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Thank you for your latest missive. Luckily I am volunteering at my local RNLI shop this afternoon and have no intention of watching the evening news! So today will be happy! And if H cross back tomorrow that will be a good day too.

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I would like to remind those who wish to comment, to be respectful of others with no snide name calling comments even if those said persons are despicable. This is not a speculation forum either, and comments that do speculate will be deleted and persistent posters will get a temporary ban because they don't get the message when I delete a post that it is inappropriate.

Otherwise, I will not open comments again.

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Using a disabled labelled charity to no doubt fund his trip back is another new low. Back to lala land soon as. The RF is doing better with you gone.

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Thank you HM for another insight into the Harkles desparation and low life antics. JCMH has the arrogance and audacity to step off a plane and be waltzed off to frog cottage with police escorts to begin his next onslaught and meaningless appearance that he will milk for all its worth! 🤑! I hope the actual unveiling will be short, no long boring salad speech and no drama from across the pond! H can be on his way unless there's another charity screaming out to pay for his attendance and expenses!

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I didn’t understand the police escort. Surely he would only be entitled to one if he was carrying out a Royal engagement. Why are we paying, which I assume we are.

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In the UK, as he is still 6th in the order of succession he is entitled to protection. That is why the petition calls for him to be removed, as in for The Queen to persuade him to relinquish his place.

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We can hope!

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Hello, I'm a first time poster and I want to say thank you to HM for the excellent articles and to everyone who takes time to post comments on this site.

It's a purely personal opinion but if I was the parent of a sick child, I don't think I would welcome a visit from many people who had just flown in from another country. I would be particularly sceptical about meeting a total stranger who appears to have only attended the event to try to enhance their own public profile or possibly for financial gain.

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I worked at a Children's Hospice and when a VIP was expected all the parents were asked whether they wanted the said person to meet their child and themselves weeks before the event.

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Thank you for another great blog HM. Just waiting for today’s fiasco.

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It is a checklist trip. Stay at cottage. Check. Be seen all over London. Check. Surprise visit to charity for expenses incurred during trip. Check. It leaves Annoy family. Make more wife words salad. Sneak in close looking photo ops with brother. Bonus: lunch with granny. Get on plane and go home for treats if checklist is complete.

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Debrief by tw,press release detailing how awful the family were, TV interviews showing themselves as victims etc etc etc

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I well remember Harry saying years ago that actually he didn’t remember Diana that well. D herself made W her confidente re her marital problems- something in my view that no teenage boy should have been subject to. I’ve often thought H hijacking DJ’s memory was a form of compensation. As to the unveiling, fortunately IMHO too much is happening at the mo that it has rather been pushed into the background. England’s current success in the Euros so far; the Tour de France & it’s crashes plus Cav back in the green jersey after all these years;Wimbledon; the shaming of a Cabinet Minister; the rows over Covid. P.S. what’s the betting that D will be sitting on a bench!

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Have we reached total saturation point yet? I know I have. Harry seems determined to upstage William and claim Diana for himself exclusively. She was Williams mother too and this will be a poignant time for him. The press needs to recognize that and give us all a break from the antics of the ginger idiot.

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Thanks HarryM, measured informative and no pulling punches. Goog has outdone herself, the portrait feels alive.

I’ll be thinking of Princess Diana tomorrow on what would have been a special birthday.

I loved watching the game last night and the reaction of the Cambridge family in particular.

As a Scot I’ll be cheering on the remaining home nation on Saturday. Come on England! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

It brought a smile to my face watching our lovely Queen supported by her family on her Scottish week.

Wishing the Royal family a relaxing time to their highland haven when it happens, I bet Her Majesty can’t wait to go.

As far as those two poor excuses as humans are concerned? Let them disappear into the abyss.

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Thanks HM, for documenting all this nonsense in a palatable format. I was happy to hear from the accountants. For me, the daddy "literally cut me off" was the worst part. I think many Americans agree. Mooching off your parents no matter how wealthy they are is frowned upon after age 22 here, unless you work for the family business. H did, but very publicly quit. And it made perfect sense to the majority of us that his allowance quit as well. And to make the accusation from a mega mansion? Good grief!!

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Their “brand,” such as it is, is hopelessly tarnished. However, they seem to be the last to know. 😏

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Artemis Goog is a true talent.

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Thanks to OH and, of course, Artemis for the drawing of beautiful Diana - just lovely!!

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He is Just Call Me Harry. Nothing more, nothing less, nothing to see.

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So now by appearing at the WellChild event the trip is a business expense. What a cynical use of vulnerable children!

As for the speech for the Diana Award....appalling!

I just hope that the RF does not think the public will forgive and forget JCMH and TW's treachery at the appearance of a slight thaw between PW and JCMH at the unveiling.

