
Harry Attempts To Read A Script

A charity hires him to attract attention to their cause with little interest

I should add a warning here, in that it is painful to watch Harry drone on with some of the repetitive word salad that he has spouted in nearly every Zoom video. You would think by now he could remember his lines, yet he fumbles and stumbles over his script for 5Rights Foundation (a new charity that campaigns for digital protection for children), his eyes dart around to follow the script with the rise of the eyebrow on occasion when whatever he said called for some emphasis. There were stutters when the invisible children were mentioned, but he was right about one thing—he doesn’t know much and isn’t an expert.

The technology of today has pros and cons, and we all know that and it doesn’t matter how old you are. There is useful information and material online, just as there are harmful things, but how do you protect yourself and your children? This has been an issue for more than a decade already, and there are protections in place but ultimately it is up to the parent to monitor and to control things. We have seen tales where the parent has conceded for an easy life or the child has found a way to go behind the parental controls. Children know how to hack, and have been known to be cyberbullies as well, so how do you protect children from bad children?

The issue is more that the charity held the conference around Harry, because what kind of UK company holds a meeting at the end of the day and tries to publicise it? Often in conferencing that is the graveyard slot where no one is interested as they are thinking about going home, going out, or what to cook for dinner. The meeting was scheduled for 5 pm in the UK, which was 9 am in California on 16 May 2022, so it was clearly geared to Harry and not the actual target audience. No one seemed to be interested with the lack of social media interest and media coverage, but people are wondering if Harry was paid for his appearance given that the charity used him as their headline ‘act’? We know that he has sold his soul, and in the video it looked as if he was there for the cash, just as he will name-drop his granny for some PR and to create some additional Netflix footage.

However, the Harkle curse seems to have struck again as the Ministry of Defence (MOD) have decided that the Royal British Legion (RBL) should administer the Invictus Games, ending the contract that Help For Heroes (H4H) previously held. I’m sure H4H did not expect to ‘lose’ the contract, and the RBL weren’t pitching but were asked if they would take on the added responsibilities. This appeared to be a decision made by the MOD in consultation with the Invictus Games Foundation.

While people speculate why the MOD made such a decision, many would claim that H4H did a good job, but were they letting the patron get away with using the event for their own PR campaign? When Harry’s message for the Invictus Games was posted on the MOD, H4H and RBL social media sites, there were positive and negative comments as there always is as is the nature of free speech. However, only H4H had a snowflake fit and started deleting comments they considered were offensive with a warning. Many were mere criticisms rather than abusive comments, and everyone is entitled to criticise a public event, just as people will criticise how much money has been spent on the Platinum Jubilee when many households are struggling to put food on the table.

When you are in a public facing role you have to take the rough with the smooth, and the MOD did just that (and critical comments were posted on their sites) as they were also too busy focusing on the more pressing matter of the invasion of Ukraine and trying to prevent another World War. That kind of hissy fit (which H4H repeated in the recent statement) isn’t the kind of behaviour expected from a professional body, and the charity itself has had poor press with questions of how funds were being used, staff being bullied out of their jobs, and embezzlement that the charity didn’t notice (or did and turned a blind eye to) for more than four years.

There were also claims that H4H footed the bill for Harry and TW’s appearance of the Dutch Invictus Games, although it could have been split between them and the IG Foundation. Irrespective of that as we expected the duo to make the most of what expenses they could claim for. H4H has also provided Harry with PR whenever he needed it, with random Zoom chats that served Harry more than the charity, and have provided a platform for him to air his views and to keep him in the public eye for the past couple of years. The RBL will not be in Harry’s pocket as H4H appears to have been. The latter have damaged their own reputation in recent years, and their biased alliance with the Sussexes has not helped them in the public eye despite what they might have thought. Many have turned their backs on H4H because of their haughty and at times bigoted attitude, as there are plenty of other charities people can support instead.

Netflix are still trying to make money off the Sussex title, which literally has no worth at all now in the UK at least, and as we expected, there is to be some ‘behind the scenes’ series of the Sussexes. That is why TW is attending and posing at polo matches because there is no other footage! Netflix has already lost money and subscribers, and they thought this would entice people to subscribe? Quite the opposite, one would imagine with a chortle and snort, but what we should ask is why the Queen and Charles continue to tolerate what is an obvious abuse and monetisation of a gifted and royal title? They may have been barred from using Sussex Royal, but they are still carrying out the same derogatory actions associated with the plan to cash in on the title (brand Sussex).

Apparently the ‘no-morals or scruples’ Netflix want to air the show when Harry releases his ghost written memoir that will throw Charles and Camilla under the bus forever. No doubt, like all reality shows there will be scripted scenes and the duo will portray themselves as victims. Netflix have come a cropper, because all they have is a behind the scenes documentary at Invictus, and a behind the scenes series at the Montecito circus—neither that hold much interest for a paying public.