Queen Elizabeth II Is 95 Today
The Queen and her family are still in mourning, but celebrate her birthday
Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II celebrates her 95th birthday today on 21 April, 2021.
I have provided this thread for those who wish to express their wishes, and to offer support during this difficult period for her.
Please note, any comments that stray from this and veer into Sussex gossip and speculation will result in the poster being banned as it is far less time consuming to ban someone than to delete posts.
With thanks to Artemis Goog for the birthday portrait.
Your first birthday, without Philip, dear Queen,
Since exchanging letters at the age of thirteen.
He will always be with you, so please do not despair,
This is not the end of your epic love affair.
On this fine Spring day, yet another year older,
Your liege man will always be right by your shoulder.
Holding you steady through the thick and the thin,
Stay strong, Your Majesty, and pray do not give in.
Your Prince is your shadow - he will be guiding you on your special 95th Birthday. A day when we celebrate your day as Our Queen, but more importantly, a much loved wife, mother, grandmother and great grandmother. A day with a little sadness but filled with happy, glorious memories. Remember, your ‘Shadow’ will be with you forever. Happy Birthday to a wonderful lady.