens their self-illusions. We all will have to see how savvy President Biden is in how he deals with, or declines to deal with, the eager pair.

Already the American p.r. firms employed by H&M clearly have been in overdrive, zealously planting articles, reinforcing via tv talk shows, reports, and photos, of what I sense is an idealized, presumed current closeness embraced by the Bidens and the self-anointed “Montecito Monarchs.” If I recall correctly, the couple played no unique role at the recent Inauguration, not even as honoured guests, not as close buddies visiting the White House for photo-ops of the two couples together, nor invited to enjoy The Queen’s Bedroom on the second floor — where a real queen, the highly respected HMTQ II has stayed. A photo of Harry taken in 2013, apparently was spotted during the Inaugural events: it was of Harry’s official visit to Arlington National Cemetery, surrounded by then-presiding U.S. officials —so that was basically all that he might be able to brag about now, as to his (and her) relevance to DC movers-and-shakers, at the moment.

What is known, in my view, is that unless the Queen resolutely strips all titles, slashes all funds, deja vu occurs: likely another year would repeat the alleged privilege abuses by the duo, in running roughshod wherever, and over whomever, they pleased.

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Harry also appeared on camera to praise a contestant on the UKs Strictly Come Dancing. I thought that highly inappropriate.

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No Fear - Me too, but the pair of them will do anything for some free publicity. I expect we will get a home video soon to compete with the Royal Family one that was leaked on YT.

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Yes they can't wait! Why don't they realise that they come across as desperate. Highly coveted Hollywood A list celebrities and philanthropists (I am sure that is their aspiration) rarely speak, publish or do interviews. They certainly dont chase TV and Radio.

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It wasn’t until the tragic demise of Diana that HMTQ a realised how perilous her position was and consequently she and the men in grey will make sure that never happens again.

Removal of Diana’s HRH title had shocked the public but refusal to lower the flag and initially stay away from London was the last straw.

It has now become obvious that Harry, because of his tender years when his mother died has been pandered to , to the point where he is showing himself in a very poor light with his outbursts and blaming media and public for imagined slights.

Helped in no small part by Meghan who when in Nottingham, hearing someone boo, complained of a racial slur toward her.

Personally believe Harry has been harbouring, for years, a plan on how to make everyone pay for his mother’s death and in Meghan he found it.

This is what our RF are up against.

Harry who should know the mindset of RF seems to be oblivious of the rules as he blunders on regardless of who or how he hurts and permitting Meghan to lead is unbelievable insane.

Act to soon and without doubt the duo will play the R card.

But with the passing of everyday and their constant shenanigans the belief that for RF victory is on the horizon is growing stronger.

Or at least , one can but hope.

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As an American I can honestly state that most people here see through Harry & Meghan's facade. The worst part about them is that they truly believe they are entitled to dictate to people in this country. Even in the UK the Queen with all her power, still shows respect to her people. These two think they are untouchable and that everyone must follow their agenda or be shut down. A big mistake they make is not allowing people to have opinions or contact them in any way. It shows how little regard they have for anyone, even their followers. Meghan is in no position to judge or dictate to anyone and she should thank her lucky stars that Harry settled for her when he could have had anyone. I agree with Piers Morgan when he stated she's got the best acting role of her life right now, because it's true. I've also noticed they are in constant competition with Prince William & Kate which is sad really. I'd be interested to know just how many things they get for free and exploit. Take the Veteran's lunch for example, did they themselves pay for that food or did they get a restaurant/sponsor to donate it? My bet is option #2 yet they pretend to be "do-gooders". Typical Hollywood.

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The only good they do is for themselves.

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Many Americans that do comment (that aren't sugars) reiterate what you say, and that most people see through them, but the media there seem to have caved, given them platforms, so it makes it hard for the world to believe that Americans haven't embraced them. The British will always have some respect for the Monarchy, and will tolerate Harry, but MM is an entity they (we) owe nothing to. While American brands, companies, charities, and celebs pander to them, this illusion will continue. People may cancel their Netflix and Spotify accounts, and their Disney subs, but is it enough? Why aren't people disgusted at People magazine for their part in 'harming' Thomas Markle? That's what I want to know.

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I would like to know why the British press do not do their job and report exactly what they know and what is going on and tell the people the FACTS and the TRUTH

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I agree with you. I cancelled my subscription to People magazine because of their misleading representation of MM and Harry (you would think the magazine is run by sugars). I have found however some of the most supportive media attention comes from the UK itself. It’s time for them to stop reporting anything about these two. I refuse to read any article about the pair and purposefully choose to only read about the other Royals so publications begin to see that the people have no interest in these two. If no one reads the art kicked they will stop writing about them.

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If the media stopped engaging with them,stopped photographing or reporting on anything they do. All internet stopped showing what they are up to. Treated them like lepers and ignored everything they do then we may have a chance for gaining back some normality.


