
Harry Mimics Greta At The UN On Nelson Mandela International Day

Harry tries to ignore a question about Tom Bower's book, 'Revenge'

Today is Thomas Markle’s birthday, yet did he receive any birthday wishes from his youngest child? She was far too busy posing for publicity photos at the UN as the plus one of her husband who was invited to speak about Nelson Mandela on a day to celebrate his life and legacy.

Margaret Besheer asked Harry if he was concerned about Tom Bower’s book, ‘REVENGE: Meghan, Harry and the war between the Windsors’ and if it would create more damage to his relationship with the Royal Family. The duo, as ever, clenching their hands, dashed past without a glance. I bet the vein in TW’s forehead was throbbing, and her clenched veneers were under pressure from the steam that wanted to come out of her ears, while Harry was probably trying to disguise his anger with a sneer.

Harry was given a 15 minute platform to preach some activist rhetoric, and from time to time he mentioned Nelson Mandela and quoted him because basically he was expected to do so. He was there to pay tribute to the man, yet Harry sounded as if he was part of a left-wing protest most of the time, pulled a few Greta expressions, and passively aggressively accused the world leaders of not doing their job, and UN delegates of not doing the right thing. The audacity of it all, and how insulting when you are a guest speaker. Looking at the photos and footage, it looked as if most people in the UN had fallen asleep, muted him, or found some funny animal videos on their phones to look at instead. Does Harry think he can do a better job? The chap that couldn’t figure out how to use the self-checkout at Waitrose (BTW, it is one the easiest to use)?

There was the usual demand to do something about climate change—for a start if they hadn’t invited Harry and TW, then they wouldn’t have used a private jet and a convoy of SUVs to travel around the city, both are not environmentally friendly methods of travel at all. Oh, the utter hypocrisy is getting tiring and them defending their use for privacy and security. Basically, they are saying it is okay for them to do the exact opposite of what they preach because they are ‘special’ and entitled to do so. No one gave a hoot about them while they sat on the street in Wyoming on 4 July.

We had the usual ‘poor me’ spiel, the Diana card, the Africa card, and how disinformation is a global war, and that we must fight to reclaim our democracies. Perhaps Harry thought he was on a soapbox in Speakers’ Corner, where people come to sell their preaching to anyone who has time to listen? The Americans were offended that he was criticising their Constitution (he still doesn’t quite get it does he?), and South Africans were offended that he was chosen to speak on behalf of the Nelson Mandela Foundation. The British are always offended and embarrassed whenever Harry opens his mouth.

We are thankful for small mercies as the grey suit must be at the dry cleaners, and his shoes don’t appear to have holes in them, while his hair seems to have grown. It reminded me of a play-doh set when you could make the toy grow its hair! Somehow, Harry’s hair grows and then goes—must be his time of the month!
