
The Markle Public Display of Possession

The duo play out to the paparazzi and press to promote themselves in New York City

You don’t have to be Miss Marple to deduce that Ms Markle is making a public display of possession at the United Nations, and although it was an informal meeting, this was still in public in building of an official organisation.

This was not the backseat of a cheap cinema in Hackney, yet TW put her invisible handcuffs on Harry (again). While some pity him, as he sits there looking gormless, grumpy and miserable, TW manages her well-honed smug poker face or is it a natural RBF?

Do they really need to clutch hands at any given moment for the cameras? This time she grabs the entire arm, like a shark who isn’t going to let go of their meal ticket for life.

There is further controversy as it has been revealed that the South African Ambassador for the UN had been involved with Harry’s appearance at the UN, inviting them to speak on behalf of South Africa and the Nelson Mandela Foundation as there is a joint project in the works (as ever!). How do South Africans feel about that, and is Harry truly representative of South Africa, especially as South Africa is very different from other African countries in terms of wealth? Did they pay the travel and accommodation expenses for the duo and the entourage?

The entourage included the Archewell communications team (TW was seen handing a bottle of water to a member of staff who sat behind her), and of course, who has paid for the Netflix camera crew? Did they really need to be there when TW was having lunch with Gloria Steinem—was that business or ‘friends’ meeting for lunch? You don’t take your PR to a private lunch with friends, but if you are paying for the PR (dial-a-pap) then they need to be on hand to call them to make sure they are ready when you leave. TW posed, and waved for the cameras with her blouse half unbuttoned, as usual.

What is rather odd is that the cult are dismissing Tom Bower’s book before it has been published. You can’t review something until you’ve read the entire book, and there has been an alleged letter from Sam Kashner (the Vanity Fair journalist who interviewed TW) to The Times, who has claimed Bower has misrepresented him. How genuine the letter is who knows, but it looks as if it originated in Montecito rather than from Virginia.

What Kashner has done (if indeed it was him, and was he silent or silenced all these years?) has made himself look rather foolish. No one gives a fig about the P&G story which has been proven to be a class project, and what ‘remarkable courage’ is he on about? The gall and audacity to pull off a huge grift?

He failed to ever address how he could have misheard or misunderstood her stating that she met Harry in May 2016 at an Invictus Games event (in the print copy of the magazine), with she met him on a blind date in London in July. Can he be that stupid? I remember when the VF edition came out in September 2017, and no, it did not sell well and was still on the shelves until the end of month before it was removed for returns. In the interview, Kashner seemed neutral and on the fence, and at the end made reference to the fact he called her before it was published, where she appeared to have approved the copy.

Apparently, after another dial-a-pap photo appearance as they left a restaurant, it was claimed other patrons were ‘threatened’ with removal if they took photos of the duo. Really, do they think that people care? Most people wouldn’t know who there were as NYC is packed with well-known public figures eating out all of the time, and really no one has time for diva like behaviour. If they wanted privacy, then they should have booked out the entire restaurant. This is a publicity trip for Archewell, and sadly the late Nelson Mandela was used for their PR purposes. As for Bower’s book which is released tomorrow, there will be some speculative comments of course as a writer must insert their opinion, but it will be a case of seeing who has chosen not to be bullied into silence by TW.