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As silly as this may sound...there was a recent People magazine cover which had the two knuckleheads front and center. I promptly tore off the cover and the article (did not read it) and mailed it to People magazine headquarters, the Meredith Corporation. I included a letter stating why the two should not be included in their magazine, including their insulting behavior towards my fellow Veterans.

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It is sad about her father, but I believe many people just do not care about her family drama. Especially with the pandemic right now. Everyone wanted her to succeed in the Royal Family in the beginning, but it didn't take long for her true colors to show. I believe her long term goal is to get into politics (which would be a nightmare). Aside from people in California and her Hollywood "celeb" status, right now she doesn't matter much here. I personally can't listen to her speak for very long, her speeches are painfully fake.

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When we first saw her we knew nothing about heuntil the press started to tell us there take on the situation which turned out to be totally wrong She wasn't known in Hollywood as anything,maybe as a suitcase female from a game show and that wouldn't impress anyone. But the press kept bolstering her ego about her being a Hollywood star,she wasn't but that's what we got over here in Britain,when we found out that she was really an also ran d listed actress on a cable TV show that was coming to and end,she wasn't even the lead actress. And we all bought it courtesy of the press who once again over inflated a story,of course once we put two and two together people took off their rose tinted glasses and saw her for what she was.

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I'm not sure about 'everyone' and succeed is a strange term to use. Many people were suspicious of her motives in 2016-2017 as they were inconsistent. You don't succeed in the RF, the public either warm to you or they don't, and that takes time. She doesn't radiate warmth, and the media images are edited, and when you see the real pictures of their public engagements, you can see how much was hype and PR. The public gave her a chance, but for the start it didn't go well when on her first walkabout they duo tried to get security to remove people in the crowds that jeered her. It's on video, although the media skirted over this, and Harry started to shout at them, and you can see from the start that they were arrogant and demanding. On the video you can see MM running up to security and pointing out people to security and ordering them to do something like a spoilt brat. IRL, you smile, ignore them and move on.

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Anyone who sticks their tongue out in public tells you exactly what they are. You can take a person out of the gutter but you can't take the gutter out of the person.

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Excellent blog spot, Harry Markle! Thank you for this forum. I have a few questions which you and/or your guest commentators might have insight:

1. Given the Queen's age, is she allocating any decisions regarding what to do about Harry and Meghan Markle to Prince Charles? My sense is that the Queen would not approve of the way in which Harry and Meghan Markle conduct themselves, particularly exploiting their royal titles and patronages in order to promote themselves. But would Charles support Harry and Meghan Markle's initiatives, as he has publicly advocated for "modernizing" the Monarchy, in the past?

2. Who else is involved, behind the scenes, in promoting Harry and Meghan Markle's rival court in the USA? What role, if any, does Markus Anderson and his SoHo House patrons continue to play in Harry and Meghan Markle's personal and professional lives? Is it true that the Bidens and Kamala Harris are close to Harry and Meghan Markle? Although, we've seen past photographs of Joe and Jill Biden with Harry, at the Invictus Games, does the current POTUS & VP benefit from public association with Harry and Meghan Markle, given the fact that their reputations have been diminished by their commercialization of their royal titles; and the fact that they no longer enjoy widespread popularity?

3. To what degree, are Prince William and Catherine aware of the danger to their future roles in the Monarchy, in the event that the Queen and/or Prince Charles continue to enable Harry and Meghan Markle to insult Her Majesty, the Crown and the British people? Have William and Catherine been advised to beware of the consequences of Harry and Meghan Markle's supporters who publicly call Harry and Meghan Markle to be King and Queen?

These are just a few questions which Royal Watchers have regarding the debacle which has unfolded when Harry and Meghan Markle initiated Megxit. And surely, if many of us wonder why Harry and Meghan Markle have been allowed to act in a manner which seems to be at odds with the values of the Queen, then these same questions would have been posed internally, within the British Royal family itself. Finally, after having acted in such a disrespectful way towards his own family, what would Harry have to do, for action to be taken?

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This isn't the 15th C. and the Wars of the Roses. Anyone who 'supports' H&M, thinking they can be maneuvered to the throne for 'reasons', is deluded.

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Agreed. Harry and Meghan Markle, most of all -- and yet, their Sussex Squad on social media, continues to advocate for Meghan Markle to be made Queen, and call their child: "King Archie". How far would such individuals go in order to accomplish their aims? The Queen and Prince Charles should protect Prince William and Catherine, and their children, from any risks, or as Meghan Markle has allegedly said: "Anything could happen"...which is worrisome.

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It's hard to imagine identifying with a couple of individuals so strongly. Quite what motivates them is beyond me. Are they truly dangerous? The mind boggles. I'm fairly ambivalent about most of the members of the RF, although I do give kudos to the Duke of Edinburgh for sticking at it for all these years, always one step behind.