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On some level the RF MUST KNOW the public will not forgive and forget, just as they themselves won't.

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Harry seems more obnoxious with every attempt to insert himself into the news. His overused "woke" phrases are particularly irritating. He really is repulsive these days.

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Lovely drawing of Princess Diana. Thankyou.

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I saw this posted elsewhere, please delete OH if not allowed:

The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts.

Bertrand Russell

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The unveiling of Diana’s statue seemed so exciting months ago. H’s antics have put a damper on it for me. I am so sick of him, I can’t even bear to look at him. He has the unenviable ability to make people’s stomach turn. I hope when the unveiling is over we will see some action re the titles and LoS. On a happier note, thank you HM for your great work and AG for the gorgeous picture of Diana.

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Totally agree I also said that the Queen should revoke the royal warrant for proctor + gamble. PH is just a mouthpiece for TW now who does everything she can to upstage + outdo + coincide with anything the RF are doing. He is filled with bitterness against the RF who he blames for Diana's demise. The pair of them of grifting ruthless money-grubbers + with her being sociopath malignant narcissist it's never going to end with the mud slinging at the RF. It's quite scary how she was allowed to infiltrate the RF. The statue unveiling is bound to be a cringe fest with H spouting " all about me" + will HAVE to mention the handler as per her instructions. I think it should've been cancelled as now it's a farce with an elephant in the room

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I too fear H will mention TW's name. She, who claimed during the engagement interview she knew nothing about the royal family, does not deserve mention at the unveiling.

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I thought JCMH was on paternity leave. Yet here he is at a charity event with kids. After the way he’s behaved towards his own relations can’t believe the brass neck of the man… very surprised at the charity wanting to be associated with him tbh.

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It enables him to get free travel to here and back. Can claim it off the WellChild who clearly have more money than sense.

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My memories of Diana are vivid, and I'm finding it offensive that Harry( not to mention TW) are so ready to invoke Diana's name and legacy as a marketing tool for their own self promotion. Have they no sense of propriety at all??

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They do not.

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Beautiful sketch! Isn't Harry supposed to be on paternity leave? Can't help but wonder what Netflix ans Spotify are thinking about Harry's very public appearance. Yes, the titles have to go as well as removing Harry and his children from the line of succession.

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I wouldn't be surprised if footage of the event shows up on Netflix and Spotify. I read somewhere H has designated a camera person to be at the unveiling.

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So much for a private close family event

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Does this mean JCMH can claim his airfare as a business expense against the Archewell Foundation? I wouldn't be at all surprised since he's known for being a cheapskate.

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I believe he can claim it off the charity who invited him.obviously the WellChild is flush for funds.

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I think the Archewell well may run dry sooner rather than later.... once it pays for all the PR firms, advisers, and ten months maternity leave between the two of them!

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One can hope!

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No thank you, he needs to stay in England. Do not come back to the U.S. and while you are in England get some therapy. TW is controlling and manipulating you.

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Sorry - he’ll be returned to sender - not known at this address.

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I'm cynical enough to wonder who paid for Harry's traveling expenses, given that his charity appearance is one of the few he was allowed to keep. The Crown? Surely not the charity. But I'm betting he isn't out of pocket one dime (or shilling, as the case may be)

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It puzzles me why charities would want to be associated with them. People who work for charities are just like us - the majority can't stand them and the rest don't care. So why approve of them in the line of work, but disapprove of them outside work?

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I recall reading a year ago charities saying that having a Royal as a patron didn’t actually make any difference to their fund raising.

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You must be desperate as a charity if you bend the rules for Harry. Not all publicity is good publicity. Also does this mean they have paid Harry's flight and expenses?

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I know the charities want publicity but surely even they can see H&TW attract the wrong sort of attention. Just go home H we don’t want you here, we’ve got William who actually cares about the UK and the Commonwealth.

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In everything the Harkles do there will be ill. They have 1 more card left in my opinion 🤦🏻‍♀️ the pic of the girl child. After that what 🤷🏻‍♀️

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I think the backlash over the name has delayed the release of a photo.

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Lovely picture AG. Spot on as usual HM. Diana should never have been used in the marketing of their brand.

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What’s amazing is the lack of protests. I figured there would be huge crowds at the airport, outside BP showing Harry how the people feel. Seems we’ve given him another pass. His manipulation of media is unbelievable - he’s controlling what we see and hear and worse yet media allowing him to get away with it.

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I like that he is being ignored. No publicity, no-one is interested, H is irrelevant - won’t show up on any newspaper columns.

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I don’t think any of us knew when or how he would be coming. Not even which airport he would arrive at.

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I don’t believe we had prior warning. If we had, I would have turned up with my glut of tomatoes.

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