
Harry Playing The Victim, Diana, And Granny Cards For Publicity And $$$

The Harry and Hoda interview

The Sussexes strive for privacy, except when it suits them. The OW interview last year wasn’t dealt with adequately, and all the UK got was a ‘…recollections may vary…’ statement, leaving the world to debunk all the inaccurate and misleading claims the duo made against the RF and the UK. This time, the Today show had the exclusive interview and they were content to ‘milk’ and profit from the interview.

Harry plays his cards to the US audience, convincing them that there are no problems with his family (he is the victim and they are the baddies) and that he doesn’t visit only because the big bad government won’t pay for police protection when he wants it. He is famous for being the son of Diana, and a grandchild of the Queen, and that is his ‘talent’. Both cards were played, but hold on, wasn’t this event about wounded veterans? That was thrown in when Harry wanted to ignore answering a question, but this was a classic quid pro quo—Harry got to pursue his narrative and put it in the public domain, while the Today show made money from the adverts shown at the time it was aired.

Harry is no hero, and he has no say in how the Royal Household is run, or the security details involved with other members of the RF. His comment declaring he was ensuring his granny was being ‘protected’ has been met with ridicule around the world, and I dare say other members of the RF have probably rolled their eyes at the comment. The consensus is that Harry is deluded and is need of some mental health counselling, and not from the amateurs at Better Up.

Last year, we heard Harry wanted to save his father and brother from being trapped in their lives because they don’t even know it. Neither took him up on the offer because they aren’t trapped, and seem quite content with their lives. Now he thinks he can ‘protect’ the Queen by showing up for 10 minutes, and then brags about the private meeting in a PR announcement which was for his own benefit, which he then discusses in an interview to millions of people. I assume the Queen didn’t even know that she needed Harry to protect her, because there is no one else is around to do that!

Whether Harry truly believes the ridiculous things he is saying or not is no longer an issue because no sane person believes them. He needs help, and if he doesn’t want it then the RF must at least stop him damaging the House of Windsor before he destroys it completely. The added insult is that this was aired on the eve of the Queen’s birthday for maximum exposure, and is crass and despicable, but then again, that’s the Harry the aides had been ‘protecting’ for 30 years.