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Is this part of the "Queen's values" H and M have valued to uphold?

Archewell getting into the "free-speech" movement or lack of it by way of curbing "misinformation?


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Meghan has recently been crowned the Queen.... Of Misinformation (unfortunately for her). The changed submissions to the Court Case against she so readily, naively, and egotistically launched, will be a springboard to even greater ignominy!!! Many decent people are sat here patiently waiting

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Procrastination seems to be the rule of thumb,her Majesty needs to take her head out of the sand,clean the sand from her ears and listen to the people,we are doing everything possible to tell you of our feelings but it all seems to be falling on deaf ears..

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That Meghan Markle has changed her submissions to the Court Case multiple times and has also purportedly deleted emails/texts that Justice Warby ordered be turned over to the Defendants, is worrisome. Let us hope that he will refuse her request for a summary judgement. The public have a right to know why she did not sue her "5 friends" and/or People magazine and/or the authors of "Finding Freedom" for invading her privacy, since she leaked the letter and/or parts thereof and/or contents to a number of individuals, prior and after sending it to her father. Also, why did Meghan Markle work with KP aides in order to construct/review such a letter, which she claims is supposed to have been private? Why didn't she and Harry fly to see her ailing Dad after he suffered a heart attack; and instead use PR in order to malign him? Her case simply does not make sense, under scrutiny. If Meghan Markle has lied to the public and/or the court and/or relevant parties in this case, then she should be held accountable; as would be any of the rest of us. Surely, she is not above the Rule of Law?

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These are the questions that can be asked when cross-examined, therefore, a trial is necessary and pertinent. IMHO if Warby considers a SJ, his position at the Court of Appeal will be mired before it begins. To go to trial is fair, and it allows both sides to argue their cases.

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Thank you for setting this site up and for reporting on MM and H and explaining the court cases

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The increase of Markle’s PR pushing suggestions that “anything could happen” that could put Hasbeen or Archie on the throne isn’t being addressed as the threat that it is. Markle could very easily sell the sort of influence and control of a mentally unbalanced Hasbeen and minor Archie of others would clear their path to the throne i.e... the Cambridge’s and their children. Markle is vile enough to encourage this. She put that idea out in public a year or so ago, now after that terrorist has been convicted of plotting to kill the Duchess of Cambridge and Prince George, she is putting word out “anything could happen” and that she is preparing Archie to be king. If the Queen hasn’t already acted to disqualify a child whose “mother” refused to be examined while pregnant and delivered by royal physicians to confirm the child was under law, of the body, she is enabling targets be painted on William and his children. Someone in the British government should be doing something to prevent the w hore of Compton encouraging murder so she could sell access to a king she would control

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No name calling please! Keep it civil, and write as if you'd like The Queen to read this please. The Sussex PR is an issue, because people believe it is true. This should have been contained much earlier, and this is the result of inaction.

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Sorry, is there an edit function?

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Not on this forum, although I may suggest it. I can either ban or delete!

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One of the reasons I like your WordPress Harry Markle and now this forum is yours professional attitude and how you put your observations forward. I hope that contributors respect the spirit of this forum and abstain from the cheapness that other forums have.

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Lol Joan, I called her “skankenstein” on a previous thread...oops. 😉

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The RF do not seem adept at playing chess, the need to anticipate Meghan’s pattern of further p.r. retaliatory moves of oneupmanship. The Queen could not force them nor did not limit them, M and H had rebutted last year: they had already decided there was no need on their part even to use the word “Royal.” I remember well that p.r. strike of hers.

If I and many get our wish, and all is stripped from them, the potential, nevertheless, for misguided mischief-making with groups having hidden agendas seems high. So many ways the two could spin any decision — whether by the Queen, the Court regarding the privacy case, or anything else. The Royals staying silent, and/or appeasing them is proving not very effective. Harry and Meghan seem fast becoming a global headache.

The Queen lost the best chance a year ago of challenging the power-plays by the two. My hope is she does not waste this less powerful but still viable opportunity in March to de-fang them. Pre-Meghan Markle, the Queen’s reputation was impeccable. It saddens me when I realize perhaps the great tragedy of the Queen’s reign may be that she lived too long. Long enough to see a flighty grandson grow up and wreak havoc.

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OMG is it true that Harry has had a book ghost written about Diana? If true they must lose all titles.

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I think that one way out of this conundrum regarding the Sussex titles is that a strict injunction is laid on H and M.. Their titles can only be used or recognized in UK.. NO WHERE ELSE.. Not even in the Commonwealth - they do not represent the Monarchy in any way shape or form.. Everything else, the patronages and the military ranks must be removed.. H is no longer in UK and so cannot do his duty to the military..... Any future commercial dealing s they enter into are as Mr and Mrs Windsor - seeing as PP is horrified at the idea of M using his Mountbatten name as hers.

If H and M DO continue to use their titles, THEN they can be stripped of Dukedom.. What is really needed is for the US public to say loudly that they do not accept any Royal titles and will no address H and M as such..

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Harry Wales, so I say Meghan Wales. That’s it. We don’t want Mountbatten or Windsor discredited by these 2. If the queen can bestow a new name that stays clear of anything that could be tarnished that would be best.

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I agree re Mountbatten-Windsor. But William & Kate will, in due course, be styled Prince & Princess of Wales. It would be a shame, IMO, for the Harkles to be associated with them publicly, even by surname. Sad to say, I think the Harkles - and we - may have to be content for the M-W surname to be used after all.

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We do not, and have said so, but it seems to make no difference to the TPTB here in the U.S. either. Shrug.

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I apologise for my lack of acronym knowledge, but could you please confirm the meaning of TPTB. Thank you

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The Powers That Be

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Americans do not Constitutionally recognise foreign titles, which is why Harry would have to give his up if he filed for American citizenship. But, naturally, Americans will socially recognise foreign titles or seem discourteous. It isn't possible to restrict a title to one geographic area. It is, as they say, like being "a little pregnant".

Harry Markle is right: things have gone way too far. If HM does not act at least on the HRHs (which will, in reality, mean next to nothing to Americans, but much more in Britain) by 1 April, it means this is no longer an issue until and if Harry files for American citizenship.

It may already have been discussed behind the scenes, with Harry agreeing to file and surrender the style and title after he and Meghan have been given a "fair" opportunity to become "financially independent" by utilising their royal connections, short of using the HRH and "royal".

Americans, and I cannot blame them, it isn't their country, history, or monarchy, don't care what becomes of Britain's monarchy. They aren't going to make a fuss about calling the two "Duke and Duchess" - in fact, I think Americans rather like it. It's like playing at royalty without having to pay up or wince in embarrassment.

Legally, their son's surname is Mountbatten-Windsor; it is the surname that they all use technically, set into the descendancy by the Queen herself. So, omitting it isn't feasible, either.

Philip will be 100 years old in June. I don't think, at this point, he cares what the two call themselves, as long as they aren't calling themselves legitimate representatives of the British monarchy.

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And it is only Windsor because GeorgeV changed it on

June 19, 1917, the king decreed that the royal surname was to be changed from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to Windsor.

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Mountbatten and Windsor are too important to bestow on these 2. Harry went as Harry Wales whilst in the Military. Let’s keep them away from anything Royal that they can and will tarnish and monetise

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Many of us are appalled they use titles and do political campaigning. Now Harry is coming out against free speech. We are livid the RF is not saying a word about it and stripping his titles.

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Tom says:

Americans, and I cannot blame them, it isn't their country, history, or monarchy, don't care what becomes of Britain's monarchy. They aren't going to make a fuss about calling the two "Duke and Duchess" - in fact, I think Americans rather like it. It's like playing at royalty without having to pay up or wince in embarrassment.

Me: We do not like it one little bit! But I can assure you that those who do not like it are not listened to any more than TQ presumably not listening to her subjects either.

Much politics is involved here and I believe that is a no-no to discuss here on this board as per above agreement.

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Things have gone too far, and they cannot be trusted as they have violated and breached the 'agreement' on numerous occasions. What you suggest would allow them to keep the SR Instagram and website, and to use the titles on all the websites of the charities they hop onboard with. They will push the boundaries, and so a chop is what is needed. Why give them a chance when they have behaved like traitors running off with the Crown jewels in broad daylight, and sticking their tongues out at everyone?

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Firstly, thank you, Harry Markle. You have the best commentary on the web about this whole sordid affair. Secondly, this comment section is a wonderful idea (if you can keep the “sugars” off and keep it dedicated to the subject at hand). Well done and thanks for putting the truth out there.

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Jan 27, 2021

Congratulations Harry on substack com and thanks for this forum to express our opinions. Love the format, ease and speed to read comments and replies. I have followed you since you began this (for you) arduous, time consuming journey (used my second and maiden name) and appreciate your detailed research and journaling easy to understand language re legal aspects and convoluted twists H and M’s life. Thanks again Harry Markled - fully support you. 💖

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My concern is that Fergie may have set a precedent in keeping her title after her divorce from you know who. Does anyone know why she is still Duchess of York? I have no desire to have Fergie's title taken (at least she stayed in Britain and seems to have raised decent children), just curious why she still has it. There is no question that the Sussex titles need to be removed, along with the patronages. I always felt it should have been removed from the very beginning. However, Harry's princely titles are his from birth and should remain.

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She is allowed to retain the title unless she remarries, just as Lady Colin Campbell uses her ex husbands title. This is standard for most titles, unless the male has his title revoked, then the title cannot be used.

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Princess Diana did not remarry, yet she lost the "HRH". What of that?

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HRH is a style that The Queen can gift or remove to members of her family.

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I have read reports, in the past, that Princess Diana gave up her HRH status as she believed this was going to be stripped from her. She was told this wasn’t true so asked to keep it and was informed it was too late as papers had been sent to parliament. Don’t know if it’s true or not

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I am grateful this forum opened as I deleted FAcebook and Twitter due to freedom of speech issues I had with these companies. Thank you Harry Markle for giving us this space.

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I have a question for Harry Markle blog writer or anyone in this forum. If MeAgain decides to drop the Letter Case. Can the she be sued by the mail in a new case for her lying? MeAgain knowingly lied letter was not ever private. Basically can the mail sue back in this case? By the way love this forum and blog! I come to blog for information and straight to comments on DM.

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The RF bent over backwards to welcome Meghan - she was invited for Christmas before being married something not bestowed on any future spouses of the Queen's offspring. Harry told us she had had a good time making up for a family she never had. This seems to be disputed by her brother and photos of family celebrations. The Nation rallied around to support the couple on their wedding day, everyone looked at it as being a new era - a Prince of the Realm and his mix race bride could bring so much good to the country. The Queen then allowed trips abroad to promote the couple, bestowed on them titles and the Commonwealth roles which was close to her heart. Then cracks appear - they were given a fabulous house, an office at Buckingham Palace etc and leave after only six months of living in it and at huge cost to the tax payer. The trip to South Africa and the interview with Tom Bradby " No one asking how I am" this smacks of me me being too self important especially given the poverty in S.A. The drama of the final curtain call in the Pea green dress co-ordinating with green lining of Harry's jacket, the meeting at Canada House all too contrived for their swift getaway. Nothing since then in America has made me feel proud of the couple and the final curtain for me was the disrespect on Remembrance Sunday. Harry goes on about his time in the army - he doesn't know what it was like - my dad fought in Burma, came out a skeleton full of jungle sores and would have been 100 last year - at 92 he was marching with his like to the Cenotaph. No it is time for all the RF to get to grips with this situation and H&M should be made to relinquish their titles - that would save face all round!

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It might appear petty to remove titles, but they should not be allowed to interfere in American politics or trade of their Duke and Duchess status and using their son to promote. Surely the weight of the RF and UK Government can make them see the error or their ways and force them into giving them up. How can they retain Common Wealth titles living in a non Common Wealth Country with its agendas.

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The hope that the Queen will take Harry's "style and title" (as it is really his, not Meghan's: she only has it by virtue of being married to him), is in my opinion a vain one, sorry to say.

At this point, it would seem an empty gesture, as they are now deeply embedded in the public view as the Sussexes. The time to take the style of HRH and the title of Duke of Sussex was when they left - the BRF hedged their bets too early in the game.

Then, there is the matter that quite apart from being created a royal duke, which carries the rank of HRH, Harry was born an HRH by virtue of being the grandson of the Sovereign in the male line. Taking that away from Harry would be quite a dicey matter.

But an even more pressing problem would be the screams of injustice because Andrew, who has disgraced the family name as much as Harry and Meghan have, is still HRH Prince Andrew Duke of York.

It would be seen as rank bias, not to say "racism" because Meghan's Mum is black, to leave Andrew his titles but take the errant Harry's.

Their best hope is to remove Harry's military appointments, both Sussex's royal patronages, their Commonwealth appointments, and make it crystal clear that neither represents the British monarchy nor ever will again. With Harry clearly itching to become more political, the best solution would be to encourage him to file for American citizenship, in which case he would surrender his title and style, anyway. And, he could look terribly egalitarian in doing so of his own accord.

It's likely the two gamers have milked everything they can get out of the Sussex title and royal adjacent status, anyway.

But whilst Andrew retains his royal status, the outcry that would ensue at taking Harry's would not, in my opinion, be worth it to the royal family, It no longer matters, and will matter less if the Queen does the more important job of making the line between the Sussexes and the rest of the family (i.e., keeping them out of Trooping the Colour, Remembrance Day, Commonwealth connection, military appointments, and royal patronages) would be sufficient.

Of course, if someone could persuade Andrew to renounce his style and title voluntarily, taking one for the team, as it were, taking Harry's would be easier - rather like "cleaning house".

But absent these circumstances, do not feed hopes of HM taking Harry's ducal title and style of HRH formally.

The other advantage to Harry filing for American citizenship (which I think, frankly, he will come to within a year or two) is that he could also be asked to remove himself from the line of succession. While Parliament has already punted back to the Queen in the matter of titles, only Parliament can change the succession, so that would involve Parliament.

It would also bump Archie up one place, unless Harry asked that his descendants also be removed from the line, although I'm not sure he has the right to decide for his descendants.

If Harry and Andrew were persuaded to remove themselves, it would bump the York girls up two places - which might be the only thing persuasive to Andrew, if accompanied by promises to start bringing them forward as working royals, which he has always wanted.

But absent turns of events like these, I think the chances of the Queen taking Harry's title, especially if Andrew retains his, are slim to none.

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Andrew will never do any wrong in the Queens eyes so we are left with the situation as is. I worked for the Aristocracy and my friend in the Queens racing stables rumours abounded,but we were so unaware it all went over our heads.

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I think you will eventually see Harry and Megan back in Britain. And I think you will see them welcomed back to the Royal Family-- perhaps not in the same capacity.

I don't see what they are doing in America as having a long-term value for them. There's only so much they have to offer as useful idiots for the Democrat party. And unless they can offer up some serious juice on Diana or other Royals, they have nothing to sell. They are pompous lecturing bores. Not even Oprah is that popular anymore. Her spirit cooking with Maria Abramovich and her relationship with Harvey Weinstein put her in an all-around creepy category. And while there is a strata of people here very much impressed with titles, they have been overexposed.

Think about how much they are laying out for PR strategy and lawyers. And so much of it has backfired. Eventually they are going to long for the entitlement stability of just being pampered Royals. And at that point Megan will be looking around for some Euro billionaire that wants to be married to a former royal.

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I see your point. Hollywood has a clear hierarchy. I have not heard or known of H&M being associated with any A listers. They are on the fringes as Netflix and Spotify are newbies and not Hollywood royalty. No post Jan 2020 offers from the true big boys like Paramount, Disney, Columbia,Universal or Warner Brothers. As to people, all their associations are with mature celebrities who have had their hay day, no mingling with the Hollywood tour de force. To me that tells me that H&M have not been welcomed into the real inner circle.

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As long as Harry remains a British citizen, he will be back at some point. MM, however probably will never return unless there is something in it for her, or she is 'requested' by 'authorities' to do so for specific reasons. Their popularity was not as high as the media suggested. The video clips were edited to show a specific image, but what they failed to show (and if you were in the UK) live at the time, are the empty streets, gaps, boos, and jeers that actually went on. They were laughed at in the streets, and that's why they had images of them with frowns on their faces.

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I did not realize they had actual pushback from the public when they had appearances. I am a bit surprised to hear it.

What I find interesting is how the virus thwarted their plans. I haven't seen that discussed much. Perhaps that is one reason they made a mad dash to America from Canada. The virus has backfired for many celebrities trying to stay in the public eye.

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Same applies to most of their tours.

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Here, I must respectfully disagree. Returning to a country where their polling has shown intense dislike, and they made lifelong enemies of, especially, William and Kate, is highly unlikely.

Meghan does not have any affection for Britain - she'll be just as pleased, if they make enough money (which I suspect they will), to stay in her huge CA mansion with her swimming pool and 16 loos, hobnobbing with the celebrity crowd.

It's not as if she'd grown up an American Anglophile (there are many) steeped in English literature and history. The only thing she really understood was the glamour of royalty, the fleshpots of London, and the cachet of the Cotswolds. That was the limit of her appreciation for Britain.

With "Finding Freedom", their increasingly political voice in America, the mud they slung at the Cambridges and "toxic" Britain and the "toxic" monarchy . . . they have little to no chance of returning to working as senior royals in the UK.

They may, of course, continue to work with charities of choice other than royal patronages; buy the kind of country estate that they really wanted in the Cotswolds; and attend private family events such as likely upcoming family funerals.

But with money flowing in in North America, I do not see a return to the monarchy in any formal connection. They closed that door behind them, and the Queen should have seen the handwriting on the wall and done the necessary to ensure that this scorpion wasn't able to ride the monarchy's back again (if you remember the fable).

Old English saying: "He who will not when he may/When he will, he shall have nay."

Nota bene, Your Majesty!

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I just hope it all works out exactly as you put it. P C needs to stop propping them up with millions that they squander on a multitude of Lawsuits,and PR to name just two. But they dont worry about that they are not using their own money.

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Brilliant commentary, thank you.

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That is true, and why they are clinging to charities and using them as much as they can. The problem is that these charities will suffer, because people will not support them if the Sussexes are involved. The British way is simply not to renew a donor subscription, to cancel a direct debit, and the charities will lose out. I have people messaging me in disgust, and who tell me that they refuse to support the charities or brands that they are associated with.

I do recall in February 2019, when there was the sudden Morocco visit, the reports were that there was a charity event they were supposed to attend, but the charity didn't want them there. As MM had ordered ridiculously expensive outfits, they had to be written off as expenses which can only be done if is an engagement on behalf of The Queen. Hence a last minute mini trip to Morocco, to enable public funds to be released to pay for the outfits IMHO.

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Brilliant commentary.

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I have noticed the charities they are fraternising with are to some extent highly unknown or tiny. That says a lot. Also they are trying to cuddle up with entities that are out to attack the big Bay players like Facebook. These 2 are not being courted by anyone significant as they cannot afford to be associated with them - poison chalice they are. And in my opinion M&H will regret attacking the kings of social media as these 2 need them more than the fools recognise.

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To companies like Facebook they are pathetic paupers,when they turn their attention to the inconsequential Markles they will annihilate them.

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I have never wanted anyone to fall flat on their face and be disgraced and filified more than these two traitors. I was under the impression that traitors to this Country and the Monarchy was punishable by at the least imprisonment if not !!!

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The main difference is that Andrew is not abusing or cashing in on his titles, whereas the Harry is. The HRH and dukedom are valuable to the duo, and that's why she needs to remove them. The Andrew issue is not something I feel is comparable, because he has been accused of something and that is all at this present time.

The simple fact is Harry is behaving like a 'traitor' having turned his back on his country, bad mouthed his family, and who is abusing his status wherever possible. That is why his titles should be removed, and any privileges he is still clinging to. The patronages without a doubt must go, but the dukedom of Sussex has been disgraced yet again. The Yorks have not turned their backs on their country, and while some acts have been questionable, their loyalty to the Crown has never been in doubt unlike the Sussexes.

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This may not be the right spot...a HUGE THANK YOU for giving us the opportunity to communicate and discuss. You have a mountain of support from all around the world.

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I agree wholeheartedly and would add what a pleasure it is to read such thought proving and well reasoned comments.

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We are in complete agreement on the behaviour of the Sussexes. I should clarify that my comment only describes what I believe is an objective analysis of the calculations the Queen and the BRF are making, not what I myself would wish.

I was bitterly disappointed that HM did not, at least, take their HRHs formally when they left. But for the Queen, other issues play into decisions like these (regrettably). It is sad that the race issue would have turned out to be a factor, but I strongly believe it has, especially in the wake of the BLM furore on both sides of the Pond.

And, Andrew and Sarah have "previous" here, as we say. Both have been discovered selling access to royal circles, and Andrew's friendship with Epstein was being discussed as a problem for the BRF before Meghan ever came on the scene. Sarah Ferguson, in fact, is still trying to monetise the connection with her new "Mills and Boone" novel; she has also been living at Royal Lodge with Andrew for many years, free of charge. To the extent that Andrew was still on the Sovereign Grant, the UK taxpayer was still supporting the disgraced ex-wife of the Duke of York.

Only last year did the Queen force Andrew off the public stage - so much so, that no photos of him or his wife at Beatrice's wedding last summer were published. The only photos published were those of Bea, her new husband, and the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh.

So, I am trying to view this not through the lens of my own wishes m - no one would be happier than I to wake up on 1 April to find Meghan headed for trial, or withdrawing her case because the handwriting is on the wall, and now going forward as Mrs Mountbatten-Windsor (and quite enough, too!).

I am trying to view it through the calculations, some of them cynical, that the BRF are making in assessing how to deal with the traitorous Sussexes.

Looking at it coldly through their lens, it seems to me that they may be making a reluctant but necessary to avoid another public furore focussed on race. While Andrew may not have sustained a legal conviction, his years-long friendship with this heinous man, that dreadful interview he gave, and the Queen forcing Andrew off the royal stage look quite as bad to many, as Harry and Meghan ditching their royal duties but retaining the cloak of monarchy.

It is just my opinion that in slicing and dicing all the ramifications, the Queen will probably realise that taking the title and style of Duke and HRH should have been done immediately or not at all.

Interestingly, Andrew was the Queen's favourite child, and she indulged him the way, also interestingly, I believe Charles indulged Harry.

It isn't fair, and I can only imagine the bitterness behind the walls of Kensington Palace in Apt. 1A, and I don't like it, but that's my analysis.

I hope I have clarified my reasoning. And, thank you so much for your blog, which I have been reading since it began.

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What a wonderful reply,said from the hear without fear or favour. And the Queen did have Andrew in the car going to Church ( what audacity) the following Sunday after the interview

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I agree that Andrew and Sarah have acted in questionable ways, as have other members of the RF, but the men in grey seemed to have made more of an effort to cover up those instances.

However, I take the stance at looking at what could be viewed as modern day 'treason', and the Yorks (the daughters) are being appreciated more by the public, while the Sussexes attitude and their intent is veering towards harming the Crown.

Sarah, I believe was allowed to 'make money' because her divorce settlement was so small. If she had the amounts Diana received, then I doubt she would work, and instead would focus solely on charity work.

Premeditation is an issue here too, and the Yorks divorced after Sarah embarrassed herself and the family, yet in the case of the Sussexes, we can see a specific plan to gain a title, and then to monetize it. That is another difference, and I am sure they would have liked to have been harsher with Diana after the Morton book, but she was going to be the Queen Mother one day, and that's what gave her more cards to play with.

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That's a good point, about the premeditation. I agree: the Yorks were genuinely in love, Sarah started out in good faith, and just wasn't suited to the pressures.

Meghan didn't deal in good faith with the BRF from the start. She picked a fight with the UK tabloids a year before the engagement was announced, thinking to scare them off. That was the first signal that she didn't know what she was doing or who she was dealing with.

Meghan is good at short, tactical in-fighting, but really lousy at longer-term strategy. It's a strangely common failing amongst narcissists, by the way. Diana suffered from it, as well. You could say "Finding Freedom" and that PEOPLE Magazine article and her tearful "Woe is me!" documentary in Africa were the equivalent of Diana's "Panorama" interview and the Morton book. Both put paid to her marriage and to further work as an important royal. Odd that Harry should pick a woman with the same problem.

But I don't envy the Queen trying to straddle the fence between not seeming punitive, racist, and uneven in the taking of styles and titles, but also not seeming to let the Sussexes get away with it all.

One way or another, the Queen simply has to find a way to make the division between the Sussexes and the rest of the royals clear. This "are they or aren't they" situation is a terrible look for the royal family. They look like easy marks. The patronages, the military appointments, the Queen's Commonwealth Trust: those ties must be cut.

Can you imagine trying to pull off a Trooping the Colour balcony appearance again, with Kate and William and Sophie and Anne asked by HM to smile and chat with the woman who has done nothing but insult their family and work since the day they let her in?!

That line has to be drawn.

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1I have come to the conclusion that if we took sex,money,and fame out of this problem there would be no problem

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Jan 26, 2021

Thanks again Harry for your factual account of the dastardly duo. I have been an avid reader since you began your chronicles.

Tom Cullen, enjoyed your analysis and agree up to a point.

I have never understood how Meghan was successful playing the R card. Australian Foxtel subscription began Suits years ago, pre Harry era. I viewed a couple times and not impressed with the story or actors. However I read some of the unknown to me “stars” CV’s. Meghan Markle listed ethnicity as Caucasian, and no reason to doubt claim. I was surprised Harry and Meghan era when Meghan introduced Doris as African American and herself bi-racial. Checked internet CV again and still listed Caucasian. We live in a multi cultural world and I accept all people on their behaviour.

Why has Meghan never been called out for lying ethnicity. Is she ashamed who she is and only decided that now she could use in her favour and gain sympathy, support and the top scoring card used so many ways to guarantee her success however and whenever she chooses to use it.

Journalists have not, to my knowledge, ever questioned her on why “Caucasian” used.

I have read that BP swept Megan and family internet history, but in our digital age, some still remains.

Harry, can you please explain how Meghan has not explained her deception?

Many thanks for blog.

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I seriously cringe every time I see the Cambridge family fly together. It’s disconcerting that Harry and his heirs have not been removed from the line to the throne. That would be a tough push for the Queen but in the name of all that is Holy it needs to be done. Ignore it at peril in my opinion. I quit saying I don’t have a bone in this fight because I’m an American. The spoiled brats are here now bleating about our government. That’s a big bone.

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Could this demand for a public apology in the 'Marines' case be an attempt to gain leverage in the far weightier 'Letter' case? The Moi!kles drop the demand for an apology, if The Mail somehow compromises when it comes to 'The Case of Mal-formed Calligraphy'.

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Good question. The irony is that Harry chose to attend the premiere of Disney's "Lion King" over paying tribute, as Captain General of the Royal Marines, on the anniversary memorial for when a lot of Royal Marines were killed. He even pitched Meghan Markle to the Disney CEO for a job; for cash--which was an embarrassment. At that point, his military titles should have been removed. How many Marines have chosen to keep in contact with Harry? Do the Marine Officers respect him now? Would any British Military unit want him to be associated with their service? Seriously, I doubt it.

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The fact Harry never did the honourable thing and left the titles on the table on their way out, is enough reason to know he blindsided the Royals, if he'd relinquished his title, taken his hefty inheritance and quietly taken up his private life as he said, he may have had a modicum of respect. If the Monarchy is not going to maintain their dignity, why should we respect them?

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Meghan Markle never intended to stay in Britain and hoodwinked the Queen into giving her those Royal titles and Patronages. She is a loose cannon and is pulling Harry's strings. She has insulated the whole Realm and is causing damage to the Commonwealth. The Queen should not be seen to condone this behaviour.

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Am wondering whether BP will await the outcome of the letter trial before taking definite action re the titles, etc. If things go badly wrong for the claimant, then HMQ will have greater justification in taking stronger action against the couple.

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I think HMTQ will allow Harry to “voluntarily” give up his and Megan’s titles, lines of succession, patronage’s and funding. A long winded statement will be made (written in Mills and Boone fashion by Megan and her PR Teams) stating it has been their long held wish to blah blah, making their own way blah blah, personal paths blah blah, best for Archie blah blah. They will return to the states and eventually fade away after divorcing. Harry will finally settle in his beloved Africa.

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